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The Silent Wife

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers.

Karin Slaughter is one of my favorite authors, so I was so excited to be able to review this book. It was great!

First, a trigger warning. This book deals heavily with sexual violence and violence against women. I commend the author for writing about difficult issues and giving proper attention to the life long scars carried by so many women.

I think this may be my favorite of all the Sara Linton books ---- why? Because we went back to Grant County in flashbacks! The case is an old case that Jeffrey Tolliver (former Police Chief, former husband of Sara Linton, deceased) had worked on 8 years ago (*note - for followers of the series, Slaughter addresses the crazy timeline in the author's note at the end*). Will, Faith, Sara, and the rest of the GBI team work together to uncover the truth about what happened 8 years ago in Grant County and solve a string of murders.

This was really a great book - I couldn't put it down. While it is not necessary to have read all of the series books in order, I do recommend reading some Grant Grant County and Will Trent books before this one, just because it makes the story that much better.

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First off, I love these characters. I have to admit that I haven’t read them all, I’ve skipped a few in the middle, but I caught up quickly and am happy to see Sara and Will again.

Secondly and probably most importantly, a warning....the descriptions of crimes in this novel are NOT for the weak of heart. If you are squeamish or sensitive to crimes against women, this is not the book for you. I had to skim a couple times just because it was too awful to imagine.

Classic Karin Slaughter though and I enjoyed following Will and Sara’s journey through this one.

I’ll wait for the next.

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Trigger: Rate and extreme violence against women (in enough detail that the reader can almost feel it) It is a difficult read.

The author addresses difficult topics, which could be a bit too much for some readers.

This book in the tenth book in the Will Trent series. There will be some familiar characters, and it'd make sense to read the series in order. The story flashes between present day and eight years ago to when a serial killer first struck. It's a fast pace read, but there is more violence than some readers may anticipate for this genre.

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Another terrific Will Trent book. This one had so many twists, you wanted to make the book last.
Will and Sara are investigating a crime at a prison, when it is brought to their attention that a prisoner holds the secret to finding a killer. A killer they thought had been locked away by Sara’s deceased ex husband Jeffrey. Was Jeffrey a dirty cop? Are they on to something? To find out, Will and Sarah must go way back, and not let their feelings get in the way.

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* I received an advance copy of this book.
Karin Slaughter has done it again. Her newest book in the Grant County series features Sara and Will working to find a possible serial killer after a prison inmate denies being guilty of a crime spree years ago. At that time, Chief Jeffrey Tolliver was still alive and behind the conviction.

Is it possible that Jeffrey was wrong? Familiar characters from the earlier books in the series are back, including the ones you love to Lena Adams. I’ve gotten to know them so well, it’s as if they are real people!

I won’t give away the plot but suffice it to say that you won’t put this one down. Karin Slaughter has written another suspense chiller.

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The Silent Wife
A Novel
by Karin Slaughter
HarperCollins Publishers
William Morrow
General Fiction (Adult) | Mystery & Thrillers
Pub Date 04 Aug 2020 | Archive Date 04 Aug 2020

Another fantastic read by Karin Slaughter! I love the Will Trent books. Many of our patrons read Karin Slaughter so I knew I would want to read this before it is released to the public. Great thriller! I will recommend this. Thanks to NetGalley, Harpercollins and William Morrow Publishers for the ARC.

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Another terrific thriller from Karin Slaughter! I have yet to be disappointed by any of her novels. Will Trent novels are my favorites. love his vulnerability.

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This book.has it all, another solid win from Karin Slaughter! Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC copy. When a prison riot ends in a purposeful death, detectives get tied up with a prisoner who claims he was set up.for his crime. Easily dismissed as a ride until a copycat murder takes place. Only problem is, the details were never public knowledge.

I really enjoyed this book!

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Normally I zip through mysteries - but every time I get a new Karin Slaughter book, I need to set aside at least a couple of days to process and enjoy. The Will Trent/Sara Linton books in particular are always intense, hardboiled, and intellectually involving, providing lots of thrills while giving you lots of serious issues to chew on. This book is no exception. The Silent Wife met all my (VERY high!) expectations.

