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From Beer to Eternity

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I could practically taste the tang of salt air and feel a cool ocean breeze flowing off the coast of Florida as I sipped a frozen daiquiri served to me by waitress Chloe Jackson at the Sea Glass beach bar. Quirky bar patrons, each absorbed with their own problems—some leaders, some followers—have recently become a part of Chloe’s daily routine. Happening across the corpse of a regular customer is a shock! Vivi Jo Slidell, owner of the Sea Glass Saloon and part of the local Heritage business group, is hard to get to know and doesn’t know the real reason Courtney is there and why she sought work at her bar. So....the Mystery-solving begins.

This new cozy series is my favorite of 2020! The tiki bar workers are great! The detailed scenes are refreshing, and the plot is original. Beach settings are always a favorite of mine. As truths are revealed, emotions thaw, and the author sets up a grand ending. A fabulous new series to add to my auto-buy list!

I honestly reviewed a digital arc provided by NetGalley and Kensington. Thank you.

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First in a new series. Chloe Jackson has gone down to the Emerald Coast in i as a promise to her best friend Boone who died in Afghanistan. Boone requested Chloe to look after his Grandmother if anything happened to him, she expected a little old lady not a spunky Vivi. Chloe is telling everyone she is sticking around as she needs a part for her vintage VW bug but has no place to stay and has been sleeping in her car or sleeping on Boone’s boat. She is working at Vivi’s bar the Sea Glass Saloon and one morning as she is found by someone on Boone’s boat. His name is Rhett and he says he will keep her secret but as she is walking back to the Sea Glass she finds the dead body of Elwell a local developer and regular at the Sea Glass. As he was killed with a bar knife from the Sea Glass Vivi is the prime suspect. Chloe feels she must find the killer and clear Vivi as part of her promise to Boone before she can head back to Chicago. Chloe and Vivi do not exactly get along and when Boone leaves his house, boat and portion of the Sea Glass things get even more tense. Chloe is determined and her character really begins to grow as the story continues. She is determined to help Vivi out of her love for Boone and her promise. It was a good mystery and you really could not figure out who did it until the end. Great secondary characters. I look forward to the next installment.

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Loved reading this book. Can't wait for the 2nd in the series. I would give it 10 stars if I could. Chloe goes to help her friends aunt with a bar. When someone is murdered she sets out to find the killer.

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I adore Sherry Harris's Garage Sale series so I was super excited to find out she had a new series coming out. This one is just as great. Chloe is younger and not as together as Sarah but just as likeable. She takes a leave of absence from her job as a librarian in Chicago to spend what's supposed to be a few weeks in the Florida Panhandle after her childhood best friend dies working at his family bar. Before he passed, he asked her that if anything happened to him, to make sure his grandmother is okay.

And when his grandmother, who isn't the stereotypical sweet gram who spends all day baking cookies, is a suspect in a murder outside her bar, Chloe takes her promise seriously.

There's a great love interest, a layered backstory, interesting reveals and some hysterical laugh out loud lines.

Definitely check it out if you love cozies and want a beach read...set on a beach.

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I really enjoyed the setting and characters in this one. I flew through the first half but I thought the mystery part lost some steam in the second half. Would continue with the series though.

Thank you to Kensington and NetGalley for my eARC.

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Sherry Harris
From beer to eternity.
Wow! I couldn’t put it down.
Chloe has taken a leave of absence from her job in Chicago because she had made a promise to her best friend Boone to go to Emerald Grove and help Vivi (his Grandma ) if anything happened to him.
All’s not what it seems, plenty of secrets to unravel, Vivi Slidell is not the easies person to get on with but Joaquin is a great laugh lovely sense of humour.
A lot going on in this book ,cleverly plotted.
Can’t wait until the next book .
Thanks to Kensington and NetGalley for my advance copy for my honest review..

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Great read, very interesting. I couldn't stop reading !!! Characters were great , the author brought them to life. Can't wait for the next novel in this series.

