Cover Image: Star Wars Poe Dameron: Free Fall

Star Wars Poe Dameron: Free Fall

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[Short version in English, long version in Italian below]
In Poe Dameron - Free Fall, author Alex Segura manages to bring a faithful and intriguing teen version of Poe Dameron on the book pages. Poe in unsure (but never completely) of his future and about the man he wants to become.
However, the well-done character introspection for Poe, Zorii, and also Poe's father Kes and family-friend L'ulo Lampar, comes together with a repetitive storyline that does not intrigue the reader to continue reading. Segura's style is fluid and enjoyable, and the best moments of the novel are for sure Poe and Zorii's dialogues.

Le informazioni centellinate ne L’Ascesa di Skywalker su Poe Dameron dovevano portare qualcosa e quel qualcosa è il nuovo romanzo Young Adult Poe Dameron – Free Fall di Alex Segura! Non ci ha sorpresi dunque il suo annuncio di qualche mese fa e finalmente il romanzo canonico edito da Disney-Lucafilm Press arriva tra due giorni nelle librerie oltreoceano.
Abbiamo avuto modo di leggere il romanzo tramite una Advanced Review Copy qualche mese fa (grazie mille a Disney Lucasfilm Press) quindi tuffatevi con noi nella recensione senza spoiler!

Sono passati alcuni anni dalla morte della madre di Poe (Shara Bey, ndr) e Poe e suo Padre, un tempo soldato della Ribellione, hanno sempre più difficoltà a connettersi. Non sapendo cosa fare della propria vita, il giovane Poe fugge dalla sua casa in cerca di avventura, cercando di capire che tipo d’uomo è realmente.

Cosa mi è piaciuto

I personaggi
C’è poco da dire: Alex Segura è riuscito a portare sulle pagine del romanzo una versione credibile e fedele del Poe Dameron di Oscar Isaacs, pur mostrandolo come adolescente di 16 anni. Il carisma e l’ironia che conosciamo bene sono perfettamente rappresentati e i momenti migliori del romanzo non sono forse le battaglie spaziali o gli scontri tra contrabbandieri, ma quelli più intimi dove Poe e Zorii (e gli altri spice runner di Kijimi) si interfacciano.
Proprio di Zorii vale la pena parlare: dopo essere stati catturati dal suo sguardo magnetico ne L’Ascesa di Skywalker conoscere qualcosa di più sulla ragazza è stato interessante. Il personaggio si è svelato deciso e sicuro di sé, una specie di mentore – anche se ugualmente giovane, e forse per questo più facile da seguire – per lo stesso Poe Dameron.
La caduta libera del titolo, però, non è imputabile solo alle cattive compagnie del giovane Poe: i suoi dilemmi interiori percorrono l’intero romanzo, anche se non convincono mai del tutto. Forse è così perché siamo abituati a pensare a Poe come un ragazzo esuberante ma dal cuore d’oro, e forse perché – alla fin fine – ci viene presentato sempre così anche nel romanzo.
Gli altri personaggi, a parte per Kes Dameron e l’amico di famiglia L’ulo (già visto nella serie a fumetti Poe Dameron) sono invece abbastanza dimenticabili.

Cosa non mi è piaciuto

La trama e le motivazioni
Per quanto l’approfondimento sui personaggi sia valido, le vicende vere e proprie di Poe Dameron – Free Fall non trainano particolarmente la lettura. Dopo un inizio abbastanza scoppiettante, con Poe Dameron che fugge da Yavin 4 proponendosi come pilota per gli Spice Runners, la trama si trascina da un colpo all’altro, senza che il lettore sia davvero interessato alle vicende in merito: ammetto di aver desiderato di arrivare al più presto alla “conversione” di Poe, al suo rinsavimento, che tanto ero sicuro sarebbe arrivato.
La scrittura di Segura scorre abbastanza, quello che manca è proprio una motivazione a continuare e, purtroppo, questa sensazione si è mantenuta per quasi tutto il romanzo.

