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A Rogue of One's Own

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Didn't love it, but definitely liked it. I felt the same way about the first book in this series. There is just something about the writing style that doesn't work for me. The story is good though so I will still read the next book when it's available!

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**An early copy was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Historical romance, sequel to Bringing Down the Duke

POV: Lady Lucinda (Lucie,) a suffragette in Britain; Lord Ballentine (Tristan,) who needs to clean up his reputation and marry well to inherit his father’s title

@50% in - I don’t remember a lot about the first book in the series but it was definitely better than this one. Stop me if you’ve heard this one: the hero is tall, red-headed, scarred from beatings, and is loved by every woman and man who catches sight of him... Sorry, Evie, but Tristan is no Jamie Fraser, and the conflict between the main characters is too convoluted to be intriguing. I think I’m supposed to care about Lucie’s zeal for women’s rights, but the story began as if we were in the middle of it, and like I said, the first book didn’t stick in my mind enough to know why this particular character is such a champion of equality that she got kicked out of her family??! And how does everyone in the country know exactly who Tristan is on sight? He must be the Dwayne Johnson of 1800s Britain.

Final thoughts: Ok, the second half was better at filling in some back story, humanizing and fleshing out some characters, and bringing about a believable ending for the couple as individuals, if not for the time and positions they held in society. I was surprised by some of the decisions they made, and several plot lines concerning a jealous gay man and a ruthless loan shark seemed strange/unfinished. But overall it was entertaining and sexy, which is likely the author’s main goal, while also providing some education and perspective concerning the fight for women’s rights in Victorian England. A good idea that perhaps wasn’t executed to great effect in this volume.

3/5 stars, bumped up due to the author’s notes concerning her research and the inclusion of true pioneers in women’s rights.

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Evie Dunmore's books are a blast. They are steamy, educational and riveting. I loved her first and thoroughly enjoyed her second.

I learned a lot and felt like it only added to the romance--to me, this is a great mixture of a read that not only entertains readers, but also provides them with knowledge in relation to women's rights. It is FULL of girl power, evident through the main plot, the moving, stable friendships, and the detailed dialogue.

I do wish the first half was not as slow...the second half was fabulous. There was a bit too much "information dump" for set up and context in the first part of the novel.


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Loved the characters and the story. Mostly I thought that the author really believed in the Cause of the heroine and didn't have her compromise her principles for a happily ever after! Lucie stayed true and strong to her feelings and her fight for Sufferage. The change in attitude from Tristan was refreshing and growth. He learned to see his world from different perspectives. The last scene with Arthur was especially illuminating. I have to go back and read Montgomery and Annabelle's book. Looking forward to the next story!

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A Rogue of One's Own is a slow-burn historical romance centering a spinster suffragette and a high-born rogue. Despite some quibbles with the romance aspect, I really enjoyed my time with this and I could see it being a good crossover book for those who read more historical fiction or women's fiction than they do genre romance. Some romance readers might balk at the length (~450 pages is definitely on the long side for a romance) and the fact that the romantic relationship is not the only major plotline. You should know what you're getting here, but I found this to be entertaining, informative, and a fresh twist on traditional romance tropes.

Typically in this sort of book you have a rakish hero who refuses to admit he has a heart even while clearly falling in love and a heroine who recognizes her romantic feelings earlier. In this case, roles are reversed. Tristan has had a thing for Lucie since they were children, but hides the pain of rejection (from her and his abusive father) behind a facade of charm and notorious seduction. Meanwhile Lucie is a confirmed spinster, privately disowned by her family for her activist activities, and very much much tied to her work moving forward women's rights. She may be physically attracted to Tristan, but she also despises him and can certainly separate her body from her heart. Can't she?

Truth be told, neither Lucie nor Tristan are particularly likable much of the time, and their coming together gets messy and mistakes are made. (some of which involve tropes I don't prefer in my romance) That said, everyone deserves love and in many ways I found their story to be a beautiful one. I enjoyed the slower pace of the romance that allowed a deeper emphasis on building out the historical elements and side characters. I look forward to reading more from this author. I received an advance copy of this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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THIS BOOK SLAYED ME. Total TEABS, guys (The End of An Awesome Book Syndrome tm Forever Young Adult).

