Cover Image: The Waffle House on the Pier

The Waffle House on the Pier

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I really enjoyed this book. I am a Tilly Tennant fan. It is a lovely story based on family. I loved how protective Sadie's big brother was of her. How Sadie met Luke was lovely. Their first date was great. A fab feel good book

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Sadie seems to have an idyllic life from the outside. She was brought up by a loving family by the beautiful beach in Sea Salt Bay, but she didn’t want to be tied down and left it all behind, including her boyfriend Dec to study and make a better career than just catering to holiday makers. With hindsight, she realises it wasn’t such a brilliant idea, Dec has moved on and Sadie realises he was the one that no other man has matched up to since. She seizes the opportunity to join the family business when her grandfather passes on, leaving her grannie with no one to help her run the waffle house that has been part of the family for years. I must say I did think Sadie came across as indecisive and immature – I’m sure that was the point but it was irritating and made it difficult to sympathise with her hence the rating. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Waffle House on the Pier by the lovely Tilly Tennant is an absolutely wonderful read which will bring you joy, happiness and some heart wrenching moments. In The Waffle House on the Pier we meet Sadie, a trainee teacher and I could so relate to how she was feeling with the pressures and issues in her teacher training. They were so true and I think many teachers have experienced these problems during our time in training. Teaching is not for everyone and everything was so spot on with regards to why Sadie did not like teaching.

Sadie feels that her life is in turmoil, she is not enjoying her chosen career path, her boyfriend Dec she was with before she left for university has moved on and her grandfather has very sadly passed away. When Sadie returns home to Sea Salt Bay she realises how much she has missed her family and her home and she decides that her future lies in The Waffle House that her Grandmother ran with her Grandfather. Sadie knows it is too much for her Grandmother (we sadly later learn April has dementia) and with the help of her family she takes on The Waffle House. Sadie's family is such a close tight knit unit and they are always there for each other and to help each other out.

The Waffle House also explores Sadie's relationships with her ex-boyfriend, and her new boyfriend, Luke, who she meets in the Bay. Lots of twists and turns as Sadie does not know how she feels and what she wants. However, Luke turns her life upside down (in a good way!), makes her so happy and gives her the future she wants and deserves. Sadie is now the new owner of The Waffle House, has a wonderful new boyfriend and an amazing bright future ahead.

The Waffle House on the Pier is a great read, taking us to a wonderful place where the sun shines on every page. Thank you for a lovely lovely read. A book full of laughter, love and cheer - a perfect book to read to make you smile and transport you to all the delights of the seaside! Now I want to go to Sea Salt Bay and visit The Waffle House and eat waffles and ice creams on the Pier!

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Just close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine the warm gritty sand between your toes, the gentle lap of waves against the shoreline, the cries of seagulls and the warmth of the summer sun on your winter skin. Inhale familiar seaside smells of sun cream, fish and chips and candy floss and you will find yourself transported to the little seaside town of Sea Salt Bay, home to the Waffle House on the Pier.
For me this is such a sparkly summer read, evoking my own childhood memories of trips to the seaside, that first glimpse of the sea and despite the fact I hate them (sorry!) the seagulls cries. These images conjure up happy memories and take me to a trouble free place in my mind where I can indulge myself in a world beyond reality where only good things happen. This sweet, if predictable novel allows you to do exactly that, lose yourself in the lives of Sadie and Gammy and family whilst they deal with the consequences of the death of their beloved grandfather. The Waffle House has been a firm fixture in their lives and that of Sea salt bay for a very long time so it’s heartbreaking to think they might finally have to shut up shop. Gammy, whilst full of high spirits and energy despite her advancing years cannot possibly manage to keep the Waffle House running single handedly. The death of her husband has hit her hard and with other members of the family busy running their own seaside businesses what is the fate for this well known and loved establishment??
The only member of the family who could possibly save the day is Sadie, the baby of the family and as such is treated like one, having had so many false starts in life and love that she isn’t really taken seriously. As a trainee teacher she is feeling trapped in a job that she has no real desire to do and is finding that keeping control of a classroom is maybe beyond her capabilities. Coupled with pining for ex boyfriend Declan, whom she believes was the one that got away, Sadie is floundering. Her sudden decision to quit yet another career and help Gammy keep the Waffle House open could be the best or worst decision she’s made to date. Plain sailing or more of a rollercoaster ride?? That’s for you to find out!
With ups and downs, fun and laughter and a good dollop of romance thrown in I found this a lovey enjoyable read. I wanted to visit the Waffle House myself, indulging in one of their delicious calorie laden offerings, eavesdropping on the conversations between Sadie and Gammy, whose mental health is clearly in decline. Plus the arrival of potential new love interest, Luke could prove to be the cherry on top of the cake (or waffle)and banish Declan forever from Sadie’s thoughts.
All the characters are likeable and they have a great sense of family and the importance of sticking together, helping each other out, none more so than Sadie. Her effervescence and kindness and love for her grandmother really shine through making this such a feel good read. The love triangle element keeps you guessing as to which direction Sadie’s life is going to take although it’s fair to say your grey matter won’t be taxed very much!
With a predictable happy ending The Waffle House on the Pier is pure escapism and has all the necessary ingredients to bring a smile to your face. I can’t believe this is my first Tilly Tennant read and it definitely won’t be my last.
My thanks as always to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read.

