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Left For Dead

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I found the story quite slow to begin with,, but then found I couldn’t put it down til I’d finished reading. I thought the portrayal of the main character, Amy/Poppy was well written and I’m looking forward to seeing how she develops in the next book.

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Left for Dead is a fast paced thriller featuring DI Amy Winters, with lots of additional subplots that really do keep you turning the page. This thriller is a little different in that from the beginning the reader knows who the killer is, and for me, this did take away all the guessing that I like to do (usually I"m wrong). Amy's backstory and the trial with her biological mother is excellent and this really kept me interested. The writing is fluid and the characters are really well written too. The lack of mystery into the killer was a little disappointing for me but I did find myself trying to guess how Amy was going to catch him. All in all, it was a great story and I look forward to reading more from the author.

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This is the third book in the Amy Winter series, in which Amy is returned to her past, having horrific flashbacks to a time she’s spent her whole life trying to forget.

I honestly get so excited when I see there is a new book in this series, and this one certainly exceeded my expectations, yet again.

Top marks for Left For Dead, Caroline has done it again!!

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# Left For Dead # Netgallery
Oh gosh where on earth to start. Caroline Michell as definitely gone up a few more than a 5 star 🌟 rating with this one. I was totally totally addicted.once again from the first chapter. It's real but raw set of different circumstances. That really pulls you deep into the book It actually feels like you can feel Amy's fear of Lillian Grimes as her new trial is gaining momentum and Amy's dread of being called as a witness in her murdering biological mother with Any now part of a new elite bigger team she's leading or so she thinks until Donovan turns up to find him now being her boss, with a camera crew also following her and the team about, making a documentary. Amy is shopping with her sister who seems even more scared of Lillian Grimes. But she also wants to see her before she gives evidence against her, her survival was almost nothing short of a miracle after their farther had tried to kill her, suddenly as they look into a shop window at the beautiful mannequin set with such a gorgeous dress and jewellery,only Amy realises its no mannequin at all it's a women barely breathing never the the less Any breaks the glass of the shop window, as her sister hold Amys phone close to her as she's calling It in but also trying to save the women's life at the same time. The nightmare begins.It's the best one yet I did not think. After book 2 of the Amy Winter's series could get any better. what I love 💘about Caroline Mitchell she writes with such passion you can feel it. Also with real emotion. The atmosphere and the characters .coming alive and you can relate in many ways with the team maybe not all them all. however you actually feel part of the team yourself, having been a police officer before she became a author. Helps of course with the procedures of policing..I think their are no more than half a dozen authors with such superb descriptive of each character.I genuinely do not think book four will surpass this one,but I thought that about book 2 yet here we are again with this one just such a brilliant writer.. review slightly different take to my normal reviews I wanted it to not just review the book but also the author as well. I can seriously say this you would !really missing out if you do not read this one, anyone new

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Thanks to Net Galley and Thomas & Mercer for this early release. Another great instalment of the Amy Winter series. Despite thinking you know what has happened all the way though, there are still twists and turns to be had at the end! Glad to read in the acknowledgements that Caroline Mitchell is currently writing a fourth book in the series.

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Loved this book. Had me gripped from the very start and looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

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I've been turning to Caroline Mitchell's thrillers for years now whenever I'm in the mood for a thrilling ride. I first met DI Amy Winter back in 2018 and I was instantly intrigued by the background of this character. I think that it's no secret that I have a weird obsession with serial killer stories... Having a main character that is first adopted by a cop and now a DI herself, but on the other hand having her biological parents being a twisted serial killer duo? Talk about a background that had me hooked immediately! We learned more about Amy's past in the first two books, and her personal storyline continues to develop in this third installment. This is one of the reasons why I would recommend reading the first books before tackling Left For Dead, as it would be a lot more difficult to get a proper grip on the dynamics between and development of the various characters in play. Plus, if you like intense detective thrillers with a dark twists, you will be in for a treat with all three in the first place.

Left For Dead continues where book two ended and once again we hear quite a lot of Amy's biological mother Lillian Grimes and her appeal. The main focus is on the new case and the new dynamics in Amy's team with the appearance of Donovan as the new DCI of course, but you will feel that Lillian's presence is never far away and always lurking in the background. I like how the balance shifted a little and we see more of Donovan, although I hope these new dynamics won't slow Amy down in the future... In book three Amy is still as fierce as ever though and I like how she uses her background and intimate knowledge of the twisted minds of her parents to get inside the heads of other serial killers. She definitely has an instinct for hunting and isn't afraid to go off the books to get results... Even if it brings danger in the picture.

