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The Accusation

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I was given a copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I read this book in one day. I really enjoyed it! It reminded me of a Lifetime movie in all the best ways. I am taking away a star because I hate the literary device of the narrator having a Big Secret but doesn't share it with the reader but other than that, I really liked this book. It wasn't too long, the ending tied up nicely, I didn't cringe at the heroine's choices or inner monologue, the Big Secret works (although it could've been revealed sooner and it wouldn't hurt anything)- this is a great novel for a beach read or a lazy hammock day.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Good storyline, good characters and basically an enjoyable read.

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I think readers would enjoy this book because the idea/plot is so unique. What if you witnessed something terrible happen to someone, and rushed to help the injured person - only for her to accuse you of being the attacker? That idea is a whole new approach to the “what if” and “who did it” type of books. It was a very intriguing book that kept me guessing “who” and “why” from beginning to end. I think other readers would enjoy it as well because the author did a superb job of weaving details in and out of their story at just the right times. As soon as you think you’ve gotten it all figured out, a new piece of information will come up that you most likely wouldn’t have considered.
Plot: Jenna is out at night with her friends to celebrate a birthday. It was a calm, laughable, and fun evening. Jenna left the party earlier than her friends, so she left alone. On her walk home, she sees someone stab a woman and she rushes over to help her. At least, that’s what Jenna claims happened. By the time the paramedics got there and took over, Jenna was covered in the woman’s blood because she tried to stop her from bleeding to death. From that moment on, her life will never be the same. Prior to that night, her family life had been far from perfect. She was suspicious about her husband and the possibility that he was having an affair. He was suspicious of her for his own reasons - some secrets will come out whether you want them to or not, so he was questioning the secrets his wife was keeping too. The oldest daughter, at 17, was being rebellious, secretive, and proving to be untrustworthy by hiding and denying a relationship with a man significantly older than her. Everyone involved had a secret, so at what length would they go to cover it up? Was it a coincidence that the woman accused Jenna of the attack? If not, who framed Jenna by further making it look like she was involved? Jenna’s marriage was already strained as it was, so did she attack Charlotte, the victim, because she thought her husband was cheating with her? Her teenage daughter was unruly and was seeing a man much older than her, so did she find out that he was seeing Charlotte and go after her? Was Jenna’s husband having an affair with Charlotte, and then attacked her because she was threatening to tell Jenna? Did the attack victim Charlotte have Jenna confused with someone else? There are so many “what ifs” and “whys” in this book that those are only a few of the obvious possible scenarios. The truths are much deeper and bigger though, with a shocking ending that will blow you away! The more secrets you try to hide, the bigger the fallout is when they are exposed...and the characters definitely all had a lot of secrets they tried to keep buried.
Thank you Bookouture, Victoria Jenkins, and Netgalley for allowing me the opportunity to preview this book! My review is voluntary, and is my honest opinion. I definitely recommend it and will be looking into others by Victoria Jenkins as well.

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“No good deed goes unpunished.” That is certainly the case in this story of Jenna, who comes to the rescue of a women being stabbed, only to turn around and accuse her of assault while in hospital. This was a fast read, with many unexpected plot twists added. I did not care for Jenna; she turned out to have a few secrets of her own. Nearly everyone had a secret or two, and you begin to wonder just who can be believed. When so many hold deep secrets, trouble is certain to turn up. It was twisty enough to be satisfying, with a surprise ending.
Thanks to Ms. Jenkins, Bookouture and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The Accusation by Victoria Jenkins

They say she’s guilty. She says she’s not. Who do you believe ?
‘Help me, help me please’ When Jenna hears the cry in the park one night, she feels she has no choice but to run and help. But the nightmare begins when the victim wakes up, Jenna’s relief turns to horror when the finger is pointed at her. There must be some mistake, she’s never seen the woman before in her life.

Wow, what a fantastic read! I was hooked right from the start. I enjoyed the writing style, the characters were easy to visualise and it really kept me guessing all the way through. It wasn’t predictable at all and I didn’t see the twist coming. It was fast paced and twisty and I wanted to keep reading to find out Jenna’s secrets.

Really enjoyed this read, would like to read more from this author in the future.

4 stars !

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Thank you Bookouture and Net Galley for an early copy of The Accusation. I really liked this book, I liked the plot, there were many twists and turns. When it finally came all together it was a good story. Though I’m not too sure how I feel about the main character. Without giving anything away I don’t know if I would’ve done what she did.

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Well this is full of twists from start to finish! After an evening out celebrating a friends birthday Jenna finds herself going to the aid of a woman who has been stabbed, after visiting her at the hospital the following day the woman gets hysterical and suddenly Jenna finds herself accused of the attack. Jenna does not know the woman and cannot understand what is happening, when the situation escalates she finds herself risking losing everything. This is very easy to read, pacy and really focuses on the main characters without distraction. It’s easy to keep track of the storyline yet it still grips you and leaves you wondering what is really going in and why.

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The Accusation by Victoria Jenkins is a fantastic book with secrets that threaten to be exposed. This book kept me hooked from the start and continued with twists to the end. Would you help someone screaming for help in the dark night if you knew that person may turn against you the next day? But is the heroine innocent or guilty? Great thriller read.

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The Accusation by Victoria Jenkins is a seriously twisted novel. Jenna is walking home late one evening after being out with friends when she hears a female cry "help me!" She races back into the park where she finds a woman who has been stabbed. Jenna thinks she saw a man flee, she stays with the woman until the ambulance arrives. Her help has her believing that she saved this woman's life.

Until the woman wakes up. She tells the police that it was Jenna who assaulted her. Jenna has no idea why this woman would lie to the police. Is she confused? Is she scared of her attacker? The police start to believe the lies and look closer at Jenna. When evidence is found showing Jenna's guilt, how will she clear her name? And why does this woman want to hurt her?

