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All Scot and Bothered

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Being emotional and physically abused as a child, Cecelia is suddenly taken away from it all and enrolled in a wonderful boarding school when a benefactor takes her under her wing. She is living a wonderful, carefree life in the ton, when her benefactor dies and leaves her with a gambling establishment. Now she must live a double life to hide her inheritance.

Ramsay is trying to track down the person responsible for kidnapping young girls. He knows that someone at the gaming hell is responsible and when the owner dies, he takes his chance to take it down. The new owner swears she is innocent of the crime he is laying against her predecessor.

Ramsey is the brother of Cecelia's best friend. They keep crossing paths with one another and get closer. But what will Ramsey do when he learns that Cecelia is the woman he is trying to take down? Can they save their budding romance?

I adored Cecelia and Ramsay's story! I loved watching to see what Cecelia would do next to hide her identity as the club owner from Ramsey. It caused many an adventure. This was a great addition to the Devil You Know series and I can't wait for Francesca's story!

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5 She’s More Than Meets the Eyes Stars!!

One of the things I love so much about Ms. Byrne's books is the intricate and intimate amount of details that go into each and every scene of her books and All Scot and Bothered is no different!

I wondered what was in Cecelia’s past when I met her in How to Love a Duke in 10 days and it’s more heartbreaking than I even imagined. But that’s not the basis of this story. This story is about how this beautiful woman that has her own secrets brings back to life Lord Ramsey and what ride they take us on because their story is fast moving in so many ways!!

I loved how Cecelia was her own woman and didn’t cow-tow to any man even the man she thinks she loves. There’s a twisty web that’s between these two for so many reasons and I literally consumed this book in one day. I was swept away with their story and I could totally hear Cassius’s Scottish accent in my head! And oh my goodness the chemistry between these two was SIZZLING!!

We get answers with this book, but there’s a still a few questions and I’ll be waiting right her for Frank’s book!!!

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Cassius Gerard Ramsay is a man who’s made his own way through ruthless cunning and sheer force of will. A strong and imposing Scot who can turn on the charm but does not suffer fools & he's become Lord Chief Justice of the High Court. His name: Cassius Gerard Ramsay. His mission: To investigate the goings-on at London's most notorious gaming hell, owned and operated by one of the most intriguing and desirable women he’s ever met.
Cecelia Teague was badly treated by the vicar she thought was her father until a secret benefactor from her mother’s scandalous past swept into her life. Sent to a prestigious boarding school and later to university, Cecelia believed high society was at her fingertips when from out of nowhere, she inherited a gambling establishment from her mother’s twin. Now Cecelia must live two lives: one as a proper lady who finds herself undeniably drawn to Lord Ramsay and the other as a savvy gaming hell owner trying to save her business from the very same man.
This is the second book in the series & can easily be read as a stand alone book. A beautifully written book with characters of depth, the pace overall is very good. Ramsey & Cecelia are well portrayed, both had difficult childhoods, hers is revealed in the prologue but his is gradually revealed throughout the book, they are like chalk & cheese - talk about opposites attracting! I didn't like Ramsey at all to begin with & only started to really like him in the last twenty percent of the book. I did like Cecilia but wondered what on earth she saw in Ramsey, especially after the way he spoke to her – again my view changed in the later part of the book. There were quite a few red herrings in the mystery surrounding the gaming hell, which did add to the book. I found it difficult to rate the book as some of it I absolutely loved but I didn’t bond with either Ramsey or Cecelia.
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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3.5 stars rounded up. This was a different tone from the first book in the series but also enjoyable. I also liked the little cross-overs with A Dark and Stormy Knight to bridge the Victorian Rebels series with this one.

All Scot and Bothered starts off incredibly strong with lots of drama and action. Cecilia, one of the Red Rogues we met in the previous book, finds herself thrust into an unknown world of intrigue after she inherits a gambling den with some illicit side businesses that happen to be under investigation by Lord Ramsey. Although Cecilia and Ramsey were previously acquainted through their mutual friends (Alexandra and Piers from book 1), their "first" showdown here is full of sparks and entertaining banter. After a series of dramatic misfortunes start to befall Cecilia, she is forced to go into hiding with Ramsey in order to keep her safe while he tries to discover who is behind it all.

