Member Reviews

I can read Holiday stories any time of year, but as we are closing in on Fall, this book hit it out of the park for me.

Scooter/Porter totally stole the show.

Vanessa and Anna were awesome characters, and this was a nice clean romance book with such a HEA.

5 stars

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This was a cute read. Vanessa was sure she was getting the promotion that was going to get her to Paris but instead she is on her way to shut down a fruitcake factory in North Carolina. Not was she was expecting this Christmas. What she found was a small town that pulled out the stops and showed her that fruitcake was not just for Christmas and not just a doorstop. This was a fun and sweet story with all the feels. Sometimes a little sappy but definitely worth the time.

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Okay so it should be wierd that I'm reading this book in the middle of the summer but I thought Christmas in july kinda thing and found this book on my tbr list. Weirdly enough it has put me in a holiday sort of mood. Makes me excited for the upcoming holidays. This book was pretty typical with the whole city person closing down a a small towns factory during the holiday season kinda thing. But it was nice seeing how this author worked with it and made it her own. I enjoyed reading about the holidays things that were happening how Vanessa was changing throughout the book. This book has that close knit small town vibes and it defiantly showed and I loved it. I loved seeing how Vanessa instead of trying to just cold heartily put people out of jobs she got to know the people and what was going on which was out of the usual for her and she tried to make the best of what was happening. It was just a nice holiday story defiantly put this book on your holiday tbr because its a good one.

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Really liked the book even though I don’t like fruitcake. Liked the characters and story. A book you can feel good when you finish.

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A Heartfelt Christmas Promise by Nancy Naigle is a standalone contemporary romance novel. The story is holiday themed with it taking place from Thanksgiving and going up until Christmas and definitely is full of Christmas cheer and spirit.

Vanessa Larkin was expecting her company to send her to Paris for the Christmas holiday but instead she gets assigned to Fraser Hills, North Carolina which isn’t exactly the tourist destination she was hoping for. Vanessa’s job was to go in and assess a local company, Porter’s, a fruitcake factory, that her company had purchased and wants to convert into warehouse space.

Mike Marshall is a horse farmer with special ties to Porter’s, his family had founded the company and owed it for years. However, Mike’s grandfather had made the decision to sell to the Chicago company that Vanessa works for and Mike is worried what that will do to Fraser Hills. The question will be whether Mike can trust Vanessa to do what is best for their town or for her company.

Nancy Naigle is an author that I have read before and really enjoyed so going into this one I had high hopes for wonderful writing and an excellent story and thankfully that is what I found. The city girl coming to the small town story endangering the beloved town factory could make a wonderful Hallmark movie. The small town and cast of characters were full of all the charm I expected and I loved that this one became a family focused story. Great read for the holiday season or any time of year you would like to be reminded of Christmas spirit.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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I am a sucker for Christmas stories! I especially love them during the holiday, of course, but since Christmas lives in my heart all year I will choose them any time. This story was beautiful! Our heroine has big plans for the holidays, Paris. (swoon) But her boss has other plans for her. She is sent to shut down a Fruit Cake Factory! (Oh the Scrooge of it all!)
The town has other ideas and tries to get her to change her mind. I love the interaction between all the characters, not just our hero and heroine. This story doesn't follow the conventional Hallmark move trope, but we still come to the HCEA (That's Happily Christmas Ever After)
Lovely book and a welcome addition to my Christmas Collection.
Thank you #NetGalley and Nancy Naigle for the gift of this book!!

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Anything Nancy Naigle writes is amazing! Her books always make you wanting more. Her stories are so engaging and her characters are so in depth. Just love her books!

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When the weather turns cold I’m ready to switch gears and read some books to put me in the spirit of the season. Nancy Naigle’s A Hearfelt Christmas Promise is like being wrapped up by a fire with a warm cup of cocoa. Snuggle in, you’re in for a treat.
After ending a relationship on the cusp of a marriage proposal Vanessa Larkin plans Christmas in Paris with her cousin. A last minute work assignment dashes all hope of an overseas holiday sending her to Fraser Hills, NC. Her job is to transition the small towns main employer, Porter’s, to warehouse space and send many employees into early retirement. Surprised by the reactions she receives in the small town from residents who are both very kind, and those that judge her harshly without knowing her, she gets down to business trying to determine what her predecessor may have missed. Can she get the warehouse space AND save Porters? What she hadn’t counted on was Mike Marshall, whose family founded and eventually sold Porter’s. Despite their rocky start there’s undeniably a connection between them.
A Heartfelt Promise reads like your favorite holiday movie in the very best of ways. Several of Nancy’s Naigle’s previous books have been turned into movies! The characters are warm, comforting, exploring real world concerns, and take place in areas we’d like to spend time with people we want to have a cup of coffee with. I found myself cheering for several of these characters, and frustrated at one or two. I was invested! I’d love to see a follow up focusing on the character of Mike’s daughter, Misty.
Many thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced reader copy and the opportunity to review A Heartfelt Christmas Promise by Nancy Naigle. All opinions are my own.

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Loved the small town atmosphere and lots of fun Christmas traditions! Goes without saying, with the fruitcake and all, that it would make a great holiday movie!

