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Crazy Stupid Bromance

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Noah Logan has a secret....he has been in love with Alexis Carlisle, his best friend, since the day he met her 18 months ago. Since Alexis is trying to deal with the workplace sexual harassment she had encountered from her old boss, Noah never felt the time was right to tell her how he really felt. Plus there is always the chance that he could ruin their friendship. Enter the Bromance Book Club guys to the rescue! This group of guys who read romance books to help them navigate through life with women know just how to help.

When Alexis is approached by a young woman who informs her that she is her half sister, it throws Alexis into a tailspin. Alexis then does what she usually does, turns to Noah for help. As Alexis and Noah spend even more time together, feelings start to get stronger. Turns out Alexis has also been pining for Noah. Noah and Alexis finally come together in such a great and fun way. When it looks like they are headed for their happy ending, Alexis' new family comes crashing in, along with Noah's past and it makes a mess out of everything. Good thing the Bromance guys are there to help so Alexis and Noah do finally get their perfect happy ending.

I just adored both Alexis and Noah. They both were damaged by things from their past but together found a way past it. I really loved the journey these two had to go through. I also just adored the Bromance guys. I found myself laughing a lot while reading this story. I really can't wait for The Russian's story!

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Crazy Stupid Bromance
Bromance Book Club Series - Book 3
By Lyssa Kay Adams

Berkley - November 2020

Contemporary Romance

Noah Logan didn't buy in to his friends' belief that the answers to relationships lie in romance novels. The other guys might read those books, but he didn't. Even though his best friend, Alexis Carlisle, was a woman. A woman who he might try to lie to the others about, but he couldn't lie to himself that he wished was so much more than just a friend.

Alexis was trying to get her life back in order after she had unwillingly been in the national spotlight after accusing a celebrity of harassment. She was running her café, and finding that others who are in the same position she had once found herself in, are coming in for more than a drink. She is a known safe place for them.

And Alexis knows that a safe place for her is with Noah. After she receives a shocking revelation, it is Noah she turns to. Noah that she trusts. Noah that she is slowly discovering she wants so much more than to be just friends with.

Crazy Stupid Bromance has everything. It is fun, at times light, then intense, reunion, best friends romance, emotion and overall love. The entire cast of characters were engaging and watching them interact was very entertaining. Noah and Alexis were perfect for one another, and it was enjoyable to see them find their happiness together. Although I hadn't read the previous two stories, it was easy to follow the various characters and now I plan to go back and read them. I also am very much looking forward to the next story in the Bromance Book Club series.

Kathy Andrico -

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The Bromance Book Club series by Lyssa Kay Adams has been full of funny and steamy romances, and Crazy Stupid Bromance is a great addition.

This time around we are dealing with a friends-to-lovers romance between sexy computer geek Noah and cafe owner Alexis. The two have been fast best friends since the day they met. They both would like their friendship to develop into something more but they are afraid of messing up the best relationship either of them has had.

"Unrequited love made for a pathetic happy ever after."

Crazy Stupid Bromance is not only about the romance between Alexis and Noah but about grieving issues they have been dealing with after each has lost a parent at a young age. Noah lost his dad to an explosion while he was overseas in the military and Alexis lost her mom to cancer. This is one of the big things they bond over in their friendship. Noah has to work through his anger issues about losing his dad and Alexis is dealing with the new issue of her sister showing up at her cafe. The sister she didn’t know she had.

Growing up it was just Alexis and her mom. She never knew her dad and now she finds out that she has a sister and a brother. Candi, the sister has come looking for Alexis because their dad needs a kidney. Alexis (and Noah) can’t help but think the only reason she has reached out is that she wants to save her father from dying, not that she wants anything to do with Alexis.

While Crazy Stupid Bromance deals with some heavy family issues there are still funny moments. The book club guys lend to comic relief with a laugh out loud scene at a massage place and Alexis’s cat, Beefcake, and his stalking of Noah is hilarious. And as always the Russian is the funniest of the group and I’m so excited his story, Isn’t It Bromantic? is coming out in June of 2021. I feel like it will be filled with hilarious moments and some heartbreak for him. He’s such a softy.