After the strong start, however, the story stalled out as Cecilia and Ramsey are hiding out in the forest for what feels like forever. Ramsey's lack of trust and general suspicion of Cecilia went on a bit too long, and his dwelling on his childhood traumas -- though a necessary character development point -- became the focus for too long. I wanted a bit more of the sparks and tension that they had early on, rather than circular thought processes on their own individual issues. By the time they actually got together, I was less invested in them as a couple.

My other minor gripe is that I would have liked more with Alexandra and Francesca. Their friendship was so central to the first book that it seemed odd to not have them involved aside from the first few scenes. From the side characters introduced here, though, Francesca's story looks very promising and I'm very much looking forward to reading that one.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for providing an ARC for review!

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Another good book by Ms Byrne. Cecelia is (or has come to be) a strong character, knowing what she wants and intends to do with her surprise inheritance. She immediately meets Ramsey, an over-the-top lawman and Chief Justice, out to arrest her for perceived transgressions. Of course sparks fly and we’ve got a mystery to solve as well as a romance to build. Build it did—nicely, with a lot of back and forth, as well as issues to resolve, which more than keeps things interesting. Just when we think they’re on the right track, Ramsey goes all male, and once again they are scrambling to figure out the direction of their lives. While all this is going on, Cecelia, a math whiz, is solving a codex that’s part of her inheritance. Within this codex are secrets across all levels of society of treasonous acts and other illegal activities. There are some really nice twists and turns in this story, which made it a book that was hard to put down. Four stars, because the end felt a bit rushed to me, leaving some questions unanswered that don’t seem like they’ll be addressed in the next book. Otherwise, a good, compelling read. I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. This is my freely given, honest review.

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4 1/2 Stars

I have fallen in love with Kerrigan Byrne's "Devil You Know" series. There are great stories behind each of the characters and I find myself quickly invested in the plots. She's easily become one of my favorite historical romance authors.

Not only does this book have a delicious enemies to lovers storyline. it's also an age gap romance. As if those two items aren't enough, our hero, Cassius Gerard Ramsey is a still my's the perfect trifecta! Ramsey is a conflicted and unhappy man who feels that he must deny himself any and all of life's pleasures. He has worked hard to achieve his current position as Lord Chief Justice of the High Court. As such, he is determined to live a life beyond reproach. Then he meets Cecelia and his carefully woven life starts to unravel a little at a time.

Ceceila Teague is a gentle and caring woman who has experienced a great deal of rejection during her young life. The friendships she now has are ones that she values and treasures. Cecilia has recently inherited a gambling house that may also involve some other potentially questionable activities. This inheritance could instantly put her in the crosshairs of Ramsey.

I was mesmerized by the storytelling and the way Cecelia and Ramsey danced around their feelings for each other. In addition, Ms. Byrne also blends in the additional storyline regarding the missing young girls who are being sold. Sadly, this demonstrates how easily girls and women have always been preyed upon and raises awareness that they still are today.

Ms. Byrne wove a great tale and gave us quite a satisfying relationship between Ramsey and Cecelia. It makes me look forward to what she has in store for us in the next book of the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC. I voluntarily reviewed it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED is the second book in Kerrigan Byrne’s “Devil You Know” series. My first impression while reading ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED is that I like this heroine. Cecelia Teague is like a Dickensian character. In the book’s prologue, the reader gets a hint of what Cecelia’s childhood was like with the man she thought was her father. It was like a scene out of CARRIE – except it was a father/daughter situation and the time period are different. A mysterious benefactor rescues her from her horrid circumstances and she eventually meets three friends who change her life. The hero in this story, unbeknownst to Cecelia, has more in common with her than she would ever suspect.

