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Every Last Secret

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review -
I absolutely devoured this book - Cat, a women coming from nothing has a gorgeous home, successful husband.
Then Neena moves in next door. She is struggling so hard to move up in the world, and shock - has taken a job with Cat's husband.
Neena wants Cat's husband and strives to best friends with Cat and be involved in all she is . But can you trust her? Cat loves her husband and will fight with everything she has to keep him and her lifestyle.
Follow along for a thrilling read!!!

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Very satisfying novel about a master manipulator who finally met her match. Fun read.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for this ARC!

Oh man, Alessandra Torre is so addicting. I swear, everything she writes is so clipped and crisp. Her characters are simultaneously vindictive and relatable. I love everything she writes. It’s like a not so guilty pleasure. I highly recommend this one.

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"Blurred lines. Smear enough of them together, and you could change the color of everything."

One thing I’ve always appreciated about Alessandra Torre’s work, whether it’s one of her uninhibited romances or a twisty suspense penned in her alter ego, A.R. Torre, is the compelling nature of her words. There’s an unparalleled craftiness to her character creation and plotlines; the marrying of the two often commanding my undivided attention.

Every Last Secret provides unrestricted access to the minds of two conniving women—Cat and Neena—caught up in a toxic battle driven by jealousy. Through rivaling chapters, the frenemies vie for perfection and the opportunity to outdo one another.

Cat lives a picture-perfect life alongside her sexy, adoring, and uber-successful husband, William. Her days are spent lounging around their estate, gossiping with friends, and chairing an annual event. Yet, hiding beneath that perfectly polished exterior of hers lies a secret with the power to shake her confidence.

And then there’s Neena. A woman who desires what Cat has. More pointedly, William and everything he’s so willingly provided for his wife. In a calculated move, Neena accepts a corporate life coach position with William’s firm, and along with her husband, purchases the abandoned fixer-upper next door. Providing Neena with the excuse she needs to insert herself into their lives and marriage.

As we’ve all experienced in fiction and life, very seldom do people present their true selves or vulnerabilities to the world. And that, right there, is where the beauty of this novel lies. In the uncensored thoughts and insecurities splayed across the pages. Many of which contradict the outward actions of the devious women at the heart of the rivalry.

Rest assured, Every Last Secret is a compulsively readable novel. Yet, it doesn't take a ton of guesswork to predict where things are headed. Mostly due to the nature of the storyline. Although, that's not to say *every last secret* hidden within these pages reveals itself easily or that this twisted tale can't conclude on an unexpectedly soft note.

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This was an incredible read and I couldn’t help but devour every page. It was a fantastic thriller that kept me on my toes the whole way through. The storyline was exceptional and I will definitely be recommending this one to everyone who will listen!

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Wowww.... I love a good tale of a wife's revenge... I couldn't stand Neena, and because of that I found this book tedious at times. However, I am so glad I stuck it out. The payoff was worth it. I love a crazy, smart woman, even if her craziness is brought out only by a man. I just was riveted by this book, and stayed up late 3 nights in a row in order to read this novel. I just couldn't put it down! If you find yourself really feeling disgusted by the characters in this one, hang in there. They get their comeuppance, and in my opinion, this book had such a lovely, ends-tied ending. Definitely will recommend this one!

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Twisty and imaginative this book kept my attention! When I read the summary I knew I had to obtain an early copy and I'm so glad I did! Domestic suspense with some psychological thriller thrown in and populated with interesting and well fleshed characters equals an unputdownable book! Infidelity is a trigger for some but in this book it was a necessary part of the story. And yes I agree with most of the other reviewers, Matt was the most likeable character but in some ways I found myself cheering for Cat even though she really wasn't the most likable. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC I look forward to more from this author in this genre.

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Even tho i had read the synopsis before requesting this title, still i couldn't carry on with it after reading 45 percent of it.
Unfortunately social climbers like Neena are not rare in today's society but reading her story and how she builds her life not by working honestly but by being a mischievous cheating wife and betraying her husband and also people who consider her their "friend", just made my blood boil!
I couldn't finish it, although the story and characters were beautifully created, as much so that i felt like killing Neena!😂 so you can guess, this book is a good one, just not for me!

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Fantastic! I absolutely devoured this book. The storyline kept me engaged at every turn, and the characters are three-dimensional and well-developed. An opulent, monied existence opens them up to unique difficulties and drama that give life to the admonition "money can't buy happiness."

I don't want to say too much about individual characters for fear of spoiling anything for new readers. However, the layered and precise descriptions--from deep-seated motivations and relationship dynamics, to physical depictions, facial expressions, and gestures--brought each fictional being to life as if they were people I've met and interacted with.

As every excellent book should, EVERY LAST SECRET left me wanting to more. It doesn't end on a cliffhanger or remain "unfinished"; it leaves off like one would expect of a psychological thriller. Still, I'd love to know what happens next for both families. **shameless plea for a sequel**

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It only took a few paragraphs before this story shocked me into speed reading so that I could find out what happens next - always a sign of another highly entertaining domestic thriller.

While this was reminiscent of Liane Moriarty and Joshilyn Jackson, and the time jumps, plot twists, big reveals, and shocking revelations all satisfied, it was the ending that really got me. These characters were beautifully flawed, cold & calculating, while also hurting and fiercely loving. I appreciated the author's care in showing these different dimensions to humanity while still weaving together a fantastical story of money, murder and betrayal. The author's note at the end tied it together nicely and left me feeling pleasantly positive.

I did see some of the major twists coming which at first was a disappointment, but by the time I reached the last page (and author's note) I was mollified by her objectives. This book just made sense.

