Member Reviews

DNF at 15%. When I originally requested this, I was reading and enjoying a lot of historical romances. Since then, my tastes have skewed much more contemporary. I gave this a shot but historical just isn’t for me right now. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the advance reading copy.

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This read like fan fiction, which is by no means an insult. It was full of moments that where I had to suppress squeals of delight because I was reading this on my lunch break. Will is so earnest while Martin is trying so hard to be a grump when he's actually sweet but afraid to show it. The banter is delightful, the hurt/comfort element doesn't get too maudlin, and the long friendship aspect is filled out and feels very real. This was my first Cat Sebastian novel, but definitely not my last.

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I recently read a trilogy out of order by accident: I picked up Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert (Avon, $15.99 each) on a whim and fell head over heels in love with Hibbert's writing style and character development. On learning that there was a prequel (Get a Life, Chloe Brown) and a sequel (Act Your Age, Eve Brown), I practically squealed with delight. All three of the Brown sisters books are full of insight and wit, with diverse sets of characters who reflect candidly and openly on matters of mental health, neurodivergence, ability and love--with some steamy romance scenes to boot. (Added bonus for audiophiles: all three boast excellent narration in the audiobook format.)

Because I came to Hibbert's trilogy later than many avid romance readers, I was able to binge-read all three back-to-back. The same was not true of Cat Sebastian's Sedgwick series. I waited with great impatience for the 2020 release of Two Rogues Make a Right, which followed It Takes Two to Tumble and A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Avon, $5.99 each). This trilogy also follows a trio of siblings, as Sebastian spins stories of each brother's search for love and belonging in a historical era not known for its kindness toward queer men.

Megan Frampton's Hazards of Dukes novels put me back in the same position: I've read the first three of the series and am now eagerly awaiting the fourth (due out this fall). As much as I hate the waiting, I'm confident it will be worth it. Never Kiss a Duke; Tall, Duke, and Dangerous; and A Wicked Bargain for the Duke (Avon, $7.99 each) have all proven to be delightful historical romance reads for those looking for something to pick up while, say, keenly anticipating the next season of Netflix's Bridgerton.

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This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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I waited too long after reading the other books in this trilogy to remember who these characters were and the constitution of their backstories...but it really didn’t matter. Cat Sebastian writes such reliable funny/cozy/hot romances. I rarely read historical romance, but the wit and sharp dialogue in her books never fails to delight me, and I fell for these two heros in the book’s opening pages. As an extra bonus, this book’s engagement with chronic illness (and all the ways it can affect one’s mood, perceptions, and outlook on life) rang so true. Highly recommend!

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Nobody perfects queer historicals to the degree of Cat Sebastian. Absolutely perfect. The characters individually are interesting. Together their chemistry is on fire. I adored this novel as I have all of her other books.

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I couldn't finish this book which was disappointing. I like Cat Sebastian as an m/m romance writer but something about the pacing of this book felt off and the characters were underwhelming. The beginning was intriguing but by the middle, the miscommunication issues that kept happening over and over again became boring and repetitive.

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I'm a huge fan of Cat Sebastian, and this book gave me all the feels I needed.

Martin has been hiding in an attic, getting sicker and sicker, until Will finds him and sweeps him away to a country cottage to recover. Sebastian does a great job of developing both characters, as well as the landscape and the supporting characters, until you just want to scream at them that they belong together!

Of course it's a romance, so there will be a happy ending, but it's very enjoyable to watch these two gradually overcome their issues and come together.

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Tender, slow-burn, friends to lovers romance. I'll keep reading Cat Sebastian's work after this one.

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This book was adorable! I love a good “nurse my love back to health” story. This one follows Will Sedwick, and his childhood friend (and love) Martin Easterbrook. Martin has always been sickly, but now he is especially ill, and Will takes him to the country to rest and heal. As the time passes, they find that the love they have for each other is not only still there, but is mutual.

This was awesome! I love the story, and the supporting characters. This is not my first Cat Sebastian novel, and I was not disappointed here! Even when the two separate, it was only for a VERY short time and I found myself not upset that they were apart, but excited for the reunion. If you are looking for a love story with a little hurt/comfort, this is for you!

I was given an advanced reader's copy via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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I went into this expecting a great story but really I was just bored most of the time.

I didn't like that you are just thrown into the story and the characters have a formed relationship. But their past feelings really aren't mentioned much and just overall the romance itself was very bland.

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This is a wonderful conclusion to a wonderful series. Cat Sebastian strikes the perfect tone--her books are historical without being heavy, and fun without being completely ahistorical. The story is engaging and the romance is worth rooting for.

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A sexy yet engaging an moving short M/M romance, the writer really made you care about the characters which can be hard to do in novellas.

