Member Reviews

I'm not sure about this one... While I knew it was a sampler, I'm not sure I was allowed enough time to become invested in the book/characters/writer's style. The writing is good and story (what there was of it) intriguing, though I'm not sure that I will pick it up when it comes out.

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I appreciate the preview into this book. I cannot wait until it's released.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this sample.

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This book sounds right up my alley and I cannot wait to get a finished copy. I really enjoyed the author's other books. The premise and setting all were well done. I liked the characters as well.

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I want to thank NetGalley, the publisher, and author Alexandra Bracken for proving me with a chapter sampling of the ARC Lore!

I want more! This was not enough! This is going to be such a wonderful book when it's finished up. Anything involving Greek mythology is going to instantly pull me in, and this was no different. I got some major Percy Jackson vibes which I was living for. I can't wait for this title to release in 2021; I have a feeling it will be well worth the wait!

Thank you again for the opportunity to read and review this chapter sampler ARC!

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I want to keep reading! A wonderful teaser chapter sampler. Greek gods on earth in modern times. I really don't know where this is going because it's a unique story like something I've never read before.
I can't wait until the full story is available!

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This is looking to be such a great book! I love a good twist on Greek myths and this looks like it will be quite a success. There also seems to be some satisfactory representation which is especially great to see in a Young Adult novel. I'm looking forward to diving into the complete novel!

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Although this was just a chapter sampler for Lore, by Alexandra Bracken, I'm hooked. There is NO way that I'd pass this one up when it gets published. I mean, have you SEEN the cover? Gorgeous. Not to mention that it's full of power-hungry Greek gods in a modern day setting. Um, yes, I'm here for that. I love mythology retellings!

Great start - I can't wait to dig into the whole book!

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Thank you to the publisher for providing a chapter sampler in exchange for an honest review.

LORE follows Lore Perseous, the last living member of her family, as she joins the goddess Athena on a quest to avenge her family and leave the Agon forever. These first several chapters establish Lore's character, the mythos of her people and the world she lives in, and sets up a promising, intriguing plot.

Lore is a main character I instantly loved. She is stubborn, smart, and has just the right amount of snark. The book's close-third narration allows the reader to feel intimately connected to Lore from the outset, while still allowing for a rich exposition and world establishment.

Bracken's modern New York City setting is immediately drenched in atmosphere, and the reconciliation of the modern world and Ancient Greek mythology, reminiscent of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, yet still breathtakingly unique, left me hungry for more.

Beyond this, the plot -- the Agon, the bloodlines, the quest for revenge and even the potential to end the hunt once and for all -- was just complex enough to spark intrigue, yet still kept from being overcomplicated or confusing.

These first chapters are truly masterful and have earned this book a prime spot on my list of most anticipated 2021 reads!

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I'm already in love with Lore — the character and the book. I love books that interweave Greek mythology with the present, and Alexandra Bracken presents an entirely new take on that that's as exciting to me as Percy Jackson. I love the concept of the Agon, I love the tease of her relationship with Castor, I love the resilience and grief, the weakness and strength, that Lore displays in just a few chapters. I figured I would be OBSESSED when I saw this cover, but that in no way prepared me for how good this book is.

I already can't wait for the full thing! January 2021 can't come fast enough.

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Ruthless, power hungry Greek gods in a modern setting? Oh yes! These chapters had wanting to read more.

Bloody good starts (pun intended)

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Lore is a very strong female character with a lot of anger. I didn't visualize her the way she looks on the cover (snakes??). Supporting characters look promising based on the excerpt. The world building was well done, didn't interfere with the story.

I will be watching for this one to release.

*ARC via netgalley*

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When I read the premise for Alexandra Bracken's upcoming release Lore, i knew it was going to be a winner in my book. After waiting and checking for updates for the release I was over the moon when Netgalley had a sampler of Lore.

Lore is another new take on Greek Mythology and it's Bracken's turn to interpret the gods & goddesses in her own way. From the sampler i can tell that this is going to be a potential five star read.

Do not doubt i will be preordering this book and highly recommending to all my friends who're fans of mythology and retakes on mythology. The sampler has just got me even more incredibly excited for this release. (I have my fingers crossed that i will be granted for a full ARC of this story as i don't know how i can be expected to wait until January for it's release!)

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I was approved for the chapter sampler by NetGalley.

So the beginning of the book is extremely promising. Its super interesting to see this intense and gory game of Gods play out over the very mundane setting Manhattan. I'm usually not a fan of Urban fantasy unless there's specific tropes. But Bracken's writing really pulls you in, and I want to see how this city turns into the playground for the Gods and humans who want to become them

I think the writing style in the beginning was a bit heavy, with the bit about Zeus, but once you get past that, it becomes really good.

I'm excited to follow Lore's story, and Miles is very reminiscent of another Bracken character from The Darkest Minds series...but I don't mind this at ALL.

I thought this book will read like Percy Jackson meets The Hunger Games. However, I truly think this will have an identity of its own. The characters are fresh (plenty of BIPOC characters), the plot is intriguing, and the writing is brilliant. I am excited to read the rest!

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this book is going to be so amazing!!! I cannot wait to read the entire thing! I already know this is going to be one of my favorite reads of the year, if not one of my favorites ever. Alexandra never fails to captivate me.

