Member Reviews

Not as good as previous in the series🤔

There was some great tension throughout this story, but something just did not hit the mark. I had guessed the stalker/murderer very early in the story and could not understand why heroine DC Maggie Jamieson, her colleagues and even Maggie's targeted friend Kate ignored an obvious line of investigation until so late in the game.

As to the characters Maggie and Kate, both had major issues that reduced their likability. Kate knew she was in danger yet she was stubbornly reckless about her safety; she did not seem concerned that her behavior caused concern and extra work for others. Maggie was awfully easily riled up which did not win her any points at the police station.

Finally, the investigation outcome was a bit disappointing.

This was the second book in the series I read and, overall, I preferred Dead Wrong.

Thanks to Harper Collins/One More Chapter and NetGalley for sharing an advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.

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Dead Perfect continues where the previous book left off, with this in mind I do think it is a series that should be read in order, you could read it as a stand-alone, but you would miss out on a lot of detail.

DC Maggie Jamieson is the main character and when her boss calls her to say there is a body that looks like one of her friends Maggie does go into a spin. Frantically trying to get hold of Kate who is notorious for not having her mobile phone with her! Kate is found and the story unfolds of a body that has a very specific wound, not a pleasant one as there is not the level of blood and gore that some murders have, but still an unpleasant one!

The author uses more of a police approach to this story as it is a focus on the investigation from Maggie's perspective that takes s precedence. The previous books have had more focus on inter-agency involvement in her stories, while other agencies are mentioned in this story they do take more of a backseat.

For Maggie though, this is more personal, Kate is a colleague and also a friend. The author does bring the insecurities and worries from the previous case into this one and injects doubts. Maggie feels under more pressure and finds that her temper is frayed, her mood is short and I think the feeling of being on the edge of overwhelmed has been done so well.

This is story has a much more personal feeling, it is a story that explores Maggie's emotions as well as how Kate deals with a stalker. For Maggie, the emotions and strain are more evident as she works in a team and so interacts with more people. I should also mention that there is another voice, it pops up occasionally and it is that of the killer.

Now, I did get the identity pretty early on, and I didn't waver on my initial thought. Yes, I was right but the full extent of the why the crimes were committed was a revelation. It is a story about the journey rather than the who did it.

This is a pol;ice-procedural murder mystery book and one that general crime readers would definitely enjoy. I did and therefore I would recommend it.

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Maggie is a hard character to like. She's very brash and hot-headed (seriously as a police officer she should know how to control her temper better than she does). I also found her inner musings and actions this go round to alternate between petulant and over-bearing (especially where Kate is involved). For example, the friend of a murder victim tells Maggie that the victim had received letters in black envelopes with gold writing - the same as Kate. However, Maggie decides not to bring this up during the briefing because her boss told her people didn't like how she sometimes seemed to take the lead over everyone else.

Kate was also hard to like this go round - purposely taking risks when she knows she is a target of a killer's obsession. It didn't make any sense. She refused to give her cell phone up so it could be checked for spyware, something that might have helped them find the killer sooner. She insisted on going places by herself even knowing that this person had been stalking her for months prior. As it reader, it made me wholly unsympathetic to her.

I had two other major issues with this novel, and being that I received an advanced copy, I am hoping one of them is taken care of before the final publication. This novel jumped around A LOT with absolutely no warning or page break. One minute I would be reading about Maggie in the field, then it would jump to the killer's perspective in the next sentence. It made for some very confusing moments forcing me to go back and re-read in order for it to make sense. On the whole, this story seemed to be missing something that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

The final thing that convinced me to take a break from this series is the fact that like the last novel, this too ends on a cliff-hanger designed to make you want to pick up the next book. Unfortunately, the opposite was true for me as I am tired of authors trying to force readers to continue instead of producing quality content that makes readers want to continue.

DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

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This is the third book in the DC Maggie Jamieson series. I really enjoyed the first two, but this one, not so much. I guessed the culprit early on, which did spoil the read for me. Maggie is full of trauma and her relationship with Kate, as a supposed good friend, is under some considerable strain. The plot is good but a bit unrealistic, the characters are well developed and I liked the ending with Lucy a character I would like to see more of. Overall, a good read. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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The more experienced and confident Noelle Holten becomes, the better this entertaining series becomes. Maggie Jamieson, the lead cop in these books, is an interesting and well-portrayed character, in both her professional and private lives. When Maggie is called to investigate a murder, she is stunned to see that the corpse bears a chilling resemblance to her colleague and close friend Dr Kate Moloney; the case will stretch her to her limits and the revelations along the way are surprising and satisfying.

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This series get better with every book! The one important thing to know is that you should really read the books in order, otherwise you’ll miss out on a lot. I like the main character, DC Maggie Jamieson. She’s a caring person, stubborn, and good at her job. Her personal life might be a bit more of a mess, but that just adds character.

The book is dark, but less so than the previous two. It still has creepy characters, and the subject of a stalker murdering women is not exactly cheerful. I think the characters are growing book by book. They are well-developed, and in this book I feel like we get to know Maggie a bit better.

I always enjoy a bit of sparks flying off in different directions between a Detective and a Journalist, and I hope we’ll get more of it in the future. One of the strengths is that you really grow a hatred for the creepy men pictured in the books. This time around a man is stalking Maggie’s friend and collaborator, Kate. This makes Maggie a bit overprotective, which gives it a nice edge. The recurring characters makes this series well worth reading!

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Maggie and her team at the MOCD in Stafford get a call to say the body of a woman has been found in a local park, what is even more shocking is that they are told it bears a striking resemblance to Maggie's friend, Dr Kate Maloney. On arrival at the murder scene they discover that it's actually someone else that has been dressed and made to look like Kate, who would do such a thing, does it have something to do with the person that has been stalking her and can Maggie and the team find the killer, who is always one step ahead, before Kate becomes his next victim?

This is the third in the series and begins where book 2 finishes, so if you're new to this author it's best that you read these books in order, to get a true understanding of the characters and the storylines.

Holten creates characters that are authentic and likeable, even the annoying reporter, who I hope to see more of in the future! The plot is well crafted, believable and, even though I guessed who the perpetrator was early on, I was not prepared for the reasoning behind his obsession and that was a jaw-dropping moment. This latest instalment had me on the edge of my seat, totally gripped and I read it in a matter of hours, and in true Holten style she leaves us hanging on the edge of the cliff with a lead in to book 4. If you love an intense crime thriller that will set your heart racing and those cogs whirring then this is one for you. This series just keeps getting better and I can't wait for the next one!

Thank you to HarperCollins, One More Chapter and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Goodreads now and Amazon on publication day.

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Dead Perfect is a great mystery thriller. I really enjoyed it.

Dead Perfect is the third book in the series, but can be read as a standalone. I was able to understand the whole book without feeling like I was missing out. There were references to past cases, which I obviously didn’t know about. This didn’t affect how much I enjoyed the book. If you are going to read the whole series I would recommend reading in order.

DC Maggie Jamieson is trying to solve the case of a murdered woman. Could this be related to her frien Kate’s stalker? Is this a serial killer?

Dead Perfect starts out with a dead woman’s body being found. This really sets the tone of the book that there will be a lot going on. The whole book is about trying to solve this case and other cases that come up for Maggie. Dead Perfect had me hooked from the beginning.

I loved the characters. My biggest fear for starting a mystery series in the middle is I feel like I don’t get to know the characters. This was not the case at all with Dead Perfect. I had a really easy time getting to know the characters and developed strong opinions about the characters. Some of these opinions changed throughout the book as the characters changed.

I was very invested in this story and could not wait to find out who the killer was which wasn’t revealed until practically the end. I had a feeling about who the killer was but was way off on all my guesses on why.

Dead Perfect is told from the perspectives of Maggie, Kate and the killer. This was very interesting to me and gave a unique perspective to the story.

I recommend Dead Perfect for anyone that likes mystery thrillers.

Thank you NetGalley and One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK for Dead Perfect.

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I've been a fan of this series and its main character ever since I read the first book last year, and I've been looking forward to meet up with DC Maggie Jamieson and the others again. Dead Perfect is already book number three of the series, and while it technically can be read as a stand-alone, it would be easier to properly connect with the characters in play if you have the background information provided by the previous two books. Both are excellent and absolutely worth your time in the first place!

