Member Reviews

A Heartfelt Christmas Promise by Nancy Naigle is an inspiring story of following one’s heart. Vanessa is expecting to be sent to Paris or Washington state for her next assignment of assessing property for profitability or closing over the holidays. Her cousin, Anna, calls and insists they must spend the holiday together wherever Vanessa is assigned. Instead she is sent to a small town in North Carolina, which is famous for its fruitcake, to shut down Porter’s Fruitcake as they need the warehouse space for another company. Fraser Hills is a big adjustment from Chicago as there are no Ubers, only one cab and the residents know all of everyone’s business. Can she adjust and fit in? Does she have all the facts about this business or is it more viable than her boss thinks?
I really enjoyed this book and stayed up very late to finish reading it. I had to know what would happen. The characters drew me in and I could just see this small town and their factory and store. I did not want all the people to lose their jobs right after Christmas. I really liked Vanessa even though she was there to destroy the livelihood of many. I kept thinking to myself that this should be a Hallmark movie with the background of mountains and snow. Through many twists, turns and misunderstandings the story does come to a logical conclusion. I give this book 5 of 5 stars. It will appeal to a wide audience of readers and is a heartwarming story of love and finding one’s place in the world.
I received an advance copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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"A Heartfelt Christmas Promise" by Nancy Naigle is a wonderful, heart-touching novel! I couldn't put it down. I love easy to read, sweet books and this one qualifies! There is always something so touching about books based around Christmas time and I can read them all year must be like watching Hallmark Christmas movies!

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A Heartfelt Christmas Promise was very heartfelt. A very lovely Christmas book
Small towns and the people who live in those small towns. I loved this book. I read this whole book in one sitting. I felt so close to all the characters, a very powerful lesson to be learned reading this book!

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A sweet, heart felt and heart warming story that is perfect for the Christmas season. It has a hallmark movie feel in that it gives you all the warm fuzzies inside like those holiday movies.

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I was invited by St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley to read A Heartfelt Christmas Promise, by bestselling author, Nancy Naigle, in exchange for an honest review. It is a delightful romantic comedy set in the lovely, but fictional, small town of Fraser Hills, North Carolina.

Vanessa Larkin works for one of those companies that buys other companies, then shuts them down, putting hundreds of people out of work. She expected to be sent to Paris for a project, and hoped to be there over Christmas. Her boss had other ideas, and went to Paris himself, taking the laziest and most dishonest employee with him. Disappointed to be spending the holidays in the tiny town of Fraser Hills, NC, she went to do the job, spend time with her cousin, and go home to begin the next project.

Vanessa is to close Porter’s Fruitcake, and make space for a new company to be installed in the warehouses owned by Porter’s. She offers fabulous retirement packages to some, and new job opportunities to others at the new company for others. The close-knit community is not happy.

She meets Mike Marshall, who unknown to Vanessa, is the grandson of the founder and former owner of Porter’s. While never involved in the company, Mike feels a loss of family history when his grandfather sells Porter’s. The town’s people feel betrayed. Mike is a widower raising a brilliant and precocious teenage daughter.

Gradually, Vanessa finds that she likes rural, small town living, just as she is drawn to Mike and his daughter. At the same time, she is falling in love with the employees of Porter’s.

She devises a plan to use the warehouse space for the new company, while leaving the bakery and store/gift shop in place. Betrayed by her boss when she shares her ideas with him, she is determined to outwit him. It appears Vanessa and Mike may have many Christmases to share in the coming years.

A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is the perfect romantic escape from the trying times we are living in these days. It’s a light, easy read, and is fun, sexy, and encouraging for young girls with ambition and life goals. As I said on Instagram, if this isn’t a Hallmark movie, it should be.

What make The Grumpy Book Reviewer grumpy?

Well, this was an ARC, but still, there were a few errors that should have been caught by now:

• Redundancies: “plenty enough” (It’s plenty or it’s enough – not both.) “alley street” (It’s an alley or it’s a street – can’t be both.)
• Statements that end with a question mark;
• A question that ends with a period.
• Incorrect verb usage: go vs. come, bring vs. take, wasn’t vs. weren’t, was vs. were;
• Using further in place of farther;
• Numerous typos;
• Multiple missing commas;
• A lot of split infinitives.

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A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is a story of career driven woman gaining a new perspective on life once she spends some time in a small town. I enjoyed the small-town setting, the townspeople who were deeply rooted in the community, a hint of Christmas magic, and the descriptive writing. A good story to start off your holiday reading.

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What a wonderful holiday story! I read a holiday story last year that gave me the warm fuzzies and this one did the same. Loved it and couldn't wait to see what Vanessa decided to do. I think I need to get more of Nancy's books to read.