When Lord Chief Justice of the High Court Cassius Gerard Ramsay first meets Cecelia, he is enthralled by her. To him, she is lush and like an exquisite confection that tempts him. There’s a lot discussed in this book about sin and temptation. It’s a bit convoluted, but Cecelia is thrust into a new position and Ramsay lusts after Cecelia and is enraged by her new alter ego. This is something that makes Cecelia a bit conflicted when it comes to this hero. The initial cat-and-mouse game played between Cecelia and Ramsay increases the sexual tension. Thrown into this romance, is a mystery surrounding some missing girls and Cecelia’s inherited young ward. I like how this heroine is clever and resourceful. Danger seems to be around every corner, and a dark heart is hidden behind many a friendly face, but Cecelia uses her wits to get the man she wants and solve the mystery of the missing girls. There are many characters in ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED with realistic flaws and emotional baggage, like Ramsay, but Kerrigan Byrne draws a distinction between those characters and others with evil intentions.

ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED has stunning betrayals, shocking wickedness, and a passionate Scottish hero. Kerrigan Byrne presents incredibly vivid and stunning settings to tickle readers’ imaginations. I love the female friendships in ALL SCOT AND BOTHERED. I look forward to seeing what’s in store in future books for some of the fascinating and enigmatic secondary characters that I found so entertaining in this story.

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Lord Chief Justice of the High Court Ramsay investigates the goings-on at London's most notorious gaming hell, owned and operated by one of the most intriguing and desirable women he’s ever met.
Cecelia Teague has just inherited a home with a school for young ladies, a gambling den and, some women who dole out other 'assistance' to some of the most important men of the ton and Aristocracy of England.
These people both have drug themselves up from horrific childhoods but, Ramsay believes that Cecelia is no better than her dead aunt. The fact that he is extremely attracted to her means nothing!!
Cecelia Teague is a woman who has been through hell and back and, is determined to make her own way in this new life of hers. She is exceedingly intrigued with Lord Ramsay but, not with his attitude or rudeness.
This was a fascinating book that speaks to women's rights and male domination in historical times.

Was this review helpful? spite of the ongoing silly titles,,,,this is a dark and angsty historical romance - just like I like them! And Kerrigan is a master at sexy-as-all-getout heroes who have their dark sides in spite of being good men. And I love her complex heroines who get their man at the end.

It's great watching the high justice crumble as the brothel owner claims his heart...!

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As Lord Chief Justice of the High Court, Cassius Gerard Ramsay wants to investigate the gaming hells in London, particularly the one notoriously run by a woman. Cecelia Teague had inherited the place when she had hoped her mother’s scandalous origins could be forgotten after a benefactor sent her to a prestigious boarding school and university. While in society, Cecelia is attracted to Cassius, but she has to hide her business from him. How can she keep her secret in the face of escalating danger?

All Scot and Bothered is the second book in the Devil You Know series, following How To Love A Duke In Ten Days . It's not entirely necessary to have read the first book, but of course, it helps when oblique references are made to its events. I love how Cecilia isn't a thin waif, but a larger and voluptuous woman. She's smart and fascinated by mathematics and logic puzzles, and wants to leave a positive impact on the world. Of course, it's a surprise to inherit the gambling house, where some ladies also sell themselves, as well as a book of secrets in code. Cassius is a stern man, mostly because he grew up with little and has much to prove. That the two are at odds is a huge plot point and the main source of tension.

I had very emotional moments reading this book, particularly in the second half of it. Both had been emotionally abused as children, and are broken in different ways. Cecilia had people she could trust and love afterward, which allowed a measure of healing, enough so that she could see the best in others and appreciate the joys in life. Cassius didn't really have that until her; the friends and family members were kept at a distance and didn't really push past that. The vulnerability that Cassius has with Cecilia is a huge draw for this book, and I love that neither has to give up who they are when we reach the happily ever after.

