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The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett

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I laughed and cried while reading the brilliant life of Eudora Honeysett. Eudora is 85, has had a hard and difficult life, and is ready to die when a precocious 10-year-old Rose knocks on her door and changes her life. This is a beautiful story about an unlikely friendship that had me both laughing and crying. A story about death and life. A story that will show you how much you can care for someone and how they can make a complete difference in your world. Thank you to Harper Collins and NetGalley for my advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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Having recently finished "The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett" by Annie Lyons, I am happy to have had the chance for the preview; thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins Publishers.

There are so many moments in this story that I want to remember. One of them is this...

"Because death is as important as birth. We celebrate one but fear the other."

The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett is full of her life story; but it also makes one realize how our own lives, and our choices along the way, lead us to our ending. This book was one that brought me to "straight from the heart tears" with the realization that even though there are many obstacles along our journey, we all hope for a life well-lived and a life well loved. We all have to decide how we want to be remembered. THIS is definitely a book to add to my "it's a keeper" collection. Thank you Ms. Lyons!!

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What a beautiful story about friendship that sees no age difference, knowing that it’s never too late to find happiness. But also knowing that life doesn’t have to be perfect to be brilliant.
Eudora had a pretty sad life with some ups but mainly downs until Rose comes into her life. Eudora sense of duty to her mother and sister become so frustrating as it was a crutch for her to say no to things that would make her happy.
I think the ending was perfect and I don’t usually cry from books but this one got me. Thanks for this story and for making me miss my grandparents...

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What a wonderful and heartwarming book. The story and the characters were easy to love and to cheer for. I shed some tears at the end, which was bittersweet. Well done, Annie Lyons.

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Eudora Honeysett, at 85, is ready to choose to peacefully die on her own terms at a clinic in Switzerland. The application process is lengthy, and during that time, a new family moves next door. Rose, the ten year old neighbor, decides she will be Eudora’s friend, whether she wants a friend or not. Slowly, Eudora begins to enjoy her time with Rose and other friends she meets through that friendship. We learn through flashbacks the moments in Eudora’s life that had made her who she is. Will her application for the assisted dying be accepted? And if so, will she still want to go?

This was such a lovely book. I thoroughly enjoyed all the characters. I can’t even put into words all the feels it gave me. I hadn’t read a book that’s made me cry in a long time, but I had some tears rolling down my cheeks several times during this one. This is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time. I highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for a digital arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Eighty-five year old Eudora Honeysett is done with life. She's lonely and sick of getting older and has contacted a clinic in Switzerland to take control of her death. Then, she meets her new neighbor, an exuberant 10-year-old named Rose who barrels in to Eudora's life, determined to be friends. Eudora's life will never be the same.

This was one of those books that I knew I was going to love from the opening sentence, and it just got better. I laughed and cried. I loved Eudora, Rose and Stanley. I also loved the chapters that focused on Eudora's past. It reminded me of A Man Called One, The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper and Elenor Olyphant is Completely Fine. This was an immensely charming book that I will highly recommend to anyone looking for a feel-good read with great characters. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to read an advance copy. Thanks to Net Galley and Harper Collins.

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The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett is an uplifting book about a difficult subject, "death". I did not expect to enjoy this book nearly half as much as I did. The author make great use of "flashbacks" to explain the main character's point of view. It's an enlightening book about friendships, life decisions and end of life decisions. I highly recommend reading Annie Lyons' new novel. Thank you NetGalley and Book Club Girl's early read program for the ARC!

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I really enjoyed The Brilliant Life of Eudora Honeysett. Annie Lyons proves one is never to old to change in life. Eudora is 85 and has lost or been disappointed by almost everyone who has been in her life. She decides she wants to end her life in a Swiss clinic. Enter her new neighbor ten-year-old Rose who needs a friend and Rose decides it is going to be Eudora. Each chapter starts in present day and we find out the story of Eudora and Rose as their relationship grows and ends with part of Eudora’s story starting in 1940 and by the end of the books brings us to present time.

