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Beauty Tempts the Beast

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This is quite possibly the best book I’ve read in months, lengthy steamy scenes, plenty of romance, some mystery. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me feel all swoonie. I haven’t read any of the other books in the series but I will add them to my to read list now.

Benedict, also known as Beast was abandoned on the doorstep of Ms. Trewlove when he was a baby with the promise from his biological mother she’d return. Now grown he owns a brothel and actually isn’t very beastly at all. He cares for the women who live in the brothel and wants them to better themselves so they can leave their current professions and he can get out of the business. Enter Althea Stanwick, she works at his sibling’s tavern, she was a member of the ton until her father took part in a treasonous plot to murder the queen. He was hanged for his crimes and she and her 2 brothers were stripped of their titles, their land, their possessions and left destitute.

Beast sees her at the tavern and is instantly attracted to her (the feeling is mutual) and eventually offers her a position in his household as a tutor to the girls living there. He offers to pay her and exorbitant sum of money if she can get them all ready for their new lives in 3 months. She agrees on the condition that he teaches her how to seduce men so when she’s done she can be a man’s mistress and she will have a protector. She doesn’t want to be a burden to her brothers and she knows she doesn’t have many other options. He agrees to this and the fun begins.

I love Benedict, I love the way he treats Althea, I love the way he treats his family members. He’s a wonderful hero. Althea could have been stronger but she was a sympathetic heroine.

I would read this again and wholeheartedly recommend it.

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC, this review is given voluntarily and honestly.

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Even though I haven't read the other books in this series, I LOVED reading this story. The tension between them, the role reversals and the exploration of society life/rules/regulations was so well written!

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I'm disappointed to say that I just couldn't finish this one. The plot isn't anything new to romance- a big, scarred hero called Beast and a down on her luck lady working in a tavern. It felt like I've read this one before, and I didn't like either of the characters enough to care what happened to them. They also had a very insta-love attraction to each other, and then he did predictable things like follow her home and save her from a rapist. There's a lot of books in romance like this, and while I absolutely love Lorraine Heath, this one just didn't work for me.

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I think this one may be my favorite of all of the Sins for all Seasons books by Lorraine Heath. I don't know what it was about Benedict (Beast) and Althea but this book was a fantastic end for the Trewlove crew.

Benedict can always spot when someone doesn't belong and the minute he sees Althea, he knows she isn't supposed to be where she is...serving drinks at his sister's bar. While Althea may be out of her element, she isn't afraid to stand up for herself so when Beast asks her what she's doing there, she basically tells him to mind his own business. From that moment on, he is intrigued. Beast is a protector so when he finds a way to help the ladies in his care alongside of Althea, he does what he can to make it happen.

I loved these two characters from the moment they met and the way their story progressed was perfectly done. As the story progresses, they have their challenges based on who they are to society. As Althea has fallen through no fault of her own, Beast learns who he is and why he ended up with the Trewloves. Both events create some tough decisions that these two have to make and face.

I'll definitely be picking up more Lorraine Heath books and since the mystery behind what Althea's brothers are doing is still to be resolved, I'm extra happy that they will get their own stories.

I picked up this entire series based on a recommendation and I'm really happy I did. The characters are all well developed and getting to see the entire family throughout the series made it even better as I love when I get to peek back into past characters lives to see how it's going. If you're looking for a historical romance series that will keep you engaged and interested, definitely check this one out. Make sure you grab this installment for sure!

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This being book 6 of Heath's current series, it works surprisingly well as a stand alone. I have read book 2 in the series also. The series follows the Trewlove family (rather hate the name, but that's just me) and the next book in the series I believe will be Althea's two brothers (the heroine from this book). This book has a few character appearances from other family members from previous books.

Althea was a lady. WAS. Sadly, those days are over and now her life is filled with attempting to find her niche with the working class. After multiple jobs, she's chosen to be a barmaid. But she knows if she can just become a seductress then she will have more freedom and choices in life. She wants to learn to be the most desired mistress in London and have some life in society again.

Benedict is a bastard living in the darker side of London. He comes across Althea when he frequents the bar for a drink. He knows she doesn't fit in there and wants to know her story. Soon they strike a bargain that bring them together under the same roof. WARNING: The hero's name is Beast. I know some people love it and some don't, so just prepare yourself haha.

