Member Reviews

Another great read from Noelle Holten and like the other two, Noelle leads the reader in several directions before the killer is revealed. What I like about this is the back story running alongside that gives another depth to Maggie's character. I got this as an arc to review and would like to thank the publishers and netgalley for letting me have it to read and the opinions expressed are entirely my own views and are completely unbiased.

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I'm a big fan of this author but although I still really enjoyed this book (the third featuring DC Maggie Jamieson) I didn't enjoy it quite as much as the others. I think it was because from the outset I couldn't shake the feeling that a senior officer - knowing Maggie was a close friend of a suspected murder victim - would never have permitted her to attend the call out and then allow her to take a major role in the investigation. But ignoring that, the story involving the Living Dolls was well done, and although I guessed the murderer very early on I couldn't figure out why or how anything else connected. I raced through the last part to see if I was right and to find out why. And the author has left us with another tantalising ending which I think will be the beginning of the next book in the series. Can't wait!

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this author gets better and better so enjoyed .this this is Dc Maggie Jamieson hardest case someone is killing women who look like her friend and colleague Dr Katie Moloney .she has a news reporter on her back and has named the killer living doll . this killer is very clever and Maggie loses focus on this case is very gripping and twisty so cant wait for next book a must read

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I received a copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

I'm not going to be able to finish this. Clearly this series has an enthusiastic readership, but the writing really grates on me. We are told in the first paragraph that the heroine Maggie proves herself on her objectivity, but that when 'something personal' happens, 'her judgments were clouded'. So she is actually only objective in circumstances when absolutely anyone would be, and otherwise she isn't objective at all.

Then we are told that Maggie's DS reckons a body which has just been discovered sounds as if it might be her friend Kate. It strikes me as extremely unlikely that this would be said in a professional situation, but given that it might be, would Maggie then be allowed to visit the crime scene? It turns out that the body is face down, so presumably the DS was going by the appearance of the back of the victim's head.

This is not for me.

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Police thriller with lots of twists and turns.Unusual take on the motivation of the killer but it seemed to drag.Characters didnt sparkle.

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I love a good police thriller and this is no exception.

Well constructed and hooks you in, the plot is intriguing and stands out as unique-very creepy.

Easy and good read.

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This is the first book i have read by this author, will be reading many more. Love the characters, everytime i went to put the book down id pick it up again and read more. For me this book has the wow factor. Twists and turns. Great

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I was so excited to get the chance to read and review this book! After being left with such a cliffhanger at the end of book two in this series, I could not wait for the next one.

As usual, you are just pulled straight into the story and totally gripped until the end. Thank goodness I read this during a weekend, as I couldn’t put it down.

It’s difficult to even describe what an amazing author Noelle is. She has the ability to create atmosphere, plot and characters that feel so real, even though the subject matter can be quite harrowing and gritty.

I really like Maggie as a character, and we get to know her a bit more in this book, and see a glimpse of her vulnerabilities as well as her strengths.

The plot is both shocking and addictive, and the pace builds up until its conclusion. It’s a truly gripping read.

If you haven’t read the other books in the series I’d recommend that you do. They can be read as standalone books, but it’s much better to experience them all.

If you love a fast-paced and gripping, but also chilling thriller, with strong and authentic characters, you’ll be completely hooked on this book. Highly recommended.

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After the cliffhanger in book 2 I was desperate to read this and screamed when I was accepted on netgalley. I was not disappointed. Another brilliant book, another cliffhanger. Book 4 better be on it's way!!!!

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I cannot even begin to describe how excited I was to get this book after the cliffhanger in the 2nd. Another fantastic read with yet another cliffhanger 🙈 I hope book 4 is on it's way!!

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This is the 3rd in the series featuring DC Maggie Jamieson. After Maggie’s friend Dr Kate Moloney starts receiving letters from a stalker and is being left gifts, Maggie is shaken to the core when a girl is murdered and looks the exactly like Kate. More victims are found and again they all have something in common, the fact they all look alike with their long black hair. The case becomes known as the Living Doll murders. This is a thrilling novel with twists and turns. Maggie is a head strong character and I like her. Cannot wait for the next Maggie Jamieson!!!

