Member Reviews

In theory “Blazewrath Games” sounded like an amazing book. Dragons, a tournament, a conspiracy - so why didn’t I love this?
The book failed to make me care. I didn’t care about the characters or what happened to them. I wasn’t invested in the events taking place in the book.
Overall I’d definitely recommend this book for fans of dragons and magical tournaments, it just wasn’t for me.

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What a fun fantasy book! Give this to fans of Harry Potter and dragon books. Although it reads a little like a fanfiction version of the Potter universe in spots (there are witches and wizards and wands, all nonmagical folk are called "Regulars") it has a lot of totally unique and clever magical things happening to make it stand apart. I would describe Blazewrath as "Quidditch played on dragonback using flames instead of a ball," with the added twist of a Runner on foot trying to score but having to fight "Blockers" for every step they take toward the goal (kind of like how the Seeker looks for the Snitch in Quidditch). The game is actually pretty complicated, but sounds like it would be fantastic to watch! Our heroine, Lana, becomes the Runner for the Puerto Rican team, a lifelong dream despite her mother's fear of dragons due to a childhood incident. She has to work hard to fit in with her teammates, and her participation in the Blazewrath World Cup soon becomes very complicated, involving the "Department of Magical Investigations" hunt for The Sire, a menacing dragon terrorist, and the disappearance of a famous Blazewrath player, Lana's sporting idol. This is a fast read and a lot of fun once you let yourself sink into this world. I'm looking forward to the sequel, which I assume will happen, because there are enough unsolved plotlines to delve into further adventures with Lana and her dragonrider teammates.

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4.5/5 stars

So I'm a big fan of this book! The world-building is truly something else — I absolutely adored this alternate reality where dragons and magic users coexist with non-magic humans. I loved the Blazewrath Games, which are exactly the magical sport (complete with dragons) I didn't even know I wanted to read about.

Lana Torres is 17 and has always wanted nothing more than to compete in the Blazewrath World Cup. Well, eventually — she gets her opportunity. Nothing is as it seems, though, because this book is not just a fantasy about a soccer-like game played in the sky on the backs of dragons: instead, it's a mystery to boot!

There's some great family drama in this story; awesome friendships; and a big part of it is an exploration of growing up as part of the diaspora.

The only drawback is that part of me feels like this book could have been either longer or divided in two. There's just so much rich world-building and so many characters that I didn't feel I truly had the chance to get to know them all, to really revel in everything, with the book at its current length.

Honestly all I can hope is that this means there's going to be a companion novel announced soon!

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*I received an e-ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.*

Blazewrath Games is set in an alternate world where fantasy meets reality. In this world dragons and magic exist. Dragons form bonds with riders and they compete in the Blazewrath Games, a kind of Olympic level event where teams from across the world come together to fight against each other.

This book follows Lana Torres, whose dream it is to compete in the Blazewrath Games for her native Puerto Rico. When an opportunity arises for her to become the Runner for team Puerto Rico, she jumps at the chance. Though she soon finds her self in the middle of a conspiracy and Puts those she loves in danger.

I enjoyed this book for the overall story. At times it felt more on the younger end of YA and some things were just too convenient. Overall it was a great story and I loved learning about the magic system and all the different dragons. The ending left it open for future installments so I’m excited to see if the author continues this as a series.

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CW: Allusions to domestic abuse, homophobia, murder, physical violence and mind invasion.

This book is SO GOOD! It’s action-packed, it’s entertaining and it has such a cool concept.

The world-building in Blazewrath Games is fantastic. This book is set in our world but there are wizards and dragons too, and Amparo Ortiz does an amazing job of sharing the history of the cohabitation of these three groups. An element that adds complexity to the world-building is the fact taht there are so many different types of dragons and they have different appearances and abilities, which is so cool. The author shares so much information about the dragons while at the same time it’s clear that people only know what dragons want them to know, they keep a lot of secrets so there is a lot of mystery surrounding them.

One of the coolest aspects of this book is Blazewrath as a sport which is played by teams of dragons and humans, and the Blazewrath games, which is an international sports tournament. The way Amparo Ortiz writes the matches is so incredible, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time while the matches took place, cheering the Puerto Rican team.