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Crazy Stupid Bromance is the third book in the Bromance Book Club series and features Alexa and Noah. Although this can be read as a stand alone, I'd recommend reading the previous books as you wouldn't catch some of the references to the other books' characters. This wasn't my favorite of the three, but it wasn't my least favorite either. I like that we get to see the characters in previous books progress in their lives in this book. My favorite aspect of this series is that we get to see the bromance book club come together and support each other. Though there are parts in this book that are highly unrealistic, it was still a fun and light read even though there were undertones of serious subjects. If you loved the previous books or like friends turned lovers trope, then this book is definitely for you. I'm excited to hear that there will be a fourth book coming out soon featuring the Russian and his wife!

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I really loved this series. This one was a fun one. I did feel that the Karen storyline felt extra and didn''t added up to the story. I love the author's note about the transplant story.

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I was so excited to read the 3rd book in Lyssa Kay Adams' Bromance Book Club series! I have enjoyed each book even more than the last one so far, with Crazy Stupid Romance being my favorite. We will have to wait to see if the Russian's story can top this one!

I really liked the different dynamic and feel that this one had as opposed to the previous two in the series. The Book Club and Bromance influence didn't have as strong of a presence and focus in this one, which suited the story line very well. The other guys still had a great supporting role here, and I definitely appreciated Mac and all his ridiculousness!

The slow burn of friends to lovers was perfect between Noah and Alexis. And that sexual tension between them was both funny and steamy. I loved them both as individual characters and they made such a perfect match. Noah has major Book Boyfriend potential! He was so supportive of Alexis the whole way thru, from her past as a sexual assault survivor, to the current situation in her life with her father. He was always so open with her and out her needs first, I also appreciated that Noah had his own side story line with his family and was totally cheering him on at the end with that situation! Alexis is one of those characters that you wish you could be friends with in real life for me. She has such a good heart and wants to help others any way she can. Her weakness is that she wants to help to the point of draining herself. Her character was just so real to me!

I give this book 4.5 stars.... I would definitely recommend this one to anyone that has read the first two books in the series, and also to anyone who is looking for a friends-to-lovers story with both tender and steamy moments! This is my favorite book of the series and I can't wait to recommend it to anyone that will listen.

Thank you to Berkley Publishing and Berkley Romance for my gifted copy of Crazy Stupid Bromance in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 Friends Are Lovers Stars
This is the third entry to the unique Bromance Club series and it touches on the tried and true questions, can men be friends with women. The answer is yes but also they can love them too.

This has two people who have developed a real bond and have valued it to the point of not follow through on feelings they have for each other because of the fear they will lose this bond if things go wrong.

Both get the support they need from friends and the bromance club members to finally approach the reality of their relationship. They have been there when times are tough, and not they will be there when they admit their love.

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3.75 Hearts Alexis has become a voice in the #metoo movement and now has brought other women together to join safe places. When a woman comes up to say “their” father is dying and needs a kidney. She didn’t know about him or her siblings. Noah has been smitten with Alexis for years but is in the friendzone but now he is willing to try…. Talk about crazy timing!

But the guys in the bromance book club are there for Noah to help him out.

I thought this was a cute book. The guys in the book are funny. Some people in the book were a bit irritating but mostly the characters were fun to read.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I love the Bromance Book Club series. But so far this one has been my least favorite of the series. I still really enjoined it, but it just wasn't as good as the others.

I think the reason for this is that the characters in this book were not in the original so I cared a little bit less about them. Alexis and Noah were introduced in book 2. And I have to say there are many other stories I would like to have read before theirs. The other reason this book didn’t super do it for me, was it is friends to lovers which if you read my reviews you know I don’t like so much. And yes this one has the obligatory what if it ruins our friendship. The other thing I didn’t love, was that the book makes a point of talking about how men and women can just be friends, but then proceeds to prove that wrong.

Overall, I liked the story and the characters, though Mack really stole the show in the few parts he was in. But I just liked I didn’t love it. This book did set up the next one in the series, about the RUSSIAN!!

