Cover Image: No Vampire, No Happy Ending, Vol. 1

No Vampire, No Happy Ending, Vol. 1

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No Vampire, No Happy Ending is a hilarious manga about a vampire obsessed girl who wants nothing more than to have a romantic bond with a dark mysterious vampire. But what she get's instead is an mysterious amnesiac boy, hopeless of the world around him and even more so what kind of predicament he's in now. I thoroughly enjoyed the first installment. Each page was hilarious and I'm definitely investing to see where this story will go. If you need a good manga comedy, then definitely check it out!

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this was just...not good. There were so many things wrong with it including transphobia, homophobia, pedophilia etc. This is gonna be filled with spoilers so read at your own risk. I'm going to list all the things that I can remember being just awful in this.
•Arika doesn't believe Divo is a boy once she finds out he doesn't have a penis
• She then precedes to look in her little brother's pants to see his to compare the two
•Divo is cast as a girl in a play and a lot of the men in the audience say that "even though she is a he, I still wanna do stuff to him" in really creepy ways
•Teacher practically raised Sai and is creepy and kind of flirty with him. He basically encourages this kid (I'm assuming he's a kid because he looks like it, but I could be wrong) to be in love with him/have a crush on him and possessive of him in that way.

This part is weird and hard to explain but basically, Divo gets chopped up into pieces by Sai, but each of those pieces turn into toddler versions of him.
•Arika then proposes a deal with Teacher and Sai where she will "raise" these new baby Divos "to be her ideal vampire and then become his bride"

So...yeah didn't like this haha

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SUPER cute illustrations and I love the premise, but the pacing wasn't great and the story didn't grab me and make me want to keep reading. Didn't follow through on the promise from the blurb and adorable art.

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I honestly don’t know what to feel after reading this. There's like so many sexually suggestive moments with borderline pedophilia and the main girl character feels like a sexual predator that I found it uncomfortable. Besides that, she was zealous over the stupidest thing, which I understand was for a comic relief, but I honestly didn’t find them funny most of the time. The storyline was fine with many cringe moments and forced quirkiness. As for the artstyle, it was cute but most characters look like lolis and were drawn suggestively that it made me feel like I'm a pedo which was really uncomfortable at times.

Overall, I was interested to know the story behind the vampire but I’m not sure I’d want to continue with how sexually suggestive it can get.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy for an honest review.

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**Received free for review from NetGalley**

Kind of dull and had awkward pacing but if you like light, quick supernatural reads, this series could be it!

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Very much enjoyed the art style and liked the take on vampires. Funny and enjoyable and I was excited to see manga available on NetGalley! It normally takes me a few volumes to really get into a manga, but this was a fun start!

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Arika a vampire enthusiast, when she finally meets a vampire he is not what she expects and therefore disappointed.
This was a bit of a let down. Although the art is fantastic, the story is a drab to follow and it doesn't hold my attention. Granted it's a different kind of vampire story i felt like it tried so hard to be funny but then just fell flat.
If you are looking for a different kind of vampire manga to read maybe try this one.

I was given an ARC in exchange for a review. all opinions are mine.

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Hilarious, strange, sometimes romantic and a dash of cross dressing made this an interesting read. Definitely not your typical vampire story. I loved arika's enthusiasm which was sometimes over the top and hilarious. The artwork is nice and the characters are all unique and interesting. Divo is certainly different from other vampires and I'm curious to see how he changes as the story continues, I'm hoping there will be a second volume.

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Funny, cute, open minded and dramatic. Engaging and witty. I really loved this! Can’t wait to read the next volume!

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I liked this book
The story was good but a little weird... if you are in to vampires this is the book for you

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This was a delightful and very amusing story! Arika is every fangirl out there, super sweet and relatable as heck and I really liked her. I'm interested in learning more about Divo and these vampire hunters, as well as the true story behind the town's legend.

Overall, No Vampire, No Happy Ending vol. 01 is a super fun read and I'm looking forward to reading the next volume!

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The story had an interesting take on vampires or at least one particular vampire who doesn’t remember how to be a vampire. And a vampire “fan girl”. Personally I would like to see the character development and what may happen in the main characters relationship in volume 2.