Left For Dead has a multiple POV structure, helping us follow both sides of the law as well as allowing the story to hide certain facts until the plot is ready to reveal the truth. The plot itself is interesting, and while the identity of the killer is revealed very early on, it was still very much a thrilling ride as Amy and her team try to catch him. The story has lots of twists and turns and while there are no mayor surprises to speak of, it was still a very satisfying detective thriller read as a whole. The ending was a shocker too, and I definitely can't wait to discover how things will continue now.

The DI Amy Winter series has provided one solid and dark detective thriller after the other so far, and Left For Dead is no exception. In this third book, we have another twisted case on our hands as well as developments relating to Amy's mother and her appeal... Recommended if you enjoy the genre.

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Thank you NetGalley and Amazon publishing for a copy of Left for Dead. Which is Caroline Mitchell third book in the D.I. Amy Winter series.
It is Valentine’s day and Amy is shopping for a gift with her sister. When they come across a mannequin on display that is far too lifelike. There is blood running out of the corner of the mannequin’s mouth and their eyes are taped open. The killer leaves a calling card with the shape of a heart. This is the calling card of the ‘Love heart Killer’. Which is the same M.O as a woman that was murdered 20 years previously. Is this a copycat killer? Then another body is found somehow linked to Sugar babes Phone app. Amy heads the case.
Amy’s personal life is into question. Now the truth about her biological parents have come out in the open. Amy’s struggles of doing the right thing as a Police officer and worrying that she will turn out like her mother Lillian Grimes. The memories are all coming back to her after she has been asked to give evidence in court for Lillian’s upcoming appeal hearing.
This another gripping page turner from the author. Miss Mitchell knows her stuff. I thought it professionally researched and had some heart stopping moments. Another five stars from me.

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Addictive and dark! I simply enjoyed this book. This is my very first book to the series, not knowing it was actually the third installment for DI Amy Winters Series. It was a total page turner! Couldn't wait to read the previous books. The plot, the writing was totally very easy to read. And the pacing was really great! No dull moments in this book!

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This is the third in this series starring Amy Winter. As per usual, I am going to recommend you start from book one and read in order. Although this can be read as a stand alone - the main story is self-contained - you'll be missing out on character background and development if you don't.
So, Amy is out shopping when she sees something strange in a shop window. The mannequin of the bride appears to be bleeding. She rushes into the window and her fears are founded. The bride is a dead body. The troops are called in to investigate in earnest, tracing the window-dressers back to the company. Amy visits the boss of said company and things start to get a bit strange. When there's another death in similar circumstances, further investigations throw up a link between the victims. The pieces are all starting to come together but can they prove what they believe?
Ooo this was deliciously dark and chilling. Amy is a bit of a character in herself, what with her personal background and all, but this side of her complements rather than distracts from the situations and cases the author puts her in. Amy's family life is pretty much hauled over the coals throughout this book as a bit of a side plot.
Pacing is perfect, plotting is sublime and, with no superfluous padding, the story gets on with itself very well. Characters are well described - both series ones and episodes ones, major and minor alike.
All in all a great addition to what is shaping up to be cracking series. Roll on next time. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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At long last it’s time for the third book in the DI Amy Winters series, I seem to have been waiting for what seems like forever, as this is one of my favourite crime series and also one of my most anticipated reads of the year. If you haven’t started the series yet it’s one that’s best started from the beginning as Amy has such a fascinating backstory, I promise you it will be time well spent! If you’re not convinced perhaps knowing that the first book Truth and Lies has been optioned for TV may tempt you.Caroline Mitchell captures the reader's attention with a picturesque scene a beautiful bride, looking magnificent in her wedding dress, elaborately posed in a shop window, in full public view. Unfortunately the scene takes a macabre turn, the blushing bride isn’t a mannequin, she’s a murder victim! The victims murder bears similarities to a case twenty years earlier. Are they connected? Is it a copy cat killer? you will just have to buy the book to find out!