In Poe Dameron – Free Fall, l’autore Alex Segura riesce a riportare una versione fedele e intrigante di un Poe Dameron adolescente, incerto (ma mai per davvero) sul suo futuro e sull’uomo che vuole diventare. Alla buona introspezione sui protagonisti, Poe e Zorii e di alcuni secondari (il padre Kes e l’amico L’ulo Lampar), si accompagna però una trama ripetitiva e non molto esaltante, che non motiva il lettore a proseguire la lettura. Segura scrive in modo scorrevole e piacevole e i momenti più tranquilli di dialogo tra Poe e Zorii sono decisamente i punti più alti dell’opera.

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3.5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Poe Dameron: Free Fall piqued my interest due to my love for the character and interest in his backstory, particularly since it also involved Zorii, who we were introduced to in Rise of Skywalker. While I’m a staunch FinnPoe shipper, I was willing to be swayed as to the viability of Poe and Zorii as a potential pairing if their history was compelling enough.

Poe’s story on his own is compelling. I liked learning about his origins prior to joining the Resistance, and how his parents’ role in the prior Rebellion against the Empire impacted him.

And there are some interesting things done with Zorii’s character too, in terms of giving her a bit of a complex history and past of her own. A secret about her was revealed that I did not anticipate, and I enjoyed the way it was grappled with, to an extent.

However, I didn’t think much of their relationship, even as friends. I never got the sense they truly connected, not in the way that Finn and Poe did, even with them being apart for the majority of both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. That could just be my bias coming through, but their friendship felt very shallow, and there wasn’t a real sense of depth there.

This is still a fun book, and it will excite other Poe fans who were upset that he wasn’t given that much to do in the sequel trilogy.

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In The Rise of Skywalker leerden we dat Poe een ”Spice Runner” geweest is, wat in de Star Wars wereld inhoud dat hij een drugssmokkelaar was. In Poe Dameron: Free Fall lezen we hoe die vork in de steel steekt, want dat komt natuurlijk niet direct overeen met de voormalig New Republic Navy piloot die zich bij de Resistance aansloot en zijn leven keer op keer op het spel zet om het sterrenstelsel een betere plek te maken. Het boek vertelt hoe Poe op jonge leeftijd een aantal leden van de Spice Runners van Kijimi leerde kennen en zich bij hen aansloot. We leren een hoop over Poe’s leven en familie, maar vooral ook over het leven van Zorii.
Poe’s moeder Shara Bey was een piloot in de Rebel Alliance, ze vocht onder anderen tijdens de slag om de Tweede Death Star maar nam afscheid van het hectische en gevaarlijke bestaan toen ze samen met haar man Kes Dameron en hun zoontje Poe op Yavin IV ging wonen. Jaren later sterft Shara, wat de levens van Kes en Poe compleet op hun kop zet. Kes is er helemaal kapot van en kan maar moeilijk bevatten dat hij de rest van zijn leven zonder zijn vrouw moet doorbrengen en wordt daardoor extra beschermend over Poe. Iets wat de zestienjarige Poe verre van op prijs kan stellen. Deze tiener wil niets liever dan vrijheid, vliegen en avonturen beleven. Na een zoveelste ruzie met zijn vader loopt Poe een aantal ongure types tegen het lijf die opzoek zijn naar een piloot die ze van Yavin IV af kan krijgen wat voor Poe de uitgerekende kans is om onder de beschermende blik van zijn vader uit te komen en eindelijk het universum te gaan verkennen. Zonder zich al te veel te realiseren wat hij doet sluit Poe zich aan bij de Spice Runners van Kijimi.

Het boek is een snel doorlopend avontuur waar achtervolgingen, vuurgevechten, verraad en een vleugje romantiek zich op rap tempo afwisselen. Segura weet het tempo goed vast te houden, wat mede komt doordat we enkel de daadwerkelijke missies meekrijgen waar Poe en zijn vrienden op uitgestuurd worden. De weken of zelfs maanden die tussen die missies in zitten worden overgeslagen, waardoor het tempo hoog blijft en het verhaal zich niet vast graaft in onnodige expositie.

Segura zet een Poe neer die trouw is aan zijn personage in de films. Hij is impulsief, koppig, overmoedig en bluft zich een eind in de rondte, maar wat vooral naar voren komt is zijn grote hart. De impulsiviteit zorgt ervoor dat Poe zich zonder aarzelen bij de Spice Runners aansluit, wat hem lijnrecht tegenover de idealen van de New Republic, en waar zijn ouders voor vochten, zet. Dat hij hiervoor kiest en zich niet inschrijft als kadet bij de New Republic Navy is een punt wat niet helemaal overeen lijkt te komen met Poe’s persoonlijkheid, iets wat het boek zelf ook duidelijk maakt omdat Poe toch regelmatig met zijn beslissing worstelt. Maar zijn loyaliteit aan Zorii wint het van zijn twijfels.