Jenna has to find a way to clear her name. To do that she needs to know more about this mysterious woman and how their past's are intertwined. This book was so good. It will keep a reader guessing, who is the attacker, who is the accuser and why does is she out to get Jenna? I highly recommend this book!

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I'm a big fan of Victoria Jenkins and always excited to read her latest. The Accusation was fast paced and a quick read. The middle does slow down just a bit, but does pick up again quickly. While I enjoyed this book, the plot does go really off the rails and gets a little too crazy. That being said, I did enjoy it and would recommend for a quick read.
Thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Jenna Morgan has gone out for the night with a few of her girlfriends. Taking a shortcut home through the park she sees the outline of a man running away and a woman, it turns out to be a women lying covered in blood. Stabbed.
The Accusation by Victoria Jenkins is a fast paced, twisty read that you will read very quickly.
After Jenna's helping hand at saving the women, the next day the victim wakes up and accuses Jenna of the attack. Talk about doing a good deed for someone.
What follows next is Jenna's journey to prove herself innocent but a few secrets are uncovered about the past and things begin to unfold in every direction.
I was kept guessing all the way through and I didn't guess any of the revealed secrets.
I read this book in a couple of sitting - I raced through it - I wanted to know the truth and see if Jenna was guilty. Narrated by Jenna I found myself asking what I would do put in her shoes. Jenna did have her share of secrets which thickened the plot but as a reader I still wanted her to be ok.
As fast as I raced through this book I did feel that there were a few peaks and a little bit of a lull in the middle and then a peak again towards the end.
Jenkins is certainly a creative writer who I will choose again.
Thank you in advance to Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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Started out well but then got crazier and crazier. Too many holes in plot. Can't really recommend.

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After a night out Jenna stumbles across a woman who has been stabbed, after calling for an ambulance and the police she is pleased she helped save a woman's life. Shock sets in the next day when she is accused of the stabbing

Told in the past and present by Jenna this is one of the novels that is finished before you realise as you race through the pages to learn why this happened

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The only way I can overly describe this one is as a quick read with really good sections and the rest is ok.

The characters were well written and you really feel like you know them and their history which is always a massive bonus and makes you more invested in the story, just be warned they aren't overly likeable, especially her arse of a husband Damien.

It's a bit of a slow burner to start with but then hits a peak and gets really interesting before slowing mid section and hitting another peak with it's big twist at the end.. definitely felt like I was on a rollercoaster at times.

The story is told from the POV of Jenna in the past and present. Alot of what Jenna does/her actions towards the beginning if the book won't make much sense until you immerse yourself deeper into the book.

A promising premise but it didn't sit with me after.


Thanks to netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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This book certainly spiraled from the opening scenes when the main character witnesses an attack when she is walking home and calls the ambulance. The way the book was written and the plot is certainly one of those where you want to keep reading to find out what has happened. However, as it went on I did think some of the twists were easy to spot..

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Wow. This book had so many twists and turn. I had to keep reading just because I had to no what happened. Absolutely great book. This author is now on my must look out for list

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this author is just brilliant always does a twisty read Jenna is walking home from a night out . and see s a girl been attacked to goes to help her .then Jenna is arrested for the attack. Jenna will do everything to protect her family will say no more but how it unfolds is brilliant a must read

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A really quick read. Fairly fast paced although it did slow in the middle. I liked the characters and understood their history. I enjoyed it and would read more by this author.

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Wow, wow, wow another roller coaster of a book by Victoria Jenkins. I’ve read several of her books and I just can’t get enough. I never knew what was going to happen next. It was like opening Christmas presents but early. I can’t wait for her next one.

This book was about a mother who so desperately wanted to keep her secret in the past. But as we all know the past always comes back to haunt us. She knew she couldn’t hold on to the secret anymore as someone was so intent to letting it out. Now all she needs to do is to decide what she’s going to do about it.

I want to start off by saying how much I love this author and all her books. Each book I read keeps getting better and better. Victoria Jenkins is the Queen of twists. I never see them coming. I guess and guess but I’m never right on how it’s going to end. I just love that about her books. This whole book worked so well for me. The characters were just right and came so far from the beginning to the end of the book. The plot worked and had a very captivating storyline. I was never bored. The best part of the book though was the shocking ending. Endings to me are always my favorite as that is where the biggest twists lie. This book was no different. I couldn’t believe how it all ended. I’m so glad I decided to read this this book and had no regrets doing so. Definitely was not a waste of my time.

Between the plot, characters and all the twists in this book it made it an easy and fast read. I would definitely recommend it and happily give it 5 Hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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3-4 stars

Jenna Morgan enjoys a night out with girlfriends and decides to take a shortcut home through a park. She hears a cry for help and finds a woman has been stabbed and so calls the emergency services and tries to help her as best she can. Her Good Samaritan gesture is hurled back at her as the following day the victim, Charlotte Copeland accuses Jenna of the attack. Why does she do this? Not only is this a nightmare in itself but it causes all of Jenna’s life over the last two decades to unravel. The story is told by Jenna in the past and present day.

This is a quick and easy read which is a bit of a slow burner to start with. However, the pace picks up and the story gets more intriguing and twisty. A lot of Jenna’s actions do not make sense until you get further into the book. The characters are not especially likeable and I particularly dislike Jenna’s husband Damien and his judgemental mother - you know the kind of woman I mean as she seems to permanently suck a lemon. There are some good, mysterious elements in the book, it’s clear that Jenna is hiding things, she isn’t upfront about what is happening either but Damien is acting suspiciously and this is puzzling. The conclusion is surprising, it’s not predictable but it’s maybe a bit convoluted.

Overall, this is an entertaining read with some good sections and I like the ‘what if’ premise.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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