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The Wife Upstairs

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A page-turning re-look at a classic

Jane is a dog-walker in the glamorous Thornfield Estates subdivision. Until she meets Eddie Rochester. Widowed, Eddie is Thornfield's most talked about resident. His wife, Bertha "Bea" Rochester--founder of the Southern Manor line of furniture and accessories--died in a boating accident with her best friend, though Bea's body was never found. As Jane gets to know Eddie, she can't help but fall for him: he's rich, handsome, and protective. He can offer her a life of security and love that she's never had. But she's also fascinated by the tale of Bea, who built herself up from nothing through her company. Can she ever compare to Bea--and win Eddie's heart? And what really happened the night Bea and Blanche died?

"...and later, I'd look back at that moment and wonder if I somehow knew what was going to happen. If everything in my life had been leading me to that one spot, to that one house. To him."

I read this book solely because it's billed as a loose retelling of Jane Eyre, which is one of my absolute favorite books. Loose is definitely the right word for it, but this also a gloriously fun read with some exciting twists and turns.

The Wife Upstairs is a page-turner that kept me frantically reading. Yes, parts of it are somewhat predictable, but Eddie is a fascinating rogue and Jane a mysterious lead. Who is telling the truth, what happened in the past, and what on earth is going on now--you'll find yourself swirled up in all these questions as you flip the pages.

Overall, this a foreboding and enjoyable thriller, with plenty to entertain its readers.

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"There's a trick to spinning lies. You have to embed the truth in there, just a glimmer of it. That's the part that will catch people and it's what makes the rest of your lies sound like truth, too."

When I found out that this is a dark and twisty retelling of Jane Eyre, I knew I had to read it! Jane Eyre is my absolute favourite classic! Thank you St. Martin's Press, author Rachel Hawkins and NetGalley for this review copy in exchange for an honest review. This book will be released on 5 Jan, 2021.

The Story: Jane Bell, a dog walker in a wealthy gated community called Thornfield Estates crosses path with the recently widowed and wealthy, Eddie Rochester, who lost his wife, Bea, in a recent boating accident. Her best friend, Blanche perished in the tragedy too. Soon, Eddie and Jane fall for each other and their engagement later would mean an upgrade in Jane's life. But Jane is haunted by her dark past and it is catching up with her. She also begins to suspect that Eddie may somehow be involved in Bea's death.

My thoughts: You don't have to read the classic to enjoy this book as the story is so good and I loved the different twist of this classic. But if you've read the classic, I think you'd be able to appreciate the different spin in both the plot and characters more.

To be honest, I never liked Jane in this story but I understand why she acted the way she did. I wish that there is more story to her past which I find really interesting and I want more. I liked reading about the lifestyles of the housewives in Thornfield Estates. It was fun and filled with drama!

I love it when a story surprises me with a shocking twist in the end and this book did that! It was clever and an unexpected one.

Overall, this is an interesting retelling of Jane Eyre and a must read if you're looking for a good thriller! It is addicting and entertaining!

Reader, I ENJOYED this book.

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As a thriller lover, this was one of my most anticipated thrillers of 2021, but. it was a disappointment.

I was confused and bored throughout most of the book. I am not sure if I missed something, but nothing thrilled me. Even though I was confused throughout, I still found it to be predictable, especially the ending.

The narrators telling the story were bland. Had no thrill or suspense to their voice which I feel like that also caused me to give the book one star. The love between our main characters Jane and Eddie was very fast and instant, which I did not like because it just seems like fake love. The book also seemed slow and was dragging at times.

I also really didn't like the writing, this book in general just didn't give me the thrill that I wanted it to!

Thank you Netgalley and St.Martin's press for my review copy. Thank you to MacMillian Audio for the audiobook version!

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Disclaimer: I've never read Jane Eyre. Before this book, I vaguely knew there was a secret wife upstairs, but that was about it. I did skim the Wikipedia entry for the plot, but this review will be based on the book itself, without comparisons to the original classic.

As described by the publisher, it follows Jane (if that really is her name) as she moves up the social ladder from dog-walker to girlfriend to fiancee of Thornfield Estates' most eligible widower. Struggling to fit in with bored Birmingham housewives, Jane also struggles with the constant reminders of the superlative woman who came before her, as well as running from her own past.

I really enjoyed this novel. Thrillers and suspense aren't my usual cup of tea, but I was entranced by this one. I was guessing at who the murder was up until about 75% of the way through. I would have liked to have seen more character development and backstory for Eddie and Bea, as they are narrators later on. There are time jumps as well as POV changes, but I didn't have any issues in following them. Overall though, I think this is a great thriller and recommend it.
This review originally published at Books You Can Die in the Middle Of:

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book Jane who ws a dog walker admired the mansions in the area she worked. She was hit by a car while standing in the street. Eddie brought her to his house to make sure she was ok. She later became engaged to Eddie. Strange things started happening in the house. This book kept me guessing from the beginning.