De sterkste punten van het boek zijn niet zozeer de Spice Runners, die in dit boek helemaal niet met Spice in aanraking komen trouwens, maar de momenten tussen Poe en Zorii. De twee tieners krijgen een hele hechte band en zijn elkaars steun en toeverlaat, rolmodel en maatje. Die hechte band verklaart de manier waarop Zorii met Poe omgaat in The Rise of Skywalker. Hoe ze hem eerst tegen de grond werkt en haar blaster gereed heeft, om vervolgens zonder al te veel moeite overgehaald te worden om hulp te bieden. En Poe zelfs het medaillon geeft dat haar enige weg naar vrijheid kon zijn.

Al met al leest Free Fall fijn weg en zijn er maar weinig saaie momenten. Er is genoeg actie om van te genieten maar de echte kracht van het verhaal ligt in de emoties van de hoofdpersonages. Segura bouwt een goede brug tussen de Poe die we kennen en de duistere implicaties die The Rise of Skywalker over hem geeft. De cover art van Phil Noto is zoals we van hem gewend zijn ook weer een knap staaltje werk. Oh, en Babu Frik komt ook een paar keer tevoorschijn en net als in The Rise of Skywalker steelt hij ook hier weer de show!

Free Fall is een leuke aanvulling voor de collectie waar menig fan, ook de jongere fans onder ons, zich prima mee zal vermaken.

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Hello Gemmies! I have a new book review to share with you today. Please note: I received a digital ARC of this book (via NetGalley) from its publisher in exchange for an honest and fair review.

Poe Dameron Free Fall by Alex Segura is a wonderful back story novel of everyone's favorite spice runner turned resistance hero Poe Dameron. Get ready for a fast paced, non stop, fun thrill ride. There is no shortage of blaster showdowns, firefights, and of course...... hyperspace/light speed skipping! Free Fall is a great entry into the Star Wars literary universe. We get a look at Poe's life as a teenager before he joined the resistance. Alex Segura does a wonderful job of capturing Poe's characteristics. He felt authentic, dynamic, and relatable. The world building is also so much more than I was expecting. We visit numerous planets, including Yavin and Kijimi. And there are creatures galore. We meet Gen Tri's, Zabrak's, Twi'lek's, Klatooinian's, Zualjinn's, Kyuzo's, and Moraysian's just to name a few! Alex really went deep into Star Wars cannon territory. I had to consult Wookipedia to refresh myself!

Now what really made this book shine for me was the relationship between Poe and Zorii. I cannot tell you enough how much I love their interactions. Zorii battles inner turmoil as she develops a shaky relationship with Poe while trying to remain committed to the Spice Runners. These interactions were really well done and I need more Poe/Zorii adventures in my life. After learning more about both of them, I want to re-read the sequel trilogy novelizations. If you are a fan of Star Wars, gritty criminal underworlds, blaster fights, family drama, friendship, and aliens then go read this book! This gem published by Disney Lucasfilm Press is set to release August 04, 2020, and is available for pre-order from all major booksellers. I give Poe Dameron Free Fall 4 out of 5 gems. I loved this book and hope we got more stories like this set in the Star Wars universe. Happy Reading!

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I was underwhelmed by the character arcs, plot lines. Poe Dameron is one of my favorite characters from the Star Wars franchise, and I was excited to read about his origin story, but it was not nearly as interesting as I thought it would be. I expected a full description of Poe's relationship with his father, and a true "origin story" type story, but these elements are scrapped in favor of action sequences that seem illogical and out of place.

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Star Wars fans rejoice! We have a backstory on one of the best pilots in the Galaxy...Poe Dameron. This story takes place when Poe is 16. We learn a lot about how he became a Spice Runner. This book has a lot of in depth details about how he became who we see in the Star Wars movies. The plot was good and the pacing not bad. I got into the character and felt like I was flying right along with Poe.

