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A gorgeous children’s picture book that helps children explore their relationship with primary caregivers (e.g. parents).

The book encourages children to adventure and explore but shows that someone will always be there for them. The language is rhythmic and musical so would be perfect for a bed time read.

Thanks to Candlewick Press, Netgalley and the author for access to this eARC.

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This book would be so much fun to do at storytime. It is full of action sounds that kids will love. Joy is a grey striped cat who is playing with their favorite toy. But he plays a bit too hard and needs some family lovins to get them back in the playing spirit.

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A ball of yarn can get you in trouble but it also can bring great joy to one little kitten.

A Special Thank you to Candlewick Press and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for access to this arc.

Whee – what fun a little kitten has as she chases her toy – where ever it may go and over whoever (the poor dog) it might bounce – around the house. Go-go-go indeed which anyone who’s ever lived with a kitten (or puppy) will immediately remember. But they’re so darn cute that you almost don’t care about the things knocked down and turned over. Much. When kitten takes a tumble, mom’s there to check her out —

A little hug, a kiss, a squeeze
Let’s check your paws
And clean your knees

I think you’re going to be just fine.
Give yourself a little time.

Now, look at me. Are you alright?
Did you take a little fright?

I’m always here if you fall.
All you have to do is call.

Thank goodness for kittens and mothers. B

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I love this book because it rhymes and has wonderful illustrations. I love how each page brings new joy and how with things that make sounds, like the ball going "bounce, bounce, boing, boing," the sounds are spelled out to help kids understand that sounds are words, too. This is a wonderful little book and I would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a book for kids who love cats and funny sounds.

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I love this book so much! Beautiful illustrations and boundless joy, plus a great reminder of parents' love.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This playful picture book shows how both children and young cats can be in a pretty realistic way. It is cute and sweet, and made me smile while I imagined reading it to a young kid. The text that is in there is composed in a wonderful way that could be described as poetic. There is exactly the right amount of repetition too. I might definately buy it, if I know I get the chance to read it to a child again.

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This sweet, simple story, told in short phrases and a series of verbs, is about a mischievous kitten who chases her toy through the house, wreaking a bit of havoc as she goes. When she gets hurt, her mother cuddles her and assures her that she will always be there to help, after which the kitten bounds off again. The simplicity of the writing in this book not only plays to the excitement and energy of the kitten, but will also be a boon to the youngest readers. The words are fun, and will be even more fun for those beginning to read.

The illustrations alone will pull many readers in. The watercolor with no outlines is soft, sweet, and inviting. The expressions on the characters' faces also brings that sense of joy, even with the giant, friendly dog who watches over all of the kitten's shenanigans. This is a wonderful book for pet-lovers of all ages, and especially for those of the youngest set.

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Joy is a sweetly exuberant picture book for the youngest readers. Due out 9th June 2020 from Candlewick Press, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardcover and paperback formats.

The text by Yasmeen Ismail is gently rhyming and simple. It is fun to read aloud and will have the youngest helping to read it after a few readthroughs. The illustrations by Jenni Desmondsuit the text perfectly and lend a happy and bouncy activity to the read with lots of "zoom - zoom"ing and "crash-bang-wallop-bonk-a-donk"ing.

While not entirely appropriate for bedtime reading (too many bouncy bits), it would be a really superlative selection for afternoon or post-naptime or reading circle reading activities.

Fun and happy and beautifully illustrated along with some subtle lessons on trust and support from the ones who love and care for us.

Five stars. I heartily recommend this one.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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While this book has some charm, I fear that simple rhyming text has been done many times, and this one wasn't different enough to recommend.

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As a cat lover, this delightful book filled me with the joy it is depicting. The illustrations and rhyme perfectly capture the frenetic energy of a happy, playful kitten. The rhyme is fun and simple enough for even the smallest readers. Recommended for children and adults!

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This adorable little picture book is aimed at the youngest readers with short text and lots of energetic art work. The simple story is about a kitten who is joyfully experiencing life, not without occasional (and easily solved) peril. This one will be great for a read aloud with little kids.

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A little kitten celebrates her love for life by bouncing, scampering, chasing her ball of yarn, racing around and exhibiting joy in her journey. She is full of life and is a little bundle of furry energy. This delightful rhyming book is full of movement, action words and very expressive.

In the adorable kitten's free-spirited enthusiasm she hits a wall...oh my it's not a wall... it's the huge family dog's front leg. TRIP, TRIP, TRIP, SLIP, FLIP...... OH NO! The tiny feline catapults through the doggie door finding herself outside and then tumbles down a steep set of stairs. OUCH! Will a parent be there to hug, kiss, squeeze and console the frightened wee baby?

This is bad,
I feel sad.
Where's my mom?
Where's my dad? "

Award-winning author-illustrator pair Yasmeen Ismail and Jenni Desmond marry their creative talents together to create a heartwarming read-aloud story that kids will love. Full of simple, playful language and happy mixed-media illustrations this book is sure to be a hit for both young and old. Share it and feel the joy and love! I highly recommend this book.

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This is a really cute, simple story. I especially enjoyed the illustrations. My kids listening to it and liked it too!

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Not only is the kitten in this book filled with joy, but after reading I am too! I do admit I have a soft spot for the antics of cats and the ridiculous situations they find themselves in due to their impulsivity. This PB is filled with terrific rhymes, reads with a bouncy rhythm that is conveyed in the masterful illustrations as well. The onomatopoeia in the text intensify the motion artfully crafted in the illustrations as well. This is a book my toddler will love and we will reread over and over. I'm so excited to buy it!

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In this book we see how a kitten loves to play and finds joy in doing so everyday watched and cared for by it's mum and fellow dog friend with gorgeous illustrations the kitten is certainly very happy and joyful with a cute little smiley face throughout the story it's perfect for young children and certain to win their affection!

Many thanks to the publishers for allowing me to review this book for them!

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'Joy' is a sweet, colorful book about a rambunctious kitten and their adventures! This book would be great for younger readers as it focuses on sounds and there is a lot of action following a kitten playing with toys. It also shows the kitten being independent, but supported by its parent. I liked that the kitten was allowed independence and adventure, but given support when needed. Small children will love this one!

Thank you NetGalley and Candlewick Press for providing this ARC.

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Joy by Yasmeen Ismail and illustrated by Jenni Desmond is just that – an absolute bundle of kitten joy! We are smitten cat lovers in our house so this charming book is purr-fect for us! I read it with my son and he giggled and “awwww”ed his way through the entire story.

There’s nothing better than a kitten with a ball of string with all the trouble and tangles that go with it! This fuzzy little friend is so excited by life and wants Mum to join in and be joyful too! The climbing, chasing and bright-eyed bouncing gets faster and faster until the mischievous moggy runs into the dog, can’t stop and crashes through the cat flap into the garden. Then, only Mum can make it better. She gives the same reassurance as human mums and the bumps are soon forgotten. There is a sense of safety and comfort with the knowledge that Mum is always there. Children will pick up on this secure feeling and relate it to their own adventures.

This fast-paced feline tale is full of happiness and will bring a smile to anyone’s face. It is a great jumping off point for discussions about families, freedom, safety and what makes us happy.

Thank you to NetGalley and Candlewick Press for this beautiful book! The paperback edition will be published in June 2020.

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This was a fun book with lots of sound effects. The short rhyming sentences made for a quick read, and the bright illustrations would keep a young child entertained.

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The book is so cute and the kitten is adorable. You can't help but feel happy when reading it. It would be an awesome read aloud story.

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