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A wonderfully twisted domestic suspense set in Alabama, The Wife Upstairs is a book where the less you know going in, the better! Just know, fellow reader, that you are in for a roller-coaster of a read full of surprises. What you think you know, you don't, and what you're led to believe isn't necessarily the truth. Each and every character is unlikeable yet compelling, leaving readers to ponder who among them is the most cunning, the most evil, and who, if any of them, should be believed. A perfect diversion from any and everything, this book had me whipping through the pages.

Enjoy the ride!!

My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read a copy of this novel which will be published on 1/5/2021. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This was a very entertaining thriller. Lots of twists and turns that kept me guessing. Jane has a big secret she’s running from, is stealing from her employers, and yet the author writes in such a way that I found myself routing for her.

Thank you, St. Martin's Press, Rachel Hawkins and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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A satisfying enough read. This riff on Jane Eyre transplanted to Alabama was an engaging read with fairly interesting characters. It had a fairly predictable ending, but I enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot. If you are looking for a literary masterpiece, look elsewhere, but for a diverting read this a good choice!

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This book has been getting a lot of buzz on social media and is marketed as a reimagined version of the classic Jane Eyre. I am admittedly not much of a classics reader, so I was not familiar with the plot of Jane Eyre prior to reading this book. I am however an avid thriller reader and I was really intrigued by the plot summary.

The story revolves around a dog walker named Jane who meets and very quickly falls in love with a rich widower named Eddie. Eddie’s wife and her best friend disappeared after taking a boat out one night and their disappearance was initially ruled accidental. That is until the police start digging a little deeper and the neighbors start whispering. Jane begins to wonder if her happily ever after is really all a lie. Is Eddie really who she thought he was? What really happened to Eddie’s wife Bea in the boat that night and why are there strange noises coming from upstairs?

What I liked: This was definitely a super quick read and drew me in right away. It’s told in multiple perspectives and you soon realize that no one is who you thought they were. I was very curious to see how this one would end. The author did a good job of slowly revealing details from the past and leading you down different paths until exposing the truth at the end.

What I didn’t like: The language was awful in my opinion. It was just too much and unnecessary. I was also super disappointed with the ending. I guessed the big reveal that happened at the end, but the conclusion after that was very unsatisfying to me. There were too many things left open and too many unanswered questions.

Overall, a fast thriller that will keep you guessing for the most part. I just could have done without all the foul language and would have liked a more conclusive ending. Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this book!

P.S. - This one is also a BOTM pick for December!

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Absolutely loved it.

There are things I did not like about it (the title, the cover, some of the writing) but overall this is an escape read, and it held my attention for the 48 hours it took me to read it. I can't ask for more than that in 2020, and the book just got better the more I read.

Twisty-turny, characters who are not as they seem, and a complicated, somewhat over-the-top plot. I don't like giving things away, and there is too much already given away by the title. So let me explain my journey with the book:

The husband, Eddie, was very flat and one dimensional for much of the book. It was difficult to understand why Jane was in love with him, other than he was handsome and rich. It bothers me when characters are so flat, but he comes more to life later in the book, and it was easy for me to forgive any problem I had.

The wife upstairs was a huge problem for me for half the book until I realized there *must* be a reason for her behavior - and there was. I genuinely wish the title did not just give away that there was a "wife upstairs" in one of these houses, and we can guess which house. I mean, I really really HATE that this is just given away before we even start the book. But also, the wife's character in general made absolutely no sense for most of the book. Her behavior bore no resemblance to anything someone in her situation would exhibit. And so for much of the book this character was a glaring error that was going to cause a 3-star rating.

However, Rachel Hawkins turns things around. It turns out there was a reason for everything. I even appreciate that the mostly generic southern "friends" in the neighborhood are also a bit more than they seem. The plot is somewhat insane, but if we saw it in a thriller film we'd buy it and go along for the ride, and so that is what I did.

Anyone following my reviews recently knows I have had a lot of trouble concentrating on books in 2020, but I was all in on this one, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for an escape or just an enjoyable read. Many thanks to NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This southern, domestic suspense reimagining of Jane Eyre was honestly quite an entertaining story, and frankly a lot more enjoyable than the source material 🤷🏻‍♀️. Jane has a lot of personality in this one hiding under her plain exterior. I think this one can entertain both readers who are familiar with Jane Eyre and those who aren't- if you haven't read it, there are some things that might come as bigger surprises, and if you do know the story, it's a lot of fun to see how the author reimagines details of the story for a contemporary setting and characters.

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Wow! Wow! Wow! I finished this book in one day. I didn't intend on reading all day but it was so good that I couldn't put it down. It's not that the plot or the twists are original or shocking, it's just that the characters and dialogue keep you hooked. Jane is a funny and witty character. The side characters like the vapid ladies in the neighborhood and the creepy roommate add so much to the story. Thanks for the ARC.