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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When I see Nancy Naigle's name, two words immediately come to mind: Christmas and Hallmark. For those who aren't as familiar with her work, Nancy writes a variety of sweet romance reads, including some fantastic holiday tales- a few which have been turned into Hallmark movies. Like I said, Christmas and Hallmark. Those who know me well know that these just happen to be my favorite things. When I pick up one of her books, I know I am going to be delighted. A Heartfelt Christmas Promise did not disappoint in that regard!

In this book, we meet Vanessa who has been sent by her employer to the small town of Fraser Hills, North Carolina, known for it's fruitcake of all things! Her goal? To shutdown the fruitcake factory, right in the midst of the holiday season. Once she gets there though, he realizes things aren't quite what they seem with her job... and in true holiday romance fashion she finds herself falling for Mike, whose family founded the factory. I won't give the rest away, but you can rest assured it is a sweet holiday romance perfect for the likes of Hallmark!

Now listen, I'll be the first to say that this type of book might not be for everyone! If you read the title and find it too sugary sweet in and of itself, it's probably one to skip anyway, because it certainly lives up to the heartfelt. Yes, it's sugary sweet. Yes, it might have been a bit predictable at times. And yes, it reads like your typical Hallmark Christmas story... but yes, I absolutely loved it anyway! To me, there is something cozy and sweet that I cannot get enough of, especially during the busy holiday season. If this sounds like you, it is definitely one to add to your holiday to read list this year!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.

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This was such a heartwarming Christmas story and I enjoyed it so much. I adore the small town ways and how people get together to help each other out. I also love the atmosphere of a small town Christmas and all the traditions.

This is a very clean romance story and although I found the "romance" part a bit lacking, it doesn't detract from the story. Vanessa certainly didn't know how much her life would change when she got to Fraser Hills, North Carolina and how much the people living there would come to mean to her, even a pup called Scooter/Porter. She ends up doing everything she can to save the town's fruitcake factory and the people working there.

Mike and his daughter Misty are such a delight and I just loved the relationship they had, he's such a loving and supporting dad and she is such a sweetheart. Mike still seems to be mourning the death of his wife and doesn't know how to handle his feelings when he meets Vanessa. With Christmas in the air, magical things can happen:)

I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Vanessa Larkin is all set to spend Christmas in Paris, France. Sure she'd be there on assignment. But still... Paris! She was excited to think that she and her mom's cousin Anna would spend the holiday together there. Edward Grayson, her boss, had a change of plans for her though. He is sending her to Fraser Hills, NC to close down the fruitcake factory there and set up a warehouse for a sporting goods company in its place. Vanessa had done this sort of job many times yet this time she felt a little twinge of guilt to be bringing this bad news to Fraser Hills just before Christmas. Vanessa was pleasantly surprised when she arrived in town. It's such a friendly town. The residents weren't real happy to see her there though. Pesky rumors! A corporate visit sounded ominous to them. After viewing the two large factory buildings and discovering the fruitcake business was confined to a smaller building Vanessa started planning around her corporate mandate. She knew she could come up with a solution that would make the townsfolk happy. And maybe the guy she first saw at the beginning of her trip would look at her with a smile. The guy driving the sleigh pulled by eight beautiful Percheron horses. Mike Marshall. That guy.

Mike Marshall is a single dad raising his sixteen-year-old daughter Misty as best he can. It would be great for Misty to have a mother's love helping guide her but his beloved wife Olivia died years ago. No woman has caught his eye since Olivia's death until the corporate rep, Vanessa Larkin came to town. Mike didn't know what Vanessa's presence in Fraser Hills meant to the town but he couldn't resist spending time with her. He knew Vanessa planned to return to Chicago when her business in town was finished but he could dream about a different outcome, couldn't he?

A Heartfelt Christmas Promise by Nancy Naigle is a magical Christmas romance. Ms. Naigle's imagination always brings magic to her Christmas romance stories. She never disappoints. Reading this story is guaranteed to spread Christmas joy. The town of Fraser Hills has so many wonderful Christmas traditions such as a lively Christmas parade and special tree lighting ceremony outside the local hospital. I love how heartwarming this storyline is. I smiled so much while reading this story. All the characters are so realistic and likable I'd like them all as friends and neighbors. This is such a lovely Christmas romance. And that cute puppy on the cover is Scooter and his antics will melt your heart.

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A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is a sincere holiday romance about a city girl who learns to love and appreciate all the unique and memorable parts of a small town. Nancy Naigle is one of my go-to authors for holiday romance as she balances romance and heart with ease and perfection.

Vanessa Larkin is work driven. She has always been dedicated to work and is excited for an upcoming business trip. She hopes it's Paris or somewhere out of the country, but it turns out that she is headed to Fraser Hills, North Carolina. She doesn't know that much about the small town but hopes it will be an in and out assignment.

When she arrives in town, she befriends a man named Buck who is kind and full of advice. From the very first moment that she is enveloped by the town at a high school football game she knows this town is different in a good way. She is sitting next to an attractive man named Mike. She told herself that she was going to let go more and she is doing just that as she agrees to meet up with him after the game. When Mike and the town find out why she is in town, it brings unease.

