Member Reviews

The amount of info-dumping in this book was extreme. I feel like I couldn't go two pages without being introduced to a new/different concept, even towards the end of the book. I understand the amount of world-building fantasy books have to include, but sometimes it took me right out of the actions and emotions of the scene I was reading. That being said, I still enjoyed this book a lot! The magic system is intricate and confusing, but in a good way. The mals (monsters) are honestly kind of terrifying. The school itself sounds like it might be on an acid trip all day every day. And the f*cking politics happening at every moment are super interesting; Novik does a great job of describing the intricacies of every interaction El has with other students. I've seen some people call this a romance or give it points for the romantic moments, but I don't see that at all. El is a prickly person, and when Orion Lake (class hero) starts hanging around her, she knows that people think they're dating, but she's adamant that they're not. Their relationship is honestly really funny. Lake is such a doofus and almost as socially awkward as El, and she's just constantly mean to him. I would never call it enemies to lovers, though El does want him dead at the beginning. They're more like stand-offish acquaintances to maybe dating. It's adorable. The writing in this book is amazing and really sucks you in once you get past the info-dumping. I thoroughly enjoyed it and already bought the second book!

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I just could not get into this book. I can totally understand how people enjoy this writing style, but it was not for me. This book is just one long internal monologue. I made it about 50% through before giving up.

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Hello Fellow Readers,

Dark Academia is a genre I have not read too much of but have been looking to read, so when I got the chance to read Novik's A Deadly Education I was very excited. I do know it is a Young Adult book but I still loved El. She's a BAMF who, although very unpopular, knows what it takes to survive Scholomance Magic School. Of course, when she is saved (but absolutely didn't need to be saved) by the popular cinnamon roll Orion, things start to change for El.

The dynamic between El and Orion was entertaining, but very much reminded me of high school. Their dynamic brought a bit of light to what would otherwise be a dark book. Despite it being high school (but you know with magic) I was interested in the intrigue and politics that goes on at the school as well as the theme of class and privilege.

The book is from El's point of view and she is a broody edgy girl, so there is a lot of brooding and sarcasm (think Wednesday Addams) but I was absolutely not prepared for the ramblings, info dumps, and over-detailing of everything. This is what really hurt the book for me, the book could have been significantly shorter had they edited out all the unnecessary details.

Overall, an interesting and unique spin on magic schooling.

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Actual rating: 1,5 stars

A Deadly Education was my first book by Naomi Novick, and it will definitely be my last. The first chapter is a huge info-dump, the worst I’ve ever read. But I was willing to move past it because we all know that fantasy books have a few infodumpy parts here and there. Well, this book is, simply put, all info-dump, no plot and characters flatter than a sheet of paper.

The narration is so cluttered with repetitions, monologues and info-dumps that when something finally happens, I lost interest. There was also a lot of telling rather than showing, which made this book even more boring. And don’t get me started on the main character. I didn’t think it was possible, but we reached a new level of annoying main character with this one.

If I hadn’t kindly been gifted a digital copy of it by Netgalley and the publisher, I would have DNFed it pretty early on. A Deadly Education had the potential to be phenomenal but was far from being so. I will not continue the series or recommend it to anyone.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Naomi Novik does the impossible by writing a dark academia story that isn’t slow and trying to hard to be smart. I loved this series with my whole heart. It was engaging and fun to read. The entire series made it into my top ten list of books I’d save in a fire.

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A Deadly Education was everything I was hoping for in a dark academia, YA novel. Full of magical demon creatures, a budding romance, found friends and a sarcastic, longer, strong FMC, this was a recipe for success. It did take me a little while to get a feel for the rambling prose told from El’s POV, but once I did, I didn’t want to stop reading. The descriptions gave me a great mental image for how the Scholomance was setup and how it looked. There are a lot of different creatures to get your head around and I think some of the descriptors for these could’ve been expanded a little, but overall, I enjoyed this novel and I can’t wait to read the rest of the trilogy!

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I ate this book up like a maw-mouth and am savoring it just as long.

A Deadly Education has been on my TBR forever and I'm rather mad at myself for waiting so long to read it. This book is so sarcastic, bloody and violent.. yet some how still manages to evoke warm fuzzy found family feels. I absolutely love El. I would probably hate El in real life, but as a book character I really enjoyed how tainted against the world she is (and continues to forever be even when proven wrong). Orion is like a lost little puppy that you cannot help but just love. He is El's opposite and twin at the same time and I love their dynamic.

