Cover Image: A Million Little Lies

A Million Little Lies

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Bette Lee Crosby writes complex, yet believable, situations that a reader can get lost in. In this story we meet a mother whose lies spin a web that she begins to live within. A look at how a white like can spin out of control and how a mother will do anything to protect her child. Also, a reminder that family is not just biology, but a loving relationship that can be built. I did struggle to like the main character, her constant lies did bother me and made it hard for me to relate to her-but overall I enjoyed this well told story.

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Betty Lee Crosby has woven a story of a women with an unfortunate childhood and early adult life who is caught up in a series of lies in order to make a life for herself and her daughter. Redemption comes to this beautiful person , but not before some twists and turns. The author weaves a novel that keeps you turning the pages as you can’t wait to see what will happen next. A very enjoyable and easy read. This author never disappoints!

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"We tell lies when we are afraid....afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger." Tad Williams

This is the story of Suzanna Duff. I think the biggest lies we tell are the ones we tell ourselves. This is Suzanna's dilemma....the lies are easier than the truth. Another thing we are harder on ourselves about is believing in love and forgiveness. This, too, is an issue with Suzanna. Her conscience works on her and then her fears kick in. "With lies you may go ahead in the world, but you can never go back." Russian Proverb

Suzanna Duff is a young girl who has a rough way to go when her mother dies and leaves her to be raised by an uncaring, alcoholic father. To self-protect, she begins to tell little lies to make life bearable. What harm can that be? "To Suzanna her lie was not a deception but a necessary altering of the truth." Little lie upon little lie adds up and soon they become easier and easier to tell. The lies become easy to believe as truth. Her life becomes more complicated when she finds herself pregnant and her father tells her to leave. Her life is challenged as her little Annie grows and life isn't a bowl full of cherries with Earl...the guy she's been with since she left home. She has to go find a better life for Annie even if it's built upon lies. This is the beginning of a story that pulled at my emotions for Suzanna. Her character is one I felt for from the beginning. No one likes a liar but Ms. Crosby created Suzanna in such a way that I wanted to pull for her. I felt so much anxiety for her when her lies were close to being exposed. I loved this book. It's full of heart. It's full of what a family really is about. It's full of mistakes. But it's all about how love can overcome the messes that life can be. There's a surprise towards the end of the story that brought tears to my eyes. It's such a wonderful twist.

Bette Lee Crosby is a storyteller extraordinaire! When I open the pages of one of her books, I feel like we're sitting together on a cozy veranda and I'm full of anticipation for the journey I'm about to take. Her talent and gift of bringing a story to life is southern story telling charm at its best. A Million Little Lies holds all the essence of what makes Ms. Crosby one of my favorite authors to read. It's a story from her heart that tugged at mine as all her stories do. I'm so honored to have had the privilege of reading another five star plus book by this amazing author. Her stories make my life better because of the messages and hope that the words between the covers bring to me. I want to thank Ms. Crosby and Netgalley for the ARC of a touching and heartwarming story. All opinions and thoughts in this review are my heartfelt own. Five MILLION stars if I could.

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Thank you Netgalley, the author and publisher for allowing me to read an ARC of this new book by Bette Lee Crosby. I am a huge fan and once again she has not disappointed ! This is a great story about lying to try to have a better life. Her intentions are good but is it right to lie ? How many lies will she tell ? Suzanna is about to embark on an adventure to change her life. And in doing so she changes the life of her daughter and her " grandmother". Beautifully written and entertaining as well.

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A MILLION LITTLE LIES by Bette Lee Crosby is a beautifully-written and heartfelt novel of loss, love and second chances. Suzanna Duff lost her mother when she was just ten years old. Left alone with a father who is most always drunk, Suzanna runs to her high school sweetheart for comfort and love. Soon she finds herself pregnant and neither her own father nor the father of her child want anything to do with her any longer. Heartbroken and alone, Suzanna turns to an older man that offers her a place to stay. As time passes, this relationship turn abusive and Suzanna knows she must leave so she make a fresh start with her now eight-year-old daughter, Annie. On the run with her child and almost no money, a chance encounter leads Suzanne and Annie to a safe refuge with Ida Parker, a grieving widow who has mistaken Suzanna for her long lost granddaughter. One little lie leads to another and another and soon, Suzanna can no longer reveal the truth without destroying the lives of those she loves. What follows is a heart-wrenching and emotional story that kept me on the edge of my seat hoping for a happy ending for the wonderfully-portrayed characters. I truly enjoyed this compelling story of a mother’s love for her children and grandchildren and of finding family even when not related by blood. I highly recommend A MILLION LITTLE LIES! Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read any early copy.

