Cover Image: Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen Children's Stories)

Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen Children's Stories)

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I volunteered to read this book, in exchange for an honest review through netgalley. This is a well known classic book. It is well written and the characters are described well. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. My favorite characters is Jane and Elizabeth Bennett. You guys should get this book.

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While I have read original and manga comics, this is one of the stories, I enjoy in whatever format. Artwork could have been better but as I said, I could use any excuse to read this again and again.

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Many thanks to Sweet Cherry Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC!

This is a charming adaptation of Pride and Prejudice that’s perfect for introducing young readers to classic literature. Though it is abridged, it features all the key characters and events and even some of Austen’s original wit and irony. And there are adorable illustrations throughout.

The text has been simplified in many places to help the intended audience understand the story, but there are a few lines that remain almost exactly the same. Highlights include: “Because a single man of good fortune must want a wife!” “I was thinking about a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman.” “My feelings cannot be denied. You must allow me to tell you how deeply I admire and love you.” and “My feelings and wishes are unchanged. However one word from you will silence me forever.” It was such a joy to see these lines included, and I can just imagine the excitement of a girl who read this in childhood coming upon those moments in the original text.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Barder didn’t skim over or simply cut out Lydia running away with Mr. Wickham. Sometimes abridged classics like this shy away from dealing with the more unpleasant aspects of the original books, and I’m glad that’s not the case here. Including it helps young readers get a full grasp of the story, and it allows for discussions between parents and children about why Wickham is a bad person and the differences between today’s society and the 19th century.

Overall the book is a delight. I can’t wait to buy it for bookish friends’ kids and to see the rest of the set!

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This is an absolutely fantastic version of pride and prejudice, the illustrations are exquisite and the text has been simplified to make it easy for anyone to understand the story!

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Lovely little book with such sweet illustrations.. Having read the original this took me though the memories and the moments of this iconic story. Leaving the deeper parts for recollection making an enjoyable reminiscent type adventure with my child as we read this.

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As the story goes, Mr. And Mrs. Bennett have 5 daughters and the goal of the wife is to get these daughters married to Rich Men! As it unfolds, various misunderstandings and mishaps happen making it interesting to see whether Mrs. Berret's wish is fulfilled.
I had tried reading Pride and Prejudice a couple of years back but couldn't move further a few pages. The reason might be that I don't really read a lot of classics and I ain't yet comfortable with them.
But this book has simplified the story so well. I loved it and completed in a single sitting. The way in which a Classic has been converted into a children's story is amazing. I enjoyed the book thoroughly. I regret not reading the classic and will definitely pick up the original book soon!

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This was a cute middle grade book. The language was accessible and the drawings were the kind I know would appeal to some of my students.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sweet Cherry Publishing for an advance reader copy of this book,

This is a cute retelling of a Pride and Prejudice for middle grade children, and a great summary for us adults 😃 if you want to introduce your kids to Jane Austen books, I would definitely recommend it

I loved the illustrations in this book as well .

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Barder's Pride & Prejudice adaptation retains the charm of the original, but with clear language that is easy to follow. This would be a great introduction to the story for children too young to follow the complex language of the original, and would leave them eager to read it when they are older, rather than putting them off the complete work.

I am not an Austen purist by any stretch, and think abridged versions of classics are a brilliant way to engage young audiences and introduce them to the classics. However, Darcy's first proposal is my favourite scene in English Literature, so the bar was set high for that chapter! Luckily, this edition does a brilliant job of retaining the humour and awkwardness of the original, echoing Darcy and Elizabeth's lines well.

This edition is accompanied by adorable illustrations which I would love to have in my non-abridged Sweet Cherry Publishing collection.

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Rating: 3.5

This was a really short and concise rendition of the original novel and I must say that, while I'm not used to reading books with pictures in them (well I actually haven't read one in years), the illustrations were certainly a really cute addition that supplemented my reading. I feel like this is perfect for primary/middle-grade kids who are probably testing the waters with classic novels and want to start off with something small and easy rather than the full novel which may be hard for them to understand.