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In "Poe Dameron: Free Fall," Alex Segura shines a light on a part of the charismatic Resistance pilot’s life we only get our first hints of in The Rise of Skywalker. A character with a shady becoming a hero for the good guys isn’t new territory in the franchise (a certain other charismatic pilot had done the same thing a generation earlier, after all). But some were taken slightly aback by the film’s revelation that Dameron had spent time in the galaxy’s criminal underworld and had a hard time squaring that with the character they already knew. But in revisiting a trope we know well in Star Wars, that of a frustrated young man eager for adventure, Segura draws a clear arc through Poe’s development. From a restless adolescent, through a not-quite-convinced member of a criminal enterprise, to a young man who finds his true calling, we find out how Poe got from the frigid Thieves’ Quarter of Kijimi to his place as one of the leaders of the Resistance. The author does a beautiful job of capturing Oscar Isaac’s portrayal of the character, nicely sets up things we see in the films, and provides just as much – if not more – backstory about the Kerri Russel’s enigmatic Zorii Bliss.

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"Poe Dameron: Free Fall," gives us a glimpse into the life of a teenage Poe, and answers some lingering questions about him. Poe, the son of two Rebellion heroes, longs to follow in his parents' footsteps and dreams of becoming a great pilot. After his mother dies, his father is reluctant to let go and let Poe find his own way. A group of criminals looking for a pilot becomes his ticket off his home planet and into the excitement he longs for. Poe quickly finds out that the life of a spice runner is a heavy prospect.

Many of the characters are quite compelling, but Zorii Bliss is top shelf in this story. She looked so cool and was so intriguing in "The Rise of Skywalker" and I wanted to know more about her.! The chemistry between her and Poe makes for a fun read, and it manages to feel very relatable even in this setting. If you're looking for an exciting and humorous read in the Star Wars universe, this is a good book to grab. It's neat!

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Star Wars Poe Dameron: Free Fall

To be as honest as and forthright as possible: I love this book.

It is a perfect "origin" story for Poe. Poe felt overshadowed and overprotected at the same time and that pushed him right into the arms of the Spice Runners and Zorri Bliss. His growth as a Spice Runner helps him become the General we know and love.

Honestly, its not what I expected from Poe's father knowing his history but after reading the story it makes perfect sense.

This book is a must read!


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The family dynamic between Poe and his dad, Kes Dameron, was interesting to look into during the beginning of the book. It was cool how it starts off in space, in the action, and dives into why Poe loves flying so much. But after Poe faces off with his dad, he runs off with a group of he just met in search of adventure. Little did he know they were spice runners and among them he meets Zorii. It’s interesting how the two meet, and I liked how their interactions throughout the book added some context to their dynamic in The Rise of Skywalker. Although it was nice learning more about Poe’s backstory, I found it difficult to stay focused on the story when the plot seemed less engaging at times. If you’re a Poe Dameron fan and want to learn more about his backstory or if you’re into reading up on the latest canon and looking for a quick read, this is the book for you!

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As a huge Star Wars fan, it was great to get to read more from the new canon. Poe Dameron is the best.

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One of the recurring complaints I heard coming out of The Rise of Skywalker was that Poe’s backstory had been changed from the New Republic turned Resistance hero pilot to the backworld spice runner turned Resistance hero pilot. So naturally, when I heard that Poe would feature in his own novel, I was very interested to see how that would fall into place.

Granted, some of that probably came from the weird place Star Wars had been in since a couple years before, where many were actively looking for things that were wrong. Still, though, my main questions when reading Free Fall by Alex Segura were two-fold: does it bridge that gap in Poe’s backstory, and is it fun? Let’s jump into the review and answer them both.

Let’s start with what I consider the less important of the two questions. Yes, I feel Free Fall adequately answers how Poe can be both a spice runner and later a respected New Republic pilot. Why do I find this to be less important of the two questions? It’s simple, really. There was no reason from the start the he couldn’t have done both, and essentially, this novel just establishes that.

But if continuity and canon and retcons are supremely important to you, I think this novel will do well in easing those fears.

Now, on to the good stuff. Is it fun?

For me, the answer is an unequivocal “yes.” Remember that this is a young adult novel, so at times some plot points feel a little convenient or the dialogue a little simple. But for a young adult novel, this is pretty stellar.

