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A Duke Will Never Do

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Member Reviews

I love Darcy Burke stories. They encompass real life experiences with love makes this such a small and loyalty. This one is no different and I loved every word written.

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I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review

Sweet and spicy, with one of the more affable heroes and daring heroines I’d seen in a while. Darcy Burke never disappoints!

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Lord Colton shows up unconscious and beaten on the doorstep of the disgraced spinster, Jane Pemberton, She nurses him back to health and asks him to relieve her of her virginity. What ensues from there has everything you want in a historical novel you want - great characters who you wanted to cheer, a plot that made you think and had some unexpected surprises in it! I absolutely adored this book and I would highly recommend it. I will definitely look for other books from the author, as this one was my first from Darcy Burke.

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Darcy Burke never disappoints and this book is no exception. It has everything we have come to expect of her romance, a mystery and a lovely dollop of erotica.
Although the second in the spitfire series it is still a stand alone novel but with characters that have been in previous stories.
Can’t recommend it enough.

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Darcy Burke is an author every lover of romance should read. Jane and Anthony both have their own issued. She is a self declared spinster, he has been spiraling out of control since his parents death. After a fight leaves him bloody and broken on Jane's doorstep, Jane starts healing not only his body but his spirit as well. Readers will not be disappointed in this book.

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This book was the right amount of salacious, cute dialogue, and romance. Some parts I had to suspend my belief- the language was used was not at at all periodical but the characters were cute. I liked how the male main went away to better himself (but only for a week??!?) to be worthy of the female lead.

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This is my fair and honest review, voluntarily given in my own words, for this ARC. This is such a great series. The characters are so multifaceted and the stories so well written. You should read the entire set.

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Jane Pemberton is independent and living alone in her best friend's house, until she practically trips over the man laying at her front door. Badly beaten and drunk, he turns out to be Lord Colton. Nothing will do, but Jane take him in and take care of him. Haunted by the death of his parents, he drinks in excess to numb the pain and despair. Meeting Jane brings life and light back into his world, if he can only reach out and take it. Jane is one determined lady that won't give up.

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I enjoyed this third interlude with the Spitfire Society. Jane is a young woman who decides to move out fo her parents house after failing to marry though many seasons. She is a kind, strong woman who is a good match for Anthony, the hero who turns up wounded at her door.

I loved the first half of the novel when Jane helps Anthony he’s physically (with the help of two kittens). In the second half, she takes on the more daunting task to healing him emotionally, and that changed the pace of the novel, but led to a nice payoff at the end.

Friends from previous novels make appearances, and I look forward to seeing what comes next from the author.

I received an advanced readers copy of this book from the publisher and Net Galley in return for a fair review.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley and the publisher for my honest review. I think I have read other books by Darcy Burke and enjoyed them. I was not disappointed in this one. The premise to the story of Jane nursing Anthony back to health after being beaten and then falling in love while trying to hide their connection to one another is intriguing. However, I don't think I was comfortable with the relentless way Jane insisted on losing her virginity to Anthony. Had it been the other way a round, and Anthony acted in such a way I feel that would not go over well at all, so why does she get to for force herself on to him, when he clearly does not want to do as she asks? The writing flowed nicely and the characters were developed. Jane's patience with him in coming to terms with his past was sweet and comforting. I think I would have given this book another star for all its qualities, if Jane did not take advantage of Anthony while caring for him. I feel them getting together could have been dealt with in a different way and still appealing.

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Such a beautiful story about the redemptive power of love!

What good is a good reputation if it denies you freedom? What good is a bad reputation if people refuse to be disappointed in you? Anthony has been drinking his grief and guilt away for almost a year since the death of his parents. Jane is adjusting to her newly-declared spinsterhood, relishing her freedom but still wondering just how much it's going to cost her in the end. When a badly-beaten and thoroughly sloshed Anthony lands on her doorstep, she is determined to nurse him back to health and exact a very specific payment for her services in return.

I loved this slow-burn romance very much. Anthony is in so much pain, both physical and emotional, and I was charmed by Jane's patient attention to him and her willingness to stand up to him and force him to confront the harsh truths he's been hiding from. The story is complex and layered, with surprising connections, extortion, ruinous rumors, and even a couple adorable kittens. Every bit of it works brilliantly together to create an enchanting story that captivated me from the very start. The HEA was so heartwarming I nearly cried. I highly recommend this for all fans of regency romances. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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A period romance that turns up the heat.

Throughout reading, I found the relationship intriguing and sweet. I had a hard time putting this story down. I will certainly read more by this author after this book.