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Alex and Noah make a very cute, sometimes steamy couple in Crazy Stupid Bromance the third novel in Bromance Book Club series. They are both broken people. Alexis from the death of her mother and a sexual assault and Noah from the death of his father and his rebellious hacking mistakes in his youth that people keep judging him by. They see each other in a way no one else seems to and have been best friends for the last year, but maybe it is time to level up that friendship and Noah is going to need a little help from the bromance book club if he wants to win the girl of his dreams.

I love the dynamic of the book club. Sure, Noah thinks he is above it initially but the guys have some great advice and are there to really jump in when things start to go off the rails.
”The point is to break the fucking cycle,” Mack said. “Women aren’t rehab centers for emotionally stunted man-babies who think the key to a serious relationship is to just wait for the right woman to come along. You have to be ready to by uncomfortable, to stretch yourself, to be vulnerable.”

Noah is really a good dude and most of the time is too good to be true when it comes to Alex. She is in a pretty big emotional state as she just found out that her father is alive with another family and needs a kidney. She has siblings she didn’t know about and a father who was never a part of her life, but she feels inclined to help him even if she doesn’t know if she will be a part of their life after that.

To lighten up the book the boys are helping Mack plan his dream wedding and might be about ready to kill him. Alex has a cat that Noah is convinced wants to kill him in the night and hide the body. There are also some bets going to whether or not the Russian is really married or if his wife isn’t real at all. I do love the Russian so I’m glad it looks like he will be getting a book next.

Both Alex and Noah are going to have to learn how to say the hard things, do the hard things and really trust one another. Alex bugged me a few times with her need for ‘space’ but other than that small thing the build from friendship to lovers was a really great ride.

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A friends to lovers romance, Crazy Stupid Bromance brings us back into the world of our favorite Bromance Book Club starring Noah Logan and Alexis Carlisle.

Noah, a hacker turned good has been best friends with Alexis since the sexual harassment scandal that happened months back. Ever since then, he has been in love with her, but fear of losing their friendship tips him from crossing the line. Crazy Stupid Bromance is Noah and Alexis' love story and how they fell in love.

I gave Crazy Stupid Bromance four stars, falling in love with our genius Noah and our upbeat café owner Alexis. They were perfect together and even when they had feelings for each other but would not come forward and merely stayed friends, it was obvious that they would stay friends had they not confessed to each other.

The way Noah was supportive and voiced his thoughts out about Alexis' situations and cared for her every step of the way, you could feel the connection between them instantly it was such a strong relationship from the start.

And, as per usual, our bromance book club strikes again. The friendship and bond between everyone was amazing and I love reading about them whenever they appeared in the book. They make me laugh and smile and they made me love the friendship formed between everyone. They were the sweetest no matter how hard Noah denied being their friend and part of the book club (just like the other men), but in the end we could all see how tight and close like brothers they all were. They make me love the friendship even more throughout each book.

I absolutely fell in love with the chemistry between Noah and Alexis and they made me smile the whole way through with their friendship and how much you could tell that they were fighting to restrain from mentioning their love for each other.

Crazy Stupid Bromance was a perfect read and the whole Bromance Book Club series is something worth buying.

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Thank you to the publisher for the eARC.

I loved getting to know Noah and Alexis. Seeing their relationship move from friendship to much more.

Of course I loved the Bromance Book Club and the way they supported Noah in accessing his feelings. Those scenes were my favorite.

If you liked the first two books in this series, you’ll enjoy this one too.

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I was a little worried diving into this one. This is one of my favorite tropes, but could have been done so dirty. Plus, how could this seemingly perfect plot hold up to my expectations? Well, safe to say it did. The Bromance Book Club is a favorite and I can not wait for the next installment.

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I can’t believe we’re being blessed with not one, but TWO bromance books in 2020!! Crazy Stupid Bromance is the third book in the Bromance Book Club series and it can be read as a standalone. The events from the previous book heavily involved the hero and heroine, so they are definitely mentioned in this book.