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A perfectly picturesque escape! A gorgeous settings, well developed characters, and a mystery that keeps you guessing until the end. Definitely leaves the reader wanting to see what else the author has in store!

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This is the first in a new series.
I would have preferred more of an emphasis on the whodunit but the series has promise and I would read the next in the series.

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I really tried to connect with the characters in this book but it just wasn’t happening. And I know sometimes it does happen. The writing and story were good, I definitely don’t want to take away from that. It was just a personal connection lacking with engaging characters as I read. I am sure there are plenty of readers that it will connect with.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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From Beer to Eternity is the PERFECT start to a brand new cozy mystery series and I'm already excited for more! I loved the characters in this one along with the setting and mystery. This is the perfect blend of everything I love in a cozy and Sherry Harris is going to be on my must read list from here on out!

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This is a decent story that mostly held my attention.
It has nicely developed characters, a good plotline, a bit of humor, and an ending that wrapped the story up nicely.

The author focused way too much on the hormones, and emotions of Chloe rather than the plotline.
It added way too much fluff and did at times takes the attention away from the story itself.

I would like to thank NetGalley and the author for the chance to read this story.

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I like Harris' Sarah Winston series, so I was looking forward to a new series and new character! I like Chloe, who feels like a real woman, grieving and smart and uncertain, thrust into circumstances that require action so she can keep her promise to a dead friend.

The setting in the Florida Panhandle feels fresh (even though I grew up in Florida, I don't know this region at all) and set out in what feels like a realistic way to my inexpert eyes. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but Harris does a pretty good job of making them distinct.

One annoying thing was Ann. It was ridiculously obvious from very early on that she was NOT a handywoman. Chloe keeps ignoring the clues to that and obliviously asking her for more help. That did not ring true at all and made Chloe look like an idiot. She otherwise feels practical and smart, so that was a very wrong note.

And the ending is just too coincidental. Not the ending of the mystery part. That plot plays out fine. But the personal/job resolution. Nope. Not buying it.

Still, overall, it's a fun new series, and I'm looking forward to book #2.

Review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I found "From Beer to Eternity" to be a truly delightful, fairly lighthearted, Mystery. It is in the Mystery/Thriller genre, but I found it to be a very easy read with a perfect amount of twists and turns to keep it interesting.

The characters were all very well developed. I loved how the community was so protective of one another, even when it was clear that someone within their own midst was not truly trust worthy. They were not quick to throw one another "under the bus", so to speak without feeling they had enough proof.

I enjoyed the fact that Ms. Harris did not overly draw out the storyline to extend it. I found the book to be just the right length that I did not get bored at all, and I was fully drawn into every single page! I had a hard time putting the book down! I completed the entire story within 24 hours. I will absolutely be seeking more books by this author! Thank you, Ms. Harris, for a truly entertaining story!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kensington Books through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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From Beer to Eternity is the beginning of a new series by Sherry Harris and it is why I love cozy mysteries so much! It has everything I love about cozy mysteries! I was hooked from page 1 right until the end! I liked Chloe right away. She moved to Emerald Coast,FL a week ago because she made a promise to her deceased best friend, Boone that she would help his grandmother,Vivi, who owns the Sea Glass Bar. Chloe soon realizes Vivi doesn't appear to need her help and doesn't want Chloe there. One of the bar patrons ends up dead behind the bar and Vivi is the main suspect. The town and its residents have some secrets to keep it interesting. Including her coworker Joaquin and local guy Rhett. It kept me guessing until the end! This is one of the best starts to a new series I have ever read and I read a lot! I was intrigued from the beginning! Very, very enjoyable! I can't wait until the next book! I received this book from Netgalley.and Kensington Books for an honest review and the opinions are solely my own.

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The first book in Sherry Harris’s new series, Chloe Jackson, Sea Glass Saloon Mysteries, isn’t even out and I am anxious to read the next one! From Beer to Eternity isn’t quite what I expected from the title, but it gave me everything I want and expect from a book by Ms. Harris. I loved it!

