Cover Image: Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen Children's Stories)

Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen Children's Stories)

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As someone who loves the whole Pride and Prejudice books and movies, I am so happy to see a child version! My girls love this! Besides the fact that I would much rather my children love these characters over Barbie or something else.

Thank you for writing a wholesome book that children can enjoy and get to experience the characters I've come to love and know so well through the books and movies! I highly suggest this to anyone who has daughters!

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I received Pride & Prejudice Jane Austen Children's Stories from Sweet Cherry Publishing and Net Galley for an honest review. I have read and watched many adaptations of Pride & Prejudice and I liked that Gemma Barder was able to adapt the original story into a work that is more easily assessable to a younger audience. While the main story was there Gemma Barder used more modern language to help her audience to understand what was happening in the story. I also enjoyed looking at the pictures in the text and I imagine young children will as well. The drawings helped me to visualize exactly what was going on. It's less than 100 pages so I was able to read it in one sitting.

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I read P&P for the first time when I was still at school. And I didn't like it because the language was too old-fashioned for me. So when I saw this book, I will give it another try. I like it. It is much easier to understand, especially with cute illustrations. I recommend this book for those who want to read more English classics.

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This is a great book to get young children into classics! The illustrations make it a lot more fun and the cover is absolutely stunning! It was written quite nicely however, I feel like certain situations or intentions could become confusing when a child with no earlier experience with Austen stories reads this. Still, A+ for effort, I hope many children read these simplified stories!

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I have always loved this story and have wanted to share that love with my students. This book will do it. Many of my students struggle with the classics because of the language. It’s just not written in a way they can understand and so they put the books down. This book keeps with the story but tells it in a way easier for them to understand. My girls will love this!

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I really like the idea of adapting great literary classics into stories for children, so they can get to know and love these amazing novels. I was a bit disappointed though by how it was rewritten and I feel like it lost some of its charm. Some pivotal scenes and dialogue were left out or summarized in such a way that much of the essence of the story was lost, and it's difficult to get a good grasp of the characters and the plot. So much was cut that we are almost left with nothing but a mere summation of names and events, rather than a well-flowing story. Even for kids, I think it will be hard to understand why Lizzy and Darcy fall in love, or why Charlotte accepted Mr. Collins ... On the positive side, some well-known & well-loved quotes were left intact so you do get a feel for Jane Austen's brilliant writing. The cover and the illustrations in this book are adorable and help make it more attractive to children.

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This was a lovely introduction to the world of Jane Austen. It did so in a simple and cute way that is very much suitable for kids. The story is accompanied by adorable illustrations and make the experience even better.

Thank you NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Pride and Prejudice is a story about the Bennet family. Mrs. Bennet is desperate to find rich husbands for her daughters, so the arrival of a charming new neighbor is welcome indeed. Sadly, the friend he brings with him is not. Mr. Darcy seems to have even more pride than money. Nobody likes him - least of all Elizabeth Bennet. But not everyone is who they seem.

This Pride and Prejudice adaptation by Gemma Barder is part of the Jane Austen Simplified Collection. A great introduction for younger readers into the stories of Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice is a lovely story and features beautiful illustrations.

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What an adorable version of my favorite classic!

I know that classics are often intimidating for even adults, let alone children. This was the perfect short and condensed version of Pride and Prejudice. I loved that they left quite a bit of the same wording in the dialogue. I feel that this is always a good thing for children so that they are always expanding their knowledge and vocabulary. Similarly though, some may find some of the wording to be too much for a small child. I would recommend this book is best for 8+ year olds for this reason.

The illustrations in the book were so cute! I thought the black and white sketches were simple and fun and fit the book very well. Highly impressed with this version and will definitely be buying a copy for my daughters collection!

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It is a delight to see Gemma Barder adapt Pride and Prejudice for children's stories, as I am a Jane-ite and have anxiously awaited the age that my daughter is old enough to begin reading Jane Austen! The reading experience of this book was so tender and fun to read-- the book is adapted at an age-appropriate level for young children and includes delightful illustrations. An entertaining read that adults who have a deep, abiding love of classic lit can share with young readers.