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*This review is based on an uncorrected sampler of the first six chapters, provided by the publisher.*

4.75/5 stars

In an alternate New York City, the gods are being hunted. Every seven years, nine of the Greek gods become mortal for seven days, hunted as punishment for reaching too far. Humans descended from ancient heroes fight to win they gods’ powers for themselves, killing when they can and protecting their own. Only three of the old gods remain, and six new gods carry the powers of those who have died. As one god rises and threatens to topple the order, one girl finds herself face-to-face with Athena. Lore is offered a bargain: get revenge for her family’s murder, if she can keep Athena alive.

Alexandra Bracken’s new standalone modern fantasy takes the Greek pantheon and skews the power dynamic. Mortals are capable of killing gods, stealing their powers, and becoming immortal. The gods must run for their lives, hoping that the Bloodlines of the great heroes of legend do not catch up to them. Amid all this, one teenage girl believes she has escaped from an underworld of bloodshed and torture.

Lore is introduced to us fighting in an illegal boxing match. Her strength and mental fortitude are immediately obvious. She is a likably-unlikeable character, with rough edges and a chip on her shoulder. It is only after a visit from a friend she thought was dead that we learn who Lore really is—the last mortal descendant of Perseus.

The concept and plot of the novel are unique and quick. Readers are able to feel the same urgency the characters feel, rocketing from one harrowing situation to another. Lore and her friend Miles have an easy banter that serves as a good foil to Athena’s dour pronouncements. The chapter sampler only gives a brief glimpse at Castor, Lore’s childhood friend and descendant of Achilles, but his enigmatic entrance is enough for me to want more.

Lore is sure to be a hit with Greek mythology enthusiasts, lovers of flawed heroines, and fans of Bracken’s other works. I personally can not wait to read the rest of the story.

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When I saw that Alexandra Bracken was releasing a new book about Greek mythology, I was thrilled! My middle school self loved Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and my high school self was obsessed with Bracken's The Darkest Minds, so how could I resist requesting this sample?
After reading the sample, I predict that this book will be at least a four-star read for me. Immediately, the reader is thrown right into the action of the story without much context. For much of the first six chapters, I was wondering what was going on beyond the events of the moment. I loved this because it kept me reading and wanting to know more. The process of developing the world-building, which was complex but not overly complicated, felt natural.
When it comes to the characters, I found myself instantly rooting for Lore. She is simultaneously tough and sympathetic. Miles already appears to be the sidekick character who gets pulled into the danger due only to his proximity to the main character. I would love to see character development where he becomes more than that and hope it happens later on in the story. I am intrigued by Athena and Castor and cannot wait to learn more about them as well.
I look forward to seeing what Bracken does with this world she has set up! I absolutely will be reading the full novel when I can.

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Oh I am EXCITED for this one. I loved Alexandra Bracken's unique worldbuilding in The Darkest Minds and I was beyond excited to see that she was writing a new book on Greek mythology, my personal favorite. It is a real shame that this ARC is only a few chapters, because I absolutely devoured it and can't see how I'm going to wait until January. I love everything and anything mythology related, and Bracken speaks my language by exploring a novel concept. The Agon is reminiscent of the OG Hunger Games--every 7 years, gods and the descendants of heroes duke it out for the prize of immortality. If the gods are killed by mortals, those mortals gain their power and become the new god of that domain. If the gods escape the hero descendants, they remain gods for the next 7 years. The series follows in present-day time after hundreds of these Agons have occurred, leaving only a few of the original gods standing after all this time. We follow the story of Lore, who has turned her back on her destiny as a hunter of the gods to live a somewhat normal life, living in New York with her gay goth best friend. Though she tries her best to distance herself from the Agon, her childhood friend, a descendant of Achilles, finds her and alludes to the new god of war looking for her. Soon thereafter, she finds that Athena, one of the original gods that has not been killed by hunters, has been wounded and sought out Lore to bind their lives together. In exchange for keeping Athena safe, Athena promises Lore that she will find and kill the new god of war for her, the same god who brutally killed her family years ago. The sampler drops off leaving you wanting a lot more, and I cannot wait to devour this book. It's fast-paced, a brand-new concept, and will leave people on the edge of their seats as gods and mortals battle for power and immortality.

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I love mythology retellings and this is a great start! Alexandra Bracken does a fantastic job at immersing you in the world and events without drowning you in unnecessary details. The sampler left me wanting more and I can't wait to read the full book!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the sampler in exchange for my honest review.

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As usual, Bracken does an excellent job immediately introducing readers to the world the book is set in without adding too much exposition. The beginning action is good and offers a good look into who Lore is while still leaving plenty of room/mystery to explore. We're introduced to four characters, really, though the ones that get the most introduction are Lore (obviously) and her best friend Miles, whom I already adore. The other characters intro'd in these first 6 chapters are Athena and Castor, who was Lore's childhood best friend she thought was dead (and I already have suspicions as to why). While I question some of Lore's decision making, I'm willing to put aside any possibly stupidity for two reasons 1) it's a book and people in books by nature act differently than real people, 2) I might also make similarly stupid decisions if it meant avenging my family's murderer(s).

The only part of the sampler I didn't like was the prologue, which was told from a different POV and was kind of confusing. The prologue sets up some of the main villains, I believe, and has a very different feel from the rest of the sampler. It's a relatively short chapter, though, so it didn't impact my overall experience while reading.

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I love Greek myth and have recently been on a Greek myth trip via books
This yet an other great re-telling of the medusa tale

Can't wait for more

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