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Tools of Engagement

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First, we had Georgie and Travis in "Fix Her Up."
Then, we had Rosie and Dom in "Love Her or Lose Her."
And now, we finally get Bethany and Wes's story in "Tools of Engagement."

In a steamy filled plotline that'd give even HGTV a ratings boost, Bethany Castle sets out to prove to her family that she is more than the perfect, extremely well-organized, styled-to-perfection interior decorator of the family they all think she is. That she can flip a house just as well as her brother.

Wes Daniels is new in town. After leaving Texas and arriving in Port Jefferson to take care of his niece for a short time, Wes snagged a temporary construction job with the Castle family. Insults flew the first moment he laid eyes on Bethany, but he's not planning to stay long enough to make it anything more than a game.

When Bethany arrives on the latest Castle family construction site to announce her plans, only one of their current crew is willing to bet that she has what it takes to flip a house on her own -- a certain Texas cowboy. Word about the Castle v Castle Upping spreads and a local TV producer quickly turns it into a reality TV competition.

As the cameras roll and competition heats up, it's all Bethany can do to remind herself she's not going to fall for a guy like Wes.
Bethany and Wes have this obvious attraction that oozes off the page. And Tessa Baliey NAILS it with the banter between the two. If I had to rank the Hot & Hammered series, "Tools of Engagement" would be #2. Bethany and Wes's story played out better than I ever imagined it would while reading the other two entries in the series. With such a sweet, HEA ending. "Tools of Engagement" is a STRONG 4 out of 5 stars just like the rest of the series. Read it. Love it. Worship it. You won't regret adding this read to your TBR.

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I loved the novel! I loved the continuation of the characters from the other books in the series! I always appreciate when characters have internal struggles instead of them fighting. Bethany’s struggles with perfection fit perfectly with the character we knew from the previous novels, the author did a wonderful job of giving the reader an inside perspective of her adversity. The reader was also informed of Wes’s misfortunes, like growing in foster care and his trust issues. There were a only a couple things that I thought didn’t fit; I didn’t think their age difference made sense, especially because Wes seemed more mature even with his foster care background and maybe I missed this, but what happened with Becky selling the house? Over all, cute read, I read it in one day it was so intriguing, and if you liked the other books in this series, you’ll love this novel!

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This is the one I've been waiting for ever since I picked up the first book in this series!!! The tension! The younger (hot AND responsible) guy! The hate sex! Seriously, this is one fun read. I remember long, long ago thinking that Bethany was just a tiny bit of a stuck up perfectionist. But this book explains it all, and so much more. I adore the quirkiness of the Castle family dynamic (and that darn Stephen!). I really hope there will be more in this series!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Tessa Bailey's dirty talking alpha heroes are THE best. Wes was absolutely delicious. Bethany was so uptight and getting to see him unravel her was great. As was seeing her wrap him up. Their mutual love and caring for Laura was heart warming and a wonderful was to bring them onto the same page. I have yet to have Tessa Bailey disappoint me!

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**Disclaimer: I was given a free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley. Please also note, this is an adult title (not YA).**

Initial Thoughts

I actually didn’t realize this was the third book in a series when I applied on NetGalley but I decided to read it anyway. I like home improvement shows and I had heard really good things about Tessa Bailey’s writing.

Some Things I Liked

Enemies to lovers. My favorite trope. It wasn’t quite the classic version because Wes never actually disliked Bethany but I really enjoyed their banter and how much Bethany told herself she disliked Wes.
HGTV vibes. I also liked the idea of a home improvement show competition. It gave the story a unique spin. The idea was well thought out but not so detailed that I bogged myself down with whether or not it was realistic.
Bethany’s sister-in-law. She was an absolute loon and I really liked her. I’d read a spin off about her just because she was so eccentric.
Deeper themes. Despite being a rom-com, this story tackled some serious themes of parenthood, responsibility, and living up to family standards. Both Bethany and Wes had issues to sort and I thought they both showed a ton of character growth.
Series Value

I read book #3 in this series first. There are definitely spoilers for the first two books in this one but since this is a HEA series, you can assume the outcomes of the first two books anyway. I definitely want to read the other two books and I am not bothered by knowing some spoilers. For full spoiler-free reading, I’d suggest starting with Fix Her Up.

I would continue reading this series but I don’t think there will be more books simply because all of the main characters we have been introduced to are living their happily ever afters.

Final Thoughts

I liked this book. It had a cute premise and the characters had good growth. I also liked that it was set close to home in Long Island, NY. This was my first Tessa Bailey book but I’d like to read more in the future.