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Such a sweet historical m/m romance featuring storylines about not just having to hide their sexualities but also dealing with chronic illness and more.

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A beautifully angsty m/m romance between two wounded, prickly people, one of whom has a terminal illness... This book should have been bleak. The setting is mostly one small cabin on the edge of Martin’s former property. There is illness and emotional baggage and all too real anxiety for the future.

I *adored* it.

Sebastian lets nothing get in the way of the emotional tension between Will and Martin. This book is the purest delve into feelings I have seen in some time. The minimalism of the setting balances out the richness and subtlety of the inner turmoil. They are wrestling with big questions, new risks, and old hurts. This book is only dark because it acknowledges that people sometimes can’t be fixed. That doesn’t mean they can’t be happy. An absolutely healing read for a chaotic era.

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Two Rogues is my first Cat Sebastian and unfortunately I was disappointed. The book wasn’t bad but I got bored several times. Will and Martin have a lot of back and forth over being friends v romantic partners. I liked them both but again... they were kind of boring. I didn’t feel a ton of chemistry between them. The title of the book is also misleading as neither of them are rogues.

If you’ve read the other books in the series (I haven’t) and enjoyed them, I’m sure you’d feel fine with this one. Otherwise, I’d skip it.

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After months of searching for his best friend, Will found Martin hiding in his brother's attic on the verge of death. In hopes of saving his life, Will kidnaps Martin to the countryside in hopes of helping him recover. When Martin wakes up, he finds himself in a small country house, being cared for by his best friend, and the man he's been in love with his entire life.
"As a lifetime of love transforms into a tender passion both men always desired but neither expected, can they envision a life free from the restrictions of the past, a life with each other?"

➸ POV: 3rd Person from Martin & Will's POVs

➸ Will Sedgwick: Middle of 5 brothers, Ex-Navy, Battling Depression/PTSD and addiction, Suffers from nightmares

➸ Martin Easterbrook: Chronically ill, Ran away from aunt - his only remaining family, Broke, Best friends with Will

➸ Content Warnings: Chronic Illness, Talk of Violence (in the past), PTSD, Depression, Drug Abuse, Talk of Sexual Assault (in the past)

My Thoughts
Book 1 is definitely my favorite of the series, but this was a close second! This story was so soft and precious. I adored these characters and the life they created for themselves.

I was a little nervous going into this one because I had no idea how Cat Sebastian was going to redeem Martin. While he wasn't an awful person in the first 2, he definitely wasn't very likable. I love how his character and motivations were slowly revealed throughout this story. I though he went through a fantastic character arc and I grew to really love his pov.

Martin is such a precious character I would protect him with my life. I am still a little disappointed that we never got a good look at what happened to him in the past. His backstory intrigued me the most out of the brothers and I didn't feel it was explained very clearly. It's hinted at and we catch small glimpses throughout the series, but it's never explained in detail. Which I think would have brought a lot to his character since we see the aftermath of the events through the entire series.

I think my favorite thing about this series and Cat Sebastian's books in general, is the way she handles topics I don't otherwise see in historical romances. This one in particular touched on chronic illness, mental illness, and addiction.

Overall I really enjoyed this third book in the series! I loved how sweet these characters were and how their relationship was based on friendship. I loved the slow burn of their romance and seeing them slowly open up to each other. I can't wait to see pick up whatever Cat Sebastian writes next!

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Thank you Avon for the early review copy!

I'm a big fan of historical romance, and I especially love reading M/M historical romance. While this one was a bit of a miss for me, I would definitely go back and read all of the Seducing the Sedgwicks books. I thought Martin and Will were cute, but was annoyed at how many times they had the chance to really communicate with one another and totally blew it. I thought their relationship with Daisy was hilarious, and loved her as a side character. There were so many sweet moments between Will and Martin that I loved, but overall just felt annoyed at the lack of communication between the two throughout the book.

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I like romance novels, but this book does not follow the traditional pattern. Set in Regency England. Will finds his best friend Martin, very ill living in an unheated attic. He takes Martin to a gamekeeper's cottage on Martin's land and nurses him back to health. As the story progresses we discover that earlier Martin helped save Will from an opium addiction. Though out the book, their relationship develops into more than friendship. I liked the description of them living a simple life in the cottage, but there was no real tension between the two characters. Toward the end there was a tiny bit of drama when Will goes to the wrong house to find Martin, but it was hard to care. It's a very sweet book, but when I read romances, I want more than sweet. #netgalley #tworoguesmakearight

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Very sweet, soft romance about two childhood friends. It's my favorite of Cat Sebastian's Seducing the Sedgwicks series.

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