Cover Image: The Heir Affair

The Heir Affair

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The sequel to The Royal We which is pretty much fanfiction of the William and Kate Romance that I loved. I think this is another sequel that I loved more than the first! We pick up where the last one started and get to experience Bex and Nick's marriage after the headlines and drama. It's super ridiculous and sweet and I wish I could go back to London. Thanks to netgalley for the arc! Being released on July 7, 2020

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Fellow royal romance fans, I didn’t think it was possible to top THE ROYAL WE but I loved this one maybe ten times more. LOVE LOVE LOVE 💕 I inhaled and adored this story but am now heartbroken it’s over 😢 It’s the first book I’ve been actually able to lose myself in since February 2020 and an absolutely heavenly comfort in the hellfire that is America right now in May 2020.

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This was a wonderful sequel to The Royal We! I really enjoyed diving into the story of Bex and Nick more and what came after the end of The Royal We! There were a few other storylines with side characters that I equally enjoyed because all of the side characters are well developed. But, I do wish we had gotten a little more from Cilla because I really enjoy her friendship with Bex. I found that the story wrapped up nicely and there were quite a few twists and turns to get there!

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This one was such a fun read! I really enjoyed the first one and so it was great to revisit the characters. I think it was an interesting choice to have the characters deal with infertility, but I also couldn't help but feel that the crown would have required there to be tests before the marriage, but I'm not royal so maybe they don't in real life. The twist was also really interesting.

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A delightful sequel that I was very sad to see end. This book picks up where The Royal We leaves off, smartly grappling with the immediate aftermath of everything that happened instead of sweeping it under the rug to focus on new things. Like its predecessor, there is quite a bit that occurs within the plot as Bex gradually adjusts to her new royal life, but it is all engaging and sprinkled with entertaining details and subplots, many of which are drawn from or inspired by the lives of real-life royals. I have grown to really love each of these characters and enjoy following their journeys; although I'd love for this series to continue, I would also be content if there are only these two gems for readers to enjoy.

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I'm a huge fan of Go Fug Yourself, so I love seeing what happens when Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan unleash their talents in the world of fiction. It's been quite a few years since I read The Royal We, and I had no trouble stepping back into Bex's world. There's a lot to love about the sequel, but for me, the characters and dialogue are part of what makes this book shine. The banter and humor make you feel like you're part of Bex's inner circle.

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This book is a fun sequel! I was really glad the authors were able to continue these characters' stories.

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It's been a few years since The Royal We came out, and it's a book I revisit about once a year, just to spend more time with Nick, Bex, Freddie, and their friends.

I've been HIGHLY anticipating The Heir Affair and it didn't disappoint. It's different from The Royal We, in that it's not a romance about just two people this time. It's a book on the concept of love in its many forms, and I think readers will be intrigued and very, very surprised at where the authors choose to go.

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A fantastic follow up to The Royal We. I loved this book from start to finish, the family drama and resolution of the events in book one were satisfying and unexpected. There were touching moments and times that I laughed out loud.

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Overall, the Heir Affair gave me nostalgia for the joy that The Royal We brought me. I enjoy Coks and Morgan's ability to normalize the royals while still giving a secret insight into the aspect of the behind closed door life of the royals. I loved this story and the characters' growth that came from it. Overall, a five star read for me! I cannot wait to see what comes next from these two authors.

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Okay Im not sure why but these books are SOOOOO LONG! WHY??? It takes forever to get to the point!
But as far as I see, the authors are real clairvoyants because they can truly see the future. They already guessed an American girl’s introducing to the royal family before Meghan and Harry hit the road and move to Canada ( now we welcomed them to California!) I thought it was cute but it took me forever to get to the end.

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An enjoyable sequel to a delightful book that doesn't get shouted about enough. In The Royal We, we get a happily ever after ending after a scandal that almost blows up the royal wedding . The Heir Affair picks right up where the first book left off, forcing us to live through the fallout with Bex and Nick as they try to navigate their first few years of marriage both publicly and privately. Like The Royal We, part of the charm of this book is the authors' attention to detail on the inner workings of royal life. The increased role of some of the secondary characters, especially Bea and Eleanor, is a welcome addition that adds some more meat and intrigue to the plot here without making it drag, although some of the characters from the first book, like Lacey and Cilla, faded more into the background than I might have liked. This book has just as many laugh-out-loud funny moments as the first, though it's overall more somber in tone (the unveiling of Bex's royal portrait is a particular delight); this is, of course, not the love story but the "how hard it is to make marriage work" story. I found Freddie to be the most interesting character in this one, and his arc was probably the most human and bitterwsweet--if Cocks and Morgan were to continue this series, give the people what they want and let us have the Freddie book.