As well as tracking down the murderer, there is a secondary plot that focuses on Amy’s personal life but rather than distracting from the main plot it compliments it. Amy’s character is evolving as the series progresses and I really like her character, she forthright and to all appearances lack the ‘team player’ gene, which is hardly surprising when you read her back story, but she has empathy for her victims, determined to get justice for them by fair means or foul. Her past is a burden that weighs heavily on Amy, and every action and reaction as a DI is carefully scrutinised by those who know her history. Amy’s past is a big draw to me and it’s one of the reasons I love this series so much, I’m sure we still have so much to learn.

I always think an author takes a bold step when they reveal the identity of the killer from the start, as part of the enjoyment of reading a crime thriller for me is working out the ‘who dunnit’. Caroline Mitchell uses this ploy to good effect though, because you know the identity of ‘The Love Heart Killer’, there are chapters told from their perspective so you get a sense of their personality, but you also get a chilling insight in to the mind of one seriously depraved psychopath. You know exactly what dark thoughts they are entertaining, and who their next victim will be, adding an element of anticipation as you wait for the killers next move.

Caroline Mitchell is one of my favourite authors for a very good reason, i always find her plots imaginative, she knows exactly how to grab the readers attention from the off. Left For Dead is another stellar addition to the series, it’s a fast paced read, with a fascinating array of characters, some you will love and others will make your skin crawl. The author leaves the reader with a teaser, which has left me incredibly excited for the next book in the series. This is a series I would gladly recommend to crime junkies, the plots veer towards the dark side, which is always an attraction for me, I'm sure a psychiatrist would have something to say about that! Highly recommended

This review will be edited prior to publication on my blog

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It's been a while since a DI Amy Winter book has landed in my inbox. Amy Winter is a detective who goes after the worst of killers. She also has a secret which has finally been made public. Amy or Poppy as she was known is the daughter of Lillian and Jack Grimes, the husband and wife killing team. Think of Fred and Rose West but much worse. Lillian is back in court as new evidence has come to light and she maybe free. Amy and her sister are out shopping and they come across a shop widow. A tableau of a beautiful bride sat on a red velvet throne but as Amy looks closer a dribble of blood escapes between the lips of the bride. Amy is known as the psychopath whisperer as she able to think how they do. She is now on the trail of killer like no other. I devoured this book in one sitting, have no nails left, got my heart racing and seriously I can't wait to read more as Amy has unfinished business and this time it is personal. A MUST READ AND SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Thanks to Amazon Publishing UK and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This was a great book. I am not into much cop-thrillers, but the beautiful yet simple cover with the lovable orange fonts on it, pulled me into it and the next thing I knew that I could not come out of it.
The MC, Detective Inspector Amy Winter a.k.a. Poppy Grimes (as was she named by her biological mother, who was a serial killer, but had no evidences against her, so was free) was ingenious, apt, intrepid and at the same time feared that her lamentable past might take over her and that her veins had the blood of her biological parents who were both serial killers and she would turn out to be like her parents. She later comes over this feeling and finds herself as a new person.
The criminal Samuel Black who was the love-heart killer (he drugged the women he wished to kill and carved out a heart shape on their chests), was crafty, pawky and slick. He knew how to commit a near-perfect crime. I won't say a "perfect crime", because a perfect crime is not a thing. And just because a perfect crime is not a thing, he is doubted upon by DI Winter who later comes face-to-face with him while he was about to commit the fourth murder.
The side-plot of Samuel's wife, Marianne's thought processes was a good one as she had an incertitude about his husband's loyalty.
Another side-plot which I have mentioned before, was about the DI's biological mother's court trials. This too was a tantallizing one.
Overall, it was a good book and was worth reading.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing for my ARC. I have given an honest unbiased review in exchange
This is the 3rd in the DI Amy Winter series, I absolutely loved the first book, but was a little disappointed with the second, however the 3rd book is back up there.

This is a dark and scary story-line as always, that is well executed, with various sub plots. Lots of interesting characters, that are well developed. Plus having to deal with an arrogant, but charismatic protagonist. We also that the fact that Amy’s biological serial killer mother is appealing against her convictions. Which doesn’t help with her emotions!
A great addition to the series, I was pleased to read the author saying book 4 is under way, I can’t wait.

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This book is different in that you know first of all who the killer is, and it is one fabulous read. The detail and police procedures are always explicit as of course Caroline is an ex police woman.

