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All Scot and Bothered

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“Give over to it, Cecelia mine…donna fight this, there is more to be had…I’ll pleasure ye until ye beg me to stop.”

All Scot and Bothered is a swoon worthy romance between a beautifully shy and kind-hearted heroine, Cecelia, and a grumpy bear of a Scot, Cassius Gerard Ramsay. Both bearing secrets that have left them scarred in different ways, yet when they are together, sparks fly…and old wounds begin to heal by the power of being loved unconditionally.

Kerrigan Byrne has written a timeless tale of how a kind heart can be the balm to sooth even the churlish of beasts. I’ll not spoil the twists and turns of Cecelia and Ramsay’s love affair, and their verra hawt trip to Scotland! *Fans Self*

Loved and wish I could have given more than 5 Stars!

**I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. **

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I received an ARC of All Scot and Bothered written by Kerrigan Byrne from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. It is the second book in Kerrigan's Devil You Know series. While it can be read as a standalone, the first book introduces the group of ladies very well and is just as great as this book.
I loved this book from the very first. All Scot follows Cecelia's course to her HEA with Cassius Ramsay- a hard and unyielding man. It opens with Cecelia as a girl being raised by her father, the victor and just breaks my heart. Being rescued and given an "easy life", she fills it with be a happy person! I loved her optimism and her simple joy in life and it was wonderful to read about a person that can overcome a dark and lonely life to find good in everything and everyone around her.
To the opposite extreme is Cassius. Also raised and abandoned, he hardened himself to become Lord Chief Justice. Never yielding and ignoring the human factor, he rules with fear and he knows it and embraces it. However, upon meeting Cecelia, he is drawn to her light. The question is can he accept her light?
Kerrigan acknowledges the double standard of yesterday and today with this book very well. I loved this book until the very end. I did feel the ending was rushed to a degree and the growth arc of Cassius slightly stunted at the end. But a wonderful delight to read in these times!!! #AllScotandBothered #NetGalley #KerriganByrne

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I love Kerrigan Byrne stories. They encompass real life experiences with love makes this such a small and loyalty. This one is no different and I loved every word written.

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After reading the first book in this series (How to Love a Duke in 10 Days), I had a feeling this one was going to be just as emotional and difficult at times and I was not wrong. We learn a little bit about each of the “Red Rogues” and in All Scot and Bothered, we have Cecelia Teague’s story. After being taken out of a torturous childhood, Cecelia has emerged with a wonderful education and amazing friends. But now she inherits a gambling establishment and a whole lot of trouble. One of those troubles comes in the form of Cassius Gerard Ramsay, the Lord Chief Justice of the High Court. Ramsay is another who has gone through a troubling past which has made trusting people very difficult, especially women. He sees the world in only black and white and his current mission is to bring down the very gaming establishment that Cecilia had just inherited. Even though the attraction between the two is intense, many factors keep them apart. Things start to change when Cecelia’s life is in danger and Ramsay’s determination to take her down morphs into keeping her safe at all costs.

There are many twists and turns, secrets, misunderstandings and prejudice throughout their story but in the end when all is revealed and love discovered it was all worth it.

I do have to be honest and say I did have a hard time really warming up to Ramsay, especially in the beginning. I understand his past has made him really hard and distrusting but the things he said to Cecelia was pretty brutal. But when he learns the truth and revelations of things that had happened in both their pasts, his actions and reactions made me forgive him.

Overall, Cecelia and Ramsay’s was another wonderful read and I do recommend it. Now I am looking forward to Francesca’s story!

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for giving me the opportunity to read this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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I realize I am in the minority here, but this book just did not do it for me in any way. The storyline was so jumbled that my head started to hurt just trying to follow it. The H and the h were both overdone. And other than lust, I could not sense a connection. The "Red Rogues" was something I would expect in a teen novel. I made myself finish because I agreed to do this review but I have to admit that with the overblown dialogue from Cassius, the silliness of the Red rogues and the jumbled storyline, it was a chore.

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I liked the overall story and both main characters, but I did think they were a bit too stuck in their heads, which makes for slower reading. I also thought some questions which were being set up were left unanswered. And I was left wanting an epilogue, but I know many authors choose not to write them, so I won't hold it against Ms. Byrne. Kerrigan Byrne is a new-to-me author and I will continue to read her novels.

