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We Are Family

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Hear me out. If you're debating picking up this book, thinking it's going to be unremarkable or easy to forget, I'm here to tell you: Do. It. Give it a chance and I promise you will not regret it.

First of all, I have to acknowledge that it was quite a refreshing read. It wasn't exactly an "easy-read", since it deals with quite a few more serious topics, but the author's approach to everything was so kind, so genuine, and thoughtful, that I found the book slowly creeping its way into my heart. In other words, I just couldn't put it down.

It also didn't hurt that I was very fond of both sisters. In some ways, I could see myself in Jess: I love my to-do lists, I can be a bit bossy, and I'm definitely on the overachieving side. As I could relate to her, it was very nice to see that her personality was not used against her nor was it used to vilify her. By the end of the book she is not a completely different person. She still likes things going her own way, but as Laura learns to let her in a bit more, we, as readers, get to see more of her tender side as well.

While Jess was closer to who I am, my heart ached for Laura. I loved seeing her grow throughout the course of the book, and I loved seeing her learn how to stand up for herself and her own needs and desires. Especially at the beginning, she really struggled with setting boundaries, so it was nice to see how that changed. I also believe that Laura's issue with boundaries was a topic very well-handled by the author, as she managed to both show the issue itself and explain why it may have occurred in the first place (by showing scenes of the girls' upbringing and family life), without it being too preachy or too obvious.

My only issue with the book is that certain parts of the final chapters felt a bit rushed; it was a good enough closure, but I would have liked to see a bit more of how things ended the way they did.

PS. Bonus tips for the English setting, as it made me feel very nostalgic of my time in uni.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Laura and Jess are sisters who are attempting to forge a relationship after losing their mother. Although they believe that they have little in common, they discover a deep rooted love for each other. Beautiful story line.

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We are Family is about the relationship between two sisters as they learn to rebuild their relationship as they come to terms with their grief following their mother's death. Laura and Jess are both in their late 30s with families of their own, but there has always been an imbalance in their relationship as Jess was seen to be the favourite daughter.

It is an extremely moving story that follows the sisters' families and work lives with several secrets coming out along the way. There are a few laugh out loud one-liners, and I think there was room for a few more of these to balance out the sadness. That said I really enjoyed this book and read it in a weekend.

It was quite thought-provoking about the hurt that people can do to each other without necessarily realising it, or even meaning to. Although fiction, this story is very real. I was certainly grateful of my family relationships whilst reading this book.

I was glad the characters work through it to a happy ending, although there are still surprises right up to the end.

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Loved it!! Such a great book about the complexity of family and life. A real page turner that you will not want to put down.

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This story is a about two sisters who have lost their Dad, and most recently their mother. Laura and Jessica are sisters and are dealing with their grief in very different ways. Laura does not get along very well with her sister. They have vastly different personalities and ways of life. Will Laura let grief get in the way of her relationship with her sister. I enjoyed this one. Laura’s personality made me laugh at loud at times. It was well written and full of British humor. I would give this one 3.5-4 stars. Thank you to Net Galley for allowing me to preview this book early.

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Laura has a laid back attitude to life. Jess, on the other hand, is your classic big sister and overachiever. The sisters have lost first their dad when they were young and now their mom. Through dealing with loss, love and other life challenges The sisters start realizing how important family really is.
The author did a great job of making Laura and Jess relatable characters and a relationship that many siblings can relate too. This book does a good job of showing not just how complex sister relationships are but just female relationships in general.
Grief is dealt with very well in this book and shows that everyone deals differently. Though this book was predictable it’s a nice light read that has some heart.
My only issue was the ending. It didn’t come together clearly in my opinion and you don’t see it unfold rather hear about it more or less. After your invested in the characters that was a bit disappointing. Overall I enjoyed the book and think it’s a book with some heart.

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I enjoyed this book. It was satisfying to see how Laura gets a grip and declutters her life - literally and metaphorically. I have mixed feelings about the great revelation at the end though. And I was not totally happy about the pace of the end of the book. It felt a bit hasty for me. That said I still liked this story and had some really enjoyable time with it. I recommend it to anyone, especially women who have sister or mother "issues" :).

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

Laura and Jess are sisters, that’s all they have in common...

Laura, who has a laid back attitude to life.

Jess, is your classic better one of the siblings, having a picture-perfect life.
Laura and Jess both lost their dad when they were kids. But now, their mum is gone too. Harder than that, they can’t agree on a single thing for the funeral.

Only when Laura starts pushing her own boundaries and Jess lets other people in to her (perfect) life, the two women realize they need each other more than ever.

A funny, and entertaining read.