The plot revolves around a conspiracy surrounding the Blazewrath Games and it’s very engaging with a lot of moving pieces and interesting twists and turns, the characters are amazing, there’s a found family element that’s heartwarming, and it includes diversity in an effortless and organic way (most of the main characters are POC, and there’s also queer, trans and disabled characters).

The only issue I had is that a lot of convenient things happened and even some unrealistic things like the fact that the main character learns to fight in a few days and she fights well enough to beat people that have been training for a lot longer.

Overall, Blzewrath Games is a fun, gripping book that you won’t want to put down, full of characters you will root for and a cool and unique take on dragons.

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Dragons! Magic! Dragons doing magic! What's not to love?
What I loved: the diversity of the characters, all the spanish, the weird dragon sport, how you got your want if you have magic, the mystery and twists.
What I loved less: the trope of characters being all "oh everyone is telling me not to do this thing for very obvious reasons but let's still do it because I of course know better and I don't care how this cause problems to other people" (I dislike this trope), the mc changed her mind so often it gave me whiplash, the mom.
Almost everyone was queer and I loved that. There is no forced romance just because and I found it refreshing. The focus was on the dragons, on the villains, and on the sport.
Blazewrath was interesting and I kind of understood how it was played. I would've loved to be bonded to a dragon. They wouldn't bond with me now because I'm old. Rude, dragons! Rude!
The writing made the story goes fluently and it keeps you glued to the pages. There's tons of action right until the very end. You won't get bored!

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There were a lot of things in this book I enjoyed: the magic integrated in our world, that's always something I like, mixed with phones and the internet, we also have witches and dragons! How amazing! Loved also the diversity, we had a MC who was Puerto Rican, well an entire team actually, we also had queer characters, and in general we could see that the author wanted to represent different people in her books.
And then, the dragons. I mean, I haven't read a book with dragons I didn't like. It's impossible not to love dragons, and here was no exception!
Now, some things really prevented me from loving this book: first one, sometimes it felt too close to a very popular wizardy book series. Like when we talk of the Other Place, but mostly, the blazewrath games themselves. In their structure, their goals, how they worked and how the players were called... it just was TOO closed from a famous broomstick sport. Inspired is ok, but here, it was too much.
The other thing was the plausibility of the story : the way the MC is cast into the Puerto Rican team (though that is questioned), the way the mom react to the news, among other things. There was also the fact that though the characters are around 16-18, I sometimes felt like I was reading middle grade.
So, overall, there was some good, there was some more meh thing, and I have a mixed opinion on this book! But I invite you to make your own ;)

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Amparo Ortiz’s YA debut, Blazewrath Games, is an utter delight, a captivating fantasy from start to finish. Lana Torres has one dream, to become the Runner for the Puerto Rican team in the Blazewrath World Cup, a game played with dragons and their riders. After a dangerous brush with death in which Lana confronts a follower of the notorious Sire, a man who was once a dragon, Lana misses her chance at tryouts. But when the president of the International Blazewrath Federation takes notice, Lana is given another chance to join the Puerto Rican team. As Lana and her new team train together, news of the Sire conducting raids on dragon sanctuaries begins to circulate. Soon Lana finds herself caught in another game as the Sire threatens violence if the Cup is not canceled; meanwhile, the people Lana is supposed to trust the most are calling for the Cup to go on as planned. Ortiz’s has built such a complex world with Blazewrath Games. I enjoyed every time we as readers got to see another layer and loved how each new fact built on the last. Dragons aren’t the only magical beings, there are also witches and wizards. One of my favorite side characters was Lana’s best friend, Samira, who is a copper-wand witch and what she lacks in magical skill she makes up for in drive. It was really interesting to explore different polarizing views in this world and how they influenced both the heroes and villains of the story. Blazewrath Games is a celebration of camaraderie and belonging, with enough twists and turns to keep readers on their toes.

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a copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

I’m not sure which part of this doesn’t immediately scream READ ME. Was it the dragons? Or the Quidditch-like sport? Because seriously, I was all over this book as soon as I read the synopsis, and I can’t imagine why someone wouldn’t be!

Blazewrath Games is an action-packed book that’s part sport, part mystery, and 100% heart. Filled with dragons, Boricuan pride, diverse characters, and fun banter, it’s basically a must-read for 2020.