I am a former criminal prosecutor and Karin Slaughter, for my money, is one of the most technically accurate and realistic crime writers around. She gets everything from forensics to lingo to motive exactly right, and even as she infuses each story with drama, she never sacrifices accuracy or requires a ridiculous suspension of disbelief.

This book begins with a murder of an inmate, but like most Will Trent/Sara Linton books, takes the reader down a tangled and fascinating path to issues and characters you never saw coming. In this case, a hunt for a serial rapist and murderer who has gone free for years. As with other Karin Slaughter books, you shouldn’t read this unless you like your books hardboiled and gritty. There are also some very tough violence and explicit medical and post-mortem details. But these are always given for a reason and her writing is second to none.

Fans of this series will especially enjoy the fact that Jeffrey Tolliver has a big part in this story, and you will see him again through flashbacks as he worked on the old investigation. It is especially interesting that this book takes a different approach to Tolliver than some of the past books did. There is also somehow a really touching love story in the middle of all the horror this book describes.

Karin Slaughter has always done a particularly good job with sexual assault issues in her books, helping readers gain an understanding of sexual violence long before #MeToo became a commonly understood phrase. This book is particularly great at addressing these issues and showing the difference in perception of sexual assault then and now, and the many problems and prejudices that still currently exist, and the fact that rapists don’t usually look or act the way we have been conditioned to believe they do.

This was at times a very tough book to read, but it was excellent. Thanks to HarperCollins, NetGalley and Karin Slaughter for another great entry in this series - which luckily Slaughter assures us will continue!

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As a reader of the rest of the books in this series, I was excited to preview this book. It was compelling! The switching between the past and present required some effort to keep from getting confused but became easier to manage as the story progressed. Including a current abduction about halfway through the book added to the fun. Gratuitous comments about home-schoolers were unnecessary and weak. The character of Sara is very different, especially in the last two books. The portrayal of Sara in this book was more edgy, angry, and impulsive than she was in every other book of the series. It seems that she is being continually reinvented, not in an organic way suggesting growth, but more like a new character.

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Karin Slaughter’s forthcoming mystery is a terrific continuation of Sara Linton’s and Will Trent’s story. Will and Faith visit a convict claiming that he was framed for crimes he did not commit. Here the story loops back to the investigation of those crimes and more crimes with the same traits. The investigator of those crimes? Sara’s former husband, Jeffery Tollliver. The mystery then loops from Atlanta to Grant County, tangling clues from both ends. Sara and Will are stuck in their relationship and they both get advice from other characters. Touches of humor lighten the grim crimes being investigated and Sara and Will untangle the knots and move forward. All is well in Atlanta.

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This really could have been a six hour book instead of an eight hour book. I don't mind length, but when it comes at the cost of nearly an entire page detailing the benefits of assorted tampon

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Karin Slaughter's novel The Silent Wife, once again illuminates her writing prowess. This is how it is done. Plain and simple. Ms. Slaughter gets it and you should too. With twenty novels to her credit she weaves a tale that will grab you in the beginning and not let you go. As a fellow native Atlantan I especially enjoy her descriptions of the city and the surrounding areas.

Faithful readers know what to expect, but newbies need be forewarned, of graphic violence and no holds barred details, of the ruthless killer Will Trent and his partner Faith Mitchell must track down before he kills again.

Will and Faith are assigned to investigate the murder of an inmate in prison, maybe gang related, maybe not. Another prisoner who was in for an unrelated murder wants to make a deal. He says he was falsely convicted of killing a victim by dirty cops and knows for certain the killer is still on the loose and killing other women.

The story flashes back and forth from the present day to eight years prior when the serial killer had first struck. He had expertly disguised his murderous work to resemble an accident. Had it not been for the sleazy inmate's claim of being falsely accused of the rape and murder of one of the victims, the trail may well have gone cold.

Will and Faith check into his claims and things get ugly. If you are in to mystery/thriller/suspense, Karin Slaughter has once again served up a tasty morsel for you to devour. Five stars. She is at the top of her game.

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I had given myself a long hiatus to the mystery/thriller genre. At the time of this writing we are going through the coronavirus pandemic. I felt like returning to some of my reading roots, maybe for some sense normalcy in this very abnormal time. Some of the authors I used to read I find don't resonate with me anymore, some I still enjoy, and this author is a new one for me. I am pleased to say that I will be reading more of her books. I like the balance of moving a story forward with intelligence as well as giving the characters back stories and relationships.