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I love a good Christmas book anytime of the year! I am so glad I had saved some of these books for later since I didn't get around to all of them at Christmas time. Such a feel good Christmas story in this one!!

Vanessa had high hopes that she would be sent to Paris for the holidays on a job for her company, but instead she is being sent to Fraser Hills, NC to help with the closing of a world class fruitcake factory, Porter's. Vanessa is to get in, assess the situation, lay people off, and then go back home like nothing ever happened and it was all just a job she had to do.

When Vanessa gets to Fraser Hills, she realizes that the fruitcake factory is more than just a job for her and for the people that currently work there, Vanessa has a change of heart about the whole factory and what it means to the community. Why does this have to be a heartless job and why doesn't her company understand the importance of the factory to the community?

Mike, a widowed single-dad, meets Vanessa one day and is intrigued by her. Mike has a strong connection to Porter's because his family is the one that founded it. When his grandfather sold the business he was not happy about it at all. Mike now spends his days taking care of his daughter and his horses.

When Mike finds out about the real reason that Vanessa is in town. he is not happy about it at all and wonders if this will be the end to their just beginning relationship. How can Vanessa be ok with what she is there to do?

This small town Christmas story will leave you longing for Christmas to come again soon. I loved the way that I felt a part of Fraser Hills. Nancy Naigle always catches my attention from the very beginning and has me longing for more when the book ends. Such a good read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all opinions are my own. Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for a copy of this book!

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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I loved this festive book. It was an attention getter from the beginning. It kept me interested and held my attention throughout the entire story. This is such a great read. A Hallmark movie in the making. I recommend this book and author.

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Life situations got in the way of me finishing this book during the holidays. But finishing it in February didn’t take away any of my enjoyment of this story. A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is a delightful small town story that will warm your heart any time of the year.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ebook for my honest opinion.

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A fun Christmas romance kind of like a a Hallmark Movie in a book. Busy city career girl ends up in backwater town to shut down their primary business. Will the townspeople turn against her or will she find true love? It was a fun read and a good story.

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Thank you St. Martins for a complimentary copy. I voluntarily reviewed this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

A Heartfelt Christmas Promise
By: Nancy Naigle

As Christmas stories go, A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is fairly typical. It's a clean Hallmark type story of a small town girl doing well in the big city and being sent home to close down a factory. You know the drill. This story is well written and enjoyable to give yourself a little holiday treat. If you are looking for a charming and delightful Christmas book, this is it.

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ARC for honest review with no compensation received from NetGalley, St Martin’s Press and Macmillan Publishers

A Heartfelt Christmas Promise by Nancy Naigle is a wonderful Christmas holiday book filled with small town charm, change of plans, friends helping friends, keeping the factory alive and of course...Fruitcake! Will this Christmas holiday bring joy to the people of the town, Mike and Vanessa or will Vanessa take the spirit of Christmas away? Only time will tell....

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This book started off like many others - a Hallmark(y) type of Christmas story. Vanessa dreams of going to Paris for her next job but instead has to go to the small town to shut down the fruit cake factory at Christmas time.

The added twist (and confusion for my part) is her cousin meets her there and they plan on having a great time (while shutting down the town’s factory?!) in this town for the holidays. The reason the cousin was so confusing is because there is apparently an age difference that I forgot about by the time it was relevant.

Vanessa is ok, Mike is ok they get together oddly and it’s weird and clumsy this horribly awkward back and forth, I didn’t find it too romantic. It was as if drama was supposed to be written in but not too much but a little more... Then there’s the whole Mike’s grandfather hooks up with Vanessa’s cousin thing, they should have made him Mike’s dad. Was he? I was so confused. I thought Anna(?) was Vanessa’s cousin - best friends with her mom or something but then the relationship with the grandfather? What?!

If you find my review confusing now you know how I truly felt about the book.

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This was a cute, Christmassy fluffy little chaste romance novel and I really liked it. It was innocent of anything untoward and still enjoyable! ;) My only problem, which I hope hope hope was fixed prior to release, as this is a review for the ARC, is that I am not wholly sure what Mike and Buck's relationship was. Were they father and son or grandfather and grandson? It changed throughout the book!! It went back and forth and back and forth and I got really confused. I do believe that Buck was Mike's grandfather, whose wife died and Edna was Mike's mother, nary a mention of Mike's father ever. But I really hope that all got picked up on final edits and was resolved in the published version. I'm not curious enough to spend money to find out. But all in all, it was a good holiday book and the puppy on the cover has the smallest part in the book but obviously is a very cute cheap shot to draw you into the book. lol.

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If you love Hallmark Christmas movies, this is the book for you! A Heartfelt Christmas Promise by Nancy Naigle is the perfect fun, festive read for the holiday season.

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The quintessential Hallmark story. Big city girl goes to small town to to evaluate a small homegrown fruitcake factory that the company she works for owns. They tell her close it down but she sees the potential. Throw in a local horse rancher with a teenage daughter into the mix. Said horse rancher's family use to own the fruitcake factory and holds the fact that his grandfather sold the business against her. You can se where this is going....
Fortunately, at least, big city girl loves Christmas her cousin/best friend goes along so they can spend Christmas together, and a little side romance goes on with her too.
This was a great quick read perfect for getting in the holiday mood.

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