Give this book a try if you are in the mood for
-an “almost” antihero – he technically runs a brothel, but that's not all there is to it
-Victorian time period – this book takes place in 1873
-Whitechapel setting – most of this book takes place in the darker area of London
-medium to high steam
-one of the main characters in this book has a disability. I don't want to be specific because you find out rather late in the book but I love that it was included.
-no villain or mystery to solve – there's a few plot devices at work here, but most of the focus is on the couple and their relationship
-this story includes 'riches to rags' and 'rags to riches' elements
-class differences – heroine was raised a lady, hero is a bastard in Whitechapel
-ruined heroine – socially, utterly ruined, the heroine receives the cut direct any social place she goes
-MC ages – hero is 33 and heroine is 29

So overall I really enjoyed this story. When I saw where the plot was going with the bargain, I thought it was a little silly (heroine wants seduction lessons, hero wants a tutor) but I was also excited. The characters are together for most of the book and I love that. It's quite steamy, which I also love.

The thing I loved the most was that it just felt a bit different from what I've read lately. The fact that the heroine was a lady and has lost everything was a fairly new plot focus for me. I also adore books that take place in the darkness of London, so that hit another sweet spot for me.

I enjoyed the hero a lot. He was a tad alpha, a bit jealous, but super mushy and caring inside. Here's one of my favorite scenes from him staking his claim:

“Beast held silent for all of a minute before bestowing upon him the grin that men had been displaying for centuries when they knew they possessed what another man coveted. “I know everything she likes.””

But, and I find this a lot with Lorraine Heath, she just doesn't take it quite as far as I want her to. It's totally a personal preference. But I just want more. More pain, more darkness, more emotion. She tends to delve into these topics and just doesn't push it as much as I want. But I'm also a jaded psycho. So I think many others will be so happy with her writing. (I think Kerrigan Bryne has ruined me)

My other minor complaint is that some of the heroine's behavior didn't really make sense to me. I didn't know her as a character very well in the beginning (not sure if she was introduced in other books?) so the whole 'I want to be a seductress' seemed to come out of nowhere to me. But what really got me was her behavior while she was working as a barmaid. It wasn't the behavior of someone who was contemplating being a courtesan. Things like dumping drinks over people's heads. And while I fully support her choice to douse some groping drunkard, I just couldn't stop thinking how much she was going to hate being a courtesan. Being a mistress, sure it might open doors for her in society and give her some stability in life, but it was like she hadn't even considered what it REALLY meant. Faking it for a man. Putting up with atrocious or undesirable behaviors. It just came off as really naive to me.

Lastly I really disliked how the heroine behaved at the end. It knocked a star for me.

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This was my first book in the series, but it stood alone just fine. I really enjoyed the characters and will look for other Lorraine Heath books!

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3 1/2 stars. A nice romance between two people of different backgrounds and the proverbial beauty who is dainty and pretty and the "beast" who is large. Thea and Ben have sexual chemistry but my favorite times are when they spend quiet time together telling each other about their pasts and reading. Of course that is the way to my heart. There is a bit of drama that separates them for a short time but it isn't a completely ridiculous manufactured issue just to make the story longer. The Epilogue is a perfect wrap up for a series.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and the publisher in return for a fair return.

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When I requested this book, I hadn't read any of this series. I read the first 3 books and fought with getting into them every time. I finally shared my copies with a friend because I realized that they just weren't for me. Thank you for the opportunity to try them!

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I was eagerly awaiting Beast’s story. This man of few words has always intrigued me. And, because I have absolutely fallen in love with the Trewlove family, and have found each book in this series to be outstanding, I was anxious to see how this sixth book would play out. I am thrilled to say it surpasses my expectations. (The epilogue was fabulous!)
Who couldn’t help but fall in love with Benedict Trewlove and Althea Stanwick. Trewlove was a name synonymous with bastard and Stanwick was a name synonymous with traitor. Beast had been left on Ettie Trewlove’s doorstep as a baby. Thea had been cut by Society, leaving her and her brothers with no assistance or support. Neither had control over the events that had affected their lives so greatly. Both deserved so much better than the hand they’d been dealt. Having been raised by a loving family, Beast was mostly content with his life, if not lonely. Thea had felt completely lost and numbed after the world she knew had been destroyed. But together, they made each other feel again. Beast helped Thea to see another side of life. To know the people who worked so hard for so little pay. Introduced her to the gifts of life that don’t cost a penny but are still more valuable than gold. For Beast, Thea eased his loneliness, helped him find light in the darkness.
As with every book in this series, this story completely swept me away. It is absolutely captivating. I could practically feel the sizzle of chemistry between these two. And I loved that their intimate moments, while very passionate, were also fun. Their romance in a word was exquisite. Plus, they were both such good people that I wanted desperately for them to find their HEA. They both cared so deeply for others and put the needs of those they loved above their own. They were such extraordinary characters. So engaging and charming, and I loved watching their love grow.
While this book could be read as a stand-alone, I can’t imagine missing one moment with this fabulous Trewlove family. So do yourself a favor and read the entire series. You’ll be glad you did because this series is romance as it should be done. Sheer perfection!
Review by Amy for Book Obsessed Chicks

