Member Reviews

Very funny,with a quick pace and amazing characters. Looking forward to read other books by this author. Thank you net galley for this arc.

“People aren't less just because they don't live the way you do." "I didn't say that," Robert said. "You think it," Adam said. "You think we're all trash because we don't have nice cars and ugly houses. Life isn't just about money.”
I really loved this book. It always comes down to some great world building for me. This one hit a little different. I went into this series blind, and the title alone made me giggle, and I wanted to read it immediately. It's definitely one that I want to tell everyone to read now.
This was one of those stories that I didn't want to go to bed ,and just wanted to keep on trucking through. Adam is wonderful, and I loved getting lost in the adventures he was going on. I was really glad that this one was a trilogy, because it wasn't one that I wanted to end.
I also loved that while there is an element of romance in it, it isn't what drives the book along. and even so I'm still rooting for it anyways.

I wanted to like this book I kept reading waiting for the light to come on and for me to get hooked, but it never happened. I liked the characters, and the humor, and the premise; but for some reason none of these culminated into a story I could really get invested in.

There were parts of this book that I really loved and appreciated like the main character's personality and back story and the writing at times. I also loved the premise -- the MC is an outsider for so many reasons and being magical is the least of them (being gay, poor, from the wrong section of town, estranged from his father and brother....). I found him very likeable and the main idea of the magical world that we all live in but generally can't see was interesting with so many different takes on common magical creature stereotypes. I had trouble following the story at times and there is so much description though. Sometimes the wording was just so odd and hard to translate that I'd read the same sentence three times trying to figure out what he was saying.
I ended up putting this one down so many times that it took me a very long time to get through. Some books just suck you in and carry you along like a fast river. This one felt like I had to slosh through thick mud to concentrate on every sentence and try to visualize what was being described and then understand it. So much world building, so much specific description of physical (and metaphysical) places. In many cases, I really felt that the right (merciless) editor could turn it into a five star book that I would have really enjoyed because it has so much really wonderful stuff buried in it.
All that said, the MC is charming, the basic premise is fun and interesting, and I can see this evolving into a really fun series.

A delightful romp of a book. It's nothing ground-breaking, but it is a solid story. There's fun world building, introducing new ways of magic. The characters are intriguing and engaging. The plot is generic, but enjoyable. It's well-written, too. Again, it's nothing show-stopping, but this is a great book to lose yourself in for a bit.

White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton
You had me with a gay witch. This novel is a fast-paced read that dives into the magical world beyond our mortal realm. The descriptions of place and development of characters are wonderful. I immediately fell in love with Adam, the main character, and Vic (possible boyfriend). It thrills me that this is the start of a series because I can’t wait to see more of what they will encounter.
Most of the book is set in Denver. People that live here will recognize everything in the book. I’ve never read a better description of the old Casa Bonita. May the magical creatures always keep it going, and may the new real world mortal owners allow for some vegan options.
I want to thank NetGalley for providing an early copy of this book.

I rarely read Urban Fantasy - the book has to have some amazing characters and almost perfect plotline for me to enjoy the book.
White Trash Warlock was an urban fantasy that I certainly enjoyed and that’s because the world building in this one wasn’t complicated at all.
What White Trash Warlock had was a protagonist, Adam Lee Binder, that you would root for. 20 years old; and been considered crazy his whole life because he hears voices. Now estranged from his brother, and a traumatic past not really behind him doesn’t mean that he is down and out.
He is soft, kind hearted and absolutely will give the shirt off his back if it means he could help someone in need.
Adam is amazing, and you will fall in love with him - and with witches, pixies and demon magic surrounding a tale of betrayal and growth - I am so freaking glad that this is actually a series, because I really want to know how and where Adam goes forward.

If Stranger Things and Supernatural had a baby, it would be this book. It had everything I loved. Secret world, past love, death infestation, Grim Reapers and Fae. I can't believe I took so much time to pick this up!
🌟🌟🌟.75 [3.75/5]
First, I really liked the story and how they started. The first few chapters gave us something to go on without giving away too much, and after that it was a roller coaster ride with everything else. Adam was such a differently flawed character with a difficult past that it was hard not to love him. Although I hated the brother, I got over it quickly. Second, the concept of the sickness and the way it was described was something I haven't read before. It was new and held my attention while reading. This book was the 'I hate him, but I still have to make sure he/she doesn't die' trope and everything that happened with Adam just made me like him even more.
Coming to story and character development, I think I really liked the arc we got for Adam, and also I liked how he finds acceptance with another family even though they have no clue what's happening outside (except for what they witness). The bond between Adam and a certain someone was so adorable and I really want them to be endgame. Although his past had a solid reason to be his past, I want them to be endgame as well? Ah well, I love them all and want happy endings for everybody. There were some kick-ass female characters and really good story development, that I I want to know what happened next okay? That ending was brutal and I was left wondering 'WHY'. Overall solid book with a bit of everything that I loved. I will definitely be picking up the next book!
Thank you @netgalley for the gifted Review copy.

