Cover Image: The Unfinished Land

The Unfinished Land

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I had a really hard time with this. I tried and tried, but ultimately didn't finish.
I've since learned that Greg Bear -- who has sadly passed away in the time between my obtaining this book and my finally starting it -- is known for hard science fiction, and this book is absolutely not. Instead it's kind of vaguely magical realism/historical fantasy, so it probably wasn't the best place to start with Bear's work.
The concept sounded great, but this book was just incredibly tedious and seemed seemed very self-indulgent on the author's part. I'd like to try some of Bear's earlier work, but this particular attempt at fantasy just didn't do anything for me.

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Thank you so much to net galley and the publisher for sending em a copy of this book! I was immediately drawn in by the description and I was not disappointed!

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Greg Bear is a master of science fiction. This, his first foray into fantasy, wasn’t nearly as enjoyable. It was nearly The Unfinished Book for me. I wanted to love it. The prose was beautiful. The creatures, fantastical. But it never seemed to go anywhere, and it was a slog for me to finish.

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It sounded so good, Reynard being shipwrecked and stranded in Tir Na Nog. But it was so bland, despite the beautiful prose.

DNF @57%

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Just because I have holidayed in Southwold and that region, love sailing. I wanted to like this story.
I think I misunderstood this story perhaps I need to reread agin in the Winter?

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This is the first Greg Bear book that I have read so did not go in with any expectations which is probably why I was not as disappointed as some other reviewers. In saying that it was not a book that I overly enjoyed reading as I found it confusing at times and lacking in clear storyline. I found that I was not connecting with the characters or even being able to imagine the island setting. In all it was an okay book but not one I would recommend to fantasy lovers.

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This book is really different from anything Iv'e read in a long time! It's full of interesting and well thought out characters!! I did get quite a strong Treasure Island feel from it but there were also a lot of mythical elements which makes it the perfect read for fans of lord of the rings and The Hobbit.

The book follows a young boy, Reynard on a long and dangerous journey after he becomes the sole survivor on a ship that has been taken down by the Spanish! Along the way Reynard meets a host of colourful characters who turn him from a scared young boy, to an adventure driven young man!! The plot is full of twists and turns that you never know what is going to happen next!

It does require a level of concentration to keep track of all the characters you meet along the way but it is so worth it! I found it the perfect read to curl up with to be transported to new and amazing places

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Feels somewhat disconnected. Wasn’t excited by the dialogue. Really liked the setting, but that was my only real area of interest.

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I did not provide a star rating for this book as I felt unfair to do so, I found the author had talent, however the story was not one that interested me personally, so I did not finish the book and felt it would be unfair to leave a review. 3 stars left in the spirit of needing to complete the review

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Enjoyed the book, but not my favorite Greg Bear. Fantasy, and I've really enjoyed his science fiction. Thus, took my by surprise, but began to enjoy more as I went along. #TheUnfinishedLand #NetGalley

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This book is beautiful. I was absolutely in love with the writing and the world-building. Atmospheric and ancient, the unfinished land was a primal world filled with creatures feared and forgotten by huma civilisation. The idea of vampires who steal years instead of blood was pretty amazing. That being said, the book started dragging after the first half. I have not read any other works of the author but I now have him on the radar and would definitely read more of this works.

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I really, really wanted to like this book. I've loved the author's previous work, and he's certainly a top-notch pro. The world-building is rich and complex, and I immediately engaged with the main character. I found the balance between dramatic action and reflection to be pitch-perfect. And yet, somehow between the oblique descriptions, sheer numbers of characters, and cross-purposes that are more hinted than portrayed explicitly, I kept losing track of what was going on. In the end, I decided the book just wasn't my cuppa tea but that other readers might adore it. That's why I've given it the rating I did, even though I gave up halfway through.

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I couldn't finish it, the language was really complex for me (a non-English speaker). Though the story was promising.

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I appreciate the publisher allowing me to read this book. This is a great read I loved it highly recommend to anyone.

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I do not understand why this book is still listed for me I send my feedback three years ago. Sending this to remove,

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The story wasn't much that it need to be 300 plus pages long. And then it was wordily conveyed, whatever it was.

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A good dark fantasy, gripping and entertaining.
I liked the world building and the characters.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Great read! Wish I had picked it up to read sooner. Really enjoyed the style of writing and the plot hooked me right from the start! Hard to put down

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The Unfinished Land tells of the magic of words, of the joy of creating and learning. As packed with bits and bobs of diverse legend as it is, that is what comes together across it: words are powerful, and the exchange of those words is what makes greatness. It’s a book that will require a second, or even a third, reading to shake everything out of it. At its end, it coasts from explosive drama to simple lighthearted joy, as Reynard’s larger-than-life story becomes a part of the world we all know.

(Received an A grade in Sci-Fi Magazine, Spring 2021 issue)

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Sadly I couldn't finish this book. I've tried to read it twice but couldn't get past 40%.

My main problem was that I didn´t feel a connection with the characters, they weren´t interesting enough for me to want to know what was going to happen with them throughout the story.

As for the author's prose, I didn't like it either and that was another of the main reasons why it took me so long to move forward with this book.

I wish I could give a better review because I was really interested in the premise of this book, but I have to be honest about my reading experience.

Thank to Netgalley and the publisher for a digital arc of this book.

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