3.5 stars

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Terrific second story on the Red Rogues, a group of three red haired brilliant independent women who have been loyal friends since boarding school. This story centers on Cecilia, daughter of a vicious, wrathful vicar. . Despite an awful childhood, she has grown into an intelligent and compassionate woman supported and loved by her two friends and a gentle man, more father figure than employee. She meets and matches wits with Ramsay, Lord Chief Justice of the High Court, known and feared as the Vicar of Vice. Polar opposites, the only thing they appear to have in common is their lonely, loveless childhoods. Yet their chemistry is undeniable! Great read! I hope we will soon enjoy the story of Frank, the third Red Rogue.

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What is one to do when one is raised by a woman-hating Neanderthal of a misogynistic vicar? Why naturally to fall in love with another almost like him [nicknamed the Vicar of Vice] but with enough sense to give it up when he sees how wonderful and innocent you are, not at all the slag and child-selling sinner he accuses you of being. It is an odd pairing to be sure, but under Byrne’s skillful pen, it is an engaging story that captures your attention from the first chapter to the last page. A steamy book with mystery and menace galore, perfect for a diverting read.

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Oh how I love Kerrigan Byrne and this book. A story of how enemies can become lovers with one caveat...the gap in ages. I loved the banter between the main characters and could not stop reading this story once I got started. Truly a hard to put down book.

When I first started reading Ms. Byrne's novels, they were light-hearted romances but now this one goes a bit dark bringing out child and emotional abuse, degrading name calling and shaming full figured women. However, although the story brings out some of these facets, it was still a wonderful historical romance with laughs, danger and twists. One big plus for me was Cecilia having a curvy and voluptuous woman bringing the worst but good out of Ramsey. Oh how I just adored that and the attraction between the two that made their being together work.

One question Netgalley asks of its readers is whether we like the cover of the book. I did like the cover, however it did no justice for the heroine as it really did not reflect her physical appearance as written in the book. This story was well-written, lovable and just plain enjoyable for this reader.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press. for this ARC in exchange for my fair and honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was a very blah read for me. I didn't connect with the characters and I thought the whole "Red Rogues" thing was kind of silly. I also didn't realize the heroine was "full figured." It didn't specify that in the blurb or I wouldn't have requested it. Nothing against reading different body types; however, I usually find that when the heroine is deemed "full-figured," there is almost always more discussion about weight and body issues - and unfortunately, I find this discussion triggering. Oh well. Just not for me.

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This is book 2 in a series of which I am familiar with as I also reviewed Book 1 in August 2019 (How To Love A Duke In Ten Days - 4 stars). The trio of former schoolgirls are off on another mystery/murder/romance. This time the action takes place in London and briefly in Scotland. It all begins at a dinner party given by one of the three friends who is married to a Duke. Also in attendance, the older step brother of the Duke (Cassius Gerard Ramsay, Lord Chief Justice of the High Court). Things heat up between Cecilia and Ramsay from the beginning. But unfortunately their next, unexpected meeting, is a different matter altogether. Ramsay is doing a raid on a gambling house that Cecelia is looking over as she just received it in her Aunt's will. From that point the intrigue just grows as the two, apparent enemies, discover a mutual attraction to each other. To find out if justice prevails you will have to read this offering.

I have given this book a 4 star rating and recommend it to any reader who enjoys historical romances.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I am a big fan of Kerrigan Byrne and will automatically read anything she writes. Because it's always good. All Scot and Bothered is the second in the Devil You Know series and while I'm not in love with this series as much as I was with Victorian Rebels, it's still a fun swoon-worthy read.

Cecilia Teague is a woman of mysterious origins. What is known, is that the abusive man who has raised her is demonstrably not her biological father. She is eventually rescued by an unnamed benefactor and sent to finishing school for the remainder of her teenage years, where she forms a secret group called the Red Rogues. These red-haired young ladies all have secrets and all have experienced treachery in their young lives. But they would do anything for one another.

Now as young adults, it is time for them to find love. And Cecelia's shady background, in addition to her inheriting a gaming hell, makes her the last person the Lord Chief Justice of the High Court should be smitten with - yet Cassius Gerard Ramsay can't stop thinking about the red-haired beauty. Not just her beauty on the outside, but her lovely character on the inside.

Once these two move past the unfounded prejudices they have for one another, the chemistry sizzles.

What I really enjoyed about this story is the heroine. She's a fighter. And she's not a woman with a stereotypical unattainable body type. Rather she's real - soft, curvy. And even more beautiful, she's super smart. And Cassius falls for the entire package, natural beauty and brains.