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Kerrigan Byrne is one of my favorite writer, so I am always excited to read her books. She has a few delightful series, and All Scot and Bothered is part, second book actually, of Devil You Know series.
After meeting the heroine, Cecelia Teague, in How to Love a Duke in Ten Days, I was already impressed by her. Despite being an orphan, and an outcast, she manage to befriend a man that will be like a father for her, and the other extraordinary ladies that are part of Red Rogue. She’s red haired, tall and curvy, all heart and sweetness. She is just as unconventional as her friends, feeling good in her skin and wearing her weight and height with ease. She is shy, but forthcoming, intelligent and strong.
I love when such a heroine encounter a dark and bothered (oh, boy) hero. Ramsey is all that and some. He is the Vicar of Vice after all, and Lord Chief Justice of the High Court. Gloomy, intense, focused, taciturn ad totally flustered by the charming and indulging Cecelia.
His puzzlement felt real, and hers also. They are opposites that attracts, even from the beginning when they don’t know exactly how opposite they are.
Kerrigan Byrne is my go to author when comes to intensity, and the relationship between Cecelia and Ramsey does not disappoint. The attraction is there, and the sparks, and the author makes, as usual, a fine job developing their attraction. The first kiss was everything I expected, and I just love haw they accept the bond between them.
Add a brothel, some revenge, misunderstandings, bombs, Red Rogues in action, attraction and desire and you get a page-turner novel.
All Scot and Bothered can be read as standalone, but why deny yourself a treat, go and read the first book also 

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This book is so very good! The hero is the rare kind when you kinda hate him, but also understand why he is the way he is. The twist are very good. Overall enjoyed it very much.

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This book has a really great storyline. Byrne is a really creative writer! However reading it felt a bit disjointed for me. Perhaps it is because I read this as a standalone. I didn't realize that it was the second of a series before I finished reading it. I thought the characters lacked development as a standalone, but based on the reviews of book one, I fully believe they were well written prior to this book. I thought the story itself was fantastic. It has mystery, romance, and action, but it just lacked a bit for me. I do think had I read the first book in the series, this one would have been more enjoyable for me.

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All Scot and Bothered is the second book in the Devil You Know series about the Red Rogues. All Scot and Bothered is right! Who can resist a big Scot? obviously not me.

Lord Ramsay is the Lord Chief Justice of the High Court and his reputation and actions are above reproach but he does not understand his strong physical reaction when he is around Cecelia. Cecelia Teague has close ties to Lord Ramsay and also finds herself secretly his nemesis. Together they embark on a journey to wrestle their past and present demons. Two Red Rogues down, one to go.

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Well, I loved this synopsis and somehow feel like I was horribly misled.

I liked Cecelia. She’s smart and sweet and a really good person. I especially loved her two friends and the scenes with all three of them together were some of my favorites. Ramsay was a jerk for most of the story. He’s gruff and has a strong, unfavorable opinion of women.

Plot wise it was okay. I didn’t really get the romance part of it because the chemistry didn’t quite translate for me. Plus since I didn’t really care for Ramsay, I didn’t care about his side of things. The conflict and actual plot started at the beginning and seemed to fade away quickly, only to rear back up at the end. And while resolution was immediate, the lack of epilogue left me wanting.

Overall, based on all of the high reviews, it seems that this author just isn’t for me. I’m mildly interested in the other books, but not sure I’ll bother with them.

FYI: violence against women, graphic threat of rape, talk of selling children’s virginity

**Huge thanks to St. Martin’s Paperbacks for providing the arc free of charge**

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The author's writing, descriptive skills and attention to detail are amazing. The books flows well and was hard to put down. Though this book can be read as a standalone story, it is the second book in the Devil You Know series. This author has become a must read author for me, especially any other books in this series.

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So historical romance is extremely tough for me to get into, it definitely takes some time to hit my stride. I was a little bit nervous to start this, but I was determined and loved it!

This was my first read by Kerrigan Byrne and I can't wait to go back and read book 1.

Cecilia, my goodness I admired the crap out of her. Definitely a heroine I love to read about, she's strong, fierce and loyal to those she loves. She'll protect everyone she cares about. And curse everyone who things or does anything bad to her. She didn't deserve any of it!

And then we have the grumpy Scot that is Ramsay. I sure do love a grumpy hero, but it took him a little bit longer than I expected for him to turn things around.

Truly loved their story and throw in a bit of suspense to get your heart racing. And to see Ramsay broken, yet open to love. I was soooo rooting for their happily ever after.

Can't wait to start this series from the beginning and devour another Kerrigan Byrne book!