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I think this series is fast becoming my favourite crime series. I love all of the characters and the plot for this book is very well written. As in previous books in this series, it has ended with a cliff hanger which hopefully means the next instalment isn't too far away.

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thank you for your opportunity to read this book, i have read the first 2 in this series and loved this the way the book took you through all th3 twists and turn in the story and how u follow the personal relationship of Maggie, also love how they all end with a taste of the next one to come, well done noelle amazing no.3 book!! fully recommended and enjoyed

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Well Cliff Richards’s song, Living Doll, has just taken on a whole new macabre meaning after reading Dead Perfect, the third in the DC Maggie Jamieson series from Noelle Holten. Oh my days, the tension, the twists and the turmoil going on throughout this book had my head spinning and my hands in front of my eyes as I read. One of those books where the characters and the plot all just step out the pages to meet you! Talk about being immersed! I could not put this down!
An intriguing but chilling prologue gives you just a little flavour of what you can expect as you enter into the pages of Dead Perfect. And boy are you in for a twisted time!
DC Maggie Jamieson’s emotions are put through the wringer and then some as her friend and colleague, Dr Kate Maloney has gathered some very unwanted attention and it looks like there might be a killer out there with her in his sights. I lost the count the amount of times I screamed Noooooooooooooooooooo throughout this book as Noelle Holten put me through the paces when it came to the jaw dropping moments!
This series has such a cracking cast of characters, it is impossible to name them all but you do get to know them as each of them pop up across all three books. This is one of the things I really love about this series, each book so far, has had a focus on one or two particular characters but you don’t miss out on all the rest and as the series progresses you watch the little links and networks develop between them, leaving you eager to hear more about them further down the line.
DC Maggie Jamieson has got right under my skin and I’m growing to love her despite the hard shell she uses to protect herself. She comes across as brusque and almost standoffish underneath there is a real vulnerable and almost shy woman. With very few people she can call friends, Kate is one woman she has grown extremely fond of. So much so that she worries that she might risk the friendship they have. My heart goes out to Maggie sometimes and I wish I could just step inside the pages and be her mate, someone to have her back, you know what I mean? So yes, I’m guilty of that old obsessive reader habit - turning fictional characters into some real inside my head. This has to be down to the hard work and effort that the writer puts into the creation of her characters
Julie Noble the reporter certainly piqued my interest in Dead Perfect, you may remember her as a thorn in Maggie’s side during the Raven investigation but reading between the lines there may be a few sparks ready to fly as both women are pushed together during this investigation. And how can I not mention the brilliant Kat Everett- she has got to be one of my favourites, her impromptu bouts of swearing always make me smile!
By now most fans of Noelle Holten’s books will know her background is in probation and her knowledge shines through in this series, giving it an authenticity that you trust without it turning into a great big information dump. And as the storylines grow darker it’s easy to see just how twisted and dark her imagination is! As well as the deliciously twisted plot there are lots of other little snippets about different characters which makes me think there are a fair few storylines still to be played out with this one.
Interspersed with short chapters from the killer’s point of view provided an extra injection of tension and I defy you to read it without covering your face with your hands at some points!
Deliciously dark, tantalisingly twisted and cleverly crafted, with Dead Perfect, Noelle Holten has nailed it and then some!
Review will be shared on my blog as part of the blog tour

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Am amazing book. I love story's like this.
Twists and turns are great
This is going on my police procedural book list
Great work

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Dead Perfect. Noelle Holten

The third book in the Detective Constable Maggie Jamieson series.

Maggie is one of those cops that gets things done, in her own way, and sometimes to the detriment of her relationship with her colleagues, and her friends. She rubs people up the wrong way most of the time but she gets things done. So basically she is what we all want to be. She says it as it is, ignores advice, and ploughs her own farrow.

But she is fiercely protective of her few friends, and one of those friends is Criminal Psychologist Kate Maloney. Kate is another anomaly from the norm, an Irish Goth who specialises in Criminal Profiling. She’s also one of my favourite fictional characters.

So when when a body is found that is dressed, and made-up, to look like Dr Kate, Maggie is both scared that her friend is in danger, and determined to solve the murder.

It’s not until a second body, dressed and made-up, in the same way turns up that people that other people, including Kate, start to share Maggie’s concerns

What follows isn’t just a crime thriller, or a police procedural, it’s a cracking psychological thriller.

