Member Reviews

I do really like getting to sample chapters and excerpts, as well as getting to hear about other upcoming releases. I was reading through some of the upcoming titles and saw so many wonderful author's names that I recognized. I was so excited to see that there will be a new Alice Hoffman book being released that's a prequel to Pratical Magic. I may have squealed a bit when I saw that. I was a bit disappointed though that they did not choose that as one of the titles to elaborate on and include a spotlight for. I feel pike maybe they should split the different genres into different sampler galleys so that more of each type can be featured. Thatd be especially helpful for those like myself who are not interested in some of the genres featured.

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I have been anxiously awaiting this issue of Buzz Books! I flew through this one looking for favorite authors and checking out debut and new to me authors. I've added to my TBR and requested titles that are now available on NetGalley.

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Great resource highlighting buzzy books from a range of authors. Would love to see special attention to debut authors! I always see a few that I need to add to my list!

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Buzz Books is always a great tool for planning reviews and publisher requests for the upcoming months. Thank you!

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These sneak peaks bring as much joy to me as brand new movie trailers did when I was young -- small glimpses into the next thing I'll be obsessed with.

Some standouts in this collection include:

The Office of Historical Corrections, Danielle Evans
A short story collection that looks smart as hell. From the first few pages, this seems like one of those books that's somehow both a quick read and incisive, penetrating -- giving the reader something to think about long after the stories are over. I'm hoping that the collection is as cohesive as the blurb promises!

The Midnight Library, Matt Haig
This magnificent premise! "Between life and death, there is a library," where you get the chance to try another life you could've had. My favorite fantasy books are the ones that latch on to a primal human need or behavior and turn it into a metaphor, a glorious thought experiment. What if you had the chance to fix the past? I'll be checking this one out!

Monogamy, Sue Miller
This looks good, and sad. A widow discovers that her husband was unfaithful and their marriage wasn't what she thought it was. There's something to be said for these small domestic dramas -- no murders, no witches, just a longform cathartic character study that taps into our biggest fears and sees us through to the other side.

We Run The Tides, Vendela Vida
I know who I am, and that's a sucker for stories of young female friendships that fall apart. I haven't read a ton of kidnapping mysteries, but this one looks like it has a ton of potential and the writing is both smooth and compelling -- this feels like a grown up, millennial version of Now and Then.

Memorial, Bryan Washington
I haven't read Lot, but I was really impressed with this excerpt -- I love it when authors don't feel the need to open a book with heavy paragraphs of thick scene setting and just throws the reader into the deep end. I'd be really interested to see how this story shakes out. 

We Keep The Dead Close, Becky Cooper
Being a true crime fan, I'm vaguely aware of this insane, tragic case -- but the strength of a crime novel is in the narrator's passion for the case and storytelling capabilities, and this one shows a ton of potential. I'm looking forward to this one!

Can't Even,  Anne Helen Peterson
This book, based on a viral Buzzfeed article, claims to be required reading for my generation and the people trying to understand us, digging into "burnout culture". It's not a self-help book and doesn't promise to solve the problem, but to explain it. The first few pages are easy and fun to read -- I'm interested in getting into the sociohistorical framework and analysis promised within.

Aside from the previewed books, I'm also super excited about books from some literary powerhouse women this fall: 
What Are You Going Through, Sigrid Nunez
To Be A Man, Nicole Krauss
Daddy, Emma Cline
Jack, Marilynne Robinson

Thanks to Netgalley and the included publishers for giving me this treat!

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These books are a wonderful resource to discover new reads! Loved it! Can't wait to read a few of these buzzy books.

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Always great to be able to discover upcoming books by familiar authors as well as some new ones, and to read excerpts, Have already added several to my TBR list.

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This is a valuable tool for serious readers. This guide provides excerpts and descriptions for highly anticipated books coming out in Fall 2020/Winter 2021. The information provided will help you decide your upcoming reads and lets you know when to expect new material from some of your favorite authors.

I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley. My review is voluntary.