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Bette Lee Crosby always tells a good story that usually has a moral to it. Suzanne has always had trouble with telling the truth, but this time she's not sure how to get out of it. She's a single mom with a six year old daughter, and this new situation is a good one for both of them. But it's based on a lie. How can she let down all the people she's lied too? This is the dilemma that she finds herself in, and for now, she's got to protect the two of them The longer it goes on, the more lies she has to tell, until it all threatens to fall in around her. There's a couple of bad guys in this story. And a really sweet grandma. There's even a new guy in the picture, but she can't tell him the truth, can she? Not if she wants the future he may be willing to offer. Assuming that's the future she really wants too. Once again, Ms. Crosby has us on the edge of our seats as she weaves her story first through this twist and then through that one. I gave this story four stars only because I found myself wishing this protagonist was less likely to be unduly swayed by the circumstances in her life. I would love to see her stand up for herself more and to believe in her own decisions, some of them made years ago. But this story is set in the 1950s, and women thought differently then. Overall, this is an absorbing story that will have you groaning. then cheering as you become more and more invested. Thank you to Ms. Crosby and Netgalley for the advance copy of this book.

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Bette does it agian. A million little lies will grab you from the first page. The characters will find their way into your heart. They are so well developed.. Can a little lie keep getting you deeper? You will eventually have to start telling the truth.

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#AMillionLittleLies#Her Galley
It opens with Suzanne Duff telling little lies about her life at ten years old, her MaMa had died and her Daddy was a drunk. The lies grow bigger and bigger after she is a woman with a child of her own. As she finds herself in a bad situation she leaves home with little or anything including money. She meets Ida Parker at her husband's memorial service taking her daughter there to get something to eat as there money is running out. Ida believes she is husbands long lost granddaughter. The lies continue as she tries to give her daughter the life she always wished she had as a child. Her last will catch up with her but family can always be chisen not just blood relqted.This was my first book by Bette Lee. Crosby but it will not be my last. Thank you for NetGa!!ey and Bent Line Processing for this AS copy and allowing me to read and review this book.

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Bette Lee Crosby has created another gem with this story! It is a wonderful emotional journey. A teen's life could easily change for the better or the worse when she finds out she is pregnant and abandoned by the very few people that should care about her. It is through her determination to give her child a better life that propels her to move forward. The story unfolds from that and it is definitely a story to read!

My heart was breaking so many times during this book. I also was drawn to anger and wanted to give a few people a piece of my mind. A book that brings out feelings like this in the reader proves that the author is extremely gifted in creating a world that we care about deeply.

I recommend this book very highly. I am a fan of Bette Lee Crosby and A Million Little Lies is a fantastic addition to her collection of work.

I want to thank NetGalley and Bent Pine Publishing for giving me the pleasure of reading the advance reader copy of this book. My review is my own opinion not influenced by receiving the ARC.

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Bette Lee Crosby has knocked it out of the ballpark again with A Million Little Lies. It is powerful story about trust, truth, lies, and possibly even forgiveness. It is a book about family and how family isn’t always by blood, but can also be by choice. This was a powerful book that was full of surprises that literally will have you on the edge of your seat. I literally gasped when I thought the book was coming together and the author threw yet another curve at me! But come together it did. A great five star book! I highly recommend it! #AMillionLittleLies #NetGalley

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A Million Little Lies left me wondering page after page how long could Suzanne continue this false life.
It started as such a little lie just to feed her daughter Annie. A mother doing what she can to get her daughter a better life to get her away from an abusive boyfriend
Bette Lee Crosby takes you on a journey of love and forgiveness that leaves us with joy.

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This book is about love in its different forms and how it can left you up and give you a better life.

I liked that Suzanna’s character grew stronger and developed until she stopped living a lie and started making the right decision.