It starts with a very restless Poe on Yavin 4, wanting very much to break free of everything that he feels is holding him back. His mother, Shara Bey, is dead, and he misses her terribly. His father Kes is overprotective and Poe, as any 16-year-old would, has difficulty dealing with that. So he sets out with the Spice Runners of Kojimi. What ensues are a series of close calls, action-filled encounters with other pirates and gangs, all while running from the New Republic.

Along the way, Poe meets Zorii Bliss (who goes by Zorii Wynn for a good portion of the novel), and this is really their story. So all that tension in The Rise of Skywalker? It has context now. And it’s very well done. Their first meeting in Episode IX has so much more meaning for me now, because I know what went down and it was written in such a way that it feels like it ties perfectly into how Zorii feels when they are reunited.

Zorii and Poe aren’t the only familiar characters that make an appearance in Free Fall. Babu Frik is back, and fans of the comics will also remember L’ulo L’ampar. And the fun of recognizing characters and names doesn’t stop at those two. The planet Sorgan is a main stop along the way, a place we’ve seen in The Mandalorian. It was also fun to see the Guavian Death Gang make an appearance.

I really couldn’t help but equate a lot of this story to Solo. Very much like what happened with Han in that story, this is Poe’s coming of age tale, mixed with a compelling love story and great use of the pirates and criminal enterprises of this galaxy. I think that’s one of the elements that made it such a fun read for me. And if Solo is a film you enjoy for those reasons, I think you’ll enjoy this novel as well.

My only real complaints about Free Fall are tiny little nitpick things. For example, the name “Spice Runners of Kijimi” is pretty bland. When you’re used to things like the Pyke Syndicate, the Hutt empire, or even the Guavian Death Gang, something as simple as “who they are and where are they from” isn’t quite as original as I’d hope for. Also, as much as I love seeing Babu Frik, his Basic is just a tiny bit too good. He seemed to know barely enough of it in Episode IX, but in Free Fall, he’s able to string sentences together pretty effectively. It’s far easier to read than Anzellan, that’s for sure, and for a young adult novel I can understand that need.

But with those really being the only elements of this novel that I feel I can gripe at, I have to say that means it’s a success. And it really is. I read this novel front to back in the span of about 3 days, which is not the normal for me. It helps that it’s an easier read, but it also helps that it’s just a well-written novel that captures the essence of the characters I wanted to know more about. Alex Segura did remarkably well on this novel, and I’d love to see him work with these characters again in some capacity in the future.

Free Fall by Alex Segura releases August 4, 2020 wherever you buy books. We hope you check it out!

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It was surprising to say the least that Poe Dameron, the great man and loyal soldier of the New Republic, used to have a life as a spice runner. When this information was revealed to us in The Rise of Skywalker, along with the introduction of Zorii Bliss, I immediately looked forward to getting their backstories in any form at some point. That being said, this book has done the job of establishing Poe's backstory perfectly.

This book is, in actuality, a coming of age story masked as a typical Star Wars adventure. There's something for everyone in this book: action, romance, criminal scheming, and even a little mystery. There are some great twists in the story that pays off in a major way at the end. Zorii Bliss is such an intriguing character, and I'm glad we got more of her backstory. And did I mention that this book has Babu Frik in it? That'd be enough to sell me in the first place.

Overall, this was a well-written book that focuses heavily on character development. My only criticism would be that there are some small time jumps that feel abrupt, but otherwise, this is an incredible book. This novel was extremely fun to read, and I enjoyed getting to know Zorii after meeting her briefly in The Rise of Skywalker. Plus, getting more stories with Poe is always a great thing. I highly recommend this book to any fan of Star Wars.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Disney Lucasfilm Press for providing this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Poe Dameron : Free Fall starts to fill in the gaps for this beloved, at least by me, Star Wars Sequel character. It follows Poe Dameron on Yavin 4, young and full of that spirit that we know and love. He's itching to fly, a skill that his mother had begun to teach him and having in inherited her love for the freedom it affords he is acting out.

After facing off with his old man, Kes Dameron, Poe runs off with a group of trouble makers he met at a local watering hole. Spice traders, smugglers and among them a young and fiery Zorii.