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Benedict Trewlove was abandoned as a baby and raised with other kids also left behind. He grew up on the rough streets but always knew that he wanted to protect those weaker and less fortunate. Sitting at a bar one day he meets Althea, who was born and raised among the aristocracy but was shunned because of a crime her father committed. Determined to help her, Benedict, known to all as the Beast, makes her a proposition she can't refuse. But one thing they never counted on was falling in love. Can these two different people overcome their pasts to find a future of happiness together?
Great story, loved the characters. Can't wait to read Althea's brother's story!
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a very good read by this author. Benidict "Beast" has.always believed he.was born a bastard and believing his mother didn't want him when she left him with the Trewloves. the Trewloves are a very close knit family even though they are not true siblings. While having a.drink in a pub one night he see.a women who he.thinks does not belong and he is right in his thinking.because the daughter of a former Duke. Althea has been forced to work due to her father's bad.choices and his children are pay for his miss.deeds. Benedict offers her a.position teaching the his care so they may find.position that do not require them selling their.bodies, but Althea will ask for.his help in how to seduce gentlemen.. But both will discover that fate brought them together and it can take it away.

This is a entertaining read with great characters and a storyline. I received this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

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I received an advanced reader copy from #NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Anytime there is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, I want to read it! Overall this book was very good. This is the 6th and final installment of the Sins for all Seasons series. I had not read any of the other parts of this series, and this book does stand alone very well!

Althea Stanwick has fallen from grace. Due to reduced circumstances that are beyond her control, she finds herself in need of employment. After several attempts, she ends up as a tavern waitress. It is there she catches the eye of our male lead, Benedict Trewlove, the "Beast." The Beast offers her alternative employment as a teacher to reform a specific set of students.

Sparks fly between our characters very quickly. I greatly appreciated the author's willingness to take time for Althea and the Beast to become friends, to have good conversations and to learn about each other, before the extremely steamy parts! While not as steamy as other books I've read, it fits with the time and our characters' personalities very well. Very satisfying overall.

The one downside to the book is our main characters have a great deal of angst about one ranking higher than the other, therefore making one unworthy of the other. This does rotate in the book. Thankfully they are able to reconcile, as all good romance novels should do.

I would recommend this book. It is so well written, I wish to go back and read the rest of the series! Well done, Ms. Heath!

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I don't have a lot to say about this one. It was a good book, but not my favorite. Overall, this wasn't my favorite series from Lorraine Heath. I am excited for the next series.

Beast is a nice, caring guy. And I loved that was a writer. Thea was also nice. She was part of the aristocracy, but lost her station because of her actions. But I never really connected with them. I appreciated them as characters, but didn't really care about them.

I felt similarly about the plot and romance. They were fine, but I never got invested. The pacing also felt a little off. That epilogue really hit me in the feels though. I have grown to really love the Trewlove family.

I would like to kindly request a book or novella for Robin. I always wanted one, but after the novella I really want one!

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Lady Althea Stanwick, a privileged Duke's daughter had everything her heart desires, until her father ruined it all! Now, she waits tables in Whitechapel, putting up with leering drunks, until one fateful night, he walks in; Benedict Trewlove, of the infamous Trewlove family, all given up at birth, born on the wrong side of the blanket. However, Benedict is incredibly romantic, protective, loyal, kind, and compassionate. I am in love with him myself! I skipped the gratuitous sex scenes, and enjoyed the blooming of true love between these two!
I highly recommend! Thank you Netgalley!

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Lorraine Heath is a master storyteller, and Beauty Tempts the Beast underscores that decisively. The final book of the roller coaster that is her Sins for All Seasons series, Beauty Tempts the Beast is an absolute gem of a story.