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WOW! I've read Alessandra Torre's romance books but not any of her thrillers. This book was so much more than I was expecting and I loved it! This book should be on everyone's radar this fall!

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I finished Every Last Secret about a week ago and honestly I am still trying to wrap my head around everything. Neena and Matt have just moved to the brand new hoity toity neighborhood of Atherton CA. Neena, the new motivational coach for Winthorpe working for her new neighbor, William. William's wife Cat immediately takes a disliking to Neena but on the surface appears to befriend her. Throughout the story, both women surface as master manipulators. Neena of William and Cat of Neena. Neena works tirelessly to seduce William and attempt to steal him away from Cat. She wants not only his money, but lusts after his extremely good looks. She feels her husband Matt to be not good enough for her with his pudgy stature and not so great job. Cat secretly knows something is going on with Neena and her husband, but she is all about his money and will not leave him. Neena on the other hand is desperate to leave Matt. As the story goes on, multiple odd things start happening that put Matt's life in jeopardy and of course the police are first to point fingers at Neena. To me though this is where it all becomes a little confusing and I still can't fully get who did what...was Neena behind the whole ordeal or was something more sinister going on? How well do you know YOUR neighbors?

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Solid 4 stars. While this was predictable by 60% or so, I enjoyed the cat and mouse of it all; the alternate perspectives were also equally compelling. Well developed characters, interesting plot. I'll definitely check out more from this author.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oo y’all this was so great! Such a good suspense and thriller. The writing was excellent and the characters were top notch. Go read it!

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Torre thrills and chills in this highly stylized psychological thriller!

A.R. Torre is packed with talent. She knows how to grab your attention, lure you in, and never stop until the very last page. She writes the most addicting pageturners - particularly Every Last Secret. It was like a rich, creamy, dessert. I devoured it in one sitting!

Cat and Neena's friendship is at its face completely normal - but delve a little deeper and something unseemly lurks beneath the surface.

I love books about toxic friendships. This was so good! I gladly give this one five, bright, shiny stars!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas and Mercer for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review.

Cat is married to William. He owns a business and they are super rich. Matt and Neena move into the long ago foreclosed house next door after Neena takes a job as life coach at Matt’s company. Cat and Neena become sort of frenemies as Cat senses Neena is after William, who is much richer and better looking than Matt.

3.5 stars.

This had a real housewives feel to me. Both of the women were awful. Cat had worked for nothing but loved parading her wealth around. Neena had a complex about not being as rich as Cat. I liked this book to some extent and read it quickly, but ultimately I don’t feel like there was much to this book except a lot of fluff about wealth and jealousy. There was an element of mystery regarding who had been up to what, but I don’t know that I really felt it was a mystery/thriller. Overall it was a quick escape type of read.

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This was my first time hearing of author A.R. Torre, and I am so glad I did. I absolutely loved this book!

In a rich community, Cat and her husband, William, are living the dream. William owns a large business, and hires Neena as a “life coach” to boost morale in the office. Neena and her husband, Matt, also end up buying the house next door. Even though Cat initially does her best to welcome them to the community, she determines early on that Neena is not someone she wants anywhere near her...or her husband...or town.

Hell hath no fury...This is an unputdownable, delicious read. The way the two women treat each other and the way they go about their vendettas is extremely entertaining. The fact is, neither of them are someone you’d personally want in your circle of friends, but I have to say there is one I was clearly rooting for in their “war” against each other. While not necessarily groundbreaking, this managed to entertain me for the whole ride, and I could hardly contain myself while racing to the conclusion...which is a particularly satisfying one that manages to fit quite a few emotions in. I would highly recommend and have ZERO complaints about this fantastic read.

Thank you to Thomas & Mercer, A.R. Torre, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This devious book takes the crown for the two most hateful, remarkably readable, society women fighting for the husband of one, who everybody envies and wants it seems. Successful men and women go to their despicably evil inner depths to keep their status quo Intact and although I wouldn’t normally be invested in rich privedged white women fighting over a man I wouldn’t want to be married to or work with (as these two charmers do) but with Torre’s exceptional writing I was totally invested and loved every last secret and what each and every chapter revealed. Totally a five star review for a five star story.

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Normally a book about the rich just isn't my biscuits and gravy. I'm usually so far away from the characters that I can not relate. Plus I'm totally a jealous heifer.

But this book.....
It features super rich Cat Winthrope. Even her name sounds rich doesn't it? She is happily married to a rich guy and doesn't do anything for herself. She has staff for that piddly little stuff.

Then her husband decides to hire a "life coach" named Neena. Neena has had all the plastic surgeries and the old heifer married too. Does that stop her?

The two women have to sorta be friends since Neena and her husband moved next door. But that works out real well and then the cat claws come out.

And it's wonderful. Move over Housewhores...there is some new bitches in town.
Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review

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Whoofta, A.R. Torre offers an unbelievable, fast-paced domestic drama with Every Last Secret. Every Last Secret offers readers and insight into the lives of the rich and powerful and those who want to climb the social ladder. One would think that the lives of the wealthy and elite would be easy, fun and predictable but A.R. Torre proves that is not the case in this novel. Enter Cat and Neena. Cat is a well established socialite who lives the "dream" life in a wealthy San Fransico suburb with a powerful, devoted husband. Cat's life is seemingly perfect until her new next door neighbor, Neena, movies in with her eyes set on Cat's husband. Will Cat's husband remain devoted or will her life crumble to the ground? Remember, all is not what it seems in suburbia. Every Last Secret gets a strong 5/5 from me!!

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