Member Reviews

I love this series! I love Wolfe and was so glad that he gets his story. As a former Seal, Wolfe has experienced the loss of his team and is afraid to let people into his world. His current team accepts him as he is and supports him, although he doesn’t tell them that he is trying to find the teammate that caused the death of his Seal team. Dana is an investigative reporter that ends up involved in his mission. Wolfe had ran into her previously and was not pleased to see her put herself in danger. Dana is very intelligent but has an impulsive streak that scares him. Their story made me smile and makes me smile even as I write this review.

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Rebecca is one of my top faves authors!!! She knows how to write a romantic suspense story. The way she weaves the story together and of course the HOT chemistry between the two main characters; Clarence and Dana. These two went through some hardships, but in the end they were perfect for each other.

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Since Wolfe was introduced in the series, I was really intrigued by his character and I have been waiting for his story to come. It definitely did not disappoint, it was so, so, so good!

I loved everything about Wolfe and Dana’s adventure and their romance. They were a perfect fit and the push/pull challenge of their relationship was fun, sweet, and really meaningful. It made their connection and love even better. Their conversations were honest and real and you could really feel the depth of their emotions and see how much they cared for each other in their actions.

The witty banter, antics, and conversations with the Deep Ops team were a touching display of their strong bonds and family-like unit. The addition of Dana’s family, their interactions, and the disastrous wedding were fantastic and laugh-out-loud funny. Roscoe, the dog, was hilarious and one of my favorite characters in the series; he has been amusing in all the books.

It was thrilling to watch the sparks fly between Wolfe and Dana as they challenged each other at every turn. There was just an amazing magnetism between them from the start and I loved watching their relationship grow from friends to more.

There was really so much to enjoy in this book, from the beginning to the end it was a great read. Plenty of action, intrigue, suspense, danger, and slow-burn romance with charming characters and a wonderfully well-written storyline that will pull you in. I just really cannot say enough about this book, it was awesome and then some.

I am really looking forward to the next book in the series.

*I received an arc from the publisher via NetGalley and I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed Wolfe and Dana's story. I love how she pushes him and doesn't give up. Dana fights for them. This book had action, humor. romance, steaminess and so much more. Great addition to the series! I can't wait for Force's book!

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Broken was my.first book by Rebecca Zanetti, and it was such a fun read. It was.a well balanced mix of action, adventure, mystery and romance. The chemistry between Wolfe and Dana was palpable and the plot was a page turner. This is the third book in a series and even because it references the previous stories, it would probably be best enjoyed in order. However, I jumped in to the series in this book and still enjoyed it!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a copy of Broken in exchange for an honest review.

I loved Wolfe's book! I have been waiting for this one for a while and it didn't disappoint. Things start to spice up between Wolfe and Dana after they end up meeting in a sex club while following different cases. When they get shot at and his past comes back to haunt him, Wolfe gets ultra protective. Dana is just as stubborn and doesn't allow him to lock her down in a safe house like. Dana is determined to help Wolfe confront his past and get behind his walls to prove he does deserve to have someone in his life.

We see a lot more of Roscoe in this book, which I love, and meet a few new characters as well. I hope Angus' book is next, because I can't wait to find out about his and Roscoe's past.

If you are looking for an action packed, suspense romance, which a shoe and alcohol loving dog, this book is for you! Rebecca does a good job at keeping the "action" and the relationship between the characters at equal parts so that the book doesn't feel slow, but also develops the characters' relationship.

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Broken is the next book in the Deep Ops series and with some giddiness I can say its Wolfe's story. Clarence Wolfe, tough guy with a kitten in his pocket and stealing hearts throughout the whole series, finally finds himself in a situation with reporter Dana Mulberry that he cannot talk himself out of. An undercover missing person case leads Dana straight into Wolfe's arms. Bullets fly and the heat scorches the pages as Wolfe's secret op crashes into Dana's case. Underground sex clubs, a drunken German Shepard, and a crazy family wedding add spice to a story where the past comes to teach our unstable hero that even a lone Wolfe needs his family. Sexy, flirty, and action packed the story is all I dreamed for Wolfe and Dana with a very satisfying HEA that will leave me rereading this book over and over again. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from Netgalley.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and have been waiting very (im)patiently for Wolfe's book. He has been my favorite character from the start, and I was dying to know him better. Wolfe and Dana's story is action-packed and just as good as I hoped it would be. I figured the series would end with the next book because Force was the only one whose story hadn't been told, but we meet some new team members in this one, giving me hope that the series will be extended. I swear, these guys (and even some of the gals) have the dorkiest names ever, but they are still sexy beyond belief. I mean, when I hear names like Clarence, Angus, and Jethro, I picture the kid in kindergarten who ate all the paste, but these guys shatter that image. I will now be anxiously awaiting the next book, and I know without a doubt that once the series is finished, I'll be buying the box set and binge reading the whole thing.

A sincere thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books, and the author for providing an ARC for review.

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Former Navy SEAL, Clarence Wolfe’s unit was taken out with a landmine in Afghanistan. When he realizes it wasn’t an accident he is determined to bring down the man responsible. Reporter Dana Mulberry is determined to find out what happened to her friend, even if it means going undercover at a BDSM club. When she runs into Wolfe, they decide to work together to find the information they are both seeking. But how long can they deny the attraction between them.