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-- Read this review, and others, on my blog at --

Cassius Ramsay is Lord Chief Justice and king of his world. He has made it his mission to rid the world of the blight called Miss Henrietta’s School for Cultured Young Ladies. Ramsay is convinced this front for a gambling establishment is hiding more nefarious deeds within their walls. He has always considered himself to be beyond reproach, and incorruptible. That was until he met the luscious Cecilia Teague. She challenged all of his notions of propriety and sparked life in him, something that he never considered to be missing in the first place. But the intriguing Cecilia is hiding a secret from him and from her friends.

I loved the opening scene between Ramsay and Cecilia. The temptation that Ramsay felt in her presence was so palpable. It also set the tone for the interactions between the two of them. I enjoyed the banter between them.

The school masquerading as a gambling place, which came into Cecilia’s possession after her aunt passed away, remained a mystery to me. I was never exactly sure what the purpose of the place was, and what exactly went on there. Ramsay’s single-minded quest to unmask the Scarlet Lady and rid the world of her influence, wasn’t very rational at all. I understand that the accusations against the place is indeed very despicable, but his behavior would have made more sense if he somehow had some personal stake in what is purported to have happened there. The Crimson Council and Gemma’s involvement with them also didn’t find traction for me.
The plot was a bit all over the place, with a lot of things happening, and it was sometimes hard to make the connections between everything.

I did enjoy reading the book, despite all that, and will continue with the series.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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All Scot and Bothered
The Devil You Know #2
Kerrigan Byrne
St. Martin’s Press, Sep 29, 2020
416 pages
Historical Romance
Author’s Rep via NetGalley
⭐⭐⭐⭐🌙 4.5 Stars

The cover is eye-catching at least, in fact, it almost hurts the eyes with that color combination of bright blue and orange-red. The couple looks as if they might go up in flames at any minute. Which I’m sure is the intention. Oh well, they get their point across blatantly if not tastefully.

The story is all about passion, good and bad. There are hate groups in it, well, one group. They are willing to kill without provocation to get their way or to clear their way to get what they want, to sacrifice children or adults to have what they want, what they feel they are entitled to. They feel they must answer to no one.

On the other side of things is the Lord Chief Justice of the High Court, Cassius Gerard Ramsey. He’s a Scotsman by birth and looked down on by many for that reason alone. He’s also almost larger than life being very tall, muscular and having a very stern visage with cold blue eyes. He’s passionately determined to stop the disappearance of children in London and he’s convinced that it’s the Scarlet Lady who’s responsible for it.

Into the center of all of this comes the highly educated but innocent Cecelia Teague, secret benefactor of her aunt’s fortune and properties, which include a school for women and the gaming hell to support the school. Cecelia has never met her aunt, nor has she ever heard of the Scarlet Lady, but she and her aunt shared letters once a year and they both have a passion for codes and puzzles. The first thing she is given is a diary full of codes and has to discover what the secrets are of all of London. And both sides want it!

Cecelia has never been so wanted in her entire life. Not by anyone but her two best friends from school, Frank and Alex AKA Francesca Cavendish Countess of Mont Claire and Lady Alexandra Duchess of Redmayne. Never before by a man. Cecelia is tall and plump with lots of curves, copper ringlets, and big blue eyes. As a child, she was considered fat, and growing up young men were probably intimidated by her. She didn’t fit the stylish form. But the Lord Chief Justice is a very large man and is not taken by the stylish form. He is totally tempted by Cecelia’s form, though. In fact, he can’t stop getting an erection in her presence! And it’s making him angry!

Through drawing rooms and back alleys, Ramsey and Cecelia battle it out to arrive at their HEA after both have had their horrible backgrounds revealed and their hearts laid bare. Recommended.

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Well that was an action packed read. Mystery, intrigue, heat (not sure I’d call it romance), lies, scandal. It kept my attention and that says something right about now!

Cecelia has Just become the proprietress of a gambling hall, however, her identity must remain a secret. No one is supposed to know that the proprietress has died. Cassius wants nothing more than to take down the Owner of his hall who he believes is dealing in sex trafficking of young girls. What he doesn’t know is the young lady he’s attracted to is also the one he wants to put behind bars.

The push and pull between these two is great .

I received this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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