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Too Good to Be True

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Skye Starling has been unlucky in love her whole life, forced to battle grief, loneliness, and OCD alone, all while appearing picture perfect from the outside. When she meets older Burke Michaels, it seems her luck has changed, as she immediately feels the acceptance and security she’s been yearning for her whole life. Only after a romantic courtship and a whirlwind engagement does Skye realize that Burke’s motives are anything but pure.

I LOVED THIS BOOK! I absolutely devoured this complex thriller, and liked that it had a winning combination of a solid mystery, twists I didn’t see coming, multiple timelines, and different points of view. Most importantly, Lovering provided a group of incredibly well developed characters, which I feel can be rare in the thriller genre. I don’t want to reveal too much in the description, as multiple bombs are dropped throughout the story that make the reader reconsider everything they thought they knew. Highly recommend this one!

Carla Lovering is a true gem, and an author whose book releases I’ll be eagerly anticipating in the years to come!

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This book was awesome! I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was. I loved that we got the twist halway through that turned it on its head, and the ending was good, although not entirely plausible to me. This book gets 4 stars, and I'll definitely be moving Tell Me Lies (which has been sitting on my shelf for ages) up my "read next" queue!

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Oh this is a twisty one! Skye is in love for the first time. Yes, Burke is older but he sees her-really sees her- and now he's proposed and she's planning their wedding. Except.....This is told in two time frames by three different narrators- Skye, Burke, and Heather. It's a hard one to review without spoilers, that's for sure and you like me might figure out part of the story early on (at 22 percent on my kindle) but I sure didn't get the whole of it. Focus on the characters. Lovering has done an especially good job with Skye, who struggles with OCD compulsions, which started after the death of her mother when she was 12, She's lucky to have good friends and a supportive (and extremely wealthy) family. Burke has had a tougher life; his whole story comes out slowly in both his section and In those of Heather, who I first liked and then, well- let me tell you! No, I won't tell you. This does, admittedly, get a bit crazy near the end but I honestly did not want to put it down. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. Perfect thriller for a fast entertaining read.

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Quick and enjoyable story although again another unreliable narrator read. In my opinion there are some differences here. There are 3 recurring POVs and all three have some psychological or social disorder that drives the narrative. Plenty of twists and turns but if you are looking for something darker and deeper, it’s not here. Actually some of the characters were quite like able , not the best decision makers but I found wanting the best for them. Even the ending wraps up neatly unlike many of these twisty stories. Thank you net galley and St Martins press for an advanced reader copy.

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This book will take you on quite a ride through the lives of three individuals - Burke, Heather, and Skye. Their stories flip from the past to the present and the deception that is revealed is shocking and at times, unbelievable. The book is divided into two parts and this book reminds me of Gone Girl in a way, that you believe one thing to be true and then find out that you couldn't have been more wrong.

I've been trying to figure out how to share what I liked without giving away too much. I will say that I missed some obvious clues about these three and how their stories intersect. But maybe I didn't and they were just obvious in the second part of the book. It is quite an eye opener and how I felt about the different characters changed and those that I liked or felt sorry for, I now despised. This book definitely got into my head.

I think Skye is the most likable character and the one that I felt sorry for because I thought she was an innocent pawn in this whole debacle. Not that she is totally innocent, but I can see how she got swept up in her feelings for Burke and what he provided for her. You will learn about Skye's OCD compulsions which are a part of her self image issues. But considering how cruel people can be, especially when they are teenagers, it isn't a huge surprise.

I had mixed feelings about Burke and Heather. I liked them and hated them all at the same time, especially when the truth is revealed near the end. I think Heather is a bit naive too and she learns near the end of the book what might make her happy isn't quite as fulfilling as she thought. I fear if I say too much more it will spoil the story.

This is a look into the psyche of the characters and what makes them tick and what lengths are they willing to go to in order to ensure happiness. You might be surprised at their discoveries by the end.

This is definitely a book that will get into your head and we give it 5 paws up.

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I have really mixed feelings about Too Good to Be True. I could not put this book down for a little over half of the book. I was anxious to see how everyone was connected and what would happen. There are three narrators. Burke’s story is told by writing letters to Dr. K in his diary. With Heather, we go back to the 1980s and move forward. Our final narrator is Skye who writes in 2019. The chapters are short and move quickly (for the first half). I found I did need to take notes so I could keep characters straight. There is a big twist just over halfway through the book. At one point, earlier in the reading, I thought about this twist but later put it aside. After the twist, I started feeling like I was in a soap opera. The pace slowed and seemed to take forever to finish unraveling the plot. It was work for me to finish. I am giving this book 4 stars based on the first half of the book. Thank you St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an ARC of this book. The opinions in this review are my own.