I however did find that the read was confusing with awkward sexual moments and over the top drama.

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No Vampire, No Happy Ending (volume 1) follows Arika, a villager who has always sympathized with vampires and Divo, the (beta) vampire with no memories.

When Arika meets Divo, she is deteremined to turn him into the perfect vampire boyfriend so that she can become his bride and help change the villagers perception of vampires.

I've read many mangas before, but not yet from NetGalley, so I thought it was very cool that they had this available for download. No Vampire, No Happy Ending was a cute little story that had laughs and love, but also a lot cross-dressing. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it just made the premise more goofy.

I would be curious to see where this relationship would go, but honestly, the story didn't intrgue me that much in the first volume, I don't think I would bother picking up the remaining volumes. Cute characters and good artwork, but not enough to draw me in. 3/5

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A manga for adult readers. The art work is alright. I wasn't particularly enthralled with any of the character designs. It looks to be a romantic comedy, but it wasn't as funny or chemistry-filled as I was hoping. There were some awkward sex jokes in here that I didn't find particularly erotic or funny. The premise was hilarious and intriguing, but I found the execution lacking.

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Completely silly, farcical, and over the top in humor, plotting, sexuality, and costumes, but at it's heart it had a good message. Why do we think that humans and vampires can't get along? And why can't we at least try? The subversion of certain parts of the vampire mythos was fun, and while I won't be reading more of the series, this volume was worth it if you're in the mood for cotton candy, escapist manga with a heart.

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A short and cute story for anyone who just want to relax and read a fun and lighthearted manga. I liked it

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Arika has always dreamed about vampires. What if they actually exist? And what if they're not such malevolent creatures, after all?

So, when she finds a lost vampire in her village's castle, Arika is set to live the perfect romance with him. The only problem? This creature doesn't even seem to remember he's supposed to be a vampire. And hilarity ensues.

No Vampire, No Happy Ending was a very enjoyable quick read. It gets very funny at times, and the plot is very pleasant to follow. Manga enthusiasts will enjoy this.

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When she stumbles upon a vampire, what will she do when she understands he is not the usual villain told in the folklore tales ...

I confess it probably has been two decades since I have read a manga. But the premise was intriguing.
Still, I must I prefer to read a manga as a paperback, the ebook version unsettled me as I wondered about the right direction to turn the page, opposite to a paper manga, so on which side to read each page, right or left.
This said, I had to reawaken my younger self to accept and understand the satirized expressions and the caricatured emotions.
The heroine has dreamed of vampires for her whole life so when she finds one, she has every right to be disappointed by the cheap version of hers.
The whole book is around this weird vampire, more interesting in food than blood, and only half formed.
For fans of the genre, it will be a fun read with all the excesses expected, the various characters have each their defined role, and the comics leaves us hanging at who or what is Divo.
3.5 stars.

I was granted an advance copy by the publisher, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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No Vampire, No Happy Ending wasn't my cup of tea, but it's not bad per se. This isn't your basic vampire story, which was the reason I wanted to try this, since I'm not a fan of vampires. Arika is basically obsessed with vampires and wants a romantic relationship with one to prove that humans and vampires can coexist. She ends up meeting a vampire like guy named Divo, who's odd and acts like a kid not to forget the he doesn't have anything down there or nipples either. These two along with Arika's family try to make things and life function, since Divo is basically an idiot. Arika tries to find out what Divo actually is and how he functions and of course there are vampire hunters too. The plot is quite interesting and somewhat different. This is definitely a humor manga, but at the same time it's quirky and has more depth than most idiotic series.

The art is slightly crude and hard to follow at times, since the panels are stuffed. There's too much text and most of it is irrelevant, which makes the reading experience heavy. At the same time the text is surely the best part of the series, since it's were the magic happens. No Vampire, No Happy Ending is well written and oddly entertaining, but messy and heavy. This could be three stars too, but the structure tones it down for me. Not a bad series, but hard to see to whom this is meant.

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I absolutely LOVE mangas! So as soon as I saw this ARK I just had to snatch it up!

What happens when you find a vampire that has memory loss? Well, you help him rediscover himself and his nature, of course... But things are never quite that easy 👹

It was fun and ridiculous and charming - just as mangas can only be. Loved it!

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