I admit to feeling a bit of trepidation when I first picked up A ROGUE OF ONE’S OWN. Because seriously, when you love a debut (Bringing Down the Duke) so much, you really expect Great Things from the sophomore novel, and it’s crushing when it doesn’t happen. But, guys. While AROOO started slow for me (I was so so worried), we are in expert romance writing hands with this book. The slow burn was hard to take, because there was a lot to establish between Lucie’s new publishing acquisition and her finding out that Tristan is an equal partner in it (thus ruining her covert suffragist plans), Tristan’s family life and past as a war hero, his writing (omg you guys, he writes and recites poetry, I die), and their longtime knowledge of each other, and the incredible female friendships between Lucie, Annabelle, Hattie and Catriona. Seriously, there is a LOT to exposit about. But then...but then...BOOM, Evie Dunmore decides to smack down with the proposition of the century, that absolutely cements Lucie and Tristan as the new Ones to Ache For. And man, you will ache for them. There’s so much to these slightly damaged, clever, strong people and there’s so much they are putting on the line for each other...and like in Bringing Down the Duke, you can’t see how this could possibly end well. Dunmore really, really puts her characters through the wringer. But in doing so, the romance here feels earned, as does the background plot.

And if you also thought Bringing Down the Duke was smoking hot but needed more love scenes, OMG. AROOO delivers, friends. And what I loved was that it was equally sexy and tender and full of all the tension and foreplay that we deserve.

The Final Word:

Look, I already knew I adored Evie Dunmore and her brilliant voice, perfect monologues, and suffragette obsession, when I read her debut, Bringing Down the Duke. I shoved that book into every romance reader’s hands I knew. Annabelle and Montgomery were such stuff as dreams were made of - a hate-to-love that moved mountains, changed lives, and smashed the patriarchy (at least a little bit). But HOT DAMN. Lucie and Tristan gave them SUCH a run for their money - and possibly surpassed them.

I seriously don’t even know what else I can say to convince you to read this book. If you’re into suffragettes, awesome characters that are rounded and flawed, great historical fiction, and a romance that’s both wicked and charming, please pick up A Rogue of One’s Own. It’s very likely going to top my best-of list for this year. I’m ordering my paper copy as we speak so that I can reread it right away.

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3.5. There are some questionable plot points surrounding diversity and tokenism (which I won't detail here because they're full of spoilers), but overall a pretty solid historical romance and a decent sequel. I don't think the chemistry between Lucie and Tristan was quite as strong as that between Annabelle and Sebastian either, but that's likely personal preference.

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I believe this series ins't for me. I already wasn't a fan of book 1 because I didn't like how feminism was treated in this historical romance, but book 2 completely let me down. I felt nothing for the characters, I thought the romance was almost invisible and I noticed some cultural appropriation.

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A ROGUE OF ONE'S OWN is all that I expected of Evie Dunmore and more. Coming on the heels of her first book, which was a tough act to follow, this book more than lived up to it.

I wasn't all that enamored of Lucie at first, but she grew on me over the course of the book. Maybe it was her brashness or her initial insistence to see Tristan as nothing but a nuisance that grated on me at the start, but I grew to see that at her core, she has a strength of will that is determined to see the Cause succeed at any cost. I love how she was so much ahead of the women of her times, how she told her mom she was fighting for freedom. I relate to Lucie, as I cannot understand how, in this day and age, in a democratic enlightened society no less, some women still believe themselves to be "second class" citizens and content to stay that way.

I love how Ms. Dunmore wrote Tristan so different from Sebastian (hero of the first book), but it was also easy to love Tristan. He's a veritable rogue, but from the moment he took up with Lucie, he was never the same again. And he admitted it and embraced it, something that endeared him further to me. How irresistible is a man who sees his woman and understands the core of her. I especially love when heroes turn all protective of the love of their life.

It was interesting to see how the women at that time fought for women's rights, and the difficulties they encountered, yet how they persevered. It made me treasure the rights I'm currently enjoying (because they fought so hard for them!). We have certainly come a long way, but we still have yet some distance to go.

