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The Wife Upstairs

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Jane is the dog walker for an affluent neighborhood. She's barely scraping by with what she makes and dreams one day of being one of the women she walks dogs for. Her dream is about to become a reality when she meets the resident widower, Eddie. Hearing bits and pieces of his wife Bea and her best friend Blanche's mysterious deaths, Jane imagines what her life would be like if she were with Eddie. She's soon immersed in his life, moving in with him and having access to his money. The neighborhood wives welcome her into their circle, and the life she has dreamed of for so long is finally hers. But is it really? Living in the house that Eddie shared with Bea, being friends with Bea's friends, and wearing similar clothes as Bea has Jane realizing she's living someone else's life and not truly her own. What will Jane do when lies and secrets are revealed?

I've just started reading mysteries and thrillers as contemporary romance is my usual genre. I was intrigued and invested in this story, finding it hard to put down. The story alternates from past to present with different points of views from other characters. Everyone has their own secrets and tells many lies. Each character is complex and has their own issues and reasons for doing what they've done in the past. I really enjoyed the story and will look for other books written by this author.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book was a modern retelling of Jane Eyre set in Alabama. Jane is a young woman in her 20s who begins working as a dog walker in an upper middle class neighborhood. Jane mentions early on that she has a past she is hiding from. After almost getting hit by an attractive widow in the neighborhood, they quickly spark a relationship. He adopts a dog to lure her in as a dog walker. Jane finds out that his wife and her friend went missing on a girls weekend getaway. Her friend's body was found, but B's was never located. Jane quickly moves in and fears her past is catching up with her and the reader starts to wonder what Eddie is hiding as well. Parts of the book were predictable, while other parts were unexpected. The book was well written and i kept wanting to read on to find out the truth about all of the characters.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. I read so many books and mostly psychological thrillers. I understand that by reading this type of book, foul language is used. But this book had the "f" bomb so much that I could not finish it completely and it just took away what could have been an amazing book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC! I saw so many teasers for this book and could not wait to read it. It did not disappoint. Jane is a young twentysomething trying to be part of a rich neighborhood near Birmingham, Alabama. She starts walking the dogs to get closer to the owners. She especially wants the attention of Eddie Rochester, a young, rich widower. His wife and her best friend died in a boating accident last summer. Or did they? As Jane inserts herself into Eddie's life we learn more about all of the characters in this story.

The mystery in this book unfolds at a perfect pace. Alternating between Jane and Bea, Eddie's dead wife, the reader learns the truth. Of course both narrators are unreliable as we learn more about them, so who is telling the truth? This retelling of Jane Eyre is well done and a quick read.

If you enjoy books with unreliable narrators, retellings of classics, or stories with a Southern gothic feel, this book is for you.

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I received this from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I think this was a good solid read. That being said there was nothing ground breaking in it and it did not wow me. I wouldn’t classify this as a thriller, more a suspense story. You have to suspend disbelief for some of it to work. None of the characters are likable and you will find it hard to really root for our main character Jane. Jane has really no redeeming qualities. When you get to the end you just want to know the reasons why it happened and what the ultimate outcome will be, but I didn’t find myself furiously turning the pages to get to the result. It was entertaining but I wouldn’t say you need to run out and get a copy.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The trend of enjoying every Jane Eyre retelling I’ve picked up more than the original source material continues with The Wife Upstairs. And while I did have some misgivings, they pertain more to how some a story largely steeped in Victorian values would translate to a contemporary-set domestic thriller. But given my experience with what the genre has to offer, I should not have doubted, as it utilizes the conventions to a tee to translate this retelling to the new setting, with Hawkins knowing how to balance giving the reader what they expect from a retelling while also knowing when to subvert it.

In the original novel, none of the major players aside from Jane come of as sympathetic, and whether that was by design on Charlotte Brontë’s part or not, Hawkins uses that to her advantage in her characterizations. Jane maintains the sense of naïveté that she is stripped of upon learning the truth, without being difficult to follow or relate to. Eddie Rochester is given an increasingly malevolent characterization as the story goes on and we find out what he has done to his first wife through her eyes. However, this is also contrasted by a comment on her instability from his perspective, amping up this idea that, even in the final pages, it’s hard to know who to trust, and ultimately, Jane is fortunate to have escaped it all. It is very much in keeping with the complex literary analyses of the Bertha character in Jane Eyre and how that depiction is tainted with bias by being filtered through both Rochester and Jane, with her POV not being told until over a century later in Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea.