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The Heir Affair, the follow up to The Royal We, started strong but ended soft in a confusing plot centered direction. The reader can feed into the intensity and find a genuine interest in each character easily. I found the last third of the book to be challenging to read. I wasn't a fan of the direction of the plot and felt decisions were made out of character that ultimately have stronger consequences that no reader of this book would truly like to explore.

The authors have a knack of making you really root for each character, even the bad ones. It's what makes The Royal We and now The Heir Affair so interesting. You read the books, deal with the drama because you believe in the characters. Each character has a distinct personality that mirrors in their actions and their strong dialogue. These authors know how to make you feel invested in these fictional characters' lives.

I have enough of an interest in the characters for a third book, but as for the plot, I'm not sure I'm eager to know what could happen.

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The follow up to The Royal We, we continue with Bex and Nick more or less where we left off. Their not so fairy tale wedding is over and now they must deal with the fallout of the scandal that has everyone talking.

Whereas The Royal We took me by surprise by not being a romance, I went into this one with open eyes and it helped me enjoy it more. I appreciated watching Bex and Nick find their way back into their relationship in a way that didn't gloss over the bad parts. It's the mix of reality and fantasy in these books that I find interesting.

Freddy, for me, became a standout character in The Royal We and stole the show, and it's something that crossed over into the sequel as well. He's not the focus of either book, but there were times when I really, really wanted him to be. They might have done too well creating a character that is compelling and interesting!

The books, for all their (sometimes outrageously) fantasy moments, are grounded too much in reality to stray too far from the path. We see more of the royal family, and where Bex ultimately fits in. Everyone ends up in a place that satisfies the reader.

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Woah. This one took me on a WILD ride. I was admittedly a little nervous when I started this one, because I didn't exactly know how much could be done after the first book and I was worried it was just going to rehash old storylines, but it was so perfectly done. However, just like the last book, it was a little too long.

The sequel starts shortly after where the first book (The Royal We) left off, and it explores Nick and Bex's married life. There is just SO much that happens in this book that I don't think I could even write a synopsis that encompasses it all. So many turns of events and so many emotions, I didn't want to put it down once I started. I was so hooked on all the royal drama. It was exactly what I needed.


Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for providing me with an ARC in exchange from my honest review. The Heir Affair is scheduled for release July 7, 2020.

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I absolutely love The Royal We, and the sequel does not disappoint. I am so excited that this book picks up right where we left off.

I don't know how much the main characters truly resemble the people they are loosely based on, but they are relatable and hilarious.

This imagined glimpse into the palace was a perfect escape, and I did not want it to be over.

I'd recommend this series to anyone looking for a great summer read!

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I remember being very pleasantly surprised by how much I loved The Royal We and I was so excited to see it was finally getting a sequel. Much like the first book, it wasn’t really what I was expecting it to be, but it was everything. This is easily my favorite book of the year so far.

I decided to re-read the first book before jumping into The Heir Affair and I’m glad I did. I loved it just as much the second time around, maybe even more. I found myself still getting very anxious or sad at parts, even though I knew how everything turned out, which I think is a real testament to the writing. I am so invested in these characters and I already miss them.

The Heir Affair picks up soon after The Royal We ended. The first book was written to be a standalone and it ended on a very positive note of implied Happily Ever After. However, that’s not quite how things turned out. And really, can we expect anything to be that easy for Bex and Nick? Right as the royal wedding was ending, Clive published his story about Bex and Freddie and the public immediately turned on them. Bex and Nick end up running away from their problems for awhile and get to start married life in their own private bubble, which they’ve always thrived in. Once they have to return to reality, though, they have to face everything they’ve ignored – especially the Freddie of it all.