Recommendations for Further Reading

Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras – if you liked the themes of a character who felt like she was not living up to her family’s expectations but managed to build a business for herself, try this April release by Priscilla Oliveras.
Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey – if you liked the themes in this book and like me, read them out of order, you’ll probably enjoy reading Georgie’s love story.
The Honey Don’t List by Christina Lauren – if you liked the home improvement and design show aspects of this book, try this standalone by Christina Lauren.

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In her third installment to her Hot and Hammered series, Tessa Bailey reintroduces longtime fans of H&H to the perfectly put together, sass queen herself: Bethany Castle and her younger, southern, care-taking love: Wes Daniels.
Bethany really needed love in her life, a person to help lighten her load, as she is a very independent women who could use a bit of nurturing in her life. Wes Daniels was that and more for her.
The first quarter of the book I was enjoying the banter between these two characters as they got to know each other in a passionate and real way. Then POW, so many crazy things happened at once and I was knocked out of the Love Canoe and transported to Over The Top Town.
Not only is Bethany striking out on her own business-wise with her new home renovation company, but randomly she is also scouted (from her sister’s wedding) to star in her own reality television show about her brand new home renovation company (all this happening at the same time that Wes is care-taking his young niece while his foster sibling is currently out of the picture, oh and he has also recently retired from bull riding too). So even though I was enjoying the build in Bethany and Wes’s relationship, too many unrealistic things happening in one book was too much to swallow. And let me further acknowledge that I do sometimes enjoy some unreality in my fiction, however it gets to be too overwhelming when there are too many fabrications in one book. If perhaps Bethany’s new company wasn’t put on a reality show, I would have enjoyed the book a lot more. I stopped reading after the shenanigans from the reality show took over.

I received an ARC from the author and publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I think the books really fulfills what it sets out to be, a contemporary romance. My issue with the book is that Wes's dialogue in the sexual scenes feels a bit clunky. I felt this way about Travis in the first book as well. Of course, this might be my own personal preference and not a reflection on Bailey's writing. I do like the creativity in these scenes. The storyline is interesting, but at times the balance can seem a bit off between the romance and the actual plot where I found that I had to remind myself that there was more than just romance happening. Despite that, I will more than likely read any additional books that come out in the series. The book was fun to read, the light-hearted banter was entertaining, and I enjoyed the pacing.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review this title.

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Bethany has always been a perfectionist. She has spent her adult career staging houses for Brick and Morty her families house flipping business but she want's more. She wants to do a flip on her own, smash a sledge hammer into the wall and start from scratch not just come in last minute. When Bethany confronts her brother about the flip she plans on doing on her own the dashing Wes decides to help her. Much to Bethany's disappointment.

Wes on the other hand has been raising his niece Laura in her mother's absence. He has always had an attraction Bethany and attraction that often ends in a lot of fighting. But his place in Port Jeff is questioned as he starts to grow closer to Laura and Bethany. His life of no strings attached and bull riding is starting to pale in comparison to the life he could have in Port Jeff with his niece and maybe even Bethany.

The best Tessa Bailey story I have read so far. This one seemed the most believable and the most romantic story-line in my opinion. My only issue is the slight inaccuracy's in the geography. Typically I know author's will fictionalize real places but at a point in the book one of the main characters Wes goes to neighboring Brookhaven. Any glance at a map or knowledge of the area not only shows that Brookhaven is a township that Port Jeff (still bothered it's always called Port Jefferson which no locals would ever call it) resides in and the tiny hamlet of Brookhaven is nowhere near Port Jeff. If your going to use real places I feel like you should at least be accurate to the area. Someone who finds themselves on Long Island might be inspired to go to Port Jeff and be confused by the fact that it isn't at all how it's described and further more that they can't just hop over to Brookhaven. (It's silly I know but I grew up on Long Island and the draw of these books was that they took place near my home town)

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Tessa Bailey does it again! I am amazed every time that I read her books just how amazing her writing is. I loved Fix Her Up and Love Her or Lose Her and Tools of Engagement did not disappoint. Bethany was exactly what I needed after a period of perfect heroines. She was so relatable in today’s world where it’s almost a given that you have to do everything just right to be considered normal. And Wes was her balance that made them both so perfect for each other. I definitely recommend this book along with the rest of the series!

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Tessa's 3rd book in the Hot and Hammered series is again, an adorable romp. Amusing, clever and so much fun to read. May this family find more eligible members for her to write about please!

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I’ve been waiting for Wes and Bethany’s story for what feels like forever and it was everything I could hope for with more heart and heat than I ever expected!

Bethany was a heroine that I could totally relate to. She’s a perfectionist with everything in her life and as a result that has caused her stress and unhappiness. Watching her come to the realization that it’s okay to let some things go was an inspiration to me as I too often worry over the small things.

Wes was the type of hero that I adore. He’s a dirty talker with a heart of gold who is slightly broken on the inside and yet he was more than willing to work through his issues as well as those he shared with Bethany. If only we could all be so lucky to have a Wes in our lives.

