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Too Good to Be True

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Enjoyed the characters and the unexpected twists in this modern romance about how much money motivates, even in matters of the heart. The twists were interesting as were the minor characters.

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Too Good to Be True is an explosion of drama with a head-spinning twist.

My feelings about this book are similar to the way I felt about the soap operas my grandmother watched when I was a kid: all the characters deserved the mess they were in, I didn’t like them, but for some reason I needed to know how it all turned out.

Pace is quick, with three narrators offering three different perspectives that kept me wondering about the truth. One of the twists caught me totally off guard, which I loved, and I was ridiculously invested in the melodrama.

Some things are implausible, such as Heather’s situation as a teenager, so you can’t look too closely at details. The teenage characters often feel too old, while the older characters sometimes feel too young. Or maybe they’re just immature. But the drama is full volume, making it easy to gloss over these issues.

As with a lot of thrillers I see lately, this book’s description gives away too many details. If you’re going to read this one, I recommend going in blind.

Because I got behind on NetGalley books, I listened to this one on audiobook via Scribd. The multiple narrators are fantastic and totally sold me on the story.

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion!

This book really got to me, because the main character, Skye, has OCD, as do I. But because of Skye's OCD, she's not very lucky in love. Until she meets Burke.. Burke is everything she's been waiting for. But Burke is using Skye for a means to an end. This book has twists after twist and follows two timelines, with Burke at its center.

If you like thrillers with twists and turns, this book is for you! 4 stars!

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When something is too good to be true, it usually is, so watch out!
Skye Starling is deeply in love with Burke Michaels and after just 6 months, they become engaged. Her friends warn her that she doesn't know enough about Burke, and to please wait. But, Skye is convinced this is real.
Burke is hiding something from Skye--he is married with 3 children, and has targeted Skye because she is wealthy, and he needs her financial assistance.
Heather is Burke's wife, who Burke married when they were teenagers. According to his journal, he is desperately in love with Heather.
The story is told from multiple perspectives, Skye, Burke, and Heather. There are several twists in the novel which are a surprise when they are revealed.
I enjoyed this psychological thriller. I am always amazed at how devious some people can be.
#TooGoodToBeTrue #NetGalley

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3.5 Stars. This is a book where I feel like the less you know going in, the better, so I’m going to keep this review pretty short. Skye and Burke’s love story unfolds to the reader through multiple points of view told from three perspectives: it switches from Skye’s narrative and Burke’s journal in the present to Heather’s story in the past. The first half is a fast page turner.

I’ve read a lot of these types of thrillers, and figured out the twists pretty early on, but I think that’s on me and not the author. Without giving anything away plot-wise, the first part was well plotted, however the second part started to feel a little redundant as the points of view shift a bit and we rehash a lot of part one told through different eyes.

All-in-all an entertaining read and I liked the ending.

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I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was going to be a typical "bad husband" story but it was so much more. The ending was a little predictable, but it didn't keep me from really enjoying it!

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This review will be short and sweet, since this is one of those books where, when attempting to review it, the less said the better. I'm that reader that doesn't even want to know a twist is coming in a book, because I end up reading and trying to guess what the twist will be. So I won't say much beyond what's in the synopsis. It kept me guessing - it's told from three points of view and you really aren't sure if any of the three are really reliable narrators. I'll just say that despite the fact a bit of suspension of disbelief was required, ultimately I very much enjoyed this one.
My thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for providing a copy for an unbiased review.

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Skye Starling, even the name is as beautiful as she is. Skye seems to have it all youth, money, beauty, career, family and friends who love her except a partner who can truly love and accept her for who she is as well as her flaws because Skye suffers from a very crippling and embarrassing form of OCD and all her relationships have dissolved due to the intensity and strangeness of her illness. Then Burke Michaels comes along, handsome, apparently successful, kind and older which might be what Skye needs right now in her life. Then there is another storyline thirty years prior where you meet Heather who is only fifteen years old and beautiful who also has a boyfriend named Burke. The story of Heather will keep you on your toes because one day the three will have a crash collision in the future and where all their lives will be destroyed in a blink of an eye.

Wow! What a story. This book was deliciously sinful, fun, sassy, dark, tearful and everything else one can think of. The story is told from three pov's and also a thirty year timeline in the past which is so integral to a few shocking twists that I never saw coming which was a fantastic surprise for me and I'm sure for other readers. I had no real expectations of this book for myself so I was very surprised at the quality of writing and how the twists and turns caught myself off guard. There were a couple of times I was almost in tears because of feeling the sadness of the moment (The writing was that good). This was not a realistic story (thank goodness) but that's why it was so enjoyable and entertaining for me. I started off loving a character and despising them at the end and I disliked another character and then was rooting for them at the end. This book takes a reader on a wild ride which I really didn't want to come to an end. I will be looking forward to reading more of Carola Lovering books in the future. Please don't miss out on this one if you would really like to get an escape from your normal everyday life. Too Good To Be True!

I want to thank the publisher "St. Martin's Press" and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this terrific novel and any thoughts and opinions are unbiased and mine alone!

I have given this wonderful book a rating of 4 1/2 Tantalizing 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌠 Stars!!