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This is an intriguing and immersive historical fiction straddling two timelines - current day in New Haven, Connecticut and 1571 in Venice, Italy. Rose Newlin owner of a bookstore, she’s also a book restorer. In walks William Lomazzo, an artist, who brings with him an old document found at the bottom of his great-grandmother‘s trunk. The document turns out to be a palimpsest dated Venezia 1571. Back in the late Renaissance, Venice is bracing itself for the onslaught of the advancing Ottoman army. Giovanni Lamazzo, a well-known brilliant artist of the day, has been commissioned to paint Chiara, a favorite courtesan, of powerful military commander Sebastiano Vernier. But love cannot be put in a box and Giovanni and Chiara find themselves in dangerous waters as Venice simmers with intensity and desperation as the Ottoman army advances imminently closer. Back to present day, the Rose-William connection threatens to take shape...but clearly plays second fiddle to the first, for all the right reasons. This was a very enjoyable read that kept me immersed and engrossed in the storyline, particularly the sixteenth century one. Intrigue, a bit of mystery, history, culture, and a bit of romance all swirled together for a nice interlude. I’d definitely recommend it. This was a perfect book to distract one from the realities of everyday life - current day COVID-19! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Great preview of new Fall reads. There are definitely some books I will be adding to my TBR! I like that the previews give just enough information to help the reader decide if it's a book worth checking out, all the while not giving away too much to spoil it.

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Pleased to read these excerpts— Publishers Lunch is a wonderful resource! Wish these compilations came out even more often, and for children’s books too!

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Great previews of fall reads to come. I definitely have some of these on my radar now. I like how the preview gives a good amount of substance so the reader can figure out if they’re interested or not.

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Make sure you have something for taking notes before opening this, you''re bound to find some books you want to watch for in the coming year. There is a section that is just titles and authors, so you can go through and search for any particular favorites you have and know quickly if there have something due to be published soon. Then there is a section with excerpts from a select number of books, so you can explore whether or not a book is going to appeal to you before you request it. These are great excerpts as they give you enough for you to get an idea of the author's style before committing to an entire novel.

This is my third time getting a Buzz Books anthology, and I try not to miss one. For me, I open NetGalley at the same time I open Buzz Books and flip from one to the other, ordering books immediately as they come up in my read. Then I open my Google Drive and create a table to record those books and authors that aren't listed on NetGalley yet. That way, I have a system set up to store titles and i can go back on a regular basis to search for the books I wanted to read.

This is a don't miss for me. Thanks to Publisher's Lunch for providing me with a free copy in exchange for an hones review.

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This is a book lover’s dream, and is especially helpful for finding new author voices you might like on NetGalley. It’s the virtual equivalent of going to the bookshelf, opening up the book and reading a few pages to see if it captures your imagination. There is a great selection of samples in here. My favorites (which I immediately requested) were The Midnight Library, Monogamy, and Black Widows (I also already read the whole book of The Blade Between and really liked it.) Thank you so much to NetGalley for this wonderful sampler, which contains an additional long and awesome list of many other books to look out for this year!

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I stalk Netgalley for the release of the Buzz Books guide. This is one of my go to sources to help me build my seasonal TBR. There's so much information packed in and I love being able to read excerpts from anticipated releases.

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Fantastic opportunity to check out some of the season's buzziest books before they are released. Love this idea!

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I’m always excited when this comes out so reviewers like us can get ready to spread the news on these great books.

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My favorite book every season. Love seeing what to expect.

Thank you Netgalley for for my exciting book news.

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So happy to read about the next season of 'buzz books' - this is the book equivalent of movie trailers except way better as you can skip the ones your not interested in... if you can even find them!

I love the inclusion of the cover, the excerpt and the author bios - this just has everything thing it needs to get readers so excited about soon to be released texts.

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Wonderful to get this inside view on exciting new books that will be coming soon. It's extremely helpful to have links to request the books with the excerpts. I am so looking forward to them. Thank you!

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