This is an older woman/younger man trope with 7 years difference. While their ages posed a bit of conflict, it didn’t take them long to overcome it as they lit up the pages with a chemistry that was so hot I’m sure I’ve not read another book to compare in that department. The true issues arise in the form of what each character carries inside and I loved the way they both failed and then succeeded in making it work between them.

This is a fast read that included characters from the previous books of which I giggled and grinned at their antics. This whole group is one that once you meet, you’ll feel as though you’re a part of them...and you’ll miss them when they’re gone.

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*review copy provided by Netgalley, but all opinions are mine

Tools of Engagement is the third book in the Hot & Hammered series, and - in my opinion - it's the weakest of the three (which is saying a lot, because I couldn't past the fact that Georgie from Fix Her Up is a literal clown). Bethany is a perfectionist who refuses to show her flaws to anyone; Wes is a younger man, fresh from Texas with a cowboy hat and a reluctance to form meaningful connections to the people around him, even though he has temporarily taken over guardianship for his niece. As Bethany and Wes work together to flip a house in time to win a competition show, Bethany learns that she needs to trust Wes to love her despite her flaws.

I feel like the characters in this book are pretty shallow in terms of development: they all seem to be recycled from Tessa Bailey's previous books, except that Wes has a cowboy hat instead of factory worker overalls. None of the characters get any real depth over the course of the book.

This is also notably less steamy than other Tessa Bailey books. Her sex scenes make up for the trope-y writing for me, but this book doesn't get steamy till after the halfway point - which is not enough to distract me from the one-dimensional characters.

Also, Bethany refers to a retired man as "Bum Leg" because he has a limp. That's really not okay, at all. A person's disability can't be their defining characteristic, especially since we don't learn anything about him except his name and that his wife wants him to eat healthier. It wasn't funny, or clever, and it seems like something that should've been edited out.

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When I was approved for the kindle ARC of this title, I was wicked excited! I had already read the first two books of the Hot & Hammered series and was highly anticipating this release. Similar to Fix Her Up and Love Her or Lose Her there are some racy love scenes. While I would categorize this one as erotic literature, there is much more to this story than sex. The love story between Bethany and Wes is both engaging and realistic. Bailey, the author, does a fantastic job with creating her characters and Tools of Engagement truly is the perfect way to close out this series. It is always refreshing to read a "fun" title and I highly recommend this book to other adults looking for a sexy and provocative read.
(PUB DATE: 9/22/2020)
(I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed above are my own.)

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I had a hard time putting this book down. The hilarious banter between Bethany and Wes is what really made this book a hit for me. It was the perfect mix of romance, steamy chemistry, and the characters being stupid and not communicating.

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Tessa Bailey writes STEAMY novels. I really liked both of this characters, I felt like they were written authentically. Bethany is very honest and relatable to those who also like perfection. The banter between characters is fun.
This is a great romance novel. It's sweet, it's emotional, it's very steamy. I feel like it has real substance and character development.

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Another hit by Tessa Bailey.

This book gave off a HGTV vibe: Beth was a little like Joanna Gaines while Wes was a rowdy Chip who had yet calmed and settled down. Their chemistry is through the roof and sledgehammers flying couldn’t stop it.

Wes’ situation brings a full circle, instant family feel mixed with complete chaos while Beth can’t have a single thing out of order. They perfectly balance each other. I laughed so hard in some spots, I physically hurt.

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Bethany Castle is ready to make some big changes in her life. Working for her family’s real estate business as a designer, she wants to branch off and do the heavy lifting in her own home renovation flip. She finds unlikely help from Wes Daniels, a friend of her brother and someone who pushes all her buttons. This book is all about taking risks and opening up to the possibilities that life throws at you.

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Tools of Engagement by Tessa Bailey is the third book in the Hot & Hammered series and it was an enemies to lovers romance with an age gap (older woman/younger man). It was full of witty banter and steamy chemistry between Wes and Bethany. Wes was cocky, but also very patient and caring. Bethany tended to over analyze things and hid insecurities. When they begin working together, they tended to take shots at each other more often than not, but there was something else there as well. I truly enjoyed reading this one. It was funny, light and charming.

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A great end to the trilogy! I actually think this might have been my favorite of the three. It was fun to see the Just Us League come full circle, with all of its members, including its founder, fully accept themselves for the women they are.

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I was so excited to get this book from Net galley. I have really enjoyed Tessa Bailey's other books, Fix Her Up and Love Her Or Lose Her. This one did NOT disappoint.

I didn't think I was a fan of the younger guy older woman trope. Tessa Bailey makes this such a fun ride.

I hope this isn't the last book in this series because I love it.

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