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Utterly delightful and escapist. A recommended first purchase for collections where light women's fiction is popular.

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A brilliant summer read from Tilly Tennant. A seaside setting, a pier with a Waffle House and romance - a perfect book to read sat in your deckchair with a glass of wine.

The Waffle House, run by Sadie’s grandparents, has been an important part of Sadie’s life. But when her grandfather dies the family is split as to what should happen to it. Can her grandmother continue to run the Waffle House or will it have to be sold.

Sadie is still in love with her ex boyfriend, or is she? When she has an accident while out swimming the future starts to look slightly different

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This is the perfect read for a lovely sunny day when we're all dreaming of being able to go to the beach again. Sadie is a trainee teacher who isn't enjoying her chosen career. When her beloved Grandfather dies, she thinks the best way to help her Grandmother is to work with her in the family waffle business only it isn't as straightforward as it seems. At the same time she is torn over Declan, the one she let get away and Luke, the town newcomer who didn't have the most positive introduction to the small seaside town. Will she find her place in the world and true love?
I loved Sadie and could really relate to her situation. I had a wry smile and also cringed at her experiences of being a trainee teacher and anyone who has ever done teaching practice will relate to her experiences - it happens to the best of us. There were poignant aspects to her story as well - the pain of losing a grandparent and watching the pain and struggles of the surviving grandparent were very well portrayed. April was a fantastic character and her story was very touching, especially when considering the real reality of what is happening to her.
The romance angle was engaging and at times she seemed to genuinely belong with each of the two men. It was also nice that Melissa wasn't demonised and portrayed negatively as it was easy to see her point of view and I felt sorry for her.
Yes this is your easy read romance but I think it's so much more than that. If you've ever had doubts about your choices in life and questioned whether you should have taken a different path then you'll totally love this.

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The is a wonderful feel-good romance about Sadie, a struggling teacher-in-training (what teacher hasn't felt like she does at some point?!?) who is unsure of her career, her relationships, and her life. When her grandfather passes on, leaving the family business also in question, Sadie does everything she can to keep it. She finds herself, her loves, her passions, and a breathtaking romance along the way. I'm a sucker for books like these and I devoured it in about 24 hours.

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I want to start out by saying that you to Netgalley and Bookouture for the advance copy of The Waflle House on the Pier. I requested to read this romcom after being pulled in by the description and the gorgeous cover. This is the first book I've attempted to read by Tilly Tennant and I had high hopes from looking at past reviews. Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into this one, struggling to connect with Sadie. I wasn't a huge fan of her internal dialogue, as she's quite the complainer, and just wasn't being drawn in to the storyline. In the end, this ended up being a book I did not finish. Despite this, I'm looking forward to reading other pieces of work from this author, as I've heard great things.

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I could not get through this book. I was about 10% in and really nothing had happened. The whole family was having dinner and it lasted so many pages that I could not put any more effort into reading any further. Do not recommend.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an early copy.
Another fabulous book from Tilly.
Read it in one sitting. The story of Sadie, a teacher whose not sure if she’s in the right job.
One day whilst back home, she sees an ambulance heading to her grandma and granddads place. In a minute her whole life changes.
After losing her grandad, she leaves her job. She’s back home and there’s talk of selling the business, she discusses taking it on with her friends, who aren’t that sold on the idea. She also sees her ex Dec and his girlfriend and he too is keen for it to be opened up again.
Sadie leaves her job and opens up the Waffle House. But, soon she notices things aren’t right with grandma, after incidents happen at the business.
After an accident at the beach, she meets Luke and explains to him how things are,
He offers to buy the place and she can run it but Sadie declines the offer.
After another incident, her family want her to stop opening the business so she puts a sign up to let customers know. Her grandma isn’t happy and opens up again, only for her family to ask her to announce that she doesn’t want to work with her grandma- causing her grandma to hate her.
One night, Dec after having been drinking after a split from his girlfriend attempts to walk on bars, he falls in the sea, Luke who sees this goes in after him only for Ewan to do the same and coastguards are called. Luckily nothing bad happens and they're all taken to hospital to be checked over.
At the fireworks party, Lucy arrives surprising Sadie. After introductions to Luke. Her family inform(her grandma is suffering from early signs of dementia) her that they’ve found a buyer for the business and then her grandma informs her that she’s signing over the business to Ewan, Lucy and Sadie who in turn say they’re signing their share over to Sadie. So she can do as she wants.
A very happy ending.
Recommend it.

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This is only the second book I’ve read by this author but I have genuinely enjoyed both. There’s something warm and familiar about the writing style that you can just indulge in.

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With thanks to netgalley for an early copy in return for an honest review

Nice easy summer read bit of romance a fabulous pier what more could you want
Fabulous cover just what we all need.

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Love all Tilly Tennant books. Very easy read romance suspense a bit of everyday life. I cant wait to read more

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