One drawback I found with this edition was that fact that it was too short (at least for me) and it didn't fully capture the masterpiece, that is Pride and Prejudice, in it's rich and brimmed complexity. Whilst the major scenes were proficiently encapsulated, I feel like some small key details were not given justice. However, this is completely understandable considering the targeted audience it is designed for.

This may not be something I would personally go for as I would much rather prefer the original, but it is definitely a book that I would recommend to/buy for one of my younger nieces or nephews so that they could enjoy it and slowly build an aptitude for reading.

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This was a quick rendition of the original story. I was interested in reading this because I have not actually read the original. It was short, sweet, and to the point. I loved the illustrations!

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I love books that introduce children to the great classics.

My own introduction to the classics was through the Classics Illustrated Comic Books. My large collection included favorites The Count of Monte Cristo, Les Miserables, Lord Jim, Ivanhoe, and Jane Eyre. By the time I was eleven I was tackling the novels themselves. When our son was growing up I found abridged paperbacks of the classics which inspired him to read his favorites which included H. G. Wells and Jack London.

What could be better than Jane Austen for young readers!

Pride and Prejudice has been adapted as plays and for movies and television since at least 1890 according to Devoney Looser in The Making of Jane Austen. The bare bones of the plot sequence is so well known by nearly everyone.

This Easy Classics book includes all the expected scenes. But this retelling also catches Austen's irony.

Chapter 1 begins with, of course, Mrs. Bennet telling her husband about the rich man who has moved into the neighborhood a good news. Mr. Bennet is described as reading his newspaper and "growing tired of his wife's excitement." Proclaiming that their daughters may benefit because the single man "must want a wife" causes Mr. Bennett to exchange a smile with Lizzy.

Pride and Prejudice is part of the Jane Austen Children's Stories which includes Emma, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Sense and Sensibility, Persuasion, and Love and Friendship. The UK edition includes a free audio book download. The series is suitable for children through Middle School.

What a wonderful resource!

The book is fully illustrated.

I was given a free ebook by the publisher through NetGalley. My review is fair and unbiased.

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I just loved this. It is the classic in my opinion anyway but it was adapted so well for younger, less mature, less competent readers. I will be purchasing man copies of this for the libraries in school and recommend it to my friends also. It was just a beautiful read and so thoughtfully adapted. Well done!!!

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This is a great abridged version of pride and prejudice. It’s good for adults and young people that want to read pride and prejudice but find the old words confusing but would still like to know the story. The pictures really add to the story as well. It’s really a great beginner book before reading the real thing

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A great adaption by the author.

Who doesn't love Jane Austen?I definitely do.

The title is itself enough to read this book .

5 star read !

**Thankyou Netgalley and publisher for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review**

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***Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

This is a fantastic juvenile version of Pride and Prejudice. It does a wonderful job of summing up the story and has pretty illustrations as well.

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This was a very sweet adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. I feel that this would be a great read for specific audiences. For example, teenagers reading the original works may find fun in reading this version for a supplement. Adults who are huge fans of the original may enjoy reading it with young children in their lives.
The illustrations were unique, original and intriguing to the story. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read this fun book.

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Reviewed for Netgalley. Having read Pride and Prejudice many times, including children’s adaptations, this was not a great edition. The text was rushed in places, too long in others, the pictures didn’t match the text emotionally, there were modern language adaptations in some places that didn’t need it, while other obscure words were left in.

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I was given an arc of this novel by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this. I thought it was a great gateway book to get a younger reader into Jane Austen. Not surprising I love the picture books too. I thought it conveyed the bones of the story well and also had really cute illustrations. I'd definitely buy this for a young reader.

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I was really interested to see how a classic can be written for kids and it was pleasantly made simple enough yet covering the entire story into such small chapters. I felt the illustrations were really cute and showed how the era would have been which is educating enough for kids. My only issue was, would the kids comprehend why Lydia needed to marry and why Darcy needed to pay. Except for that part, I felt it was handled pretty well.

It was never going to be easy to convert such a classic but it was pretty good.

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