This book was fabulous, as expected. The only real (minor) complaint I have is that some things aren’t explained as well as I’d hoped they might have been, like a bit of an inexplicable deus ex machina towards the end of the book or the actual motives of the antagonist.

My Thoughts:

- The world-building in this book is just *chef’s kiss*. It perfectly blends magic with the real world. It’s basically our world, except we discovered witches a couple hundred years ago and went, “Huh. Wait! Maybe we shouldn’t burn all these people. It seems like magic could be kinda useful.” So there’s a whole market and society built around magic. Which also means … DRAGONS! Different kinds of dragons, too. And when you discover that dragons are real, what’s your natural reaction to the news, hmm? DRAGON SPORTS! … wait. Listen, I know you’re probably here to learn more about what the heck the Blazewrath Games are, so let’s not keep you in suspense and get it out of the way right off the bat. It’s been pitched as “Quidditch with dragons,” and that seems like an apt description. The whole idea is that you’ve got a team that includes dragon riders and a runner. The runner tries to get to the top first without losing their item. There are dragon riders that are scoring and dragon riders that are trying to stop the runner with dragon attacks and physical attacks, attempting to get their trinket and throw it to the bottom of the mountain, thus forcing them to return to the beginning and start their run again. The culture of this sport is so freaking neat, and getting to read about the games and “watch” it played was super fun.

- There’s a whole squad of characters to love (it’s a team, after all, right), and I loved how different they all are in both personality and general diversity. First of all, the Boricuan pride and feel is very strong in this book, which should come as no surprise since the focus is on Team Puerto Rico. This book is so rich in different aspects of Puerto Rican culture. This book is filled with diverse characters, beyond just the focus on Puerto Rican characters, too. For example, there’s a character who only speaks Spanish (though it’s translated in context, for those who can’t read Spanish, so you won’t miss anything). There are several characters who are LGBTQ, openly and proudly so, and there’s even one super freaking cute LGBTQ romance.

- Lana makes for a great protagonist, as she struggles with her own identity but also genuinely wants to do the right thing. I’m gonna just come out and say it: Lana faces quite a bit of racism in this book, especially in the beginning, and even from her family. There were far too many scenes that absolutely boiled my blood. I sadly found her struggle as a biracial character all too relatable: not fitting into either world, needing to choose to belong to one or the other, and never quite “enough” for either. At her very core, though, Lana stands out because she’s painfully normal in a world full of extraordinary characters, which makes her extremely relatable. The only way she truly stands out is in the way she fights for what she believes in. I mean, think about it. There are witches in this world. People with magic. There are secret government officials and bureaucracy. There’s dragon riders who bond with their dragons. Then there’s Lana … who is a runner with no special powers, no special ability, nothing that really sets her apart. Except that she’s willing to speak up when she sees something she thinks is wrong. I loved that about her!

- This book has so many twists and turns and action that it never got boring and always kept me guessing. Did I guess a couple of the big twists? Sure. But some of them caught me off-guard, in such a delightful way! The mystery in this is definitely engaging, and I found myself frantically turning pages because I wanted to solve the puzzle and find out what really was going on. Opposite the action, though, is a lot of really emotional, touching scenes and soul-searching that I absolutely loved! These characters have such relatable struggles that even though I was mad they had to suffer such things, I enjoyed seeing them grow and come to terms with everything.

Sticking Points:

- Even though this is a duology and I expected there to be things left unanswered, there felt like a few too many whys left open-ended. I assume (hopefully) there’ll be more answers in the second book, of course. There are some things that I’m totally cool with waiting for, but one thing that really irked me is I wanted more about the villain! I’m sure more answers will come in the second book, but since the villain was the villain in this book, I was hoping for something a little less cryptic. Even just some sort of motive! This is probably just a me thing, but I love to both love and hate villains, but in order to do that, I need to know what drives them or what they want to accomplish, and I just didn’t feel that. The villain was more of this vague, threatening shadow.

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This was a fun and exciting new fantasy adventure! It’s evenly-paced, has some amazing plot-twists and features an incredible cast of characters! Lana is sure to capture the hearts of many readers as the ultimate fan girl finally living her dream and then fighting for a better world! I loved that this book focused on building friendships and how difficult it is to be the newbie or late comer! The energy and scandal of Blazewrath is a force that will surely pull readers in and have them cheering on for their favourite characters! With wonderful world-building and magic woven into each turn of the page, this book is sure to knock the socks off of many readers!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

Here we have the story of Lana, a Boricua who dreams to be part of Puerto Rico's team in the Blazewrath Games. Until an opportunity comes, after some kind of tragedy, and she is chosen to be the last member of the team.

