Member Reviews

*I received a copy of Teen Titans: Beast Boy from DC Comics for my honest opinion*

This was a great graphic novel! I have been a fan of Picolo's art for a while and it warms my heart that he was able to have his dreams come true and become an artist for DC! The art in this comic is amazing and I can't wait for my physical copy to come so I can gush over it some more. I also loved Teen Titans: Raven when it came out and have been waiting anxiously for the second book in this series, and I was not disappointed. 

The story was quite interesting, as it was Beast Boy's origin story. The most I know about Teen Titans is from the show in the 2000s and a few comics here and there, but I know that it is a little different than the original canon, but DC and Marvel like having a lot of different universes and back stories for their characters, so I don't mind that in these books. I liked how it is more modern so teens of this era can identify with the characters and whatever they are going through.

The writing was done really well. Garcia is a great author and I felt that the characters and plot made sense. I really like the best friends and how she was able to tackle a few modern issues using them, as that was the original point of comics when they started becoming big in the day. I cannot wait for the next book in the series and am glad we don't have to wait as long!

If you are a fan of Garcia's, Picolo's, or a fan of Teen Titans, I highly suggest checking this series out!

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Loved this graphic novel!

Kami Garcia wrote Beast Boy as a frustrated, yet lovable teenage boy struggling to fit into the popular crowd. The mystery surrounding his lack of growth is revealed in an engaging fashion, the action at a good pace.

The art was beautiful, Gabriel Picolo really drawing out the emotions of each character, and making the action and eventual transformations attention grabbing but easy to follow. I'm pretty picky with graphic novel art, but this was right up my alley.

I also liked that all the secondary characters where given time to have their own lives and problems, and how Gar would try and help as best he could, though like everyone he does mess things up a lot. But his big heart saves the day in the end. The ending gives a bit of closure but also leaves room for more adventures, which I would definitely love the read!

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I love Teen Titans so I was really excited to read Beast Boy. This follow up the Raven is JUST as good! I loved the story! Origin stories tend to get a bit boring but Kami Garcia keeps you totally interested. I loved the art work too! The only thing about these is they end just as they are getting started but it just leaves you wanting more! I can't wait to see what comes next

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This was so much fun.

I didn’t read the previous graphic novel, but I’m going to now. Beast Boy depicts the origin story of Garfield Logan. He is a small guy who just can’t bulk up, no matter what he does. He wants to be one of the popular kids and he really wants to get the attention of his crush, to no avail.

After some research on a medication he has been taking for as long as he can remember, he decides to stop. Almost overnight things start to change. He starts looking physically different and FEELING different, too.

Now, all of a sudden, he is thrown in with the cool kids. Is it possible he can have everything he ever wanted? Or are these changes too much for him to handle by himself?

This was a great graphic novel, written and illustrated perfectly. I can’t wait for more.

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Being under the (incorrect) assumption that this book was about the mutant character Beast, I was pleasantly surprised to be introduced to a new character. This story takes a good look at what youths put value in today and why these opinions aren’t always correct. Inclusion of animals, both in the plot and visually to convey powers/abilities, was also particularly enjoyable.

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Absolutely enjoyable! As a die hard team titans fan, I love how the story is building to the team coming together with H.I.V.E.

I think it’s interesting that in both books so far (Raven & Beast Boy) focuses a lot on their insecurities. So I’m hoping the next one does something a little different.

Also, as a diabetic person I also feel weird when books bring it up as the worst thing ever... so I could’ve done with those two jokes or statements.


I also loved that the side characters had an important storylines!

And I wish the storyline about wanting popularity could have had a stronger ending to really relate to why popularity isn’t ever but overall it was very enjoyable!!

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Another great addition to the Teen Titans graphic novels. The art, characters, and story were all great and I couldn't put it down until I finished it. I didn't love it as much as Raven, but that's just a personal preference.

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Ever since Teen Titans: Raven came out last year, I couldn't wait to read Beast Boy's story (though I did have to wait a whole year!) Kami Garcia and Gabriel Piccolo are my favorite writer/artist duo right now, and this story did not disappoint!

