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Awaking Wonder

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Awaking Wonder was such an encouraging read for me, coming out of teaching in traditional school to homeschooling my own children Ruth diverse learning needs and intellectual abilities. This book is so much more than just educational as Sally's experiences and rhythms serve to disciple readers in order to love and guide their children well in all areas of life.

This book has been foundational for me and one I often return to in order to be reminded that our efforts with our families are not in vain. I would definitely recommend this to others as a great resource for sparking wonder and awe in the home.

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I read this book during the pandemic and I loved it! Oh how wonderful it was to be encouraged in my parenting journey to simply ENJOY my children. Lovely book with a beautiful voice!

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I really appreciate Sally's perspective on homeschooling. It has been years since I've first read Awaking Wonder and I still think about the ideas she wrote about in this book.

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This book makes me want to homeschool, I wish that I was able too. But it still helped me see the world through my kids eyes, and I just loved that! Highly recommend!

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This book is an amazing book for parents, teachers, and anyone who has any children in their lives! Sally Clarkson has a way of speaking straight to the heart of matters, inspiring one to be their best self. I love her faith in our wonderful Lord and her approach in homeschooling and parenting. I highly recommend this book!

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"How often we miss the fingerprints of the Artist behind it all because the eyes of our heart are distracted or busy with more temporal demands, the noise of life beckoning us to follow."

There were good quotes like this in the book, but overall it was not a book for me. First off, it took about 15% of the book for her to simply introduce what she was going to be talking about and then at the end she kind of did a recap of what she talked about. Secondly, it felt a bit judgmental to those of us who have chosen not to homeschool: "For us, it was a superior way to educate our children." Well, great for you, but personally I am grateful to have a Christian day school to send my children to. I think what they did was great and worked for them. According to Sally, her kids are all super-achievers and amazing and wonderful and that's great. But it's not the only way to raise great kids.

I'm not going to belabor the point. I didn't enjoy the book, but I'm not a homeschool mom, just a mom who wants to use the opportunities I have to help equip my children for the real world. Maybe this book would be inspiring to a homeschool mom starting out who wanted to invest everything she has into her children.

I received this book from Baker Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a postive review. All opnions expressed are my own.

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One of the most beautiful, well-written and thoughtful books published in 2020 on awakening the jubilance of life in children--I highly recommend!

Sally Clarkson in her beautiful, clear, and winsome way leans into education, but it expands far further than school work. A handbook for any parent, mentor, teacher, or adult caring for and championing those around them, Awakening Wonder offers Clarkson's reliable pairing of philosophy and practicality, and for this book, the chapters are all-encompassing, looking at the mind, the moral muscle, faith, imagination & wonder, and lifelong learning, to list a few.

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I felt like a fail reading this book. I understand the perspective of a mom that saw the final result of her teaching but for moms of little children this book can feel overwhelming. I did not like the fact that their way seemed the only “good way” to teach children. I admire Sally and I loved other books, but I just had difficulty expectations from this book.

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Sally has long been a fantastic inspiration and mentor of mine when it comes to parenting my children. In the midst of all 2020s craziness we have been entertaining the idea of once again homeschool, in order to have some consistency in my and our children's lives.

Awaking Wonder has done a fantastic job of laying out not only the how and why, but the "can do". My biggest concern with homeschooling my kids is burn out, and Sally shares the grace of what "awaking wonder" can look like in my children. It is that desire for wonder that I want for my children, beyond any curriculum!

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I loved the idea of this book but I had a really hard time getting into the book. I love this author and the concept for the book so I will trying to reread this in the future with fresh eyes.

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This is a book that my soul needed. I tend to be a homeschool mom that allows voices on "how things have to be done" stress her out. This book is so encouraging and comforting to me in that she dispels those voices.

Sally lovingly tells her family's testimony in regards to home education. Their story unfolds in tales of discipleship, enjoying God's nature, and learning almost everything through reading good literature together. This seems to have worked well as all of her children are very successful by the world's standards, and much more importantly her children still follow the Lord.

Awaking Wonder reads like a love letter to the mom who needs to take a deep breath and know that faithfulness is more important than which curriculum you pick.