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Sisters Laura and Jess are grown up, but still embroiled in old family patterns. Jess is the 'perfect' sister while Laura is too emotional, too messy, too much. The passing of their mother hits them both and having lost their father years ago they come to realize that even though they are different from each other, neither is what she has been typecast to be and they need other. Laura is our main character and as she starts believing in herself, setting healthy boundaries, and accepting that things aren't always what they seem she finds that her sister is not actually perfect but is an important part of her life and someone she shares not only a history with, but also a future. This book was a bit predictable, but it was a good read nonetheless. I really enjoyed this book and recommend as an engaging read about complicated family dynamics.

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Laura and Jess are sisters. They are also polar opposites who have always been divided by their differences and the favour of their mother. Now orphans, Laura and Jess have an opportunity to repair things - or to let their insecurities continue to drive them apart.

Gill has created very sympathetic characters who feel very real, like the type of women you'd run into on your way to the shops. This books shows how tangled and complex female relationships can be, no matter if they're with siblings, parents, friends or the mother of a schoolyard bully. Grief is also dealt with every well here and I'd easily have given this five stars without the last couple of chapters.

The ending comes across as rushed and the fallout of a large revelation occurs "off-screen". We don't get to see it ourselves (or the various other "events" that we're told about rather rapidly), which is disappointing.

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Laura at times could be tough to read given how self critical she was and seemingly blamed other people for what has happened to her. I was so glad that she chose to grow up and break up with Jon who was an albatross around her neck. I was so glad she fixed her relationship with Jess and became the sisters whom supported each other. The best part to me was when she realized Evan was rubbing off on Billy and decided to take control of her own happiness.

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We are family follows sisters Laura and Jess through the trials and tribulations of their relationship from childhood to the present day! During this time they encounter the death of their father and mother and how they both deal with this in their own ways! Laura and Jess are very different in nature, personalities and lifestyles and clash quite a lot! Grief affects them both very differently and demonstrates that we are all very different in our grieving processes, I could really relate to this as I lost my mum nearly thirty years ago and my dad last year so could relate to the emotions they showed! Despite the surprise revelation at the end Laura and Jess finally come to appreciate each other and end up with a beautiful understanding relationship that proves that family are everything despite how they are made up!
Than you netgalley for this early read.

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I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher, and author Nicola Gill for providing me with an ARC of this novel.

As a girl who grew up with only one brother, I really loved this novel and the themes of sisterhood! As a funeral director as well, I appreciated how the processes of grief and mourning were portrayed, too. This was emotional, funny, and warm. You will laugh and cry during this enjoyable ride. Make it a point to pick up this novel!

Thank you again to those above for allowing me to read and review this novel!

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We Are Family is a fascinating, warm and funny look at the lives of two sisters. It's a book that makes you feel with it's different but relatable characters, and the ending is not what you expect. It really packs a punch. Well worth a read.

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This book is a fantastic read for anyone who also gets all sorts of worked up about sibling stories like I do.
As an older sister this book spoke to me personally and I was able to resonate so closely with some of the plot points.

I enjoyed the story! And the characters ! And the writing ! Absolutely looking forward to owning this book in hard copy when it gets released

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I thought this book depicted grief and mourning as well as family tensions so well. The relationship between the sisters was one that I could completely believe and I enjoyed how it developed throughout the story. The story is a little more serious than the blurb suggests, but it is a story well written. I enjoyed it.

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I found this book enjoyable, it was an easy read and good to dip in and out of. Well written with heart.

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A thoroughly entertaining read but tender and emotional at the same time. This is Nicola's second book, if you haven't read the neighbours then you definitely should. This story is about two sisters called Laura and Jess who are relatable characters and are going through subjects that I think most people can relate to. I really felt for Laura as I felt as though people see her as a push over and she never has any time for herself. Jess I felt as though even though she is the bigger sister, she seemed very bossy and a little bit stuck up, like look at me. But she is hiding things that no one knows about, will she let her secrets come between her and Laura or will Laura be able to help her? Even though there are sad parts to this story there are also some hilarious bits that had me in stitches. Some of the things Laura says and does and also her son Billy.

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Wow. Nicola Gill is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. I absolutely devoured The Neighbours so I was delighted to discover this book, and it was no different.

We Are Family follows two very different sisters, Laura and Jess, as they deal with their mother's death, and they relationship they had with her and each other. The characters are so real and likeable, or in some cases not so. (I loved Laura's honesty about her grief) I was laughing every other page, whilst also getting quite emotional at some parts of the story.
I will be shouting about this book from the rooftops when it is released.
Thank you so much to Netgalley/Avon books for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought this book was going to be more lighthearted and fun, so that was my mistake going in. I felt like the plot was glaringly predictable and the "shocking" reveals could be seen from a mile away.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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