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Mistletoe and Mr. Right

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This was the cozy Christmas romance of my dreams!

Things I Liked:
♥ I thought I loved Zoey and Graham until Lana and Rick came along. AHHH! I loved them SO MUCH. They were such different people and both so strong and complex and I just adore them.
♥ Sarah Morgenthaler isn’t scared to shy away from difficult topics and handles them in a really great way in this story.
♥ The complex backstories in this book are incredible. Lana’s family and Rick’s past regarding his divorce were both really well explored and gave the characters so much depth.
♥ Once again, this book was so perfectly atmospheric.
♥ There is a grumpy old cat AND a tiny hedgehog who both wear clothes. Is Sarah Morgenthaler the queen of the cutest animals in literature? Probably.
♥ This book was sugary sweet with so much depth, and incredibly well-paced. Despite having long chapters, it didn’t drag in the slightest.
♥ The build-up to the romance in this book was beautiful. It didn’t feel unrealistic in the slightest and it moved at a great pace.

Things I disliked:
♡ I would have liked a little more steaminess.
♡ I didn’t enjoy Zoey and Graham in this book as much as I did in the first. The dynamic of their relationship just didn't feel the same as it did.
♡ I found Lana’s dialogue a little difficult to digest at times.

Overall, this is one of the best romances I’ve read this year and I can’t wait to revisit Moose Springs in the next book!

Content Warnings: Discussions of money, animal cruelty, sexual assault, a car crash, major surgery/flatlining, almost-fatal accident involving a child.

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I love books set in Alaska so if you're like me, you will want to read this one! I had previously read The Tourist Attraction which is the first book set in the Moose Springs world and I really liked it. You don't need to read that one to read this one as they are companion books but I would personally recommend it because those characters are involved in this book and you get to read about some cute moments involving them. You also get to know Lana a lot in that book as she is the main characters best friend in The Tourist Attraction.

I liked Lana so much more in this book and you really get to understand her and why she is so passionate about the town even though almost everyone is against her and the changes she wants to make. You also get to see how Lana is who she is from glimpses of her family (who all suck). You can instantly tell how her and Rick like each other from the first few chapters and it's a really realistic representation of a relationship which I loved. Rick is so adorable and says some of the cutest things to Lana.

This book has some unexpected plot elements to it and I always like these even if I didn't necessarily need them because it makes it much less predictable. There are also some hilarious moments involving animals and a scene involving some egg nog and a tranq gun that had me laughing out loud. I felt like there is quite a lot left unresolved in this book which I hope is covered in the next book! I can't wait for the next instalment.

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series but I LOVED this one!

As with many romance books, this book follows two different characters, Lana and Rick, who were introduced in the first book but not the main characters at the time. It has two point-of-views and I very much enjoyed both of them.

Lana is definitely a get-it-done kind of woman. She is all business but when it comes down to it, she is just looking for a place to belong and she is hoping that place is Moose Springs. I’d move there in a heartbeat too!

She is trying her best throughout the book to become one of the locals. There are speed bumps in her way. One being her cousin Silas who is a big dillweed. In the first book Lana is very much seen as put together and in this one her life looks less glamorous. I liked seeing this side of her and the struggles she faces.

Rick is one character that I didn’t remember much about in the first book. Oops! But, he definitely grew on me in this one as I read. I also realized we are a lot alike when it comes to being a crazy cat person. Who can really blame him for talking to his cat! I do that on the daily, haha. Life hasn’t always been kind to him but he is a kind guy who wants what is best for those around him.

Their romance is full of crazy dates, laughter, and being there for one another even when you aren’t sure where the relationship is going. It’ll give you all the feelings and make you not want to stop reading. I loved every second of it!

As for the rest of the plot, many of the characters you know from book one are back as well! I enjoyed reading about what was happening between Graham and Zoey. I may not have liked Killian in book one but he really grew on me in this one. There is definitely a softer side to him. I want a book from his point-of-view or Ash. Maybe together?! I don’t know but I am shipping it, haha.

Overall and like I said above, I LOVED this one. It gave me all the sappy feelings and I cried twice. It was just so good and by the time I was at the ending, I just wanted to continue reading. Sadly, there was nothing left. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.

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This book managed to make me excited for Christmas in the summer. Such a sweet and atmospheric romance. It made me sad that with COVID, traveling to a place like Moose Springs isn't possible because it seemed like such a lovely place to be.

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The First book in this series, The Tourist Trap, already had me admiring Alaska.. but it was set during summer, which is my jam. Now that we are revisiting in December Sarah is really having me, one who hates the cold and snow!, wanting to pack up my family and MOVE to Alaska - sight unseen.

In her newest Moose Springs book, big drama meets small town.. and the big drama is not the Christmas decoration eating Moose! We got a peak at Lana during Zoey’s story in TTT and I was dying to get to know more of this allusive, affluent businesswoman who fell in love with a small town and became besties with the “girl next door”. I definitely wasn’t disappointed and can not wait to see what the third installment in this series brings us!