Only thing I really disliked about this book was the cliff-hanger ending (though it wasn't too bad).

4.5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I'll be honest. It took me a little while to get into this book. But when I finally did, I truly enjoyed it. El was actually really likeable for me. I really liked her grumpiness and when you understand the politics of the education system for them, I was surprised she wasn't more of a b-word. The relationship between her and Orion was quite comical and with the ending of this book, I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
The world building was done really well which was helpful because this world is quite complex. I liked how dark and dangerous this education system is. It's like a dark 'Harry Potter'.
All in all, a really solid read. I can't wait to finish the rest of the series

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the opportunity to review this book

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I did not expect to love this book as much as I did.
I've really enjoyed the previous books from Novik's that I've read, which is why I was curious. But this book was a hard-sell for the simple reason that it is a magic school series, and I'm too old for magic schools... or so I thought.
The strength of the voice in this book is mind blowing, the pace and tension is masterful and the analogy of social class privilege is pat-down perfect. Because yes, in this world some people are born in a position where it is impossible for them to fail, and then some unlucky ones are born in a position where it's impossible for them to succeed, and Norvik had crafted a beautiful analogy for this without ever being preachy, and hitting us right in the gut.
I loved that our hero is full of rage, but this only serves as a protective layer for all her ideals, and so, we very much root for her. Because she fights the good fight, despite all the odds turned against her, including her very own personality.
If you cheer for the chaotic good team, just grab this fantasy novel and enjoy the ride.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher's for this Advanced Readers Copy of A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik!

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3 stars. Probably one of my most disappointing reads recently in that I had such high hopes, but this was nothing like what I expected it to be. Hoping this is a me, not you situation because the idea was there, but I wasn’t a fan of the execution.

This was an info dump. This was all telling, no showing. This was stream of consciousness to an extreme, with very little plot, dialogue, or action in between. Ánd all of that put together made it very difficult for me to get through. I’m not sure what else to say about it other than that. I think the world/school setting was super interesting, but I wanted to read a story about it, not endless paragraphs of information and descriptions about it. I feel like the actual plot/story could have been a 100 page short story if we took out all of the pages of information. The chapters felt long and endless because of how dense this aspect of the book was. And here’s the sad thing; that it really is an interesting world and I think the author had an incredible idea in her head, but it was so tiring to read it almost felt like homework of a sort? It was really, really difficult for me to enjoy and immerse myself in the story. I felt like I couldn’t dive deep into it because of how dense the background info was. It really overtook the whole story.

Just overall devastated by how this turned out.

A big thank you to PRH Ballantine/Del Rey for the chance to give my honest feedback.

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Despite the opening hook, I found the story to be slow to start. It took me a couple weeks to read the first few chapters and then about two days to devour the rest. I appreciated that the book acknowledged its shortcomings in terms of world building/magic system instead of just retconning explanations for why impossible things work. I enjoyed the dynamic of the girls’ alliance-turned-friendship, especially as it’s clear the other girls always liked El and she just has no self-esteem. I look forward to reading the other books in the series.

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3.5 stars

A Deadly Education is set at Scholomance, a school for the magically gifted where failure means certain death until El begins to unlock its many secrets. There are no teachers, no holidays, and no real friendships (unless you count alliances) and grades don't really matter. What does however is if you survive because the school only lets you out if you graduate... Or you die. Oh and watch out for all the monsters that are trying to kill you. This should all be no match for El who possesses a unique set of powers that can save them all, but it also might kill them in the process.

Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for sending me a copy of this one to review!

In all honesty, I'm really struggling to review this one. Initially, I was given a copy of this to read through Netgalley and I STRUGGLED to get past the first 50 pages and was really keen to DNF it. I then saw my library had a copy of this one to listen to as an audiobook so I thought I'd give it a try and I became obsessed with the story, characters, and the world. That's my first suggestion, listen to the audiobook if you can because it makes everything so much easier to read.

I personally found the story really informative with so much world-building (some might argue too much compared to dialogue) which I think is why I struggled with the physical copy and went with listening through my library. As someone who loves a good balance of dialogue and world-building, this had too much of the latter in the first 50 pages which made it a little unbearable. In saying that, I'm really glad I did stick it out with the audiobook as I flew through it and it actually made me laugh out loud towards the end there.