If you haven't yet, do go and pick up the first book, Bringing Down the Duke. It's a historical romance with a fresh setting and all the intense feels. Then be sure to go on to this book, A ROGUE OF ONE'S OWN to see the progression of the Cause and to delve into Lucie's story. Truly a league of extraordinary women. I can't wait for the next book in this series!

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I really enjoyed Bringing Down the Duke and was SO excited to get my hands on A Rogue of One's Own. I am happy to report I was not disappointed! I adored both Lucie and Tristan. Sometimes, one character in a romance will feel less developed than the other, but I found that both Lucie and Tristan to be dynamic and intriguing, with backgrounds and motivations that made them complicated and human. I loved the chemistry they had together, and enjoyed getting to see the "real" Tristan after seeing him from Annabelle's perspective in Bringing Down the Duke. All of the characters were complex and fascinating, and I loved how both Lucie and Tristan had real flaws (societally, but also within themselves) they had to overcome in order to be together.

I can't wait to read Hattie's story next!

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC!

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Not as good as the first one, but still entertaining, especially the cat references woven throughout.

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This was not as good as the first book of the series and it was way too long. It was a struggle to get through and I really wish I had DNFd it.

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I was super excited to receive this ARC for Evie’s newest novel in her A League of Extraordinary Women series! I loved the first one and I was not disappointed in this one! It basically leaves off from where the first one ended, but we are introduced to a new love story that is happening. I really liked that you still got to see some of the characters from the first one and also that you got to meet new ones as well.

It was really cool that with this being a historical romance you are also getting to learn about the times back then and how hard it was for women. The author you can tell researched and used that as she wrote this book. It is just interesting to think about how back then women couldn’t even ride a bike! I like that Lucie is at the forefront of the women’s suffragist movement and it was great getting to see how passionate she was about that, but also how she grew and realized she could also still have a love life on top of it.

I thought the plot was well written, it did take me a little longer to get invested in the story than the first book, but once I got into it I was hooked and rooting for Tristan and Lucie. I liked the banter that would go back and forth between them, they really tested each other and brought out different sides that helped both of them grow and find out more of what they want in life. I liked that they are both unconventional and they work well on that. The writing was clear and flowed nicely.

The characters were well written and it was again nice to see some of the people back from the first book. You got to see how things are with Annabelle now that she is married and then you get to also see the other girls from the first book. I like that you get a glimpse at the end of whose story we are going to get to read next and I can’t wait!

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Lady Lucinda “Lucie” Tedbury is a staunch supporter of the suffrage movement, and her current goal is to have the Married Women’s Property Act be amended to be more fair and equitable to women. Lucie’s passion for her cause and her outspokenness caused her father, Earl Wycliffe, to banish her from their home ten years ago when she was just eighteen. Thanks to a small legacy from an aunt, she’s been able to afford a place to live and the necessities. Lucie, along with her friends and fellow suffragettes, have formed an investment group with the intention of becoming controlling owners of London Print, a successful publishing company which will give them the avenue they need to further their cause. When the deal is finally done, Lucie is shocked to learn that her group is now an equal partner with someone who has been her tormentor for fifteen years.

Tristan Ballentine is a returning war hero, a rake, and a scoundrel. He was also formerly a friend of Lucie’s brother, and he spent much time at their home, where he showed his affection for, and fascination with, Lucie by pulling pranks on her, and generally being a nuisance. Now the darling of the ton, Tristan longs to be financially free of his controlling and abusive father. Unbeknownst to Lucie, he actually owned twenty-five percent of London Print for years, and has just purchased another twenty-five percent. He’s aware of how Lucie intends to use the company, and he knows that its success will dramatically drop if she does, thus ruining his own financial goals. He suggests that they forget their childhood antagonism, and try to work together, only to have his character, his person, and his actions denigrated by Lucie. Though her words deeply wound Tristan, they also anger him, as he still seems to have that same fascination for Lucie. He counters with an outrageous proposal of an exchange of one percent interest in the company for one night in bed with her.