Noelle Holten has a way of writing that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The suspense she builds is enough to have me turning the pages well into the night, in fact her books are the very definition of “I couldn’t put it down”

Then there’s what is becoming her trade mark. The last page twist, the last page cliff hanger.

Just when you think the story is ending, and you turn the last page. WHAM!!!

She smacks you in the face and hooks you into the next book.

Absolutely Brilliant.

This book isn’t out until October, so if you haven’t read the first two, Dead Inside and Dead Wrong, you have time. Believe me you won’t be disappointed

Pages: 400

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Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK One More Chapter for the Arc of this book!! And thanks to Noelle Holten❤️

DC Maggie Jamieson gets called out to the park where a body of a young girl who has been found, body disfigured, her clothes has been switched to represent somebody else!!!.... Who Maggie knows very well!! Her own close Friend Dr Kate Mooney...😱 She only wants to protect her friend who may be in even more danger as she already has been dealing with her own stalking so is her life in even more danger now...?

What killer can it be when he turns victims into exact same as each other so exact replicas of each other 😱😱

This is a rollercoaster of a ride of a mystery/thriller of a novel in which has you gripped from the start till end I love the fact it follows on from the last one straight away and it has you gripped with anticipation and grittiness❤️

Will review on Amazon etc once published ❤️

5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Definitely Recommend
Well Done Noelle Holten!❤️❤️

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The reigning queen of noir crime is back with another addictive read! I was so thrilled to be included in this blog tour. A sparkling, confident book that will stay with me for months to come. I can still hear the tap, tap, tap, in my head and the sickening silence of a victim who cannot speak or move. It’s a story guaranteed to make you look over your shoulder.

It’s a tough day for Maggie. Standing with Dr Blake in the crime-scene tent confirms that this recent victim bears a striking resemblance to her friend. The case is as gruesome as it gets. The Jane Doe is between twenty-five and thirty-five, has dyed black hair, and her eyes and mouth have been sewn shut. It’s the doll-like quality that makes my stomach turn and the killer’s silent statement that is his gruesome signature.

Maggie and DS Nathan Wright trawl through copious details, interviewing likely suspects and checking every line of enquiry. Even the forensic department is under scrutiny. I don’t blame Kate for feeling like a paranoid lunatic as she suspects everyone with whom she comes in contact. As Dr Blake takes them through the findings, secrets are so interlocked, you wonder if they are going to be able to hack their way through this seamless mosaic of lies.

A villain, marking his victims and staking his claim will do your head in, but coloured contact lenses confirm his psychotic obsession. He watches his victims, learns their habits and then he strikes. You really can’t take your eyes off him for one minute. But who is this elusive killer? Is he a med school dropout? Or a keen observer of online medical ops? Living dolls is his jam, a protector for a princess. With the murders of Tracy Holloway, Kelsey Gilbey and Catherine Hill, who was stalked for over a year before she was abducted, things don’t look good for Kate.

An insidious sense of dread propels you to a very startling conclusion. Blood may well be thicker than water but in this case, it’s mashed with lies. As Nathan says, this particular stalker has managed to disguise his presence expertly as he stalked his prey.

Inscrutable, intriguing characters bear the qualities we all crave in a thriller. A dark-hearted, quintessential Holten that will keep you up for hours!

Many thanks to Harper Collins Publishers, One More Chapter, author Noelle Holten and Netgalley for an advance reader copy of this book. And to Sarah Hardy, blog tour organizer extraordinaire for including me in another round of Maggie Jamieson.

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WOW! Fantastic book 3 in this series. I was horrified at how book 2 ended and jumped for joy at being allowed to read this book early. It picks right up where the last book ended. Someone is killing young women and dressing them to look like Maggie's friend, Dr. Kate Moloney. Maggie is called to a crime scene and is so afraid the victim is her friend. Add in that Kate has a stalker and you will be sitting on the edge of your seat and holding your breath. Brilliant writing! I was glued to the pages from beginning to end. Please write fast so we can have Book 4 very soon. Thanks to NetGally, Harper Collins UK One More Chapter and the Author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. Yet again Noelle Holten has written an absolutely brilliant book, this one follows on directly from the previous book Dead Wrong. It drew me in right from the start and I literally couldn't put it down, I can't wait for the next book.

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