Together they realize they must uncover a crime involving a child abduction ring and murder. Once they understand their goals align, as well as their values and attraction for one another, it's less antagonism and more revelation. Ramsay can be sweet despite his gruff and immovable nature. And Cecilia is not a victim to the abuse and taunting she endured as a child.

This is a fun read with some sizzle. The ending is a bit rushed, and sometimes I wanted a little more character development with some of the side characters, like the child, Phoebe.
But all in all, this is a good bet if you like historical romance with drama, heat, and mystery.

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Cecilia knows what she wants and goes after it while standing up for herself. She is the perfect match for the uptight, guarded Ramsay.

This book has the elements of laughter, danger, great banter, mystery and intrigue. If you enjoy that in your romance then this is most certainly the book for you.

I received an advance reader copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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This enemies to lovers romance had a lot happening! The twists and turns went to a darker level I wasn’t expecting and I’m still debating how I feel about it. Woven in to the mystery was a romance that was steamy and most definitely hard earned! Personally, I thought the hero would miss out on all the goodness standing right in front of him, but don’t doubt Cecilia. She’s got what it takes:)

I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley and SMP Romance. This is my honest review.

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This novel was an enjoy read for the next Red Rogue, Cecelia, whom is the kindest but had a rather horrible upbringing. Ramsay, the Lord Chief Justice, has his own miserable childhood, which causes a deep distrust of women, yet he is strong, stubborn, and a deep belief in the law. Cecelia and Ramsay are instantly attracted to one another. Ramsay though denies this attraction and avoids Cecelia. Cecelia likes to rattle him and believes he hates her, especially if he finds out her secret. There is an unknown enemy that wants something Cecelia has and she is the only who can decode it, for there is much information that could be used if found in the wrong hands. Ramsay vows to keep her safe, but he needs to overcome his own demons and past before he can have a future of his own. I enjoyed the interaction between the 2 main characters, their own strengths balancing out with the other's weaknesses. Still, there is more to come with the Red Rogues.
I received this novel from net galley and the publisher as an ARC. Thank you! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I was captivated from beginning to end. I believe I read it through the night, I couldn't get enough, and I was eager to experience their first sex scene; which didn't come for awhile but was well worth it. I just loved how Cecelia loved to eat desserts and the description Byrne gave throughout the book from the way she eats the truffles in front of Ramsey to the power and tension Ramsey holds in his body from not touching Cecelia. Granted, this book (with the Vicar of Vice) was not as thrilling as the first in the series (with the Terror of Torcliff), but what sequel really is? But Ramsey and Cecilia had their own kind of passion that kept me reading. I cannot wait to read the third and final (I believe) in this series.

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ARC received for review

Great second book. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to like Ramsey. He was a royal arse from the beginning. Cecilia was just as fearless and awesome has her friends. Never saw them as the bad guys. Loved little Phoebe, maybe she'll be the next generation of the Red Rogues. Now the ending stunk..we're together and done. Now from what I gathered the next book will be Frank and .... no spoilers here, but who are they really.

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This was a very good book. Cecelia and Ramsay, we have two very lonely people who have succeeded and let the issues they grew up with define their lives. They come together to find a common enemy. Ramsay doesn’t trust women due to past experiences..Cecelia loves wholeheartedly. Cecelia inherits a gambling hall and secrets her aunt kept coded and only she can decode. She has inherited a ward and a host of women trying to better their lives. After an explosion at her club and a attack on her and her ward Ramsay comes and save her and decides she needs to be protected. They now have a common enemy and have to discover if they can get over their lack of trust and nativity of each other to find their enemy and the love neither has never felt before. By just talking out their feelings and the past helps Cecelia and Ramsay discover love and trust , and they they are the same . Love ethics book

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It was a really good historical Romance and even if i have not read the first book os the series it didnt stop me from enjoying this one - I love the story of Cecilia and Lord Ramsey - tThey are so different and a perfect match all the same!
The story is really well written and the plot twist at the end really took me by surprised and i was pleased of this.
The chemistry between our two heroes is scortching and the side characters are adorable.
I will definately read the last book which i assume will be the story of Chandler and Francesca.
A must read for HR fans!

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I love learning more about the Red Rogues! Cecil, as she is called among the Rogues, is a great heroine. I love Kerrigan Brynn’s books so much. She is an amazing writer.

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