I have a confession to make. This is the third bromance book and I think I’m ready to admit that I actually read these books for the bromance, not the romance 😂 Everytime I pick up a new bromance book, I immediately look forward to the bros hanging out more than I actually look forward to the romance. But Crazy Stupid Bromance’s strength lies in the romance itself as opposed to the bromance.

Noah is in love with his best friend, Alexis. But he doesn’t want to take things forward because he’s scared of ruining their friendship. The transition from friends to lovers is so well done. I love Noah and Alexis’s relationship as both friends and lovers. In my opinion, their romance is probably the most romantic one so far in the series. There was so much intimacy between Noah and Alexis from the very beginning that it felt as if they were already a couple even when they were strictly friends.

The main conflict in this book is family-themed. Alexis finds her biological father and her life is completely turned upside down. Her mom is not there to answer her questions, but Noah is there to support Alexis every step of the way. Noah himself has a lot of anger and resentment boiling inside of him when it comes to his father’s death. There’s a lot of grief over a parent’s death that both Alexis and Noah have to navigate and their emotions felt so raw and authentic to me. Hands down, out of all the Bromance books, Crazy Stupid Bromance made me feel the most.

As a side note, some of the new characters really pissed me off. So…fair warning. LAK really knows how to push my buttons with irritating characters lol. As for the bros, they were great!! We have a new addition to the team: Colton. I’m also really excited for Vlad’s book! And I have an inkling about Colton and a certain someone.

Continue reading for content warning…







CW: death of parents; cancer; heroine and other characters are survivors of sexual assault and rape, so there’s a lot about the healing process after they came forward with their story publicly.

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The Bromance Book Club is back, and this time, Mack’s getting all groomzilla with his upcoming wedding, and his friend Noah realizes he harbors feelings for his best friend Alexis. With so much in common, unconditional love and support, and the help of the Book Club, will Noah’s leap of faith be the right decision, or will their friendship be ruined forever?

Apart from what I’ve summarized above, there was SO MUCH MORE to this story. You’ve got strong friendships, family, troubled main characters with traumatic pasts who seek solace from each other and within themselves. Adams delivered a fluid storyline with extremely likable but flawed main characters, sprinkled in with impactful dialogue and good-hearted humor. I literally felt like I was there. I laughed out loud whenever the guys were involved (one scene in particular IYKYK) and I definitely cried. More than once.

This is the 3rd book in the series, but can be read as a standalone, and I definitely recommend to those in the mood for a solid friends-to-lovers story.

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This series seriously just gets better and better. I gave the first two five stars and this one was my favorite .... so I guess it gets 6 stars??!! I loved everything about it and can’t think of even one thing I would change.

😻One of the best true romcoms I have read in a long time. Honestly, this book is the new standard for friends to lovers for me.
😽Perfect steam. Perfect.
😹I laughed harder at chapter 19 than I have in a very long time. Men + Spa day = hilarity.
😿I happy cried, I sad cried. All of the emotions throughout the entire book. These are real characters and everyone will find a connection to their struggles.
😸Adam’s unwavering support of sexual assault victims and commitment to positive male characters makes me a forever fan.

Thanks to @berkleyroman for the ebook in exchange for my honest review!! I seriously can’t wait for the Russian’s story!!

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Overall - ⭐⭐⭐
Heat - 🔥🔥🔥

A lot has already been said in favor of Lyssa Kay Adams and her Bromance Book Club books. The latest Crazy Stupid Bromance is another excellent addition to the series and anything I say about this book has for sure already been said. And the book is deserving of all of the love that it will receive.

So I thought I’d take this chance to quickly discuss what didn’t work and why. This book is a friends to lovers between two people that you have met in previous stories. Alexis and Noah are adorable and I wanted nothing but good things for them. I’m a sucker for a nerdy hero that’s pining for his woman all while being a super awesome friend to the woman he loves. But I loathe when those types of men are underappreciated and used by their lady loves before they get the HEA. Granted, Alexis was not the worst offender but there were several scenes where I felt like she did not respect Noah and only cared about what he could do for her.