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When you’re in the middle of never ending, nerve bending, incessantly hearing nails on chalkboard sound in your head kind of Pandemic, reading something make you feel Christmas spirit could be your only life west not to drown at the pessimism sea!

This is truly vivid, enjoyable, sweet and soul healing recipe! We need this book to get through our stressful days and keep smile without thinking any further. It brightens our dark moods, heals our exhausted hearts and melts our hearts.

If you already read Touristic Attraction, you may have been already introduced the most of the amazing characters.

This time Graham and Zoey are supporting characters! But don’t worry, Zoey’s bestie Lana Montgomery is definitely lovable heroine in her trendy, posh designer clothes, her contagious optimism and determination. Town people may think she is the Grinch steals Christmas and spirits with her condo project but she is stubborn enough not to lose a fight. She has to prove she can contribute to the community by catching the mysterious/legendary Santa Moose! How hard it can be!

And sweet, introvert, loner Rick Harding has a crush on her for long time is at her service to accomplish this mission! If she saves town from that Christmas mood destroyer creature, she may get all the approval and change the biased thoughts against her.

Yes, tranquilizing herself was not great start for Lana but she has no intention to give up!
This book is slow burn romance but mostly a laugh out comedy. Town’s people’s changing of heart and realizing genuineness and humbleness of Lana parts warm my heart and Rick was emotional, extremely sweet hero you may wholeheartedly love.

Overall: I love this series so much and I cannot wait to read Easton’s story! These books are true medicines to heal our souls and help us find happiness in small things. It was totally what I needed right now!

So much thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for sharing this lovely arc with me in exchange my honest opinions. I enjoyed it too much!

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Another heartwarming story in the trilogy that throws in a couple of twists in the middle to not only keep things interesting, but to draw the reader in closer. I’m looking forward to the third installment slated to arrive next year.

** I received a free copy from NetGalley

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The first book in this series (The Tourist Attraction) was the first I read by this author and I was in love with it. The characters, the Alaska scenery, the moose... all of it. So I could not wait for the next as I liked Lana in book 1.

Lana Montgomery is rich - very rich - and has big plans for Moose Springs. She loves the town and wants to save it, but it seems nobody is on her side. Well, except for lovey-dovey Graham and Zoey from book 1. And Rick, who is quite smitten with Lana and you know what: Lana likes him as well.

The issue I have with this story is the characters. Lana and Rick are - to be honest - a bit boring. Lana is the rich woman with the big heart and Rick the shy man whose wife left him and left a scar on his heart. They are clearly interested in each other and also flirt but the slow pace was killing me. I thought Rick was sweet but maybe too sweet for my taste. I like it when the hero takes charge a bit, or at least behaves in a mature and confident way.

I look forward to the next book as I am not giving up on Moose Springs, Alaska!

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I love the first book of this series and this one didn’t disappoint. It was fun and quirky!! I am so glad I got a chance to read it. I highly recommend!!

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I loved this one almost as much as Graham and Zoeys story. I absolutely adored Rick's character. Lana was a little cliche for me but I liked her still. Can't wait for the next book! Thanks for letting me check it out.

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This should have been my Christmas in July read, but it was my Christmas in August read instead (and yes, I am aware that's not a thing).

I was pretty happy to see that my wish was granted, and I got the opportunity to read and review Mistletoe and Mr. Right via Netgalley.

The story takes place in Alaska and it really captures small town vibe, with it's characters, their mentality and the descriptions of the place.

I certainly enjoyed this sequel that can be read as standalone (I haven't read the previous book), and I would like to try other books in the series.

It is written in third person following Lana and Rick.
I enjoyed reading about Lana's life more because it was so much different from my own.
I had hard time to understand Rick.

I like how we get to follow characters from the previous book and see the continuation of their lives.

This is romance without explicit scenes, which I like.

Overall, I really enjoyed Mistletoe and Mr. Right and would like to read other books in the series.

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An enjoyable holiday romp through this lovely Alaskan town. Rick and Lana are two lonely souls who are attracted to each other. Rick doesn't feel worthy and Lana feels she can't start a relationship b/c of her work responsibilities. All it takes is a Moose, a tranq gun, to get these two on the right path. I enjoyed revisiting the town and seeing all the side characters again. I can't wait for the next.

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In the second book of the Moose Springs, we get a closer look on Lana and Rick.

Lana works for her family's billionaire company, her new project is to develop new condos that will increase the tourism in the town. She is determine to fight for her project even if the whole town hates her.  She is trying to make the town like her and get their support for her project, her love for the town is what makes her want to see them thrive.

Rick owns the town's pool hall his life is surrounded by his responsibility to keep his shop open and help his nephew. He doesn't date and hadn't for years. 

They are two people from complete different worlds, that came together in the town of Moose Springs.

Lana is used to keep her feelings close to her heart, she doesn't let anyone see the real her. The family business depends on her and she can't let them down no matter what.