I only wish a few more specifics on learning techniques she did on math, spelling, and language arts were shared. Most likely, she will do that on her podcast and blog at some point

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I was introduced to Sally Clarkson a few years ago and I feel like she's become a sort of spiritual godmother, encouraging and inspiring me as I run this race of motherhood. Part of me wondered if I would find anything new in Awaking Wonder as I've already read so much by Sally and listened to almost every podcast episode she's produced. 🤭 This book has indeed spoken old truth in new ways and it's just what I needed to read as I start a new school year. What I love about Sally's example of following Christ is that she neither dumbs down nor sets the bar too high as we strive to be like Jesus. She speaks truth. "The influence you have on [your children] will come directly from the maturity you display in relationships, how you handle responsibility, and how you live out your faith in Christ everyday. You must be the kind of disciple you want them to become." Later she says, "you must first be loving God with your mind and strengthening your mental muscles." It's not enough for me to have a list of principles to follow to make my kids better people. It starts with MOM sitting at the feet of Jesus and then pouring out with the overflow. Oh, Sally, thank you for continuing to point me towards the narrow, old path that leads to righteousness!

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This book is amazing! Sally has done it again! Whether your kids are homeschooling, distance learning, or going to school this book will open your eyes to the wonderful things you can do to make your children’s lives wonder filled in every way. Every moment is a learning moment for children. This book opened my eyes to the kind of role model I want to be for my children that are watching me and the things I do. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

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I really enjoy reading Sally's ideas and encouragement on how to raise well-rounded, imaginative children who love God. Her books are always a great resource, especially as a homeschooling mom.

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Awaking Wonder is a wonderfully practical book with detailed examples of how to teach your children as the Bible instructs us to; when you lie down, when you rise up and when you walk along the way. Teaching starts at birth and doesn't end until death. And helping your children continue to gather, grow and glean their whole lives is the goal of real education!

So very encouraging and definitely worth reading!

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I love Sally and her heart and encouragement. It's great to hear from a mother has has been there before me. Awaking wonder is important and she gives great ideas.

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This book is delightful, encouraging, and inspiring. A must read for all parents, especially homeschoolers.

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"In a world rampant with secularism and philosophies that negate belief in God, life requires that those of us who live by our belief in God must be focused and intentional in passing on wisdom, reality, foundations, truth, and purpose to our children."

This is one of the most hope-giving, encouraging, and beautifully challenging books I have ever read. I have highlights on almost every page. Sally's experience is wonderfully encouraging, especially to many of us who don't have mentors in our own lives.

She's honest about the hard parts of life and parenting, but firm on staying in the Word, filling your own cup from the Lord so you can keep pouring into your children, and walking so they will see Him in your example every day. There are also great practical ideas about wonder-filled resources, routines for a peaceful home, and building relationships in your family.

I can't recommend this book enough to all parents and future parents.

[I was provided an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.]

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I just adore Sally Clarkson and have enjoyed every book I’ve read by her. This one is no exception and I appreciated and connected with it in a unique way compared to her other books. Being a homeschooling momma can feel lonely and “out of the box”, but reading the encouraging and wise words of Sally on these pages made me feel seen and honestly solidified why we’ve chosen this path for our family. All about creating a warm and wonder-filled learning environment for our children. Sally’s writing is honest here and unapologetic, but is met with gentle love and guidance. I so enjoyed how full this book was of the Clarkson’s own traditions and ideas for creating this atmosphere in your home, and how I wasn’t left with that all too common, “now what” feeling when I set this book down. Instead I felt invigorated and inspired. This isn’t a book you read and just think about, it’s a book you read and do! It’s a call, and a worthwhile one at that. While definitely geared to the homeschooling family, I truly believe families that don’t go this route will also find so much here in these pages to impart in their own homes.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for the gifted e-copy!

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I really enjoyed this book. Sally has a good writing style and it translates well to .listening as I listened to a good chunk of this book in audio. Her philosophy is interesting and while all of what she said may not work for my house, I came away with several good tidbits of things that could improve my parenting and teaching of my children. Recommended.

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