Member Reviews

*The Deadly Education* by Naomi Novik offers a unique twist on the fantasy genre, combining magic, danger, and an intriguing school setting. The premise of a magical school where students must survive the perils of their education is fascinating, and Novik does a great job of creating a dark, atmospheric world that keeps the reader engaged. The protagonist, El, is a strong and complex character, and her struggles with her power and the dangerous environment around her are compelling.

However, while the world-building is rich and the stakes are high, the pacing of the story feels uneven at times. Some sections drag on with heavy exposition, and the plot doesn't always flow smoothly. The novel can also be a bit repetitive, and I found myself wanting more emotional depth and connection to the characters. The darker tone and the protagonist's cynical perspective sometimes made it harder to fully invest in the narrative.

Overall, *A Deadly Education* is an intriguing and imaginative read, but it lacks the emotional resonance or smooth pacing to make it truly memorable. It’s a solid start to a series, but the next book might benefit from deeper character development and a faster pace. Fans of dark, magical worlds will likely enjoy it, though it may not appeal to those looking for a more traditional or uplifting fantasy.

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3.5 - This took me a bit to get into because of the writing, but I did end up enjoying it. It definitely felt different than the typical fantasy I read, because there was A LOT of information and not as much plot. This felt very much like a darker version of Hogwarts and really more of a character study.

A Deadly Education is set at Scholomance, a magical school where failure means certain death. The main character Eli shows up and starts uncovering the school's darkest secrets. Eli has a dark power that makes her one of the most powerful students to ever exist, but her power can also kill all the other students. There were monsters all over the school, looking for students to eat. There was a lot of mystery that Eli had to uncover as she digs through the schools secrets. The school definitely gave horror, but a lot darker, if there were more monsters roaming free and a lot more horror elements.

The parts I liked were the discussion of inequality, struggling to fit in, and being mixed ethnicity. I came to really enjoy Eli's character. I thought the information dumps were a lot at times and think the book would have really benefitted from less telling and information and more moving the plot along. Eli had a really tragic story and was just really tragic to me as a character and I did come to love her as the story progressed.

Thanks to Del Rey for the free book!!

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The greatest magical school? You'll think of Hogwarts, meanwhile I *hair whipping* know it's Scholomance.

All in all a great book, especially in its worldbuilding (magic system, social commentary, order of balance) and its moral (don't stop at the appearences, look behind them; humans are just that - human; kindness is not a matter of a person's character, but a choice that must be made moment by moment...).

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Recommend this one for all fantasy lovers. The characters were interesting and well written, the story was engaging and I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading it.

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Magic, a school, and monsters! Yes please!
I was sort of confused at first, but once I understood what was happening, I was all in! I can't wait to pick up books 2 and 3 in this series.

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I liked the book. I like the MC, El. I think, even though she kept on being saved by Orion, she is still bad ass. She was a cynic and plain unlikeable (supposedly) but I feel that what made her endearing. El is powerful but what kind of power does she yields. I would love to read more about it in book 2. The world building and the magic were confusing at first but generally did well afterwards. I liked this, would have been fantastic if it was easier to understand though.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC of the book in exchange of my honest review.

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I absolutely loved every minute! I loved how immersive this world was - evil mals who love to kill the students of Scholomance at every chance and crucial alliances that could save lives dominate the story.

Sometimes unlikable heroines go wrong in that they go too hard for no reason. El is “unlikable” for very real reasons and it’s built into her personality. It all made sense and of course made her ultimately someone you root so hard for.

I couldn’t get enough!! Highly recommended. A must read of the year.

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Welcome to the Scholomance, a school for magical children in a world where magic attracts … monsters. This book is my favorite (fiction) book published in 2020. And its sequel was my favorite published in 2021. And the third book? Yup. Favorite of 2022.

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Oh, I really enjoyed this. To the point that when there was a power cut and my Kindle was running out of battery, I wasn't stressed about how to cook the partially cooked chicken but whether I'd have enough battery to last. Priorities. And a reminder to charge my Kindle more often. Because stress. That said, the power came back on and I got to continue reading whilst the chicken was cooking and all was well with the world.

This is an innately dark and hostile book. The characters are hostile. The setting is hostile. Hell, the setting is hostile in so many ways it's beyond hostile. This is a school for magical youngsters, but without adults, in a school that positively wants to see you suffer and with maleficent demon creatures there to kill and maim the students even as your contemporary peers work out how to screw you over. Even the food they eat is often trying to eat them back. Showering without backup is a suicide mission and nobody is going to the school stores alone for very, very good reasons.

El is perhaps uniquely primed to rise above this. She's got an innate talent for dark and destructive magic. So much so that if she asks the school for a cleaning spell, she's more likely to get a spell for cleaning someone out of all their blood. In Old English of course, because the school is helpful like that. The problem is, El is determined not to go evil. She takes pains not to even straddle the line slightly. That doesn't stop her from being snarky and excellent at making enemies. It just makes her life significantly harder in every other way, along with her attitude perhaps.

I get some of the complaints with the novel. It is perhaps too slow. It takes a meandering route and covers a week, slightly more, in it's entire length. There are info dumps where the world is explained to you in great detail and usually with great snark. There's minimal action for much of the novel until it explodes periodically. So, I get it. The thing is, I genuinely didn't care. I was enjoying the book far too much for any of those things to be a problem. It's like a really, really dark Harry Potter and instead of having incompetent adults for the sake of the narrative, the author just does away with them entirely.

I enjoyed the world, and found the info dumps entertaining - which is miraculous in and of itself. I found the characterisations well done, particularly the lead MC but also the side characters. I appreciated how many of the characters were caricatured to begin with, yet built on as El gets to know them better and understand their personalities and motivations. I liked the tone of the novel; full of snark and bite as El rails against the position her power and her personality puts her in. I was absolutely enthralled from beginning to end and I absolutely need to know what happens next.