This book was a page turner as all the best thrillers are, keeping me enthralled all the way through and not letting me put it down. If you have read Jane Eyre in the past, this book has a lot to offer both ardent fans and cynical critics. And even if you haven’t, I think you can still enjoy this as an engaging thriller in its own right that hits all the right notes and will suck you in and not let you go.

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Rating: 4 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷
Book: The Wife Upstairs
Release Date: Available Now!!! (Released on Jan 5, 2021)
Author: Rachel Hawkins
Genre: Mystery & Thrillers/General Fiction (Adult)

Sipping Synopsis: Jane is well, plain, but it does not stop this dog-walker from snagging one of the most recent eligible, rich widower- Eddie. Jane and Eddie’s relationship moves amazingly fast pace. So much so that Jane is unsure if she should trust Eddie or better yet if her should trust her. They both seem to have a sketchy past with an unforeseen future.

Final sipping thoughts: The title of the story had me thinking I knew exactly what was going to transpire however I was NOT ready for the mind ____ it gave me. My major disappointment in this book was the fact that I did not have enough free time to finish it sooner! I loved the twists and turns but my favorite part was how unlikable and likable these characters were. I kept rooting for them then condemning in the next breath depending on the chapter I was reading. One thing that was just a small letdown for me is the ending- I do not want to give anything away but I needed just a little more for the ending. With alternating narratives, The Wife Upstairs pulls you in so quickly so buckle up because this ride is full if twist, turns, and bumps. This is a must read for all those thriller fans like me!

Cheers and thank you to @NetGalley, @StMartinsPress, and @ladyhawkins for an advanced copy of @TheWomanUpstairs

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While I loved the general story line of this Jane Eyre retelling, I found myself interested in the paths that the author did not take. I wanted more connection between the main female characters, and more backstory on Mr. Rochester. However, the novel is compulsively readable - I found myself bingeing it.

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Every person in this book had something to hide. Just what they were hiding was a mystery. Finding out was a fun ride! When you might think the story is going one way, it may just be going another. This was a fast paced thrill ride that kept me guessing the whole way through. If you like to read something that's got a bunch of twists and turns this book is for you.

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I would like to thank St Martin Press and NetGalley for allowing me to read this book. This is not the book I typically read. I read books that are love stories or historical literature. This is a nail bitter book about a dog walker who falls for a recent widow (under suspicious circumstances. This book will keep you guessing until the very end!

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What a ride! I wasn’t impressed by Jane and felt that her deceit would catch up to her. I had to laugh at her too because she has some sticky fingers. Little did I know that I had seen nothing compared to the real deceit going on in this book. It is filled with all kinds of things going on that left me not only shocked but laughing at the same time.
For a book that takes place in modern-day Alabama, which means there’s no shortage of front porches, sweet tea, and people who think they are a part of the bourgeoisie, this book still does an incredible job of maintaining a creepy and gothic type feel. I know that sounds oxymoronic, but just trust me on that one.

As far as characters, I won’t say that any of this cast is particularly likable. It is evident from the beginning that everyone is out for themselves, and they will destroy anyone or anything standing in their way. Jane has to live in the shadow of Eddie’s previous wife Bea, which definitely messes with her psyche. While Eddie may look like Mr. GQ, his mannerisms dictate otherwise.

I don’t want to give anything else away because this story is literally a rollercoaster of WTF. There were some plot twists that I saw coming, and then there were others that rudely left my jaw on the floor. All in all, I devoured this book in one sitting, and I have no regrets.

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The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins
Available Now

I loved this book! It is a thrilling ride from start to finish and I could not put it down. It’s one of those unique novels where every single character has something to hide and it’s impossible to trust anyone.
Jane, plain and unassuming, has left her previous life behind her and is looking forward to a fresh start in Alabama. A new job walking the dogs of the city’s wealthiest residents has allowed her to not only have access to their homes, and small personal items that are easily pawned, but also to their gossip and secrets. When she finds herself dating the newly single Eddie Rochester, she discovers that there is much more to his previous wife’s disappearance than anyone is willing to let on. When her old life threatens the safety and comfort of Eddie’s wealth, Jane will stop at nothing to hold on to her new life.
This is one of those great books where I disliked every single character-and that made the book even better. Everyone, truly everyone, is hiding something. Affairs, money problems, snarkiness, and even some criminal behavior can be found amongst this cast of characters and Jane uses all of this to weasel her way into their lives. She manipulates every situation and person to her benefit from the very beginning and she never once feels guilty about it. She is completely true to herself and incredibly self-aware and while I still didn’t like her, I did respect her and felt she stayed true to character throughout the entire novel. We never get to see inside Eddie’s point of view and I think that was very smartly done. We never get to see his true motivations so he always remains a mystery even while we get to see more from other characters within their inner circle that paint different pictures of Eddie. As we watch Jane manipulate her way into money and comfort, we also learn more about the mystery around Eddie’s first wife and the death of her best friend and again, with everyone hiding something, it’s impossible to trust anyone.
I loved how fast paced and well written this story was. I was immediately sucked in and couldn’t put it down. If you love mysteries with unreliable characters, with a heavy dose of rich people problems, this one is perfect for you.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read and review this title. All opinions and mistakes are my own.