Dead Wrong ended with cliffhanger of atomic bomb proportion, and book three continues right where the second story left off. This surge of adrenaline sets the tone for the rest of the story, and Dead Perfect will definitely have some disturbing scenes for you in store. The story is told with the help of a multiple POV structure, which is used to learn more about (among others) Maggie and Kate as well as the killer and the motives behind the crimes. There will be personal developments as well as a new case to investigate, and it will definitely hit close to home this time around... The pressure to solve the case seems even higher with one of their own at stake, and it shows in the level of suspense. We have the Living Doll element, the stalker case, kidnapping, murder; things will get hot and dangerious along the way, and the clock never stops ticking.

I do have to say that I felt a bit bummed that I guessed the identity of the killer almost immediately. I kept hoping I was wrong, but that didn't turn out to be the case and I ended up feeling quite disappointed because of it. There definitely seems to be a bit of a lack in other viable suspects this time around... I also wondered about how credible it would be for Maggie to keep investigating a case when someone she has such strong feelings for is involved. Even if she says she can keep her feelings under control, I feel it would be a conflict of interest to do so? Anyway, while I still think Dead Perfect is a solid crime thriller, it's not my favorite of the series so far. The ending left me wanting for more though! Oh yes, this one ends once again with a cliffhanger... You've been warned.

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Dead perfect by Noelle Holten.
This is book 3 of DI Maggie Jameison series.
Another brilliant read from Noelle. I love this series. Just gets better and better. was gripped from page one. Couldn't put it down. Wanted to know who it was as I had no idea. Maggie is still my favourite character. I liked Julie and how she was with Maggie. Can’t wait for next book. 5*.

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Skillfully written, with enough twists to keep things interesting. I found it initially a little difficult to get into, but that's maybe because I hadn't read the earlier books in the series.

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DC Maggie Jamieson is called to a crime scene in a local park; the body of a young woman has been found who bears a striking similarity to her friend and colleague Dr Kate Moloney.

With Kate already struggling after being targeted by a stalker Maggie is not only concerned by the danger her friend might be in but also worries about just how much more she can take. Clues are hard to find and, with Maggie's own stress levels rising, she fears she may be unable to protect her friend.

I was so looking forward to this book after reading the excellent previous instalments but in some ways it was a disappointment. The actual antagonist, described by one character as the living doll killer, was really good, and a creepy guy, but I had a big problem with Maggie's part in everything.

Working the case whilst being close friends with Kate Moloney, who is considered to be in grave danger from their killer, should surely have been considered a conflict of interest. Add to that, without giving anything away, her unavoidable involvement in all aspects of Kate's life and her own problems remaining focused should have meant she would be taking a back seat in the investigation at the very least.

There were twists and turns which meant the investigation was never quite what it seemed and the author's ability to increase the tension, even when you think it's all sorted, is still as successfully present as always. Another cliffhanger seemed to sweep everyone straight towards another investigation before they could even catch their breath and I have no doubt Maggie will rise again.

I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for an unbiased review and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys this author's work. If you accept and move past the problems the rest is very good indeed. I rate this as 3.5 rounded up to 4.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this exciting book

maggie is back and hopefully with her working closely with dr kate maloney things will work out so that they can have a more intimate relationship rather than the working one now but its a day by day thing

a body is found and its thought to be that of kate as she isnt answering her phone...all hell is about to break loose....

its a lovely written story, flows really well with plenty of red herrings...characters are well written and likeable

ending felt a little rushed but apart from that nothing distracts from a well written storyline, cant wait to see where this series is heading in the next book

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This is the third book in the series and so far I have not been disappointed. I loved the plot and the suspense the whole way through. I think that Maggie is a great character and I hope there are more books to come.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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The third book in the series and in my opinion the best one yet. I love the characters of Maggie and Kate. Maggie really loses it in this book, you do not want to cross this lady which includes her boss and those she loves. This time it is personal. The killer was terrifying and what he did to his victims left me with chills. A real page turner which had me reading late into the night. I had to finish it. Yes this book is that good. Another fantastic five star read from this author. A gripping and must read series. Looking forward to reading more about Maggie and what she gets upto next. A very happy reader.
Thanks to HarperCollins UK and One More Chapter and Netgalley for the ARC in return for giving an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this. It probably would have been beneficial to read the previous two books so I could understand the characters better, but it's not necessary. It was fast paced & interesting, with a creepy bad guy. I did end up guessing who the villain was, but I never guessed the motivation. I'm going to add the first two books to my TBR.