Tristan has sufficient sexual experience to realize that while Lucie may hate him, she also feels a strong desire for him. Lucie despises her own weakness, which she’s determined to fight, so she refuses his offer. At least, for a while….

After their night together, Lucie boldly tells Tristan that she wants another. One more night soon turns into almost every night, and their passion soon becomes affection, then caring, then genuine love, though neither has admitted it as such. Lucie has begun to trust Tristan, something she doesn’t give lightly, but he still has secrets that he hasn’t shared with her, secrets that will be disastrous to their relationship if she learns about them.

The first thing I have to say about A ROGUE OF ONE’S OWN, is that it’s totally immersive and encompassing. I got lost in the world of Tristan and Lucie, who are two very flawed and imperfect people, yet were characters I loved. Tristan is described as being physically beautiful, a gift that he uses to his own advantage. He has indulged in some debauched activities, as well as many unscrupulous ones, in order to benefit his own interests. Yet, at the same time, he shows tremendous love and caring for both Lucie, and his mother, doing many things behind the scene, without any thought of recognition. He endured a lot as a child from his sleazy father, who still attempts to control him to this day. Lucie, on the other hand, lacks all the charm that Tristan has in abundance. She is brash, bold, impulsive, and seemingly uncaring of the hurt she can inflict with her vicious words. She’s also intelligent, dedicated, and willing to listen to reason when her emotions settle. She took her banishment from her home while still a teenager with strength and a lack of self pity.

I am in awe of Evie Dunmore’s writing. A ROGUE OF ONE’S OWN has the same captivating quality as her first book, BRINGING DOWN THE DUKE, which was also a five star read for me. That book does not have to be read in order to enjoy this one, though I do recommend it purely on its own merit. The struggles of women in that time period are vividly and sympathetically portrayed, along with how Lucie’s own trust issues were affected. The romance between this couple is outstanding and honest, sometimes painfully so. I wholeheartedly recommend A ROGUE OF ONE’S OWN to all readers, particularly those who enjoy depth, history, strong characters, family drama, and deception, along with an emotional romance and most excellent writing.

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I enjoyed this book so much - informative, educational, and steamy. I would recommend this book to others and the first book in this series.

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Evie Dunmore does it again! I loved Bringing Down the Duke so when I saw A Rogue of One's Own available for request I hit that button!! Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this one!

Lady Lucie controls one of London's major publishing houses but in order to get a leg up (pun intended) on Parliament she finds herself making a deal with her nemesis Lord Ballentine. I love how passionate Lady Lucie is about her work and women's suffrage. She's a strong independent woman who doesn't let men dictate her life, even her family.

Lord Ballentine is definitely swoony! He's returned from the war and has placed himself in the middle of Lady Lucie's publishing house. The two of them grew up together and they often played pranks on each other. Over time they became enemies but the more time he spends with her the more he realizes that he may have loved her even then.

This book was fantastic. I love getting both steamy romance and historical all in one book. It was a bit slow to start but I think it was more due to my mood than it was to the story itself. I'm so glad I picked up the audio in order to finish it and it was so well done.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a swoony romance read set in 19th century England!

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I’m kinda embarrassed to try and write a review about a sequel to a series that, since I never wrote a review for the first book, I now can’t recall the thread, other than a women’s suffrage movement. It is quite funny in spots, and I understand how one moment can create a dynamic that’s hard to shake. Lucie thinks Tristan is spying on her in a moment of privacy when they were children and she grows livid; Tristan, still smitten with her, figures if she’s going to be pissed with him, he might as well rile her up for fun. This begins years of Lucie's torment, as she grows to despise him for his teasing, as well as his reputation as a rake. The sexism of the times is always appalling; the struggles women must go through to survive sobering. While Annabelle and Sebastian deal with both class prejudice and sexism in the first book, this book is entirely about sexism, with greater emphasis on what a single woman must do to survive.
I’m not sure how to compare this relationship—steaminess and all—to the first book in the series. I just have a feeling the punch of the first book doesn’t quite make it here. But I’ll keep reading the series as it progresses.