Rick is an absolute sweetheart, I adore him. He is not smooth but he is adorable which makes him even better. He fights for what and who he wants. He immediately became one of my book boyfriends.

The book is so funny, I was laughing out loud in more than one occasion. I liked seeing them handling the difficulties that had to overcome such as catching a moose who destroyed the Christmas decorations.

It was also amazing to see the life of Graham and Zoey as a couple along with the rest of their friends.

*I received an arc from the publisher,Sourcebooks and this is my honest opinion.

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Release Date: October 6 2020

Lana has bought Moose Springs. She didn’t mean to but how can she let the town she loves go to ruins. The town does NOT appreciate it. Lana also has a major crush on pool hall owner Rick but Rick has had a rough time in the past and Lana is a force to be reckoned with. Will it be a whirlwind romance or something more?

Full disclosure, I did not like the first book in this series. However I liked the writing so I decided to try the second book. I really liked it!! Lana and Rick are so great each is so nervous and concerned about the other. It’s very romantic and wonderful. I wish it had a bit of steam but the lead up was wonderful! I will read this book again!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

#bookstagram #netgalleyreads #bookrecommendations. #moosespringsseries

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I read the description of the first book and thought it sounded adorable but unfortunately never got around to reading it. When I received the ARC for this book, I immediately started reading. Unfortunately I didn't like it as much as I thought I was going to. I didn't particularly like either of the main characters and felt that Rick could have been a bit "deeper".

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Ugh this was so beyond disappointing. I LOVED the first book, but this was just not funny or snarky or cute in any way. I’m so bummed about it. Truly. But just read the first one and skip this mess.

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Picking up where The Tourist Attraction left off, Mistletoe and Mr. Right focuses on the life of Lana Montgomery - billionaire investor who has big plans for Moose Springs. Except Lana is everything Moose Springs hates: rich, an outsider, a socialite, not from Alaska, and most importantly, a tourist. Oh basically everyone in the town hates Lana because she isn't one of them. Everyone except Rick Harding, the quiet and brooding owner of the pool hall.

I am normally a sucker for Christmas romances. Hallmark Christmas Movie is my favorite cinema genre. But I just couldn't get into this book. Lana really grated on me...every time she called someone "dearest" I literally cringed. I really liked Rick though. The ending felt really rushed too, and I don't think Rick got the ending he deserved. I will probably read the next book in the series just to make sure Rick is ok!

And I am sorry but the idea that an entire town hates tourists when they are literally keeping the town afloat is just....unrealistic to me. But maybe I am a capitalist robot. Also the whole Christmas moose plot was just...strange. I did not enjoy it. However, I loved the trip to Chicago for *spoilery reasons.* I wish we could have spent more time there because seeing Lana in her "element" really brought out her character and made me dislike her less. Alas, that part was the ending and, as I mentioned before, was really rushed through.

Anyway, I think people who loved The Tourist Attraction will enjoy this as well. But for me it ultimately fell a little flat.

Thanks to Netgalley, Sarah Morgengthaler, and Sourcebooks Casablance for the eARC.

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This book was an absolutely fantastic follow up to the first book in Sarah Morgenthaler’s Moose Springs, Alaska series, The Tourist Attraction. I loved hearing Lana and Ricky’s story. It was swoon worthy just as the first book was. My absolute favorite aspect of this book was the overall setting. Every detail paints the perfect picture. I will absolutely be recommending this book to everyone who is looking for a sweet romance. I look forward to reading more from this series!

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Mistletoe and Mr. Right was a perfect second in this series. Lana and Rick are two very different characters that bring out the best in each other. This series (and M&MR especially) always leave me itching for a trip to Alaska. There are mysterious moose, town angst, growls teens, and juicy drama to keep you turning the pages.
M&MR was sweet, sad and laugh out loud funny.

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I was getting very lucky to get an early copy of Mistletoe and Mr. Right thanks to NetGalley and SourceBooks Casablanca. This book is the second in a series, so if you haven't read The Tourist Attraction I recommend starting with that one first. In book one, you'll fall in love with Moose Springs, Alaska and the all of people who make their home there.

Mistletoe and Mr. Right focuses on Lana (a wealthy businesswoman who wants to save Moose Springs but is seen as an outsider) and Rick (the love weary, local business owner who business is barely surviving). I really enjoyed their slow to get going romance and the funny things that happened to them along the way! However, Lana was a bit too much in spots and when she called people "dearest" it didn't seem to fit. I thought it made her sounds snobby and condescending. I enjoyed watching Lana and Rick both grow as characters to where they were comfortable with their own feelings and choices.

I absolutely loved Graham and Zoey's appearances in this book. They are just adorable! Many other Moose Spring favorites make an appearance in this book too and that just makes Mistletoe and Mr. Right all the better.

I'm definitely hooked on this series and can't wait to read book 3. I highly recommend this series to anyone who loves romantic comedies! I know you won't be disappointed!!

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