This shows that there is a lot of history left within the Skywalker Saga, focusing on the lives of the characters before and after the events of the film. It's just the start of Poe's story, but does so much to expand the universe, dipping into the world of smugglers Post-Han Solo.

You can feel the chemistry between Zorii and Poe in the film and the same is true in this book. Even though I already knew who she was, the way the characters play off each other is so satisfying. Along with Zorii we also get a few scenes with Babu Frikk and a droid that likely sets the stage for Poe's future bond with BB-8.

Poe doesn't just grow up in this story, he finds his place. The son of two heroes in the Rebellion looking for his own adventure, he finally finds his footing and learns what type of man he wants to be.

I did really enjoy this and I hope this turns into a series and his character is expanded upon more. I'd love to see him starting out with BB-8 or when he first meets Leia. If Poe is a favorite if yours, you'll love this.

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Really enjoyed this introduction to Poe Dameron. Great action (as expected) and nice intrigue to fill out his backstory and make this popular character more well rounded. Some nice appearances of new favorite characters as well.

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Alex Segura is a great mystery writer, but unfortunately Poe Dameron: Free Fall was very tough to get through. The characters felt flat, the plot meandered without going anywhere until the last third of the book, and the entire first half of the novel was in desperate need of basic editing -- I got this copy through Netgalley, so that might change.

Segura tried to use his writing chops to include a small mystery --and a very effective twist at the end--... that only affected a couple of secondary characters that then went on to die on the page. His original characters are really good -- kudos to lovely droid Eevee and to Trune, a Galactic Javert if there ever was one, but the villain's plan is moronic, we never learn what Spice does in a book about Spice Runners, and Poe and Zorii's relationship is convenient at best.

The book shines in a couple of places -- the final scene, where Poe finally finds his calling, is quite moving. Zorii also has a quite intermission with Babu Frik where we get to hear her thoughts, and the little backstory that we get about Kijimi is quite interesting.

This is not the author's fault -- a gig is a gig -- but why was this specific book necessary right now? Poe is the only character from the sequel trilogy that is getting a novel even after he got a long-running comic-book series of his own... and the only answer that comes to mind is that this was commissioned to plug the holes that The Rise of Skywalker blew in Star Wars canon, and, if possible, to convince the fanbase that Poe is definitely not gay (the jury is still out on that one, even after this book).

I'd love to read more about Eevee and Trune in the future. I wanted to know more about Spice and Babu, and I will pick up more of Segura's mystery series... but I cannot, in any good conscience, recommend Poe Dameron: Free Fall in the state I got it.

Two stars, one for Trune and one for Eevee.

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This book just did not work. It failed to capture anything of Poe that we know from the films. It could easily have been about someone else and have been the same.

I had so many issues with this book. Poe having a dead mom, like the Star Wars universe doesn’t already have enough of those?

Zorii being described as a woman from the get-go even though she’s a teen; while Poe is called a boy for the majority of the book.

The way the characters’ full names were given, like it was being written for SEO and not as a storybook. What was up with that? Also, why was Poe speaking in full sentences without contractions? It makes him sound weird and not like a real person.

The story fell flat for me. It was repetitive and focused on a very short period in Poe’s life. This book could easily have been 200 pages shorter and said the exact same things!

Zorii being reduced to a love-lorn sidekick was so frustrating. Can’t a female character ever be more than that?

And honestly, the tone was just off. We saw Poe and Zorii together, they’re funny, and they tease each other. Nothing like that comes across in this book at all because it’s so serious. That isn’t Poe at all.

If you’re hoping to find out more about Poe’s connection to the Resistance, you’re going to get half a page of Poe seeing Leia on a broadcast. Sigh.

Not a good book by any means.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley.

Where do I start with how bad this book is? The writer was given one brief - elaborate on Poe’s spice runner career. Using the keywords Poe, Zorii, spice runner and Kijimi, the author came up with this travesty.

Reading this book made me feel like someone was pulling a fast one. The story is written as if a robot churned it out. There is no emotion, no depth. It lacks stakes and connection between the characters. The writing is so tired and full of old fashioned idioms and proverbs. There’s nothing Star Wars about the writing - no matter how many creatures and references to the Rebellion are thrown in.