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This is the third of the Maggie Jamieson series and wow what a great book.

I loved how I didn't see what was coming and couldn't figure out the reasoning of why the murders happened.

In some ways this screwed with my head as the way that this book unfolded that seemed to play with my emotions.

I live Maggie and never saw her emotions and her personality but in this case you really see a difference and almost a breakdown of her traditional strong mental willpower.

Maggie is great and while I do think at times that she is not always true to herself or what I anticipate but I really enjoyed it.

Kate I am fond of and in some ways I think I prefer her over Maggie.  She seems almost other worldly where her emotional state at times is that of almost a Vulcan from star trek.

This story is wonderful and I truly think that this has brought the series to another plateau and one where I didn't ever expect it to go.

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The DC Maggie Jamieson series reaches book number three with Dead Perfect which is another page turning police procedural thriller by Noelle Holten

The storyline sees one of Jamieson’s best friends being stalked and feeling like her life may be at risk.

The author has created a great cast of main characters and together with a twisty protagonist this book is one I would recommend

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The third book in the series might possibly be the best one so far, although I’ve thought that with the other two!!
Absolutely love the characters in this, especially Maggie and Kate! This case is extremely personal for Maggie when a body is found, suspected to be Kate.
I don’t want to spoil anything for other readers, the only thing you need to know is that you have got to buy this amazing book!! Bring on book 4 please!!

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If you ever wondered what Maggie Jamieson would be like when she is angry and under pressure, read Dead Perfect. You will then understand why it's not a good idea to cross her or to threaten the people she cares about either. At the end of book two Kate was hit with a very startling bit of information, the very thing that kicks off the action in this latest offering.

There is a stalker loose on the streets of Staffordshire and they have a very distinct and rather troublesome M.O. Abducting young women and then altering their appearance, before leaving their bodies in what can only be described as a very macabre manner, this is someone that the team need to find an quickly. But the case has a very personal edge for Maggie which makes her very volatile and possibly even a risk to the integrity of the investigation. Why? Because her good friend, Dr Kate Moloney, is just the stalker's type and the signs are all there that she is their next intended victim.

The story is full of tension, the pacing quite quick as the team strive to find any links between the women that might lead them to the suspect. They are all feeling the pressure, particularly as it is one of their own who is clearly being targeted, but that sense of the slow moving cogs of the investigation rang true, as did the many dead ends they encountered as they ruled out suspects one by one. I'm not going to lie, Maggie's behaviour in this book really did grate on me after a while and although I understood the mixture of anxiety and passion she felt for the case, for obvious reasons, her lack of professionalism at times was too much to take and if I'd been in charge of her, I'd have kicked her off the case in a heartbeat. It was fun watching the back and forth between her and journalist, Julie Noble, perhaps the best of frenemies, although Maggie would be loathe to admit to the spark between them. I can definitely see that developing as the series continues. It should keep things lively!

I did peg the right suspect in the book quite early on, but their motivations remained a secret right until the end, quite probably not what most readers will have suspected. The whole truth of the matter is gradually revealed, with surprising links to Kate's past emerging, something which gives us greater insight into her as a character too. It has been clear from the start that she wa concealing something about her past, something that she hid behind a wall of fake confidence and reticence that doesn't quite see her through this ordeal. She is a character I like, and seeing the cracks appearing in her friendship with Maggie as they both struggle to cope with what is happening felt true to character.

It's another exciting, tension filled read but one which is perhaps best read after book two rather than a standalone. And be warned! There is another tense cliffhanger ahead so you're just going to have to tune into book four too, aren't you?

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