I would love to tell you that things were easily worked out and it was all cute and funny and happily ever after. And while there was definitely a lot of cute and funny, there is so much more substance to it than that. That means that along with the fun banter and the highs, there were also some real lows. It gave my cold, black heart some FEELINGS and I loved every minute of it, even when I kind of hated what was happening sometimes. There are a lot of layers to this story, but at the forefront are the big three relationships: Bex and Nick, Nick and Freddie, and Bex and Freddie. There is just so much emotion there to unpack and I felt all of it. They each had to work at mending their relationships and coming to terms with their feelings and I think it wrapped up in realistic and satisfying ways, if not quite the neat little bow I like things tied up in.

As I mentioned previously, I absolutely love the characters in this series. I loved seeing Bex’s friends, Cilla, Gaz, and Bea again. We didn’t see quite as much as Cilla as we did in the first book, but both Gaz and Bea had some good subplots. I had absolutely hated Bex’s twin sister, Lacey, in the first book and was kind of hoping she’d be killed off or something here, but she was actually quite palatable in this one. She was the character I wished she was in the first book. I loved watching Bex begin an actual relationship with members of Nick’s family, especially the queen. And of course, my dear Freddie. He grew up so much in this book and while my heart broke for him time and time again, I like to think that he’s found his own happily ever after. I still wouldn’t mind a Freddie spin-off, though. And can I just say that one of my favorite things about this series is that Freddie’s nickname for Nick is Knickers. I love the relationship between these brothers and they really put me through the wringer in this one.

Overall, I absolutely loved The Heir Affair. This review does not even come close to expressing how much. The cute cover and overall storyline may fool you into thinking this is just a light and easy Romance, but it is emotional and intense – in the very best of ways. It’s very character driven and has many threads to connect, but I think the authors did a great job of tying everything together. There were a couple things left a little more open than I like, though, which I have my fingers crossed means that another book will be coming in the future. This is a must read for anyone who’s read The Royal We and if you haven’t started this series yet, you really should.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 4 Stars

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I was super excited to see that we were getting a sequel to The Royal We, and this did not disappoint. Cocks and Morgan have an uncanny ability to nail the media and the ethos surrounding the royal family with insight, humor, and heart. These books make you feel like you truly understand the life of a twenty-first century royal in a way that feels almost practical. These aren't fantasy royal lives—they're dealing with media circuses, people prying in the lives, and family drama that has to stay behind closed doors. To sum it up, I loved this follow-up and I think that fans of the royal family and fans of The Royal We will love it too.

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Well, Bex and Nick barely managed to get married in the first book, The Royal We, but the scandal that came before their wedding caused the couple to flee. The couple are commoner Rebecca Porter and Prince Nicholas, now Duke and Duchess. They manage to spend a couple of months in exile, a decision of their own choosing. Everyone else in the royal family, however, must deal with the ugly aftermath of the events that occurred before the wedding.

After a call that rather terrifies Nick, they flee back to the castle and literally everything begins to crumble around them. Secrets of old might just be enough to completely unravel the family's future. Meanwhile, Bex and Nick must deal with his brother Freddie, their father and their grandmother, the Queen.

I loved the first book in this series, but this one hit me in a different level. There were a lot of powerful family dynamics in this book. The various relationships and emotions were a prominent part of The Heir Affair. Their issues were so powerful and really gave me pause. Forgiveness was key in this book, as well as what true love is and the exploration of soul mates.

I absolutely adored all the various characters in this book - not only Bex and Nick, and of course, Freddie, but also Bex's twin sister, Lacey, Prince Dick, who really had to step up in this book, the grandmother, Queen Eleanor, who I absolutely adored, and even the Queen mother and her love of the internet. The evolution of situations and emotions in this book was handled remarkably well. Lastly, I loved a character we only met via recounting the past, Georgina. What a well-rounded book bringing all of these characters together.

I am a die-hard fan of continuity, and so I read the first book last month. I really don't think readers would get the full impact of this book without reading The Royal We. The two go hand in hand. So, if you like reading about royal families, albeit fictionalized, then this book - and series - are for you.

Many thanks to Forever and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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I had a high bar for this book because I loved the royal we so much. If I had read this one first I might have enjoyed it more than I did - I really did like it, I just was expecting more because of the first book. Still, if you read & loved the royal we then I recommend it

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