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Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read this book for an honest review. I absolutely love Karin Slaughter and the Will Trent series. I have read them all. This one is by far my favorite. I like how the author brings us back to Jeffrey Toliver while still in the present with Will. It was a great suspense with lots of twists and turns that made the book very hard to put down. This is a must read!!

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3.9 stars

I’m torn on this book. It was gritty and dark as Sara, Will, Faith and the rest of the GBI hunt for a serial rapist and killer. As brutal as the attacks and aftermath were on the women, I did appreciate that the author wasn’t trying to sugarcoat anything. In the afterward she wrote about her being frank and writing candidly about violence against women and the aftermath for the survivors and their families.

Enough with the Sara/Jeffery focus. The men, and Sara half the time, keep putting the memory of Jeffery on a pedestal. He was a cheating ass who done Sara wrong. It’s been eight years, Will is awesome. Enough. That grated on my nerves through the book.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Technically, I finished the book today (May 1st) because I consumed this, feasting on Slaughter's glorious and chilling creation, until 1:30am. Karin really does slaughter me with her ability to produce mystery after mystery that creates"chicken skin" as it pulsates with a riveting voice that somersaults on the page. This is the 10th book in the series, and although it is perfectly acceptable as a stand alone, there is much to be gained from reading from her first book. I knew the characters' previous struggles, rounding out their personalities and increasing my empathy for the situations they were in. For those who have not read her books, let me warn you that they can be very graphic and disturbing in their explicitness but definitely not gratuitous. In this particular book, Sara and Will are involved in investigating serial murders and rapes under the most gruesome circumstances. The novel intersperses chapters from Sara's life with her previous husband to the present day. The flow between the chapters proceeds smoothly and is necessary to reveal the true identity of the killer.You can read from the blurb the meat of the book, but just know that you will be in for a good deal of sleepless nights while you are glued to the pages.

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The book was such a fast, violent, engrossing read! I love the Will Trent and Grant County series. This story gives some backstory between Sara and Jeffrey, with a really interesting storyline. It was pretty violent, but that's expected with her series - I like the details of the life of a coroner and investigator. Her level of detail makes me feel like I belong on the squad!

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What can I say. First of all this author is one of my favorites. I loved this book. I did figure out who the bad guy was! I think Will is one of my favorite fictional characters. So good. Thank you and thank goodness there will be more!

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Brilliantly conceived story about a psychopath and one that is a complete one. A fiend that preys upon young women, capturing them, torturing them and than raping their bodies after he has killed them. The author has used Will Trent, a detective with a police department in The Atlanta Georgia area, and his girlfriend Doctor Sara Linton who is the medical examiner for the same police force. This is the 10th book featuring the two in the series, and I must comment that I like Ms Slaughter's treatment of them. They are normal police personnel, not super-beings pulling solutions miraculously out of the air. Both are dedicated to solving cases and bringing criminals to justice by slowly, but surely obtaining evidence in solving the crime.
In the book's opening Will is visiting a prison to interview a prisoner when he is pulled into talking to another man that claims he is innocent of a murder of a young woman and should not be jailed. Will in thinking over what the second man told him brings the situation to his department head and they decide to look into the matter. Their investigations unearth a series of murders in an area around Atlanta going back several years. Karin Slaughter describes what has happened to the girls in great detail and it is not light reading. The descriptions describe the torture inflicted on them and the reader needs to understand that it is not gratuitous horror but the author's need to bring out what women can go through when sick men decide to "punish" them. In an afterward Ms Slaughter does indicate that it was one of her intentions to bring out this situation.
Will and Sara's group begin unearthing similar crimes that occurred in areas to the north of Atlanta and judicious study uncovers similar physical damages to the women inflicted by the murderer and which betray a knowledge of anatomy. Sara rereads accounts of the previous murders and skillfully sets up a profile of the killer. In two cases the victim has survived but will never completely recover mentally. Ms Slaughter describes the attempts to interview them, with both Will and Sara devastated by the accounts. The book is absolutely one that must be finished in one mesmerizing period after which some relaxation is necessary and a time out awaiting the author's next novel.

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