Lasting Impressions

Gar Logan is one of my favorite Teen Titans, and I've been really curious to see what his origin story would look like. We meet Gar in high school, trying to have the best senior year possible... but nothing is looking good. None of his goals have been met, he's still super short and not gaining weight at all, and he hasn't been able to attract the attention of the prettiest girl in his class. His friends try to tell him that he's totally amazing the way he is, but Gar has trouble believing them. Gar is so relatable here—what teenager hasn't tried to change themselves to appeal to some out-of-reach expectation?

His transformation into his powers help him realize that he doesn't need to change for others, even as he learns he can change his form. I like how his newfound abilities are explained (though there are some questions left, to be cleared up later, I'm sure), and I like how his parents are involved in Gar's story. They don't play a huge role, but they are there and loving and I really liked that. Gar's friends play a much larger role, and I loved the way they helped Gar figure things out.

Lastly, I want to mention the stunning art. I love Piccolo's style, and the way he portrays Gar is so, so good. He embodies Gar's core personality in the best ways, but gives him a modern upgrade in style that is so unique. The rest of the characters are well designed, and I loved the use of different greens, though other colors were not left out of the color scheme.

Quick Thoughts
-I loved the end! It leaves so many clues to what's going to happen next as Kami and Gabriel continue to tell the Teen Titans' stories!

Overall Thoughts

This is my favorite story that DC Comics is putting out right now, and I am so excited to read the next chapter!

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Teen Titans: Beast Boy was so much fun. I absolutely love the art and the characters are so lovable.

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Teen Titans: Beast Boy
By Kami Garcia

I absolutely loved the story telling and the graphics are spot on. I found the storytelling very immersive and creative and really enjoyed the storyline and loved reading about Garfield Logan's story. Gar, a 17 year old typical teen who enjoys pizza and video games from small town Eden, GA is eager to join the popular elites at Bull Creek High School. Being his senior year, he really wants to belong and matter and this is his last chance. A dare catches the attention of the Chosen Ones. At the same time as his popularity starts to soar, his body is also changing and facing the truth about who he really is now n=only matters to the people who cares about him. An amazing story about coming-of-age, acceptance and belonging, this was truly enjoyable fast paced and quick read.

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Gar is a senior in high school that is struggling with fitting in. He has insecurities about his appearance and no matter what he tries, he doesn't seem to be able to gain any weight or muscle. He feels like he doesn't have a 'thing' that he's known for or good at. I think he's a relatable character and also very realistic.

Gar's closest friends are really supportive and funny, I loved how they raised him up when he was beating himself down. I love great friendships and I love that they were all there for each other.

This book feels YA but not in a cringe-y way. I'm not knowledgeable when it comes to superheroes or comics so to me this felt like a really great gateway into this world.

The art is fun and I like the way the illustrator leads the eyes to explain a scene multiple times without the need for dialogue. I didn't feel like this story was lacking or missing anything, which is something I feel like I miss with graphic novels using less text to tell a story.

Having only watched the new Teen Titans with me kids, I liked seeing a different version of Beast Boy and gaining a backstory for him. Overall, I really liked this, I thought it was super enjoyable and I am going to try Raven's story next.

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Thank you to DC for letting me read this early for review.

I like Kami Garcia's writing, so I knew I had to read this one as soon as I was asked. I have to say that the art is great, too. I'm pretty picky with graphic novels and the art can make or breat it for me. This was done in a style that I like.

Gar is small for his age and can't figure out why he won't grow or gain weight. He made a bucket list for senior year, which is almost over, and he didn't do anything on it. His main goal after gaining weight/muscle is to kiss Alana Simone, a really popular girl at school. Gar hangs out with his best friends, Stella and Tank. Gar's parents give him supplements to take daily for his amino acid deficiency. When he stops taking them, things start to change right away. He eats a hot pepper and grew overnight. Then weird things start happening to him. Animals that usually hate people love him. He can see at night. And then his body starts changing. When people called him a beast for eating the pepper, he didn't realize he would actually become a beast boy. Gar's parents tell him a little, but he has to go find answers somewhere else.