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This was on my list of most anticipated book and it did not disappoint. It grabbed me in part 2 and did not let go until the last page. It's been said that this is a retelling of Jane Eyre. I read that so long ago, but now I want to reread it. This book though. You think you know, but in the back of your mind, can you really trust any of them? Jane, Eddie, Tripp, even Bea. All hateful people that you can't get enough of. You need to know more. You latch on to the morsels of gossip that Jane receives from Tripp the drunk and the bored housewives of Thornfield Estates. But nothing will prepare you for the ending. For the truth. Thank you to St. Martin's Press and netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The Wife Upstairs is an engaging page turner. Told from varying POVs, the reader gets to know Jane, Eddie, Bea and the rest of the neighbourhood standouts. The writing style is easy to follow, the twist and turns sneak up on you, catching you off guard while the unique plot kept me guessing until the very end.

For me The Wife Upstairs asks two important questions – How well do you really know someone? And what are you prepared to do when they show you who they really are?

This story had amazing character development. I felt like I was right there alongside them throughout the story. Strangely, pulling for them all – well maybe not John, but everyone else was in one way or another doing what they thought they had to do to keep up.

I love Rachel Hawkins’ work and I will be patiently waiting for her next release. Highly recommend!

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I enjoyed the read very much. I like the main character and felt invested in her story. The climax of the story felt too quick. Everything built to this point and it felt like the story was resolved too quickly. I did like the way the story ended and would recommend the book. A fun and engaging read.

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I really enjoyed this one!

I had the privilege of listening to an advanced audio and reading an advanced copy of this book. Thank you so much to NetGalley, St Martins Press and for gifting me this brilliant book.

The audio for this book was awesome! There were three narrators and they really brought this story to life.

When I wasn't listening to this book in the car ( or sneakily at work... shh don't tell anyone) I was reading the physical copy. I can safely say that if I had a day set aside strictly for reading I would have blew through this sooner.

Highly recommend and cannot wait to see what Rachel Hawkins does next. (adult fiction wise. ya isn't usually my jam )

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I know this is odd for someone who reads as much as I do, but I have never read Jane Eyre. Thus, I can't speak to the similarities or differences. That being said, I *can* say that this is a fun read that I did not want to put down! It was fairly light for a "whodunit" but the story and characters absolutely kept my attention throughout. This was just an enjoyable read!

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I seldom like a book filled with so many unlikeable characters, but Rachel Hawkins has used their unpleasant characteristics to good advantage in this modern retake on Jane Eyre. You need not have read that classic to be quickly enmeshed in the story of Jane who moves to Birmingham Alabama to restart her life. Taking a job as a dog walker in a wealthy community, she becomes romantically involved with one of her clients and moves in with him as she prepares for their marriage. Her fiancé’s wife and her best friend have been murdered although the body of Eddie’s wife has never been found. From the title, readers will guess correctly that Eddie has hidden Bea in a secure room upstairs. Lots of twists and turns and an unexpected ending make this one a stay up late to find out what happened.

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The Title/Cover Draw:
I received this book for review from both Netgalley and Libro. I decided to listen and read along together and that was great. I love the simple design of the cover and the premise of the book. While you think the title tells you the plot, believe me when I say….wait for it.
What I liked:
How the entire situation was revealed was very well written and caused you to look in different directions, thinking you figured out the twists. This book is told from the different viewpoints of the two Mrs. Rochesters and Eddie (kind of).
What I didn’t like:
The ending was a little confusing. Almost everything was explained except one thing that could either break the book for you or not. It really depends on how you like your stories wrapped.
The Characters:
Jane was passably likeable but still a little sketchy. Eddie was neutral for me, almost as if he was this necessary character to propel the story. I didn’t totally care though because everyone in the book was a little shifty. One characters motives though, was still not as ironed out as I would have liked.
The Ending:
Some of the motives for what happens in this book didn’t totally make sense to me. Maybe I missed a subtle tell and need to go back and read again.
This was a fantastic group of narrators that were clear and expressive. There are 3 - Emily Shaffer, Kirby Heyborne, and Lauren Fortgang. I could easily identify all the characters (as there were 3 distinct voices).
Consider if you like:
BA Paris novels.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Received from Netgalley and Libro.

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I devoured this book in one day. It’s totally and utterly engrossing. @ladyhawkins captures you from the first page with quirky characters, a deep rooted mystery and twists and turns galore! ⁣

I didn’t know that this was a Jane Eyre retelling until after I finished the book. I’ve never read the classic but now, I totally want to! ⁣

Jane escapes her terrible past and finds herself walking dogs in a ritzy neighborhood in Alabama. She meets Eddie whose wife recently died and they fall in love. She moved into his mansion and what’s his becomes hers. She can’t help but constantly think about his dead wife with her fingerprints all over the house. Obviously her luck of going from rags to riches is too good to be true! ⁣

Seriously, put this on your list right this instant! I venture to say that this is one of the best books I’ve read all year. I loved every twisted, juicy, messed up moment and you will too! ⁣

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