The well-plotted murder is as complex as any in that field that falls between cozy and traditional amateur detective mysteries. Chloe handles most of her investigation intelligently although there was one time I wanted to grab her and tell her, NO, but her judgement worked out so I forgive her this time. Hitting that balance with an amateur investigating murder has to be difficult but Ms. Harris has done an outstanding job of allowing her protagonists to use their brains as they walk a dangerous line.
Since Chloe Jackson, Sea Glass Saloon Mystery series is new, early in the book, I missed the sense of comradery and community that I experience with her Garage Sale Mysteries, but Chloe’s connection with the people around her develops through the novel and I foresee strong ties in the future. A future I will be following avidly. I first discovered Sherry Harris through her Garage Sale Mysteries and from that first book, everything she writes has become a must-buy.
Chloe made a promise that she never expected to have to keep, but it led her to take a leave from her job as a children’s librarian in Chicago and spend time in the Florida panhandle. Her decision not to share her reason for staying has left her in a bit of an awkward position, but she dug in and got a job at a bar owned by a late friend’s grandmother. This lady Is NOT her idea of a grandmother who needs help, but it turns out that there is a lot for Chloe to do when the woman comes under suspicion for murder.
There are many characters that I liked but the two that I loved are Joaquin and Michael. They seem to be Chloe’s version of the D’Angelos. For those of you who are new to Sherry Harris, the D’Angelo family is a reference to special people in her other outstanding series.
As a serious Sherry Harris fan, I naturally requested an ARC of From Beer to Eternity and just as naturally, I had already preordered a personal copy. My friends and followers will be hearing how much I enjoyed this just-right mystery as they have heard all about her other books.
#NetGalley #FromBeertoEternity

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Sherry Harris debuts a new series and it's a winner! Before her best friend, Boone, was deployed to Afghanistan, he extracted a promise from her, a promise that she would look after his beloved grandmother, Vivi. After his death, she heads down to the Florida Panhandle for his memorial service. Next thing you know, Chicago children's librarian, Chloe Jackson, is the newest barmaid at the Sea Glass Saloon. Then our intrepid heroine finds a body in the back of the bar with Vivi as the prime suspect. I fell in love with Chloe and ALL the characters who make up this delightful mystery. And I bet you will too! Highly recommended Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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From Beer to Eternity by Sherry Harris is the first book in a new cozy series set in the Florida Panhandle. Ms. Harris is a "new to me" author and the setting of this mystery was also unknown to me. I found both to be an enjoyable reading experience for me.

Ms. Harris' writing is smoothly paced and her description of Emerald Cove made the different businesses and people come alive for me. I confess that I didn't connect with Chloe through the first few chapters; but as her character became more developed, I began to like her and appreciate her determination to help Vivi. Emerald Cove and it's small town tourist appeal is also a character in itself and I would love a visit to get to know the town better. The reveal was a total surprise and action packed as Chloe races to the rescue. I will be looking for the next book in the series as I want to know more about Vivi, Ann and Rhett.

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Who would not like a book where, on the first page or so, you meet a character wearing an armadillo shell on his head? Chloe and the rest of the folks at the Sea Glass and in Emerald Coast had me from the start! These characters are so well written that I could imagine what each one looked like as I read. This book is a traditional cozy mystery that emphasizes loyalty and friendship. The story has many twists and turns and stories within a story, making for a wonderful reading experience. I did not figure out "whodunnit" till the very end.

I have yet to read any of Sherry Harris's books in which I don't get completely lost and do not want to end. I can't wait till the next installment in this hopefully many books-long series.

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This is a light-hearted cozy mystery that introduces a new series. The characters are fun, but well fleshed out.. The story does not break any new ground, but it is quite enjoyable in its levity. It balances the humor and seriousness (it is a murder mystery after all) quite well.

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