It’s such a lovely little YA fantasy/adventure book.
Based on this title, I expected something more on the funny side, but this was definitely on the adventure side, although there were a couple funny lines (“What’s in the box?”). It’s a story of Adam, a warlock who lives in a trailer with his aunt, who comes back to his family home to help his possessed sister-in-law. There are also elves involved.
It reminded me of The Raven Cycle, partially because the main character is called Adam, but partially because there is a lot of seriousness to the magic and the fantasy element feels both unique and quite realistic (if I may say so about fantasy). Because of the elves, it reminded me of what Cassie Clare writes, but the romance here wasn’t that cheesy. Actually, the romance was very subtle and quite cute.
I liked Adam, but my favorite character was definitely Vic, because he was just so sweet. I think the only flaw of this book is that it doesn’t really have unlikable characters and even if there were things someone did that hurt others or were morally questionable, the character’s motivations justified their actions in the end. So there was nobody to hate.
What are some other things that I liked about the book? It was fast-paced and easy to read. I did get a little confused about the magic at one point, but I guess it was because I was reading this fast.
So, that’s four stars.

Going into this book i didn't know what to expect. The title seemed as though it was poking fun at itself and perhaps the whole thing would be some bad take on impoverished folk playing D&D. But do not let the title fool you. It's not that at all.
This is an 'rural-fantasy' about Magic, spirit realms, and a young queer man who is cast away and put into a psych ward by his small-town family for his magical 'sight' abilities to see into the spirit realm . He then has to work on re-building those burned bridges with his family who he dropped contact with in order to save his sister-in-law at the request of his older brother. Along the was we follow Adam as he comes to terms with who he is personally as well as magically. Alternating his site on a whim between the real-world and the magical realms really played well to add intrigue to the world around him.
The story is a bit funny here and there just to keep you engages and warm up to the characters, it keeps the story feeling fresh and enjoyable. The writing really takes you places with the use of synesthesia where our Main Character associates colors to moods and smells to magical objects that really immerse you in the story.
There is quite a cast of characters that appear in this story including reapers, Manticors, Elves, and even Leprechauns. They were all done really well, each with their own emotions and motives that they play to.
All in all I feel that this is really a well-rounded and solid story that possibly suffers from a poor title. I would recommend that you check it out.

Such an interesting world building and plot, many details, a few unexpected twists, an ending that made me want more! And there will be more! Yay!
The book is from two brothers POV, Adam and Robert, but it's mostly is the story of Adam, his magic, and how he goes back to his hometown to help his brother's wife who's been possessed by an evil spirit.
I really liked how the story was written, how easy and interesting it was to follow the plot and how many feelings were there even among all the fantastical creatures. And I loved the characters, both main and side characters. I loved Vic, and how he accepts his feelings for Adam and everything magical that's happening around him. He just accepts it and faces it heads up!
I really liked it all and I can't wait to read the sequel!

I love starting a new series, as I think for me the discovery part at the beginning, when everything is new - characters, magic system and world - is my favorite part. I enjoyed learning about these aspects as they unfolded throughout the story and interestingly, whilst this is a modern-feeling setting, there was something about the magic system that felt really old-school? Not sure how else to explain it...but it was a relatively good thing. I also liked the fact it felt like there would be more to discover, more to learn going forwards in the next story, whilst still coming to a relatively decent ending for the moment.
This is primarily urban fantasy, but there is a romance sub-plot in there too - whilst this played a relatively key role in the story and was introduced early on, it evolves as the story progresses and it isn't the main focus. I have to say, I am not 100% sure how much I like this aspect yet, but willing to hold judgement until we find out how that will progress.
Really looking forward to the next book!

