Member Reviews

I really like the Buzz Books and it’s exciting when a new one comes out. I keep a list handy and add numerous titles to my TBR. I also really enjoy the excerpts, as they are such a great way to know if you’ll like a book after reading a chapter or so. Thank you for all the work that goes into creating Buzz Books for readers!!

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it really had great titles and I would surely be keeping my keen eyes on all those! But still I felt that many of the featured books were not so worthy of being in the buzz.

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Thank you so much for the chance to read the book.

Wow this is different in all the good ways. I really like having a list of most of the future releases and getting the chance to read the samples. Already ready found a couple of books I want to read.

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I'm really excited about some of these releases! I loved being able to read excerpts and compile my tbr list.

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I loved being able to get a glimpse of books coming out later this winter! The excerpts definitely made me want to get further into the stories and I put in requests for quite a few of these galleys. This was definitely worth the read and I will be requesting these from now on.

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Love love love these sneak peaks into the upcoming books. Always find plenty of really good books. Must read!

Thanks to publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free, it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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An amazing collection of carefully curated extracts from some of the best new books.
I particularly enjoyed Matt Haig's The Midnight Library.
An excellent compilation.

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In this troubled time of curbside pickup, the Buzz Books 2020: Fall and Winter is an invaluable resource for finding new books and authors to read.

When looking for a new book to read in a bookstore or library, everyone reads the blurb on the back or the front flap. If intrigued, most people will read the first chapter or two. This compendium of books offers the same ability, for free and in your own home—no face covering required.

The books included here run the gamut of genres with literary fiction, mystery, science fiction, young adult, and non-fiction all included. I’m sure most readers will find a few books that fit their tastes. Publisher’s Lunch also has a Spring/Summer 2020 Book Buzz available for those impatient readers looking for a book now. They also publish a separate Book Buzz for romance fans. All three books are free for Kindle readers on Amazon.

For book reviewers, there is a NetGalley link to request the book. At least one book is available to read now on Edelweiss+ too because I had already downloaded it before this Buzz Book was released. Overall, the Buzz Books 2020: Fall and Winter is a useful tool for readers. The only downside is the lack of genre labeling but a quick read of the summary can usually provide the answer. 4 stars!

Thanks to Publisher’s Lunch and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Every time I see a new Buzz Books, I immediately download. I enjoyed seeing what to expect for the fall and winter months. For those new to Buzz Books, you will find included a summary of books that will release during a particular season. This collection is a fabulous way to start adding new to your to-be-read!

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When able to go to bookstores and the library with my teens, we all aimlessly wander around, trying to choose books and often leave with nothing new since we can never decide. This is a terrific resource and one that enabled me to find a bunch of new titles to add to my to-read list, no aimless wandering required!

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So many good books coming out and so little time. Loving Buzz Books which help me plan my reading for the year. Fall/Winter 2020 will be another exciting reading season!

Thank you Net Galley for this compilation!

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Unfortunately I seem to have got it too late, as all the books that interest me on it are no longer available to request!

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Great set of previews! Lots of exciting releases coming up through the end of this year! I always appreciate the variety of previews we get in these packs.

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Once again, Buzz Books offers a wonderful way of taking a sneak peak at upcoming books. I always find these so useful in considering which advanced copies to request.

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I read this ARC for an honest review
All thoughts and opinions are mine

I love these Buzz Books and really enjoy going through them
They list what's up and coming in the publishing world and whet's the appetite in letting you read excerpts and chapters so when the book comes up for advanced reading I usually can't wait to get stuck in

Would thoroughly recommend

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Buzz Books are always great. I was a little disappointed to not have one for the first half of the year. Love this and highly recommend for anyone that is a reading enthusiast.

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Always such a treat to get an early look at the big books of Fall/Winter! I loved it and can't wait!

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Thank you so much for this selection of previews! I have definitely found some upcoming releases I'm excited for! I can't wait until some of these titles release!

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Cannot wait for the zoom presentation! These new titles sound fantastic - I especially can’t wait for ‘The Push’ - it sounds so fascinating!

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This is always so helpful to give me an idea of great upcoming reads!! I always have so many books on my TBR but this way I know what to look out for. Thank you!

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