It was a cosy read with many details.

I found the side story unnecessary.

I also found the love story too predictable.

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I absolutely loved "A Million Little Lies", it was a great book to take me away from real life right now! I adored the characters of Annie and Ida, and Suzanna/Darla Jean. The ending to this book was the perfect way to wrap up the story. This is the kind of story the world needs right now, a light sweet, heartwarming tale to take you away.

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have read many Bette Lee Crosby books, and I think this is my favorite. I really felt concern for Susanna Duff and was rooting for her.

Susanna has spent her life lying. Some small lies that don’t hurt anyone. She has a small daughter named Annie, and she wants a better life for them both. When they stumble into Cousins, GA, Susanna sees an opportunity to start again.

They meet Ida Parker at her husband’s memorial. Susanna is mistaken for Ida’s long lost granddaughter. It’s a nice way to get a free meal and a place to stay for the night. Then things change.

Susanna must learn how to manage a lifetime of lies. How can she go forward when she is stuck in her past?

This is such a good story! There were many times that I had to stop at the end of a chapter and take a break because I was so anxious for Susanna. It’s a lovely tribute to the family we have and the family we create.

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WOW!! What a beautiful story that pulled me in from the beginning. Suzanna has lost her mother at ten years old. Her father is an irresponsible parent with all his drinking, so she learns to lie to hide the truth growing up.
When she finds herself pregnant and kicked c med out by her father she ends up living with an older man. Who is no better than her father.
Suzanna takes her daughter Annie and leaves Florida.
A story that shows real family is not always made up of blood relatives. True love,moving forward with your life and truth. An emotional and heartwarming story.
Loved the book!!

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

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Never read any of this author's books before, but am now hooked. really enjoyed, and found myself unable to put down.

How lies grow, one little harmless lie as a child to protect herself and hide her loneliness, But as she gros they become a habit and
grow.. But as they come back to haunt her, what should she do?

A enjoyable story well written.

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Bette Lee Crosby has delivered another southern winner! My bags are packed and I’m ready to move to Cousins, GA. The descriptions in the storytelling are truly amazing. I have lived in Georgia for all of my 50+ years and she has me seeing and smelling things I’ve not seen or smelled before. This book is full of twists and turns, loss and love. Ms. Crosby takes you on a journey of emotions all in one story. This is a story of finding one’s self and the difficult decisions one must make as a single parent. The love of a mama bear for her daughter. What extremes would you go to and ensure your child has the love and shelter of a family? A Million Little Lies will make you think and ponder the answer to that question. Fall in love with Cousins, GA and those that live within this beautiful little town. Thank you to NetGalley for requested ARC. All thoughts in this review are all mine.

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I received an ARC of this absorbing story. Once again, Bette Lee Crosby has written a book that captivates from the first page. Her characters tug at your heartstrings and sweep you away with them through their dilemmas and decisions. As always, I couldn't put this book down!

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Bette Lee Crosby has done it again.
What a poignant emotional roller coaster I was on with A Million Little Lies.
I was enthralled with this from the first page all the way to the end.
I was on this edge of my seat wondering what the next turn might have for Suzanna Duff.
There were some OMG moments that I wanted to scream at the characters.....

I have loved every book that I have read and this was no exception!!!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for fair and honest review.

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I really enjoy reading this authors work. ‘Emily Gone’ made me cry but this book really will stay with me I think.
‘A Million Little Lies’ it’s just so easy to do when trying to get by. When you’re doing what you have to, not what you’d want to.

I enjoyed getting to know the characters, even love to hate Earl! Those who find themselves doing the right thing in the end too.
The character I pitied is Iris. My favourite character has to be Ida. I found her to be quite selfless.
As the story grew pace, I had to keep reading faster because I had to know what would happen. Would it be ok? Cheering Suzanna on and cringing alongside her at times.
One of the reasons I enjoy Bette Lee
Crosby’s writing is she knows how to get under your skin and tell a good story.

Suzanna has had to make some hard choices in life, has always had the best of intentions. Life as is known, doesn’t always work out the way we might have liked. Despite this Suzanna rolls up her sleeves and makes the hard choices to move on to do the best she can for her daughter. I loved A Million Little Lies and I’d recommend it to friends.

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