Vanessa was tasked with shutting down Porter's, the local fruitcake company. But as she starts to see how profitable the business is and how nice the townspeople are she fights for this company like it's her own. She doesn't want to disappoint the town, but will she be able to save Porter's?

I loved the small town and all the characters that Nancy created. Every character introduced was memorable and significant to the story. I also loved the relationship between Vanessa and Mike. It was so adorable and yet so real with their ups and downs. With added characters like Buck, Misty, and Anna this story was unputdownable.

I give A Heartfelt Christmas Promise 5 stars. Nancy did an amazing job with the details of a small town including the friendly community, the heart of local support, and picture-perfect imagery. If Hallmark is looking for its next book to screen movie, they have found a winner in A Heartfelt Christmas Promise.

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Nancy Naigle writes entertaining, enjoyable books. A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is no exception. Vanessa Larkin is anxiously waiting her new assignment but to her surprise it isn't in Paris or her second choice either. Vanessa is sent instead to Fraser Hills, North Carolina. In addition to that she is given the task to shut down the fruit cake business and get the property ready for a new business by the New Year. Vanessa is usually very detached about her assignments and how they may affect others. In Fraser Hills this is not the case. She becomes emotionally entangled with the small town citizens and find it is hard to do what is required of her. So how can she make everyone happy? I would definitely recommend this book.

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With all the crazy that 2020 has been, this sweet Christmas romance was exactly what I've been needing. It has everything - a lovely little mountain town, caring townspeople, family business, and a sweet sweet puppy. While the basic storyline has been told before, there were some unique characters and unexpected twists to the story that made it special. It made my heart happy to read this. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the advance digital copy.

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Vanessa Larkin is all about work and moving up the corporate ladder. She is up for two different jobs, Paris or Washington. She gets neither. She is sent to a small town to close the most profitable company there. Her cousin Anna is always on her to slow down and find balance. Fraiser Hills, NC is a prosperous small town. and it has the best fruitcake in the world. She is so surprised that the fruitcake is all that it is advertised to be. She is also in awe of the Percheron horses as they were coming down main street. With so much to offer, why does this plant need to be shutdown. Just when everything was coming together, corporate pulls the rug out. It seems that Buck, the town mayor once upon a time, put the thought in Vanessa's head. It was going to take a miracle but that is what Christmas is all about. It is also a time for falling in love.

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When work is all you think about something must be missing. Vanessa Larkin only had work until an unexpected project took her to a small North Carolina town. Work changed, people became more important, family came to share Christmas and Vanessa found that there were more important things than work. Great clean romance with very interesting characters and a great plot.

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The perfect Christmas book—I felt like I was in the middle of a Hallmark movie! Small town setting, endearing characters, and a story filled with love and joy!

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The author of Christmas in Evergreen series, which were made into Hallmark Christmas movies, managed to pull off another winner.


Vanessa is sent by corporate to help transfer Porter's from a fruitcake business to a sporting goods store. She had hoped that her boss would send her to Paris for Christmas so she and her cousin Anna could celebrate Christmas in Paris. Instead Vanessa and her cousin Anna will be celebrating Christmas in Fraser Hills, North Carolina.

Mike owns Penchenon horses and his grandfather sold Porter's to Vanessa's boss. Many people in town work for Porter's. They sell the best fruitcake in the world.. Scooter the puppy plays a big role in this story.

My notes: Vanessa falls in love with the town. This is a wonderful heartfelt Christmas fairytale story with a happy ending. I think this story will be another Hallmark Christmas movie. With a cute puppy, who can resist a Christmas story?

I received a free digital ARC from NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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This is a sweet Christmas romance story that was so engrossing I could hardly put it down. A big city girl has to go to a small town to shut down a business, and in the process of doing that she finds much more than she ever expected to find. Very well written with wonderful characters, this is a story that should not be missed. I highly recommend it!

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I love a good Christmas story year round. From getting into the spirit of the season around the holidays or just a mental break from the heat if the summer, stories like this always puts me in a good place.

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A Heartfelt Christmas Promise is a fabulous sweet clean romance perfect for getting you in the mood for the holidays. I loved this one so much and all the small town feels. Mike is a sweetheart and once you get to know him you understand why he is a grump at times. His daughter Misty is such a delight. Scotter the escape artist will put a smile on your face for bringing everyone together. Then there is Vanessa, she is a workaholic just trying to get the job location she wants. Vanessa sees the bigger picture when it comes to what her boss wants and what will work. For this small town she has a lot of work to do to get things right. There is this pull between Mike and Vanessa that is so sweet. You see such wonderful changes in Vanessa by the end of this one that you wonder what magic is in this small town to make a city lover fall in love with it. I couldn't get enough of A Heartfelt Christmas Promise.

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