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A great retelling of one of my favorite classic stories! This is a perfect rendition of the original classic and is made super easy and short for kids to read. Even though the book was short it covered all of the major plot points and included classic lines from the original! I think this was a great edition for kids to read and the artwork was a bonus charm!

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Okay, this is seriously so cute, mainly because I keep thinking of Mr. Darcy and Lizzy in the original story. Pride and Prejudice is one of my all-time favorite stories in Romance genre so it's no surprise that I ended up loving this. But first, it should be mentioned that this book is a part of Jane Austen's Illustrated Children's books. I actually don't know much about this but after reading this one, I'm set to collect all of them, preferably hardbounds so I can display them on my shelves. I mean, look at that cover.

Anyways, this book is a great introduction for those who haven't read Jane Austen and especially, Pride and Prejudice. I wasn't a fan of Classic so I read P&P late and I always wondered why majority of my bookish friends gush about it. And in hindsight, I wished I read this book before reading the original story because since I'm not a fan of Classic, I found reading it a bit hard at first. That said, those who are not a fan of classic or Jane Austen can benefit from reading this one first. Sure, it's a childrens book and seemingly written for kids but this is also a great introduction to new fans.

This is very short and doesn't include the whole story of P&P, but it is enough to entice you to read the original story. I'm planning to let my cousin read this one before letting her watch the film and then read the original book.

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I am always looking for quality books for my two daughters, who are 8 and 12. They both love to read, and they know I have all of Jane Austen's books on *my* shelf for when they are older.

The cover of this book is adorable and immediately caught my 12-year-old's attention when she logged into the Kindle. The whimsical drawings are perfect for tween girls and break up the text, making each chapter easier to read. This adaption includes several of Ms. Austen's famous quotes, including Darcy's "fine eyes' comment, and all the major plot points (while taming down Wickham's sins for young readers).

I would definitely read the other books in this series!

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It was fun getting to read a new version of this story. The illustrations were very good, and although shorter this version still flowed pretty well. It felt a bit like an abridged take on this tale, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Although this version may not be for everyone, some kids are sure to have a lot of fun reading it.

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An absolutely delightful retelling of a well loved story. A very accessible introduction to the classics for younger readers, the added illustrations were beautiful and engaging. A wonderful addition to any child’s bookshelf!
*Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read a copy in exchange for an honest review*

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I read this with my 8-year-old daughter. Her review is, "it was a great story, but I need more."

I have never read Pride and Prejudice, but have seen a few movie adaptations. I was able to easily follow the story. I think it is a good introduction to Jane Austen's books for children. It is simplified so kids can follow the story, but perhaps a little too simplified. My daughter struggled to understand Mrs. Bennett and Lady Catherine. I was able to explain it fairly easy, but someone unfamiliar with the time period might question why they acted as they did. Again, I think it was a good introduction and now I want to read Jane Austen's version to get the full story for myself and watch the movie again.

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This is a great introduction to the classic story. This adaption makes the story accessible to young children and would make a great readaloud for 3-5th grade. There are just enough illustrations to help set the tone for the novel while still leaving room for imaginative interpretation.

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Thank you to Sweet Cherry Publishing for a digital edition via NetGalley of ‘Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen Children’s Stories) by Jane Austen, adapted by Gemma Barder in exchange for an honest review.

This adaptation of Austen’s classic comedy of manners is intended for readers aged 7-9. It forms part of the Sweet Cherry Easy Classics series that adapts classic literature into accessible stories for children, with the intention of introducing these works of literature to a new generation.

The illustrations were very sweet as was the story.

It’s certainly a book and series that I expect will appeal to parents, librarians, and educators.

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This is a delightful adaptation of a classic for younger readers.

Simplified language with shorter sentences and pictures helps the novel come alive and the to-the-point storytelling removes the difficulties of the adult version.


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An adorable and lovely read of such a popular classic! I loved the illustrations and the simplistic way the story was written. I think this would be a great way to start children off on reading new books of classical literature!

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