Member Reviews

I enjoyed this collection very much. It detailed different stages of love and what it entails. I like that it was a quick read but also stuck with you.

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This was an enjoyable read and I would recommend it. thanks for letting me have an advance copy. I'm new to this author.

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this collection of poetry couldn't keep my interest. I was quite bored and I did not like it at all. I was not a fan

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This was a gorgeously written collection of poetry. I’m looking forward to buying a copy because I’ve heard the formatting in the physical form is stunning. The sections it was broken into were absolutely perfect.

It was such a raw, real read. I felt like I was going through these relationships with the author. Everything was expressed so beautifully and clearly.

I really hope the author does more poetry collections, because I will pick them up in a heartbeat. I feel like this is a read everyone can relate to in their own way.

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Loveish is a book that I didn’t expect to love it. I love poetry but English it’s not my first language so obviously this was a hard read for me. This is a complex book. It deals with love, pain, heartbreak and loneliness. I felt a deeper connection with a lot of the poems and I saw myself reflected in them. Loving someone that doesn’t love you back. Learning how to cope with someone you love loving someone else. How to recover from it. How to accept you love someone and they didn’t return the feeling. Learning how to be lonely and deal with the sadness. Accepting that you are never going to be with that person not in this lifetime, not in another. Some poems were beautiful. Some others were okay. I think the author overused the bated breath, loneliness, and she repeated some words and quotes a little too much for my taste. Overall this was a short quick read and I enjoyed it. I wish it was translated so I could enjoy it more bc I’m not gonna lie English is hard especially poems since they are lyrical and full of metaphors but this was a good book and I can’t recommend you it enough

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Every now and then I peruse through netgalley and look through the poetry section. I like more modern poetry rather than classic and that’s when I saw Loveish. Loveish is by Sakshi Narula and is her debut poetry collection. The poetry within this book is all about love and all of the emotions that came a long with that feeling, or whether you even feel it at all. As most relationships are, this book is a journey and takes you through the different steps of relationships with it ultimately ending with heartbreak.

One of my favourite passages of this collection is this:

“My world was black and white and all shades of gray. And then you came along and now, there are no names for the colors that fill my blue skies.” The sun goes down and there are diamonds in the sky and a huge white lamp shines bright when I look north All this light and none like you You my love, are all the hues of magic all the colors in my black and white life Artistry and the artist, creativity and the creator Its all you, only you Love has doused my heart and mind in all the colors you stirred within my soul Crimson and Lavender and an array of Pantones I wish I could color the stars and the moon tonight all shades of you.

For some reason it just speaks to me. Well, I mean majority of this book spoke to me and what it’s really like to be in a place of loveish. Exploring the nature of love and lust or whether you can even call it that.

Overall this poetry collection gets 4 stars from me.

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I really enjoyed reading this book of poems. The poems were about love, heartbreak, and life. This was a quick read and I read the book in one day.

The kindle version of this book was not great, but I won't take any points off the review for that. However, you may want to get a physical copy if you don't want to risk the awkward formatting in the kindle ebook version.

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This poetry collection was well done and intriguing unfortunately it was hurt a little by the ill formatted kindle review copy. I am not letting that affect my review but I think it should be noted that formatting is especially important for poetry because lines need to be arranged the way the author intends.

I enjoyed the poetry, it is relatable and well written! It evokes emotion in the reader.

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These poems of love, heartbreak, and life are so genuinely beautiful. I write poetry myself but these I found myself getting lost in. I could relate to some of her words and heartbreak and sorrow. A beautiful collection that I think everyone should read.

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It's a debut poetry collection and it features poems about love, intimacy, loss and healing.
It's kind of a whole journey of a relationship. From meeting for the first time to breaking up and being heartbroken.
The poems are just really really deep and emotional, the author is really talented in painting beautiful imagery.
Every part of the journey is very accurate and really how you feel, at least I could see myself feeling these things at different stages of a relationship.
The breaking up part is a little overdramatic at some points though. Of course you feel awful and you are hurt, I know what that feels like... but she could have turned it down a notch and it would have been even better.
Even though I liked the poems a lot especially the imagery, sometimes I didn't understand what the author meant at all because she used a little too much of it, so here as well, a little bit less would have made it better.
But overall I really enjoyed it and would give it 4/5 stars!

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I have nothing to say except that the poet's words struck a chord with me. I don't read poems much but I'm glad that I read this one.

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Loveish is a beautifully written book of poetry. I especially loved the flow of this book and how each poem flowed into the next.

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It’s hard to rate this as the writing was beautiful, but most of the pieces didn’t resonate with me. I think maybe a few years ago when I was going through most of these issues it might have been a little more hard hitting. With that being said, this might be one that I’ll have to revisit to see if my perspective on it changes.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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It’s April, and therefore National Poetry Month, so no better time than now to review a collection of poems by a new (for me) poet. Sakshi Narula’s Loveish is in three parts: Love/Utopia, Lust/Passion, and Loveish/Melancholia.