Is a book full of ups and downs (in a good way) that keeps you at "the edge of your seat", and makes you root for some characters. You'll find every type of character you can think of, the ones you don't like for most of the book, the ones you won't ever like, the ones who you'll love since the first page, etc. I'm trying to find the coherent way to put my thoughts down, excuse me if it is a mess. You'll find a found family that isn't a 100% close since the beginning, family relationships that vary from super close to keep your distance, friendships that can last over anything and everything, and bonds between people and creatures (animals). If you are a sports lover or are in need of the Olympics Games, this book will do it for you and add magic while doing it. The scenes of the games are so descriptive and creative that you are going to feel part of them.

Recommended for fans of sports, found family, worldwide representation, ups and downs, magic, DRAGONS, villains, best friends. And if you are from Puerto Rico (Boricua), consider picking it up, you'll feel all the feels while reading this and reading about people screaming Puerto Rico while watching a game.

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Blazewrath Games was a fun, fast-paced read that was super easy to get into, after all, who doesn’t love a good dragon book? There were a ton of things to love about this book, including a Puerto Rican main character, a diverse cast, LGBTQ representation, magic, witches and wizards, and of course, dragons, dragons, and more dragons!

Ortiz did a wonderful job creating Lana’s complicated relationship with her parents, as well as with her Puerto Rican identity. I also loved her close friendship with her witch friend, Samira. The dragons were another highlight of the book. Ortiz has given readers these giant, beautiful dragon breeds, each one unique to their country of origin and possessing special abilities. While Lana is not bonded to a dragon herself, she is surrounded by these glorious beasts throughout the story.

The areas I thought the book struggled were in developing Lana’s character, her motivations and decisions seemed lacking to me. I had difficulty understanding why she did some of the things she did. There were also moments where she made connections that pushed the plot along but felt unrealistic and convenient. There were also parts of the story that didn’t get much explanation at all, like the Sire character. I wish there had been more background story provided about the Sire, his motivations, why he broke his bond with his rider, etc. The Sire came off as kind of flat when he could have been one of the more interesting characters in the story. I also wish there had been more explanation around Samira’s sudden evolution into a Gold wand and what that means. I am also curious about what happens to the dragons if they are not competing in the Blazewrath games. There was no mention of dragons outside the competition unless they were unbonded dragons living in sanctuaries, so without the games, I’m curious to see how bonded dragons and their riders fit into the world. Now, I understand Blazewrath Games is the first in a two book series, so hopefully some of these questions will be answered in the sequel.

Overall, Blazewrath Games is an exciting book with an interesting premise and diverse characters. I would recommend this book for younger teens who are transitioning out of middle grade and into YA fantasy, and of course for anyone who loves dragons and intrigue.

Thank you to NetGalley and Page Street Publishing for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz is a magical fantasy of competition including dragons and wizards! A fantastical read that touches upon themes of friendship and belonging with an interesting competition added. Thank you to NetGalley for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A HUGE thanks to NetGalley, Amparo Ortiz, and Page Street Publishing for sending me an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review, all opinions are my own.

I loved this book so freaking much. I rooted so hard for Lana from the beginning and I loved how intelligent and observant she was. Lana was a fantastic MC, I wanted to know how her story wrapped up so badly. Team Puerto Rico had me hooked as soon as they were introduced and I loved the entire premise.

THE DRAGONS. Oh my gosh, it was so cool to see how they all came to their riders and how they bonded. It was awesome to see all the different species and I would honestly love to hear more from this world.

The world-building was amazing and I loved as it was slowly expanded. The magic users and their wand and power system was also super unique and such a cool addition to this world. I love that magic was in such an abundance.

I loved this book and can't wait to buy myself a physical copy!

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It has been a very long time since I've read a book this good.

I almost don't have words to describe how good this book is but I'll do my best.