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DNF @ 49% - This book just wasn't for me at the moment. It's not that it's a bad book by any means, but I just couldn't get into it. I didn't care the characters, maybe because there wasn't that much background information on them besides the first chapter? I don't know.. Maybe it has to do with that I haven't read the first book. So I'm going to read the first book at a later time and then get back to this to see how I like it then :) But for now, this just isn't for me. The concept is cool though because I adore historical fiction!

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Thanks for the free book, @PRHGlobal/@prhinternational #partner

4,5 stars

What does it say about a book when you order the prequel the second you finished it? It says that you had an amazing time!

I had seen Bringing Down the Duke everywhere months ago but had not read it. When PRH International offered me the opportunity to read A Rogue of One’s Own, a standalone book in what seems a series of interconnected books, I leaped on the occasion.

And how pleased I am that I did!

That’s what I am looking for as a romance reader!

-Good banter;

-Fiery heroine;

-Roguish male character;

-Past flaws and pains;

-Enemies to lover to have sparkles flying;

-Beautiful words of old that sends thrills to my romantic heart like: rake, ripped bodice, unbridled attractiveness …;

-Historical facts making me ponder my current situation under another light;

-Great friends;

-A cause to fight for;


This is one of these reads where everything works together and is calling to me. I read it nearly in one sitting, delighted by Tristan Ballentine and Lady Lucie love/hate relationship played on a background of suffragette’s history.

Prepare thee for several quotes below!

This book follows lady Lucie, from noble birth but cast aside by her family once she decided to openly side for the suffragette’s cause.

Truly Lucie’s dedication and passion for that cause was admirable and awe inspiring.

I never realized how these women had to fight for what I consider my normality today: the right to vote, the right to retain my inheritance and income, the ….

In a ploy to advance the women’s cause and reach more women, Lady Lucie has created a consortium of wealthy women. With their funds, she is preparing a coup to acquire the majority ownership of a publishing company whose lectorate is feminine.

But of course, she never imagined being trifled by her childhood nemesis, the roguish, debauched and alluring Lord Tristan Ballentine!

Friend with her brother, he spent his summers playing pranks on her. Now he has returned as a war hero. Already a real Don Juan he has even more women falling at his feet.

And he happens to have silently bought the other half of the publishing house.

Now Lucie will have to deal with him on a regular basis.

Heated arguments and sizzling attraction ensue. The gauntlet was thrown down and war would begin

« If his lordship wanted war, he’d better batten down the hatches.”

I loved Lucie’s character.

She was loud and brash. Passionate and never afraid to speak her mind. More a fan of plowing through enemy’s lines than to try for subtlety, she’ll be forced to reconsider her strategy and aim for: “Pandemonium by stealth.”

She had lived alone for so long that she became …rigid in her mind and when one of the lady advised her to take a lover to unwind, well it will have a very passionate outcome.

“She had taken a rogue into her bed, into her life, so a mad last tumble in a ripped bodice was a befitting good-bye.”

What was also remarkable was that Lucie truly was dedicated in helping all women, from noble women to whores in need of saving.

She did many acts of kindness but what had me arrested was this quote:

“She could change a fate here and there immediately by going without, but what was truly needed were better circumstances for every woman, every child, independently of random acts of charity. And this was a matter of making just policies in Westminster.”

Because this whole book was about women’s condition at these times and how men held so much power over them. This was truly enlightening.

Tristan was also a vey interesting character and had a real growth in this story. Just focused on debauchery at the beginning of the book, he will show a true concern for women’s condition once he became aware of what they had to go through. His passionate nature and clever mind will fixate on furthering the cause.

And did I mention the sass????

“Avi,” she said. “Lord Ballentine and I have a business matter to discuss. Unless you think his lordship wants the entire street to partake in it, step aside. My voice carries, I have been told.” The brows swooped. “It does,” Avi said. “Carry. You are not armed with anything sharp, milady?” “Other than my tongue?”

I am currently listening to Bringing Down the Duke and having an equally great time so, go read that book!

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This was such a good book! It was a bit slow to get into for me but already knowing most of the characters from Bringing Down the Duke really helped. Lucie and Tristan had amazing chemistry and I loved their characters and how they came together. I can't wait for the next book!

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