There are just a couple warnings for the book. Stella works at a shelter and there is talk about putting dogs to sleep. There is a lab that experiments on animals. And Tank finds out he's dyslexic after struggling to read his whole life. They mention PETA (please read up on what they really are and donate to your local animal shelters instead). There are popular kids at school that are asses at times. And there are a lot of pranks throughout the book.

I gave this 4 stars and will definitely read the next one.

Thank you again to DC for my review copy.

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I really enjoyed this one, I took my time reading it but I could have read it within an hour or so. I have been really enjoying these Teen Titans graphic novels. I gave this a four out of five stars. I liked the art style and the story line. I really liked Logan's friends. Logan tended to make bad decisions but I feel like that's a teenage thing to do.

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Thank you to DC comics for allowing me access to this title.

Though this title is a YA, I typically let my middle grade reader enjoy things like this after I read it. There is some stronger language in here so I might wait until hes a little bit older to enjoy this. I really loved this take on Beast Boy. He's one of my favorite characters and I think Kami Garcia did a fantastic job. The illustrations are just phenomenal as well.

If you are a fan of DC comics, comic books, Teen Titans, etc... you should pick this graphic novel up or request it from your library!

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4.5 stars
This was a really cute story and not some thing I expected to enjoy as much as I did! I had so much fun reading his origin story. My experience with Teen Titan has been with the TV show in the early 2000s and I feel like they never really touched on Beast Boy and his story Despite him being my least favourite character on the team, I absolutely loved reading about him. I think the art is very well done and pleasing to the eye. It’s not too complicated but not too simple. I was not bored at all throughout the story and I devoured it pretty quickly. I will definitely be picking up a physical copy, and a plan to read Ravens comic as well!

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Gar is starting back to school after spring break and he's frustrated because he's just as short and lanky as he was at the beginning of the year. He's been downing protein shakes and doing everything his friend Tank has told him to do to bully up, but nothing is working. He finally decides to stop taking the 'supplements' his parents have had him on for years to see if that is the problem.

Beast Boy was such a fun read and the artwork was awesome! All the characters were detailed and had their own personality that you could see in the images. The animals throughout the story were really detailed as well.

My favorite character was probably Stella. She's an awesome gamer with her own YouTube channel, but she also works at the animal shelter and cares a lot about her friends. She's very supportive and also really funny. She tries to make Gar realize he's fine the way he is.

Tank is also a cool character because while he's on the sports team and friendly with his teammates, he's not a jerk like they are, especially to Gar.

I really enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to check out the next installment.

Thank you, NetGalley and DC Comics for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love the Teen Titans and this version of Beast Boy is great! I loved the story and Gar's friends. I also really like that Gar's parents are around and keeping secrets from him.

But honestly the reason I loved this so much is Gabriel Picolo's art! I love the pops of green throughout and the lack of harsh lines that are more prevalent in older comic styles.

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Anybody remember the old Teen Titans cartoon? Yeah, that was my introduction to Beast Boy. Wise-cracking, nothing gets under his skin, vegetarian Gar. He’s fun, he’s got hidden depths. So, when the opportunity to catch a new comic about him came up, I couldn’t turn it down.

This is an origin story, a bit updated. He’s stunted in his growth, socially awkward, and friends with a couple of awesome kids. One is a gamer that works at the animal shelter. She’s the smart one. The other is an athlete with a hobby for eating contests. He’s the level headed one. The three make a perfect trio. And they are the least popular kids in school. That’s when Gar makes a discovery. The “supplements” his parents have been giving him are blocking his pituitary gland. They’re the reason he’s not growing. So, he stops taking them. Super powers ensue. Teenage hijinks.

This is not an action-packed story filled with violence and outwitting bad guys. Don’t even try if that’s all you want. Yes, Deathstroke the Terminator is a part of the story. So is the villainous HIVE, but that’s not what things are about. This is about teenage struggles, coming of age, and being there for your friends. It’s a slice-of-life. Given that DC has been rather dark in the last few years (and I’m not complaining when I say that), I feel like we could use some more of these light hearted stories. Especially when they help us understand the characters. DC has a huge menagerie of heroes and villains, and those characters have had so many universal re-boots, that it’s nice to sometimes take a moment away from the action to let them be people.