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I powered through this one in a couple of days. The first half went quicker than the second half which is rare! I liked that each chapter is told from a different character's point of view and I was quite curious to see how the multiple plot lines were going to come together. The ending was NOT believable which honestly made the book less satisfying for me. There was so much focus on the love story between Skye and Burke that it almost felt more like a romance novel than a thriller.

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One Love. Two Marriages. Three Points of View.

Skye Starling lost her mom at age twelve, and despite having an older brother and father, has felt adrift. Her mom was her best friend. At her mom's passing, Skye developed some OCD behaviors, which at thirty years old, has left her single. The one serious relationship left her deeply wounded. That is until the day, Skye met Burke.

Burke Michaels is much older than Skye, and what started out as encounter, Burke has developed strong feelings for Skye. Despite only knowing her for six months, he gives her a ring and pops the question to get a resounding: Yes!

Heather Price feels stuck, she grew up in a dumpy town, with parents who weren't interested in being parents to her or her younger brother, Gus. Heather puts up an ad for babysitting services, and is surprised when she gets a call. Heather goes to work for Libby Fontaine watching her four year old and three month old, but mostly Heather and Libby become friends. Libby is missing companionship because her husband is fixated on his work. Libby and her husband are well off, and Heather quickly gets comfortable making more money than she ever has, and after Libby takes Heather under her wing; Heather dreams of how one day, she'll live the lifestyle just like Libby does.

Libby doesn't care for Heather's boyfriend, Burke, and convinces Heather to break up with him. Heather believes it's the best thing in order for her to move forward. Things are wonderful, until there is a falling out between Libby and Heather, that leaves Heather devastated. Heather wants nothing more to do with Libby, and finds herself consoling herself with Burke. They leave their hometown, to start college.

This story goes back and forth between Burke's letters that tell his point of view, Skye and Heather. Just when I thought I had things figured out, a twist would come up and make me rethink and consider who is pulling the strings. There are lies, guilt, devious & conniving behavior, but also, heartbreak in more ways than one. There was a reveal later in the story, that I never contemplated, but pulled the story together. I enjoyed this very twisted story filled with secrets involving three players.

I requested and received an ARC from NetGalley via St. Martin's Press and I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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They say revenge is best served cold, but this is frigid! The story of three people’s lives and how they intermingle, is told in each perspective and it just gets better and better. Love, deceit, grief and revenge go to prove that if something seems too good to be true, you know it probably is!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for gifting me a digital ARC of this novel by Carola Lovering - 4.5 stars for a twisty love story!

Skye Starling has OCD and it has hampered her love life, even though she's beautiful and well-off. When she meets Burke, a handsome older man, they both fall hard. Burke understands her issues and loves her completely. After only a few months, they are living together and engaged. However, Burke might just be too good to be true as we read his diary excerpts and find out his real intentions. We also hear from Heather 30 years ago, as a teenager growing up in a small Upstate NY town and Burke's boyfriend.

You really need to go into this book as blind as possible for full enjoyment. The story is spooled out from the three different perspectives of Skye, Burke and Heather, and will leave you twisting. Definitely a fun escape read that will keep you turning the pages to find out how all these worlds collide!

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I loved this book. Half way thru there is a major twist and a new POV is introduced that turns everything on its head. The main character’s ocd is charming and she is very likeable. The others are mostly horrible. Very satisfying end.

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An absolutely twisted tale. The lives of Skye, Burke and Heather intersect in a most destructive way. The diary method that the author uses to give the characters perspective really ramps up the tension especially when it becomes clear that it may not be from the true person. Even though the characters are flawed there are are still parts of them that you can like. The ending is not what is expected, but still great.

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This is a story of Heather. She experiences a tragedy when she was a teenager that shapes the rest of her life.

The story is told from 3 timelines, Heather as a teenager, the present, and 1-2 years in the past. I was intrigued by the different timelines and what they revealed in the book. At first it was a little hard to follow but it becomes easier as the story unfolds.

I loved the twist in the story. I don’t want to spoil anything but it is a thrilling read!

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Too Good To Be True is told from 3 alternating points of view, and at different times, obviously leading to a convergence later in the book. I love books that are written this way because it always feels like I’m racing towards something!

This book follows Skye as she’s about to get married, Burke as he meets the love of his life, and Heather as she’s trying to survive in a small town. Prepare to be thoroughly confounded as different clues that tie these stories together start to reveal themselves.

While this book was a little predictable, I enjoyed reading to find the little nuances of how it fit together. I am definitely interested in more from this author!

