Member Reviews

This book is for Beer brewing geeks
Excellent history and sharing of personal experiences that help modern home brewers and craft brewers understand their craft better. Geek out with Lars Marius Garshol. While his book focuses on Scandinavian brewing, other European brewing details are added for contrast and comparison.
Exquisite details on every aspect of beer brewing from grains, including pros and con of each grain and the reasons for the use of each.
Malting techniques and malt cleaning are discussed in great detail, including the impacts of each style on the resulting beers.
Yeast sources and preservation techniques are discussed including unique flavors imparted by yeasts and kveiks.

Great book with a lot of information and pictures to explore! Interesting obscure beers to read about and loads of recipes to try and adapt new beers from. I enjoyed all the photos of towns and brewhouses and learned tons of techniques I had not heard of before. I am not new to brewing and am very pleased with how thorough this book is. Wonderful collection to any brewers shelf!

Filled with interesting history and insight into the past, this exploration of farmhouse ales is an exciting journey through one of the wonderful styles of the beer world. Detailed but not dry, it's a fun read that beer fans will enjoy.

Wonderfully thorough. This was a lot of information, especially as someone who has just started brewing, but it was all fascinating and I will be revisiting this book throughout my brewing journey!

This book is comprehensive and very well written. It's perfect for anyone who does home brewing or as in my case is curious about brewing.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is a surprisingly thorough book!
Full of old school brewing techniques and why they work this book breaks down farmhouse brewing and how brewing has changed over time. There's information on how to get started in farmhouse brewing and why it was used as a brewing techinque.
While this isn't something that I'd recreate on my own it was interesting to read about!

Historical Brewing Techniques is a comprehensive and extensive guide to brewing and would be an amazing read for any homebrewers or anybody with a deep interest in beer and brewing. The book included lots of beautiful pictures and interesting and helpful diagrams. I really loved how Garshol focused on the connection between farms and brewing. It was a great and interesting read!

I am buying a copy of this book for a family member who brews. Somewhere between Germany and the US my grandmother's farmhouse beer recipe was lost. Her daughters loved to tell us how good the beer was, but none bothered to learn it! Worse, no one said a word about it until AFTER grandma died! I read this book and was just so envious of the author for being able to travel and check out how these brews were made all over Europe. I'm not a beer expert by any means, and was quite surprised at how much went into producing the beers fronm place to place. I never would have thought grains, malts, yeast, water, could all affect how the finished products tasted! Even ones from the same village. Well, I believe this book would make a fine gift for craft beer drinkers and brewers. very educational. Kudos Lars Marius Garshol!

This is an extensive book and a perfect fit for those who do homebrewing. It's packed with history, brewing techniques, beer as part farm life, recipes and so on. As the author is Norwegian, he naturally focuses on Norway and (Eastern-) European history and such, but that made it even more fascinating.
If one is a home brewer and into making your own beer, I would highly recommend this book.

I kind of feel that you deserve college credit for reading through this entire 400+ page book and learning all that it teaches you. Wow. It is absolutely packed with the history of brewing in Eastern European countries especially, with loads of photographs and information. Garshol goes into great detail about ingredients, safety, regional differences, you name it. He provides lots of recipes with traditional ingredients and the classic ways of brewing them. This is definitely for the hard core enthusiast. I love to do home brewing but I am more a country wine brewer. For those who want to take their craft beer brewing to a whole other level and discover some really fascinating stuff along the way, this will be an invaluable tool.
I read a temporary digital ARC of this book for the purpose of review.