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Such a great start to the series. The tension between the characters was enthralling and I loved the FMC. The story in this book was slower but the way she set up the world and the magic was perfection. I also liked the darker academia undertones.

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I’d been recommended this series a few times and was told to “think Hogwarts but the school is trying to kill you”. I think that is the perfect description of this book!

A Deadly Education is set at a magical school, Scholomance, a place for the magically gifted to develop their craft. However, there are no teachers or administrators there; it is run purely by the school’s magic. Each year on graduation, the finals look a little different for the students. Instead of taking exams, they have to battle monsters and try to make it out alive. But even before graduation day, those monsters are trying to pick off the students. It is every person for themselves in a school intent on killing it’s students.

This story follows El, an extremely powerful student, but whose specific style of magic is difficult to control. She is a loner who has a dark prophecy haunting her. She is snarky, prickly, and so much fun to read about. Her dark power makers her formidable, but she rarely uses it as it is so strong and could hurt the other students if she can’t get a handle on it. The book begins with her being saved, again, by the school’s golden boy, Orion Lake. He is part of one of the strongest enclaves (think wizarding societies where all the strong and popular people live and work together) but for some reason he wants to hang out with El. What follows is a thrilling tale of magic and survival, with an oh so thrilling cliff hanger!

I really enjoyed the start to this series. I will admit, there is a lot of world building that happens, so you really need to pay attention. It can be a bit infodumpy at times, but is needed for how complex the magic and political system seems to be. There is also a big theme of classism with the enclaves vs non-enclavers and how they are treated within the school and society. Those in the enclaves are much more likely to make it to and past graduation, and I think Novik does a great job in addressing the privileges and complexities of this within the book.

I love the FMC. She is so edgy and witty, and entirely used to doing things on her own and having to fend for herself. She won’t suck up to the enclavers and calls them out on their superiority. Orion is such a golden retriever MMC as well, just trying to be nice to everyone and wanting to save them all. He reminds me a bit of Hercules with Meg in the Disney movie. They have a very entertaining dynamic and while there is a very minor romance subplot, it makes for a fun potential coupling.

Overall a great start to this series and I’m excited to read more!

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I LOVED this book!

I was already halfway sold but the mentions of a sassy heroine, magic school, and Novik's famous world-building but I wasn't prepared for just how good it would be.

Our main character El is a straight-talking anti-people, strict mana wizard (I can relate to this on many levels) who attends the Sholomance. A teacher-less wizard school where everything once to kill you. Including but not limited to Mals (dark creatures), other students, and at one point even the morning's scrambled eggs. Oh and of course the school itself which slowly spirals you and your fellow classmates down to a graduation hall where near-certain death waits.

Or love interest Orion is an actual badass, not our usual YA hero where we here about how great he is but he just spends most of the time lounging, hardly a chapter goes by without Orion saving someone (or being a show-off as El would put it). There's also a loveable cast of side characters to really get to love.

That ending though!

I can't wait for the next book.

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This is not exactly my cup of tea but I enjoyed the world building a lot. I am personally over magic schools but this is a fresh new twist. I know this already has a huge fanbase.

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This book was great!!

I love Naomi Novik's writing style and even in this one, it did not disappoint.
The plot was suspenseful and entertaining. The story kept me on the edge of my seat. It has a fast pace to it and develops pretty fast. Sometimes there is a little info dumping. But overall I enjoyed it.

However, I am not that hooked on it that I will continue the series. I had fun, but it just did not get a grip on me.

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Thank you to Random House for letting me read A DEADLY EDUCATION.

I didn't really love this one. The setting was what excited me, but the story just didn't meet up to my expectations. I won't be picking up the rest of this series, but I know loads of people who loved it.

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I found it quite challenging to stay engaged with this book. I kept reading in the hope that it would improve, but unfortunately, it didn't. The concept was intriguing—combining a magical school with dark academia seemed like a great idea for a setting—but the execution fell short. The plot was flat, with far too many info dumps, and the characters didn't really captivate me, especially the main character, who I found quite irritating. The story relied too much on inner monologue, with very little dialogue between characters, making the romance between Galadriel and Orion feel awkward, forced, and lacking in development. Moreover, the narrative relied heavily on telling instead of showing, which made it feel quite boring. This book had potential, so I might consider continuing the series to see if it improves.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for providing me with e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A Deadly Education is set in a nightmarish magic school infested with monsters. It was well done. I loved the main character's initial cynical attitude, and the "teen angst". I enjoyed the action scenes and felt it helped with the plot.

It was a great start of the series and can’t wait to continue.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I actively disliked this when I first started reading it, but I stuck with it and I'm glad I did. The characters grow on you, and once you understand how the school, magic, and universe work, it pulls you in and you have to know what happens next.

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i was almost immediately hooked once i figured out the magic system. El is a fascinating character study of a should be villain and this is one of the most ruthless magical school i’ve ever read, and i LOVE magical schools. so excited to continue the series !

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This book had an interesting concept but was poorly executed. It was very repetitive and consisted of them just almost dying by monsters (mals), and killing them with spells. The romance was strange. And the El was soo aggressive for a person who wanted friends / an alliance so badly. It was hard to watch how she interacted with people. Something good about this book were the details. Everything was described so well that it was like a movie in my head. For example: the building was described and at the end of the book it shows a photo of what it looks like and it was very similar to how I seen it in my head. The monsters were lowkey really creepy, but also very detailed. There were some very good things about the book, but the storyline itself fell flat. Which is really sad because it had such potential to be great. I do plan on trying to continue the series to see if it gets any better. Thank you netgalley and random house publishing group for this book. My review is 100% honest.

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