What a shock for Amy to be out shopping for a wedding dress with her sister, and to find the bride in the window is a dead body!

More dead bodies appear and the killer has really upped his game, and it’s almost as if he doesn’t mind being caught. Everyone thinks this man is so wonderful, he’s a pillar of society, but little do they know the dark thoughts that haunt him. He also gets his thrills from Amy’s serial killer parents. Amy finds his morbid fascination worrying, what is his agenda? The fact that Lilian Grimes, Amy’s biological mother, is awaiting her appeal is enough to tip Amy over the edge. Her working life and personal life intermingled throughout the book, with a bit of welcome romance for Amy.

As the crimes are linked to the “Sugarbabes” escorts, Amy goes out of her way to bring down the killer, and when the third Sugarbabe goes missing, she puts herself at risk to catch him.

I just loved this book, and I read it in one day. It is wonderfully written and it gives the reader plenty to think about. It does help if you’ve read the others first to get a better insight into her life.

My thanks to Caroline, the publishers and Netgalley for the ARC.

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The third book in the DI Amy Winter series begins with a dead body in one of the unlikeliest places: a Valentine's Day storefront window display. Which leads Amy to believe her killer enjoys showing off his prey. I enjoyed the cat and mouse aspect as the killer is revealed early on in the novel, but what makes this book interesting is the interplay between some of the main characters, their backstories, and Amy's famous family with their whacked out dynamics. I have not read the first two in this series and the author was able to seamlessly explain the past events while keeping the present story moving along. After reading this, I am intrigued to go back to the first two in the series!

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview this book.

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Well hello again DI Amy Winters! It's been a while since your last case and I hope your biological mother Lillian isn't still causing trouble. What's that? Oh, you have a nice day planned with your sister, how lovely. But what's that in the display window, a body?
As you can tell, I have been following this series since it began. Left For Dead is the third installment and once again DI Amy has a lot going on, professionally and personally. The biological daughter of two serial-killers, she followed the man who adopted her into the police department. Her unique life perspective allows her to see things others miss and she uses her talent to identify killers.
Unlike the first two books, we know early on the killer's identity. While he and Amy play a game of cat and mouse, Amy must find a way to stop him before he kills again. It doesn't help that this cold-blooded killer puts Amy to a test, nature versus nurture, or that Lillian may be released from prison. If that isn't a full enough plate, Amy finds herself more and more attracted to her boss Donovan, but can she survive long enough to potentially find love?
Another great read by an author who has managed to make her way on to my must-read authors list!

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Left for Dead is the latest book in the DI Amy Winter series by Caroline Mitchell and it is another dark police procedural thriller that keeps the pages turning.

Winter has a complex background which impacts how she reacts to circumstances leading to her sometimes taking big risks which can prove costly when faced with a deeply disturbed killer.

The author has created an unique main character and a series that has a twist and Left for Dead Is a worthy addition.


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This is the third in this excellent series by Caroline Mitchell, set in London. Amy Winter, born Poppy Grimes and the daughter of serial killers, is a DI in the Met and somewhat unconventional in her methods of detection. When a mannequin in a bridal shop turns out to be a corpse, Amy finds herself involved in a bizarre case and her instincts are called on to find the killer. In addition we find out more about her family and particularly her mother, who is appealing for release. A very well written and thoroughly engrossing book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Publishing UK for supplying a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Left For Dead is the third book in the mystery series featuring DI Amy Winter. While shopping with her sister, Amy notices a mannequin that looks a little too lifelike and discovers the body of a young woman. As the details of her death emerge, the case is eerily similar to an unsolved case from years past. While Amy investigates this death, she is also dealing with her birth mother being on trial for murder.

It is often the case that you can jump into the middle of a series and catch on quickly to the events of precious entries. I did not find that to be the case with this novel. The way Amy's backstory was shared throughout the book felt very disjointed. You would often be in the middle of Amy's thoughts about the current case when a rogue paragraph about her past would be inserted in a way that made little sense to me.

While it took me awhile to get into the book, once I did, the plot really took off. I'm not a huge fan of knowing whodunnit from the beginning but I can see why the author made that choice here. The denouement was still quite a ride. This was a miss for me but if you are interested in this series, I would say to start from the beginning to get the full details of Amy's backstory.

2-1/2 Stars

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