I was so excited to get an ARC of this book because I have been waiting for Wolfe's story since he was introduced. The sparks have been flying between Wolfe and Dana since they ran into each other and I knew their story was going to be a good one.

“I’ve always indulged myself with Sweets, Dana. You’re the sweetest thing in my life, in any life, and I’m keeping you. I love you. Always.”

Wolfe is a little crazy. He clearly suffers from TBI (traumatic brain injury) from the explosion that killed his unit. But he has learned to live with it and use it to his advantage. He is extremely controlling but Dana has a way of getting him to loosen up. Dana is the perfect woman for Wolfe because she challenges him and makes him feel alive again. She doesn’t let him hide his emotions and live for revenge.

Dana is a reporter who is known for her investigation skills. I liked her from the start. She is smart, determined, and yet still very feminne. I liked how she was always standing up to him and pushing him. She never let him control everything and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind to him.

I really enjoyed the romance between these two. It was perfect and just what I expected for this couple. Zanetti really knows how to write a great romance between characters. I really can’t wait for Force’s story. I want him to find happiness so bad.

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*

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This is the third book in Rebecca Zanetti's Deep Ops series. Even though I wouldn't say you HAVE to read them in order, I definitely suggest it because you get to know the rest of the team. I've really enjoyed this series because it has kick-ass characters (and not just the guys) and the author brings in some comic relief into the story so it's not SO intense all the time.

This is finally Wolfe and Dana's story. We've known this was coming since it has been eluded to in previous stories. Wolfe is one of my favorite characters in the series because he is really giant teddy bear if you think about it. Yes, he can kill a man in 100 different ways, but he also likes too sweet lattes and has a pet cat. I like Dana because she takes everything in stride. She's kind of a tomboy who's determined to get her story even if she has to go undercover at a sex club.

There are still several team members who surely will have their own stories. Can't wait for the next one!

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The third book in the Deep Ops series, the story centres on Wolf and Dana (and Kat of course).

Wolf and Dana have a bumpy ride, but with the help of their friends (and Roscoe) they get there in the end. Have to admit I am still going to pick Roscoe as my fav character... a boozing, high heel-wearing dog who likes eating makeup... why wouldn't he be the favourite. Although this time you do see him acting like the hero he is as well

I enjoyed this addition to the series, which allows you to see previous (and future) leads as the secondary characters as well as introducing new ones - and I definitely can't wait for the next one to come out

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I hopped on the Rebecca Zanetti bandwagon with Fallen, and I don't plan on getting off anytime soon.

I absolutely loved Wolfe and Dana in Fallen, and I was so glad to see their story was next with Broken. Wolfe was broody, haunted and on a mission; Dana was feisty, fierce and determined to solve a case of her own. The two of them together were dynamite.

The Deep Ops unit as a whole is awesome, and that includes Roscoe and Kat. I can't wait for the next installment from this team.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley.***

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I over this book. The reoccurring characters have so much depth and the relationship between characters makes you fall in love with this story line. I was glad to read Wolfe’s story and see him finally deal with his past. And of course Roscoe stole the whole show. What a wonderful,funny dog but at the same time so protective

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This is a satisfying friends to lovers story. I did wonder about the purpose of some phone calls as it seemed to be there as misdirection more than anything else, which the story didn't need as the main threads tied together compelling.

Roscoe stole every scene he was in. I loved Dana's family. I really enjoyed Wolfe coming out of his damaged shell and let Dana in.

I am intrigued by Jethro's story which was being teased and of course poor Angus.

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Clarence Wolfe was on a mission in Afghanistan, when he whole team was killed in an explosion. He returns to the States determined to find the man responsible for the killings. He is the muscle behind the Deep Ops team, who are a group of people that are on the bottom of the totem pole of the Homeland Department. Dana Mulberry is a journalist who is trying to find out who killed her friend, a fellow reporter. She is undercover at a sex club when she runs into Wolfe. The man they are both investigating happens to be the same man and when they are shot at, Wolfe takes her home with him to keep her safe. Wolfe is a loner but the longer he’s around Dana, the further under his skin she gets. Wolfe never thought a family was in the cards for him but what he doesn’t realize is, the team is his family.

Drugs, explosion, a dog that drinks alcohol, plenty of action and some oh so hot sex. This is a story that will have you laughing, on the edge of your seat, and then needing a cold shower. Could not put this book down and can’t wait for the next one.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for NetGalley *

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I’ve been waiting for Wolfe’s story, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. He and Dana have danced around each other for a while now, so it’s truly fitting the way they have to spend more time together. Add in Roscoe, Kay, the rest of the gang, and a new face or two and you’ve got the best book in the series so far.

I loved the push and pull between Dana and Wolfe, as well as the lack of serious drama between the two of them. It’s not like they need it, what with the danger swirling around them and getting closer every day. There was some humor in the way of Roscoe and wedding bingo, a lot of danger, some mystery, and the HEA that they both richly deserve. I couldn’t put this book down because I just HAD to know how it would all come together in the end.

Now, I must wait patiently(ish) to see how this group will further thwart their handlers and solve the next mystery.

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Rebecca Zanetti is one of my go to authors. I am always excited to hear about her next book. And boy, Broken does not disappoint! True romantic suspense at its finest! It is sexy hot and fast paced. I loved it!

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