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Too Good To Be True, almost is! Great story, great characters and quite the twist! Each of the people involved have totally different ideas about the others, I really enjoyed this part. Going into it on more of a fun, maybe crazy love story expectation, I was doubly pleased by the phycological thriller aspect. Loved the story! Thank you #NetGalley#StMartinsPress#TooGoodToBeTrue

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There was promise with this book. The summary sounded great and interesting. However, it did not work out that way for me. Nothing was surprising or shocking in how things happened. I had the whole plot figured out very early. Once the reveal happened, there was still half of the book left and I had no motivation to finish.
It almost felt like two completely different books. I had a very difficult time getting myself to pick the book back up and finish it. None of the ending felt realistic, and I ended up annoyed and angry at all the characters.

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The synopsis of Too Good To Be True by Carola Lovering makes it sound like a thriller, and in fact Goodreads tags it as such. But it’s not really a thriller. It’s a contemporary story of a woman who falls in love with a guy who is not what he seems, but the story takes some interesting and unexpected turns. However twists, in my opinion, does not a thriller make.

Skye thinks she’s met the man of her dreams, and due to her OCD, has not been very lucky in love until this point. Burke not only accepts her compulsions but loves her anyway, and when he asks her to marry him after a short courtship, she accepts without question.

However, Skye’s story alternates with letters Burke has written to his therapist, and it doesn’t take long before the reader knows what he’s really up to (no spoilers!). And there’s a third POV – Heather, who is a teenager back in the ’90s, telling her story — the family she nannies, her relationship with Burke, her desire to get out of her poor neighborhood.

The first half of Too Good To Be True sucked me in. As I tried to figure out what Burke was really up to, how Heather’s past fits into the present-day story, and when and if Skye would figure out the truth, I turned the pages as quickly as I could, enraptured.

However, the second half was a bit of a let-down. Once the truth is revealed, the story meanders, feeling more like a very long epilogue, to paraphrase a Goodreads reviewer. There are a few secrets revealed along the way, and I was invested enough that I had to know the ending.

I gave this 3.5 stars because the first half was so good. I just wish the ending was as good.

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Too Good To Be True is an incredibly well-plotted story revolving around three very distinctive and well-crafted characters. While I didn't go in without reading the synopsis, I didn't allow myself to dwell on it allowing me to be open to the twist upon twist in the story. This made for an incredibly addictive read, a book I longed to return to when real life interrupted. The drama unfolds through the present and past accounts in the lives of Skye, Burke, and Heather. These three have deep connections that not all three are aware of. With multiple reveals, you'll question what you thought you knew and just who was sharing the story.

Skye runs in a crowd of twenty-something affluent New Yorkers. She has, at times, debilitating OCD and PTSD. When she meets and falls for Burke, her life becomes seemingly perfect, and things progress at a quick pace. Meanwhile, we are also learning about Heather and Burke and just how they connect to each other and Skye. Again, it was a hard read to put down and it left me contemplating all I thought I knew. That said, this is a book worthy of a second and third read through and I've found myself doing just that much. it's actually pretty fun when you know what you know by the end of the book. I've wondered how I missed some of the clues.

Too Good To Be True is now one of my favorite reads in the domestics suspense genre. All three main characters evoked strong emotions, with right and wrong, and desired outcomes all mixed together. Carola Lovering is a new to me author and since finishing this I've also read her debut Tell Me Lies, which was a great read as well. 5 Stars ad recommendation!

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Wow is all I know to say at this point. I just finished the page turner. I think I would highly recommend that you go in to this book not knowing anything. I didn't read the summary. I went in blind which is not like me and honestly, I am not sure why I did it this time other than I was in a hurry to start reading.

I was not familiar with Carola Lovering and had no idea what to expect from her writing. This is a story that will keep you guessing and just when you think you have it figured out there will be another twist.

This story is told from three points of voice. Sky, Burke and Heather are the three main characters. There are multiple different time lines for all three of these characters. I would encourage you to pay attention from the start because there are details given that you will find helpful later.

This has a well developed plot. I believe the statement "there is more than one way to spin the truth" is an accurate statement about this book.

4.5 stars for the fact that I can resolve two scenes about the ring that just don't make sense to me. This is the only crack in the story that I found but it is enough to mess with me.

I think this book will get a lot of buzz. At one point in reading, I gasped out loud which scared my husband and daughter. Twists you won't see coming are ahead. Bravo Lovering!

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This is the second novel from this American author. Her first book was "Tell Me Lies". This psychological thriller is told from various points of view. We are introduced to Skye, a wealthy young woman who suffers from OCD. She meets Burke, an older man, and they begin to date. We learn though through reading Burke's diary that he is in fact married and has three children. We also follow the life of Burke's wife, Heather, from the time she was a teenager babysitting for a wealthy woman. This is a fun read and has the requisite twists and turns that make a good thriller and is a good recommendation for fans of the genre.

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