You remember Kristoff from Frozen and his song "Reindeer Are Better Than People?" This book is like that song only with dragons and in a book, starring Lana Torres, a Puerto Rican teen who is obsessed with dragons, and Blazewrath Games, a dangerous sport involving a relay with dragons.

Honestly, the less you know about the book's plot, the better, because it will take you on a roller coaster that you aren't prepared for. BUT there are a few things I'd like to gush about: this book should immediately be placed into the canon of fantasy as the hopeful, inclusive masterpiece that it is. This book made me grin like a 9-year old in a candy shop and by the end I was a sobbing mess. This book is also so, so well-written that there were so many instances where I put the book down just to marvel at the prose. I took so long to read this book because I knew (even without knowing the ending) I would be sad when it was over.

Overall, this book was such an escapist dream come true, it is unapologetically Latinx and deeply queer. Every page of it feels like an oversized, warm blanket during a blizzard. Lana Torres and all of the characters just jump off the page as their sarcastic but hopeful selves. I can't say enough good things about this book.

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It has:
✨ glorious character arcs
✨ so many queer characters 🌈😭
✨ so much ACTION and PLOT TWISTS

The author created something so magical—and I'm not only referring to the world-building or the magic system, but also the characters themselves, the arcs, and the overall storyline. I'm so in love with this one, I could cry. I mean, it left me feeling sad and satisfied at the same time! Safe to say, my emotions were all over the place.

Full review on my blog soon!

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From the beginning I fell in love with Blazewrath Games. I adored this wizards and witches meets dragons meets magical sports competition. Blazewrath Games delivers non-stop action and adventure from the beginning. To say that I was swept away in the action packed scenes of dragon fire, or the training montages for the games, is an understatement. But what I ended up falling in love with was the ways Blazewrath Games navigates diaspora identity and found family.

There's nothing Lana wants more than to compete in the Blazewrath Games for Puerto Rico. In a series of events full of accidents, a little too much fire, and secrets Lana gets her wish. But as soon as she joins her teammates, the fact that Lana hasn't seen Puerto Rico in years is brought up. Throughout Blazewrath Games, Lana has to navigate her feelings regarding not only Puerto Rico, but her feelings of being an imposter on her team for having grown up away from her island.

These questions of belonging and identity is closely connected to this struggle is the theme of found family in the story. When the people we love end up disappointing us, where else can we find a sense of community and family? For those who feel excluded from pieces of their identity, how do they reconcile this fractured feeling?

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an early copy of Blazewrath Games, so I could share my review with you!

Competing in the Blazewrath World Cup has been Lana Torres’s biggest dream ever since her first encounter with a dragon. Blazewrath is a high-intensity sport, with teams consisting of six dragon-mounted athletes and one “Runner,” who must rely on physical ability alone to survive the attacks of dragons and bring home the win. When try-outs are announced for Puerto Rico’s runner, Lana knows that she has to give it a shot. She’s fast, but more importantly, she understands the games and their importance. Competing with team Puerto Rico is the only way Lana can see to reconnect with her home island and her distant father. But, when Lana gets caught up in a terrorist attack targeting a dragon, she learns that there is more to Blazewrath Games than she ever would’ve guessed.

You can get your copy of Blazewrath Games on October 6th from Page Street Publishing!

Blazewarth Games is an extremely exciting and engaging story, set in an alternate world with dragons and magic! The system of magic was well integrated into the story’s world, giving the story a realistic feel. I loved the competitive premise and how it interacted with other conflicts in the world. Additionally, I really appreciated the many forms of representation in Blazewrath Games, including many instances of LGBTQ and disability rep! This book is an engaging read that kept me rooting for Lana until the last page!

My Recommendation-
This book would be a great read for dragon-lovers and magic-fans alike! The blend of magic and realistic identity conflicts combine to create a thrilling novel! If you loved the competitive alternative-sport vibes of the Warcross duology, by Marie Lu, then Blazewrath Games would be a great pick for your next read!

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It’s time to get swept away into the modern world with dragons and magic. You’ll be cheering for your favorite Blazewrath team (Puerto Rico!) and hoping for a dragon to bond with you!

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When I went into BLAZEWRATH GAMES, I went in for the dragons (like everybody else, I assume), the magical sports tournament and just all around fun times. Like one does. But what I got out of it what so much more. Don’t get me wrong, all of the above are present in heavy doses, but the book also discusses so many important topics and does so masterfully that I couldn’t help but have an amazing time reading it, cover to cover.