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Another enjoyable read by Ms. Burke, weaving her words with the main characters, who we have met in previous novels and bringing along those who have achieved their happily ever afters. Jane left her home, after defying her parents, showing her determination and strength, not bending to someone's will. Anthony holds onto the past very deeply, punishing and blaming himself, getting lost in alcohol and fights to numb the pain. Things change when Jane nurses him back to health, for they develop a bond between them, both having their own scandalous reputations. Though Anthony's was earned, Jane's was through deception. Jane lives in the present and helps Anthony overcome his own demons, both being an affair and falling in love with each other. The past weighs heavily on Anthony, which impacts his relationship with Jane greatly. Still truths will be revealed and more than one character will be affected and impacted by the truths.
I received this novel as an ARC from net galley and the publisher. Thank you! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I know I've said this in reviews before, but Darcy Burke is definitely one of my favorite historical romance authors! A Duke Will Never Do is well written and none of the pages are wasted on unnecessary plot or dialogue. Once I got started with it I found it difficult to put down. Having the story alternate between Anthony and Jane provides insight and background into what both are thinking and going through. I loved that Jane never let Anthony get away with brushing her off and she always pushed him to open up. She proved her devotion and support through her actions rather than just her words. Anthony's transformation throughout the story is well earned - he's not completely "cured" by the end but he's finally able to face up to his past and look into the future. It was also good to have him slip up because then we got to see him see how far he was falling and what he was giving up by doing so. As always, it's good to have another book in which the women support one another rather than compete over men. The rumor regarding Jane is probably the only weakness in the entire book - if that depiction of her had been going around I find it hard to believe no man tried to take advantage of her.

I'm very much looking forward to the upcoming Pretenders trilogy (especially book 3)!

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Jane decides to set herself up as a spinster after failing to find a husband and not wishing to take the one out forward by her parents. She moved into a house provided by her friend Phoebe, who had just married. She finds a severely beaten man on her doorstep and recognises him as the brother of her friend Anne. She decides to nurse him back to health and keeps him in her house for a week.
Anthony has spiraled into a depression after the death of his parents, drinking to excess and picking fights. A mutual attraction starts between the two and Jane comes up with a novel way for him to pay her back.....
Much spicier than the normal Regency romances that I read and enjoy, however this is an integral part of the story and is treated in a more romantic way than pure erotica. I will be looking for other books by this author.
I received an advance copy of this book from the author through Netgalley, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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Oh Darcy Burke, I wasn't sure of this series when I started it several months ago, but you have done such a fantastic job of keeping the story between the three friends connected. This final of the Spitfire Society books was perfectly steamy. Anthony's tortured heart was wonderful to watch change as he learned to love himself and Jane. I am very excited that we got just a small peek at some other characters to glimpse into upcoming series, as well. I am rounding this up from 3.5 stars.

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This read as a classic historical showing many of my favorite “romance-isms.” Some of it left me cold, but overall, a solid read.

The good stuff: This one features all our favorite tropes. Protagonist shuns the elite in a show of feminism? Check! Nursing a handsome, but beleaguered Duke to health and emotional stability? Check! Woman makes the first move? Women banding together for good? Everyone gets a HEA? Check, check and check. This one will probably scratch all your genre itches.

The not so great stuff: Consent. One of my favorite parts of romance novels is the framing of the relationships, sexual and otherwise, as a meeting of equals (even when it would not have been the cultural norm). This book misses the mark a bit in this regard. While making the leading lady the instigator of the relationship was a solid opener, it quickly devolves into feeling like Jane is pressuring Anthony while he is physically injured/in substance recovery. I can't say anyone does anything they don't want to do, but it skirts the line in a manner not necessary for the progression of an otherwise great story.

This was my first book by this author, and while I am not 100% in love with this one, I am interested in reading more of her works. I am hoping this was just a minor wobble since the rest of the book indicates this series would be very fun to read.

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I really loved this novel. I've been on a historical kick lately, and 'A Duke Will Never Do' was absolutely perfect. I adored Jane and Anthony and rooted for them the whole time!

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Darcy Burke writes a compelling Regency. Great story complete with a repenting rake, an enticing spinster and of course a HEA.

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Another great romance from Darcy Burke! This is the third book in the Spitfire Society series and we finally get shy Jane's HEA. Its always nice to get payoff when you have gotten to know characters from previous novels. However, I don't think you have to have read the first two to enjoy A Duke Will Never Do. Jane, our heroine is going to be the spinster that her two best friends tried and failed at (Don't get to attached to that spinster title Jane). She is doing her thing when Anthony, Viscount Colten shows up wounded on her door. Of course Jane agrees to nurse him back to health, but she wants something in return.... seduction! Whats a hero to do?! My only criticism, and its more personally taste for the moment, is I am ready for a non-grief stricken hero. Seems like I have had several of those in a row now. But I loved Jane and Anthony and would recommend this book to any lovers of romance.

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