Althea Stanwick, previously of Mayfair, has found herself living precariously in Whitechapel, and perilously short on options. When Benedict Trewlove, known as Beast, proposes to hire her to train the women under his protection etiquette, she pushes the deal farther: he must teach her seduction, so that she can become a courtesan and master her own destiny. Against his better judgement, Beast agrees, but will the lessons prove to be too much for them both?

There are so many things I love about this book. All of the Trewloves come back and we get to spend time with all of them. A self-righteous lord gets put in his place. A snobby lady gets a big snub. Heath excels at building atmosphere - without using over-the-top descriptions, you still get such a sense of place, as if these were actual places you could visit, and in fact miss after you're done reading.

The characters are just amazing in this book. I've been looking forward to Beast's book since When a Duke Loves a Woman (book 2 of this 6-book series) and it was definitely worth the wait. Althea is wonderful - very clear-headed and yet still optimistic. I really enjoyed that Beauty Tempts the Beast didn't have a "big misunderstanding" - the characters were open an honest with each other through it all.

I'm so very sorry to be done with the Trewlove family, it has been a wonderful series that I know I'll be rereading again soon! I would absolutely recommend this book!

I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my review. Thank you to HarperCollins/Avon and NetGalley.

Beauty Tempts the Beast is available 29 September 2020!

NOTE - This review will be posted on social media the week before publication

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This was interesting read, a different with a few old spices. The character fit well together and to have a "Deformed" character is a change of pace. I would recommended for a quick read.

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Sins for All Seasons – Book 6
ISBN-10: 0062951920
ISBN-13: 978-0062951922
September 29, 2020
Historical Romance

London, 1873

Althea Stanwick’s father, one of England’s dukes, was hung for betraying his country. Althea and her two brothers were divested from the title and lost everything their father, or they, owned. Penniless, she now works serving drinks in a Whitechapel bar. She learns the huge man she served is called the Beast and sees him warn another customer about repeating his actions toward her. It is a gesture that piques her interest in him.

Benedict Trewlove’s mother gave him to Ettie Trewlove as a baby promising to come back for him, but she never did. Ettie had several children she saved from Whitechapel’s dangerous streets. Growing up Benedict earned the nickname Beast for several reasons besides his huge height and build. It makes many men wary of crossing him. He has saved many prostitutes from the dangers of the streets by giving them a safe place to live and still do their work. He asks for nothing from them although he lives in the same building. He watches the beautiful barmaid and recognizes her speech and manner similar to someone from the Mayfair area where many aristocrats live. What happened to bring her to Whitechapel? She intrigues him.

As the attraction between Althea and Benedict develops, Althea asks him to teach her how to be a courtesan. She believes making more money will help save her brothers from what she imagines are their dangerous plans. She knows they want to protect her, but she wants to do the same for them. What she didn’t expect was for Benedict to be an honorable and caring man. But then the truth of Benedict’s past emerges and changes everything. She knows that with her family’s past, he can no longer be associated with her except if she is his mistress. Can either of them overcome their pasts so they can share the love they feel in a judgmental society?

Robin Lee

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Loved this take on Beauty and the Beast. Melt-your-Kindle hot and a great romantic story. Loved this one!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is what I get for reading the last Trewlove book first - I want to go back and read all the previous books in the series because all the Trewlove siblings seem like they had great stories too!

Benedict and Althea meet after her fall from grace in society due to her father’s treason. Benedict offers her a job educating the girls in the brothel where he owns the building. One outrageous request from Althea really gets us into the story.

I enjoyed both characters both as individuals and together as their relationship grew as well as all the other Trewlove’s that made an appearance in the book. Benedict’s surprise parentage was a nice, unexpected twist. The only downfall is that while I felt Benedict and Althea were both well developed characters and knowing each other brought out their best individual strengths, sone of the drama surrounding their acceptance of relationship seemed like excessive.

I’m off to read the previous books in the series now!

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Lorraine Heath never fails to deliver a romance that carries me away.

The hero is a protective and honorable hero. I like that he is not a rogue but an honest and down to earth guy. The heroine is innocent yet a practical beauty. It is sort of like a fairytale where the heroine who has been ostracized by society finds love and happiness and an orphan discovers his roots. The romance was sizzling. It developed really well. The proposal was just heartwarming. And the epilogue was just amazing.

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