Also, this book fell into the same trap that several of her previous books as well as a startling amount of new rom-coms are doing. Adams did not know when to stop. This book took the topic of organ donation and twisted it and beat it to death until it became an unbearable presence in the story. It was apparent to me that Adams was trying to convey her message and feelings on this topic, which she is welcome to do. However, it was so distracting that I found myself skimming a lot of the scenes that dealt with it.

Overall, this is a good book. Of course, many people will sing its praises from every corner of the internet. But just because it’s good, does not make it infallible. And I think we need to hold more of these books accountable and not just fall into the hype machine.

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This review was originally posted on <a href="" target="_blank"> Books of My Heart</a>

<i>Review copy was received from Publisher. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i>

4.5 hearts

I continue to enjoy the Bromance Book Club series.  Really, each book gets better.  Crazy Stupid Bromance has so very many great quotes; I'll struggle to only share a couple.  I can't imagine a better story to relax and laugh.

The main characters, Alexia and Noah, are best friends.  They want more but don't want to lose what they have, a common trope with a very understandable fear.  They share losing a parent, and relate to each other well with hobbies and interests.  Noah is beyond thoughtful about not rushing her and supporting Alexia with anything happening in her life.

Noah ends up joining the Bromance Book Club when he admits he needs help because he's in love with Alexia. The book club guys are pretty busy with planning Mack and Liv's wedding.

Noah groaned and set the Legos on the counter. "Your fiance is out of control."

"Go easy on him, Liv said. "He's been planning his dream wedding since he was a little boy."

Alexia has an unknown sister show up, who wants her to meet her never known father and the whole family.  I didn't like Candi very much but I could understand her.  The situation is very complicated.  I disliked the way all of them treated Alexia.  I appreciated Noah standing up for her and yet letting her make her own decisions.

Noah has his own family problems. He's finally had enough with being treated like a high school age hacktivist rather than the talented business owner he is, who has done very well for himself financially.   His mother is incredibly supportive which is great to see.  His whole family really likes Alexia though, so there is no problem there.

The book club, as well as the women in the wedding party do their best to help Noah and Alexia with their relationship and all the family issues they are trying to handle emotionally.  I love these characters; what a great group of people they are.  Malcolm, I am so with you.

Mack snorted and looked at Malcolm. "What would you say is your pet peeve about poorly crafted romance novels?"

Malcolm crossed his arms. "That would be when two adult characters avoid having a grown-up conversation that could change the course of the story."

I am going to be thrilled to spend more time with this fun, compassionate group.  It looks like the next book, Isn't It Bromantic, will have us learning more about the Russian and his wife.

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Lyssa Kay Adams has done it again with yet another fantastic installment in the Bromance Book Club series. I absolutely adored Alexis and Noah's story. {Best} Friends-to-lovers is one of my favorite tropes, and this one was done perfectly!

I love how all of the Bromance books also "break the fourth wall" by talking about the romance genre in general as they are discussing their current "manual." In Crazy Stupid Bromance, it's in regards to the thing we like least about romance novels... and it was definitely spot on! I love the acknowledgement in a romance novel about the things we always comment as being annoying (but honestly, completely necessary at the same time).

I devoured this book in 2 days - I just couldn't put it down and stayed up until the wee hours to finish it. It's not often that I cry when reading a book, especially a romcom, but I will admit that I was definitely reading the last bit with blurry eyes.

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I love this book series and its ability to combine complicated and tough subjects, with a cute romance without compromising either. This book is the third in a series, but it is not needed to have read the previous books before jumping into this one.

This book focuses on Alexis and Noah, a café owner and computer genius who are best friends (and secretly want more). When Alexis' life is turned upside-down by a realization in their life she has a lot of big decisions to make, but will Noah be there to help her through them?

This book was super cute and I really liked both Alexis and Noah. I love the Bromance Book Club so much and this book proved it even more when they talked about tropes in romance novels that they hate. I felt like the pacing of this book was really great and it flowed really well throughout the whole story.

Overall this was a fun romance book, that was more than just fluff.

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