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Too Good to Be True is a domestic suspense novel with three narrative threads woven together to tell stories from the past and the present. The primary thread is seen through Skye Starling’s eyes as she falls in love with an older man, a man who seems more than perfect to her, who loves her despite her struggles with OCD that has so often humiliated her throughout her adolescence and adulthood, ever since her mother died.

That too-good-to-be-true man is named Burke. We know he’s not the man he seems to her because he’s writing self-incriminating letters to his therapist revealing he has a whole other life with a wife he loves.

Then there is the story from the past of Heather, Burke’s wife. They both came from hardscrabble poverty. When Heather got a job working as a babysitter for a wealthy woman who befriended her, she got the drive to go to school and better herself. She got ambition enough for her and her boyfriend Burke.

Too Good to Be True fits in the unreliable narrator genre that existed before “Gone Girl” and will outlast the current efforts to write the next “Gone Girl.” That cannot be done. It’s power was in its reversal of expectations. To reverse expectations now, I think we need a reliable narrator. After all, as soon as I, as a reader, see a book is domestic suspense, I assume at least one, if not all, narrators will be deceptive. So, the shock is no longer shocking.

Nonetheless, Too Good to Be True was an enjoyable, fast-paced suspense. The characters were complex enough to be interesting. Even Heather, who seems cartoonish in the present is very complex and exciting in the past. The author understands that someone can do bad things and not be a bad person. That’s a valuable lesson that needs to be reiterated again and again. Things move along quickly and even the letters from Burke to his therapist became less annoying when the truth behind them was revealed. If you like domestic suspense, this will be right up your alley.

I received an e-galley of Too Good to Be True from the publisher through NetGalley.

Too Good to Be True at St. Martin’s Press | Macmillan
Carola Lovering

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The story is told in alternating chapters from the perspectives of the three main characters. I ended up listening to an audiobook of this. The audiobook has three narrators; one for each of the characters. It was an excellent listening experience!

As for the actually story... for reference, thrillers are a genre I’m reading more of, but certainly not my go-to. This is in defense of my totally not seeing where this book was going! In hindsight, someone who reads more of the genre might have figured out a twist I missed, but I certainly didn’t! Read the publisher blurb for more details of the story.

I loved the three different perspectives with different versions of what going on. There are journal entries too which are fun. I totally recommend this book, especially if you like trying to figure out which version is true.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I went into this book super excited to read and I ended up really liking it!! I loved reading from all three perspectives and I thought all three were super intriguing. I was definitely invested throughout the story wanting to know what was actually going on. I thought the twists were really good, I did see one of them coming but the final reveal was pretty good. I didn't care for the ending, this is one where the ending is wrapped up way too nicely and I hate that, but overall I enjoyed this thriller and recommend it.

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This book will take you on a psychological trip! Three narrators, not knowing who is reliable, and devious relationships made this book hard to put down. Definitely a good summer read out in the yard.

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Wow, just wow!! This book was thrilling and twisted. It was great!! So many unexpected twists and turns!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own,

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This is such a good mystery with some very interesting plot twists that I did not anticipate. It's well-written with strong characters and I loved the way the story unfolded using a past and present timeline. If you like surprises this is the book for you!

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for my gifted audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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**3.5 stars**
whoa, what a trip! So many twists and turns that you couldn't see coming. This was my first book by the author but won't be my last. The story is told in both past and present and in 3 POVs. The first half of this was so good. I was riveted., But then the second half happened, and it was so slow, I had to push to finish it. I was a little disappointed with the ending too. Everything was basically wrapped up in a little bow at the end and these characters did not deserve that ending. I can't say these characters were all that likable but what a twisted tale this author wove.

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Domestic thrillers / suspense are totally my jam - and this one didn't disappoint! I absolutely adored this twisty tale of Skye Starling, her boyfriend Burke Michaels who just proposed to her after a whirlwind courtship AND his wife Heather (who he's supposedly happily married to). What could go wrong?

Told in alternating viewpoints from all three perspectives - and varying timelines - this was a total mind-bending puzzle that just had to put together. And I totally flip flopped on whom I hated/loved more. LOL

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Full review to be posted soonish.

I would like to thank the publisher and netgalley for providing me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an eARC of Too Good To Be True by Carola Lovering from St. Martin's Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
4 stars! This domestic suspense kept my interest from the very first page. Get ready for a wild ride with this read! Highly recommend!

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Skye Starling didn’t have easy adolescent years when her mother passed away when she was twelve. She had quite a rough and traumatic journey growing up, and was quite skeptical about love affair.
When Skye met Burke who loved her and married her for who she was, she couldn’t believe that she’s in luck! However, shortly after the wedding, Skye realized that the fate of her family’s past had intertwined with her present destiny, in an unpleasant way.
Carola Lovering is adept at crafting this steady cleverly-plotted suspenseful TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE that is full of unexpected twists and turns!
My sincere thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this twisty and intriguing thriller!

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What. A. Ride.

This is one of these books that need to be experienced. It's the trademark of a good book when you end up a little more paranoid at the end.

First book I read by this author, but I have to say... Great job of showing us the worst of humanity and little of the best. A fantastic read that will stay with you long after your finished.

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