Right off the bat, you’re welcomed with very lively and engaging writing, and personally, the more I read the more that became evident. And not only that but the writing is also very vivid and descriptive (not overly so though) which makes everything happening jump out of the page because of how easy if it to visualize. The way the games are written? Legendary. The attention to detail which simultaneously keeping the sequences fast paced, the way the rules are explained and laid out. SO. GOOD. As such, BLAZEWRATH GAMES reads like movie in the best of ways, and wow, would I give an arm and a leg to see this book be made into a movie.

The plot was simultaneously intricate and easy to follow. There are quite a few subplots and characters that come into play and converge at some point of another. The more you read the more new elements gets introduced that might seem like the stick out at first, but they do eventually fall into place when the right time comes. Now granted, a few parts of the plot here and there felt a bit too convenient to me, but I honestly didn’t pay them much mind because I was having too much fun.

Another thing that I really loved about the way it’s written is that we get book excerpt, news articles, interviews, etc… at the start of every chapter that give us more insight into the world and the story.

Speaking of world. The world building in this is absolutely FANTASTIC. It takes very classic tropes and elements, like dragons, old-school wand magic, wizards living amongst humans, magical competitions and many more I can’t reveal without spoilers and does them well where others have attempted and failed or did mediocre at best (you know the one I’m talking about). This story is set in our world, in a parallel present time where wizards live amongst “normal” people fully immersed in society. And the way that was explained and weaved into the story, the amount of depth that was put into it was genuinely impressive to me. There’s so much backstory, context and history given to everything without it ever being boring or info-dumpy.

I also ADORED how we got our same old dragons but each region got its own, every species got its own specificities and even then it was acknowledged that dragons are still cloaked in mystery and we only know about them what they want us to know, because yes, they are sentient. Which makes the whole concept of them choosing a human and bonding with them for life all the more fascinating and intriguing because they keep the process of it all under tight lock. The dragons are just *clutches chest* SO GOOD. I loved the scenes with them so much, not only in their interactions with their humans, or the mysterious cloak around them, but also in the glimpses of carefree moments we got of them spending time *with* each other. I admittedly haven’t read a ton of books with dragons but in the few I’ve read, this is hands down the best depiction.

And you know what makes this book successful at everything it sets out to do? The fact that it doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The author is hyper aware of the fact that, this might be a fantasy, but it’s also anchored in the real world, and as such it takes into account topics that pertain to our “regular” lives. Some discussed in a brief manner like queerness, coming out and all that entails, while others were discussed in great detail. And just to site and example, the parallel drawn between the prejudices against dragons and real life racism, eg: them being feared and hated because of the action of a few or retaliating because they feel like they’re in danger, and other nuanced bits and pieces mirroring phrases that get used against POC all the time. While also discussing family and identity with an emphasis on the diaspora experience.

Lana, our main character, is Puerto Rican. She’s lived on the island until she was five years old when her (white) mom whisked her away and to the US. She’s never felt more at home than in Puerto Rico. She loves it, yearns for and misses it desperately. It’s the only place she’s called home. But she also deals with the fact that although she considers it her home, she didn’t grow up there and has to grapple with not only her own feelings of being a fraud, of not being enough and not belonging but she also gets that from other people, both Boricua and not, who think they know her identity better than she does and want to decide what makes her Puerto Rican and what doesn’t. Lana as a character was a bit hard to grasp at times, but I really ended up liking her. Her bravery, how that doesn’t stop her from being scared, her loyalty to her loved ones and her sense of justice were a winning combination for me.

I also liked how through her interactions with other characters, a wide range of relationships were shown. First, BLAZEWRATH GAMES shows that mother/daughter relationships can often be fraught with tension, how some misguided albeit well-meaning actions can have long lasting effects and build resentment. We also got to see Lana build different levels of connection with her teammates that go from borderline nemesis statues to close friendships, ad how overall the team is like a family, they might butt heads but they always have each other’s backs.

Overall, I had a blast reading this book. It was a genuinely fun read that kept me interested and on the edge of my seat from start to finish. There is more I could probably have covered in this review, but I will leave it at this and encourage you to pick it up.

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