I prefer to read poetry on regular hard copy books, as often the formatting and lay-out of poems disappears in an ebook format. I would love to reread this in hard copy, and might visit that idea at a later date, as I’m sure the formatting of the verses adds an extra punch to the words. In any case, this is a lovely collection of poems, all dealing with love in its many formats: pure love, happy love, sad love, longing, grieving love, dreaming love, real love, real life, imagined love… Love in all its shapes and appearances, as a bringer of happiness and vessel of pain, and everything in between.

I related to some poems more than others, lingered on some and skipped through some others. I love how honest Sakshi Narula is, she writes from the heart, each verse leaves a trail of longing, of memory. I firmly believe that this collection should be savoured slowly, read in parts and not rushed through, as I found something special in most of the poems I read.

The cover, and the illustrations inside the book are gorgeous, and a perfect match for the poems.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Englische Poetry über die Liebe und alles was dazu gehört? Count me in!
Das eBook hat einige Illustrationen, die jedoch leider auf meinem Kindle teilweise nicht gut erkennbar waren. Allerdings waren die, die ich erkennen konnte sehr schön.
Kommen wir zum Schreibstil. Für mich war dieser zwar poetisch, aber teils irgendwie auch absolut nicht. Es hat sich dennoch gut lesen lassen und ich hatte auch nur äußerst selten Schwierigkeiten die Texte zu verstehen.
Für mich gehört es bei Poetry irgendwie dazu, die verschiedensten Emotionen zu durchleben, aber leider konnten mich die Texte emotional nicht so gut berühren. Das lag nicht mal daran, dass ich mich nicht mit dem Beschriebenen identifizieren konnte, wobei das ab und an auch der Fall war, aber ich glaube es lag einfach am Stil der Texte. Mir hat die ganze Zeit das gewisse Etwas gefehlt und ich habe einfach nicht wirklich mitleiden oder fühlen können.
Thematisch ist das Buch sehr vielfältig. Es geht um verschiedenste Stadien der Liebe, Verlust, Beziehungen und allem was dazu gehört. Die Texte wirkten auch sehr lebensnah und ich denke, dass sich viele sehr gut damit identifizieren können.
Das Layout des eBooks ist leider nicht ideal, also hier finde ich das physische Buch definitiv sinnvoller, da die einzelnen Gedichte kaum getrennt voneinander sind und man manchmal nur schwer erkennen konnte, wo das eine aufhört und das neue beginnt. Ich habe auch verschiedene Settings ausprobiert, aber leider hat das nichts am Layout geändert. Ich würde mir hier wünschen, dass man das auf eBookreader anpassen würde.
Ich habe auch in diesem Werk einige Texte gefunden, die ich mir markiert habe, weil sie mir super gut gefallen haben.


Mir hat der Stil der Autorin leider nicht ganz so zugesagt und auch die Texte konnten mich auf emotionaler Ebene nicht wirklich berühren. Einige Highlights bietet das Buch dennoch.
Ich würde es Leuten empfehlen, die leichte Texte mögen, die nicht allzu poetisch verfasst sind.
Von mir gibt es 3 von 5 Sterne

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I didn't resonate with all the poems in the book, mainly just the ones in the beginning under Love,Utopia. Not sure if this is a book I would re-read again or keep as a coffee table book. I will say the book was an easy read for poetry lovers out there and I did enjoy the book overall.

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I gave this collection of poems, Loveish a three out of five stars. There was a few part I enjoyed but at times it seemed like words were just thrown together. For me I like the poems to make me feel things but this collection didn't.

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Firstly, I would like to thank NetGalley and Sakshi Narula for a eARC for an honest review.

This was the second time that I had read Loveish as I had read it in September 2018 soon after it was released. It was one of the first poetry anthologies that I had read and I loved it so much. I found it a shame that the formatting for the eARC wasn't what it would be if you bought the physical copy because I still believe it is the best layout and format I have seen in a poetry anthology. I love being able to see an indie author releasing such a high standard of work!

The whole anthology is centred around love. As a reader, we go on a journey with Sakshi as she travels through different relationships and a huge array of emotions that I believe are very relatable. I have always enjoyed the end of this anthology the most because the 'Loveish' chapter and poems are pieces that I relate to the most. My favourite piece has to be 'love, me'. I love the way it is written like a letter to an ex and describes what the 'ex' is missing. Definitely felt that before. I also really liked the small pieces of art that were on a few of the pages and really liked the art for the poem 'keys'. I also noticed some of the added poems that Sakshi had recently added to the anthology and thought they were a great addition to the anthology.

I did notice that throughout the anthology there is a problem with the use of tenses. Sometimes the wrong tense is used or the tense switches when there isn't supposed to be a switch. I also had a problem with no capital letters for the titles. Overall, a brilliant read that will get your heart beating!

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Thanks to netgalley & the publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

Loveish is a book of poems about love, loss & moving on. 💔
Poetry is one of my all time favorite genres to read; some of my favorite authors being R.h Sin & Amanda Lovelace. I had high hopes for this book, but the words just didn’t hit me 🥊 like other poetry books I’ve read in the past.

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Lovish is a collection of poetry that explores difference aspects and emotions that are paired with love. Through the poems you could feel the emotions flowing through them. Overall I really enjoyed these poems, I felt like the all fit very well together. I would recommend this to anyone who appreciates poetry.
A big thank you to NetGalley for my free copy of Lovish by Sakshi Narula.

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