Slayton's White Trash Warlock is a fine entrant into the crowded urban fantasy space - his characters are likeable and vivid, his worldbuilding feels authentic, and he does a nice job setting up for a series. Too often you find urban fantasy starters that build their protagonist to superhuman levels, limiting the options of the author in challenging them and allowing them to grow. Slayton does a fantastic job of inserting realism into his characters, slowly unraveling their backstories and, through their eyes and growth, allowing the reader to begin to understand the world they inhabit,. I look forward to continuing the series.

I requested this because I thought the title was hysterical. I didn't expect much from it. Turns out, I was wrong. I found this to be a completely engaging story, well written and well thought out. I look forward to more.

This book had cool world building, and I really want to read more of it—I particularly want to see more of where the romance is going! I hope there are additional books in the series.

White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton is the first book in a new urban fantasy series. Adam Binder has the Sight. It’s a power that runs in his bloodline: the ability to see beyond this world and into another, a realm of magic populated by elves, gnomes, and spirits of every kind. But for much of Adam’s life, that power has been a curse, hindering friendships, worrying his backwoods family, and fueling his abusive father’s rage. Years after his brother, Bobby, had him committed to a psych ward, Adam is ready to come to grips with who he is, to live his life on his terms, to find love, and maybe even use his magic to do some good. Hoping to track down his missing father, Adam follows a trail of cursed artifacts to Denver, only to discover that an ancient and horrifying spirit has taken possession of Bobby’s wife. It isn’t long before Adam becomes the spirit’s next target. To survive the confrontation, save his sister-in-law, and learn the truth about his father, Adam will have to risk bargaining with very dangerous beings, including his first love.
White Trash Warlock is an urban fantasy novel that hooked me right away, and kept dragging me deeper into its world until I did not want to leave when I finished the book. Adam is a character that is flawed, and aware of most of those flaws. His relationships and understanding of himself is complicated and only becomes more so when his brother asks him for help and he has to face all the messy history and manipulation that leads to the current situation. I thought the characters were very well developed, complex and none perfect or too static. The world building was well done s well, I would love to dive in a little deeper to the hows and whys of things, but that really did not have any place in this story and look forward to more being revealed as the series continues. I thought the world and character building and development were nicely balanced with the action and mystery aspects of the story. Relationships, self perception, and family and hard and complicated- more so when magic and destruction is involved. The fact that the characters were complex, diverse, and outside the scope of what I normally see in the genre made it even better. I never found myself bored, and often found myself wishing I was reading while I was forced to do other things, and then when I finished it I was sad that there was no more waiting for me.
White Trash Warlock grabbed my interest right away and left me wanting more. I am eager to see where this series goes.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read this book!
Rating: 3.5 stars
I love queer fantasy, so when I came across this book on NG, I instantly hit request!
I adored the writing style and the main character, Adam. This book started off all action which I also loved. The magic & world-building was a little confusing at times and I did find my mind wandering here and there, but still super intriguing.
I couldn’t help but love Adam and I felt so sad at everything he had to go through. I was especially mad at his mother, and also Bobby (his brother), at the start. But as Bobby also had his own POV, I could sympathise with his character a lot more.
One of the things that was a bit lacking for me was the romance element, there seemed to be a bit of a love triangle going on, which I really don’t enjoy. But also the romance felt super underdeveloped and rushed. It probably would’ve worked better for me if the romantic arc was spread out over the course of the series.
Overall, a great debut and a wonderful start to a new series, I can’t wait to read more from this author in the future!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC!
I really liked this! I liked all of the reveals we got and they all made sense given the information. I also really liked the world building and the magic system this is built in this novel. It felt unique while still pulling from a lot of the common elements of "magic" you traditionally think of.
the romance is cute, and I support it.
anyways I'm an Argent simp, we love a lady with a sword in this house
I think those are all my thoughts atm.

This has a fantastic title and the book more than lived up to it. It was a whole lot of fun. The author does a great job with world-building and takes your typical fantasy cast (witches, elves, dragons, etc.) and really turns them on their heads. I really enjoyed the characterization and even the characters that weren't particularly likeable are still pretty intriguing. One aspect of this book that stood out with me was that the author took something like imposter syndrome, that plays out with many of us on a day-to-day basis and weaves those real feelings and insecurities into an exciting adventure. I'm already looking forward to the second book. I’m extremely grateful that I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was so good-a perfect blend of urban fantasy and originality. I loved the characters and the setting, as well as the little Denver Easter Eggs the author put in. The romance was one of the cutest I’ve read in a while-I’m already Team Vic. Can’t wait to read the next in the series.
Thank you to Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC, in exchange for an honest review.