A Deadly Education is such a cool concept but there were some aspects I wish the author would have left out or had done differently as I don't think they added too much to the story. The main one I can think of was Orion's and El's "love story" which probably didn't even need to be portrayed that way to achieve the same outcome.

Nevertheless, I'll still read the next books in the series but I think I'll lean more toward the audiobooks in the future over the physical copies. Thank you again to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for sending me a copy of this one!

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Novik's world-building is stunning and completely pulls you in, but I found the protagonist so annoying and the romance aspect (it was marketed to me as enemies to lovers) disappointing. 2.5

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This book started with a little too much rambling from the main character/narrator for my taste. It was difficult to get into the story with the data dump of information and little to no explanation for most references. I can understand that this was a stylistic choice, having finished the trilogy now. However, it took a good 15% of the book before I was able to overcome and gain footing in the novel.

Setting the story in a magical school has been done plenty of times, but the school being its own character was unique. Being filled with monsters (maleficaria) constantly on the hunt for students made this more a game of survival than a 4-year institution. The chapters were well paced and filled with action between characters and monsters.

Overall, I would recommend this series to friends who enjoy fantasy and dark academia, with the caveat that you need to be patient to get past the first hump and feeling lost.

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I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The writing style of this book is not usually my cup of tea, I felt like the first few chapters were just an information dump of world building in the style of a rambling inner monologue. The rambling style inner monologue does continue throughout the book but becomes easier to follow as you learn more about the main characters.

Although the beginning was tough to get through, the pace did pick up and I was more invested in the story and characters as the book continued. The world and magic system are creative and the setting of the story really kept me interested.

The dynamic between El and Orion is very entertaining and I can't wait to see how that relationship continues in the next book of the trilogy, especially after that letter from El's mom....

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“Reader, I ran the fuck away.”

I came into A Deadly Education expecting not to like it, after reading a lot of negative or disappointed reviews. I was pleasantly surprised by that opening line and stayed hooked for the rest of the book. I binge-read this in a day. El's voice is incredibly unique, as it seems no one is willing to write "mean" main characters. El's grumpy, cynical narration was so interesting. I didn't mind the info-dumping, which seemed to happen in the logical places. If the entire setup for the Scholomance had been explained at the beginning, it would have just been several pages of exposition. I liked that it was more spread out. I found the murder school a pretty interesting spin on the classic "school for wizards/witches/etc" trope and I don't understand why so many people complained about it. Overall, this was an entertaining and fun read.

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Had a hard time getting into the story at first as it jumps right into the magic system and world. Enjoyed the story after getting some explanation and went right into book 2.

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A Deadly Education puts a dark, clever spin on magical school stories by setting it in the ominous Scholomance, where survival is an actual concern. Protagonist El possesses powerful magic, but using it could kill her fellow students - an intriguing moral dilemma.

The extensive worldbuilding features creative dangerous monsters, but also overwhelms a bit early on before the plot picks up around 40%. Once the setting is established, El's characterization as a socially isolated but morally conflicted sorceress shines.

With a fresh twist on the chosen one trope, novella-length sections, and a monster-filled setting, this YA fantasy builds an immersive atmosphere, even if the story takes time getting its footing. El held my interest as an antihero still growing into her own. A fun read for those who like dark magic schools with a dangerous edge.

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I'm what you could call a difficult reader when it comes to my main characters. A Deadly Education came to me at a time when I'd just read 4 consecutive books with bad main characters. A Deadly Education's main female character, El, was likeable and not stupid. Her choices and thought patterns reflected each other and I wasn’t dying of second hand cringe every two seconds. I know that seems like a low bar, but trust me when I say El was truly a breath of fresh air.

I cannot express how much I adored reading A Deadly Education. Novik knocked it out of the park with her characters, side characters, plot, world-building- everything. I honestly don't have a critique.

I went into this novel hesitant. There's a lot of ground to cover with the school, how it was built, how it operates, how the magical world runs, what kinds of creatures there are and what they can do. Every question was answered while completely avoiding info-dumping. And any information that's been withheld- Novik will likely cover in the next books in the series.

I cannot recommend this book enough. If you like driven, intelligent, witty, badass main female characters, academy's that seem to come to life, cut throat competitions and an amazing magical world- this is the book for you.

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