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In this gripping reimagining of Jane Eyre that takes place in Birmingham, Alabama, Jane starts out as a dog-walker in Thornfield Estates, a wealthy gated community, where she soon finds out all that glitters is paste. She snares the attention of the mysteriously widowed Eddie Rochester, who recognizes that the secrets of Jane’s past perhaps mirror his own — and invites Jane to move in. She quickly gets access to a lifestyle she had only ever dreamed about, but something isn’t right: Eddie is distant. Strange noises come from upstairs. And she begins to realize she’s on a countdown to someone discovering who she really is. What would have happened if Jane Eyre had not been a naïve innocent with a heart of gold? Grab this page-turner and find out.

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I really enjoyed this thriller! It had me hooked from the beginning and I wanted to keep reading to find out what happens. The ending felt unexpected and a bit rushed to me, I thought it’d go in another direction. Despite that, would recommend!

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There a couple things about this book that are fantastically done. The southern gothic atmosphere of the book was very well done and left a creepy feeling behind. The twists in the book were great and very well done as well. I definitely didn't see things turning up the way they did. I didn't love Jane though, she was a bit naïve and at some points a little ridiculous. She showed her age quite a bit and just seemed lost. I understand the point of the lost part but I think she could have been a little smarter of a character. I like Eddie though, even more toward the end of the book. Overall this was a good thriller that I really enjoyed. I have to knock a star off though because the ending didn't completely work for me. I do think this one is worth the read, or listen if you enjoy audiobooks. The narrators do a fantastic job with this one!

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A modern take on Jane Eyre.
Jane is a dog-walker in a wealthy neighborhood when she meets Eddie, a handsome man who recently lost his wife in a tragic accident. Jane and Eddie's relationship moves quickly, she wants to prove to Eddie's neighbors that she can fit it with them and as well as his former wife. But suspicions arise about her death and the accident that night.
Overall, a decent mystery but fairly predictable. The characters weren't very likable so it was hard to rate it very high.

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A magnificent book. This story takes place in Birmingham, Alabama, where Jane works walking dogs. Jane usually walks the dogs in Thornfield Estates, a gated community full of mansions, fancy cars, and bored women. It is the perfect place for Jane to earn money and fulfill her dreams and goals. However, one day Jane meets Eddie Rochester, who has just become her widow. The mystery in Eddie's life is intriguing as his wife, Bea, was drowned in a boating accident. Jane sees her opportunity with Edie, as he is a rich and handsome man. It is a thriller that has had me intrigued since page one. It was a book that I read in one sitting. I needed to know what would happen next. I liked that the author told the story from various points of view and divided it into parts. It would be a success if Hollywood made a movie based on this story. I thank NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Wife Upstairs
by Rachel Hawkins
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.5 stars

An entertaining domestic suspense that kept me turning the pages. It's well written and it has twists that I didn't see coming but it was so satisfying to read. I really enjoyed the character Jane and I was excited to see her getting something good out of it. Apparently this is a retelling of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and because I've never read it I can't compare it to this one. This was my first book of 2021 and It was a very exciting read. I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

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THE WIFE UPSTAIRS by Rachel Hawkins is an awesome thriller!! I was hooked right away from the first few chapters. We follow Jane who meets recently widowed Eddie and we begin find out what really happened to his wife Bea. I loved the fast pace of this book and the switch between points of view. There were some good twists and turns and I was really enthralled reading all the way through. I’d definitely recommend this one to any thriller lover!

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If you've read my reviews for awhile now you will know that I'm not a fan of multiple point-of-views in books. This one did not disappoint! It's a modern-day retelling of Jane Eyre, and I have to admit I loved this one even more! HIGHLY recommend this thriller. You can read this thing in one sitting it's that good!

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