Poe falling in with the runners at age 16 is the silliest take. A better, smarter writer would have dug into the insidious ways that drug dealers entice young innocent people into the trade in the real world. We could have witnessed another side of Poe if he were a young man being pulled into a world that was bad for him. What toll does it take on Poe who has lived a sheltered life? How do his mistakes really affect him? Instead we’re saddled with a dead mother, daddy issues and a hotshot pilot who can do it all and get the girl. Wow, we’ve never read any of that before.

We don’t get any sense of urgency or fear in this book because all the important stuff happens off-page or has no bearing. This comes down to the horrifying pacing that speeds up when establishing the dynamic between Poe and Zorii but slows down to tell us that they’re now very close and have a connection. Show, don’t tell, is not this author’s motto.

The final act clinched how directionless the writing was. Suddenly the points of view were everywhere and Poe and Zorii, the characters we had picked this book up for, were taking a backseat to a fight between two people we didn’t care about.

It’s obvious the author wrote this with a cinematic mind which meant the writing was stripped down to the minimum. The flare came in describing the species but not in expanding our understanding of these characters and their criminal lives.

I hate that the author actively makes Zorii a villain. She has no morals. I am going to have to scrub this take on the character from my mind because it’s just unfair. Zorii could be a spice runner for a million reasons and she didn’t necessarily have to be murderous. There’s no redeeming her in this book and that undermines her heroic arc in the film.

I’m astounded by how phoned in this writing was. I’ve read other Star Wars novels and while they may not be purple prose, they work wonders with exploring the human condition through their characters.

This is further proof that we need diverse minds to expand on pop culture. It’s not enough to give the safe bet every chance. They’ll just churn out the same boring tropes and stories that have come before. Hard pass on this book.

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This is a poignant tale of how young people fall in love before figuring out who they want to be themselves. Young Poe and Zorii are in over their heads on this fast-paced, action-filled, love story gone wrong. Hoping for a sequel to learn more about what happens next to the Spice Runners of Kijimi and where Poe goes from here with more character development.

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Poe Dameron: Free Fall, written by Alex Segura, shows the events from when Poe grew up on Yavin IV, to him joining the Spice Runners of Kigimi and meeting Zorii, to him eventually joining Leia.

The events that take place in the book make numerous events from The Rise of a Skywalker easier to understand. A few examples of this is hyperspace skipping, which we learn more about in the first few chapters of book, and the events that took place between Poe and Zorii which resulted in Poe leaving Zorii and the Spice Runners of Kigimi. We also get to see what happened from the time when Poe, Rey, and Finn left Kigimi to the destruction of the planet, and how Zorii and Babu escaped.

Segura does an incredible job of telling the backstories of two already known big screen characters. The young adult novel explores what happened between the two characters between the events of Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, as well as giving insight into the characters’ relationships with their families. The book also shows the newly formed New Republic and how they dealt with crime after the Battle of Jakku like the Spice Runners of Kigimi. We get to see the organization’s history and how they operate, along with the enemies of the crime organization.

Sigura writes the Poe’s coming of age story beautifully, keeping me on the edge of my seat and guessing what would happen next, when though I was rarely right. The book keeps the reader’s interest throughout the story by telling smaller stories and adventures within the overall novel. Once I got to the end of the book, I couldn’t believe that it was over. The final events of the story are told amazingly and leaves me wanting to learn more about the rest of Poe’s life before The Force Awakens.

Segura makes it easy to understand and bond with the characters. He presents both Poe and Zorii as relatable teenagers growing up and finding their place in the galaxy. The relationship between the two characters as they both grow up really made me like them and makes me almost feel bad for them because of how much they went through. Segura also includes amazing side characters that add so much to the story.

The book can be confusing at times. The beginning starts out immediately in a space during a skirmish with the law enforcement. I had to reread sections of the book once in a while to fully understand what was going on, mainly during action sequences, but it rarely took away from what was going on. The book also tends to jump a period of time after an important event, which can cause the first pages of the next chapter to be confusing, but Segura tends to put a passage in the explains what has happened, normally as Poe thinking to himself.

I would recommend this book to anyone who takes interest in the criminal underworld of the Star Wars universe or anyone who was interested in Poe or Zorii or their relationship when they were younger. Also, if a main problem that you had with The Rise of Skywalker was Poe, Zorii, and Kigimi, I definitely recommend reading this to clear up everything that took place.

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