The art is solid, with heavy lines to make everything feel like it has weight, and minimalist backgrounds so we focus on the characters.

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If I had to name a favorite Teen Titan, I’d have to admit it’s not Beast Boy. However, in recent years on Instagram, I’ve been following this incredible artist, Gabriel Picolo (@_picolo). His artwork of Raven and Beast Boy is PHENOMENAL. So you know, go give him a follow, and check out his work because it’s just *chef’s kiss*. And let’s not forget KAMI freaking GARCIA! Her Beautiful Creatures series is one I still have on my shelves after years and years. I love her storytelling, so I can honestly tell you, my expectations were high for this book. I’m excited to see more from this dynamic duo. Go out and pre-order, buy, or request to get this graphic novel in your hands.

I’m a sucker for origin stories, and with Beast Boy, that’s exactly what we get. Garfield Logan has spent 17 years of his life in Eden, Georgia being overlooked. He knows time is ticking to get noticed, and with his senior year coming to an end soon, he needs to find a way to impress the Chosen Ones at Bull Creek High School. His best friends Stella and Tank don’t get why he cares so much about other people’s opinions, they miss their pizza-loving, gamer friend. When Gar accepts a dare out of the blue, he impresses the Chosen Ones, but soon he notices that things are changing. His body seems to be going through a super puberty, and it comes with popularity alongside it. However, in order to continue impressing his new crowd of friends, the dares start getting harder and more dangerous. Gar will need to dig deep and find the truth of himself and the people who truly matter, before things go out of control.

I FLEW through this book unintentionally, it was that good. I wasn’t expecting to like this story as much as I did, and that was partially because Beast Boy (Gar) has always seemed so incredibly clowinsh. However, seeing what drives that clownish personality (insecurity of not fitting in and other things) really helped me connect with his character on a deeper level. I loved Stella and Tank because of how supportive they were trying to be of him being himself, and seeing the distance playing out in this graphic novel when he gains popularity really stung. Having it be a graphic novel instead of a book certainly helps, but the dialogue is really what clinches this book for me.

One of my favourite aspects of this graphic novel is seeing Gar’s responses to peer pressure and his struggles with body image. I won’t lie, it’s pretty relatable as someone who struggled to fit in as a high school kid. I could identify with his reasoning for continuing to do the dares even if they escalated dangerously, and it was because the cool kids would continue to think he was cool. Except that never lasts. And then it hurts, and I hurt for Gar a little bit.

The exploration of Gar’s changes physically and mentally were also really well executed in my opinion. I’ve always been so curious about how Beast Boy came into his abilities, and while I know we haven’t found out everything, I’m hoping we can learn more. I’m also curious how his friends are going to play into all of it. I’m even more curious about the sinister person that’s definitely got something afoot. And even further, if this might lead into a comic with the whole Teen Titan’s group forming ( I am crossing my fingers for this so hard).

With this being a graphic novel, I can’t NOT talk about the artwork. Again, go follow @_picolo. His artwork is amazing, and I’ll not hear anything else on it. I love Beast Boy’s overall look, and even reading the e-version of this, the lines are crisp and clear. I love the colour palette that was used, and I’m so excited to see more of this graphic novel, because honestly Gabriel’s stuff should be out EVERYWHERE! If you haven’t grabbed Teen Titans: Raven, you also need to grab that one…you know. Get them all.

My only complaint in all of this was that it was too short! I finished it fast, and then felt like there should have been much more. I feel like I’m on a bit of a cliffhanger though, and wish I had the next part of the story out tomorrow, instead of some time in the future *cries*. With all that said though, you should certainly add this graphic novel to your list! It’s fun, adventurous, and has lots of the classic Beast Boy clown bits, but with a little more edge, and amazing art. You won’t want to miss it.

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I read this in almost one sitting. I have been looking forward to BEAST BOY since I finished reading RAVEN last year. I thoroughly enjoy the art and story. As someone who is unfamiliar with the Teen Titans storyline, I didn’t find myself feeling super lost in the plot. What I mean to say is, you don’t need to know anything about Teen Titans to read this. I’m sure that if I was, I would have found some Easter eggs or other details in there.

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