This book brings out all sorts of emotions and many lessons about life can be learned. There are many laughs and tears in this delightful book. I think this book would be an excellent discussion book for bookclubs. We are never too old to learn and change and open our hearts to new relationships. Thank you Harper Collins, The Book Club Girls, and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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“ I could sitting at home waiting to die, she (Eudora) thinks. And yet, here I am in the searing August heat, pretending to enjoy myself because of an ill-advises promise I made to a dead woman and the overexcitement of a young girl. What has happened to me?”

Eudora is 85, has had a difficult life, and is ready to die when a precocious 10 year old Rose knocks on her door and changes her life. This is such a beautiful story about an unlikely friendship that had me both laughing and crying. Grab some tissues and start reading. You will not regret it.

Thank you Harper Collins, Annie Lyons and Netgalley for this ARC.

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I laughed and I cried. Both in equal measure. What more can you say? This book was a pleasure to read; so consumable that I was done in three nights, but it will stick with me for so much longer. It’s so immersive that I found myself wanting to stay in Eudora’s world “for just a couple more pages” and then often realized it was past midnight and I had to get to sleep. Is it action-packed? No. It’s it sexy? No. All I can tell you is that I fell in love with the characters and was very sad when it was over.

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Meet Eudora Honeysett, an 85 year old woman, very much set in her ways and has chosen to die with dignity. This sets us up with one of the most delightful novels I have read in awhile. If I could compare this to one author, it is Fredrik Backman (this felt like a cross between A Man Called Ove and My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You).

Eudora was born right before WWII in London with loving parents and a younger sister. She really had the model childhood, but you understand that she is battling with many personal demons. She has never been married, no children, she is really all by herself. She has chosen the path to end her life on her terms.

Rose, the most precocious 10 year old you will meet moves to the neighborhood and latches on to Eudora, and insinuates herself in Eudora’s life. If you read any of Backman’s earlier works, you will know where this story is headed, and you won’t love it any less.

There are many adventures between Rose and Eudora and you will absolutely fall in love with both of them. The author does a wonderful job at slowly revealing Eudora’s past mixed with the present and this new presence in her life.

This was a thoroughly charming read, and I found myself smiling for most of this book. Eudora and Rose will pull at your heartstrings, and these are characters that I will not soon forget.

Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow for an Advanced Reader’s Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Eudora Honeysett is an octogenarian living alone in London with her cat Montgomery. She has no friends - not even her cat, and she's ready to leave this life. She learns of a company in Switzerland that helps people leave "on their own terms", and she's interested. Why not? She's ready. And then a ten year old, glittery, colorful, force of nature moves in next door...
I liked this book, but didn't love it. It struck me as a cross between a lighter Man Called Ove and Olive Again. The story is told through two timelines - today and Eudora's younger life. The older timeline sought to explain Eudora's attitudes and behaviors today and it did, but it was a bit routine and predictable. Rose, the neighbor was my favorite character. The author wrote the voice of a 10 year old free spirit really well, and I always enjoyed scenes with Rose. I am glad to see there are more books with older characters and I am enjoying reading them.

#TheBrilliantLifeofEudoraHoneysett #NetGalley

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A wonderfully uplifting story that seems lighthearted even though it contains topics that aren't light at all: aging, how to approach death, loss, loneliness and of course lots of family drama! I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing this book and Eudora's journey through all the challenges in her life. The story follows an 85 year old woman through her current days and also flashes back to key points in her life that she is reminded of in a format that gently unwinds to a very satisfying conclusion. I would love to read more of Annie Lyons' books!
Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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One of the best books I’ve read. Be sure to have tissues when reading. A beautiful story of relationships and learning it is never to late to let new people into your life. The author does a wonderful job of weaving the story of Eudora’s present life and earlier years together. By doing this we learn why she is the person she is today.

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If you liked A Man Called Ove, you will love this book Beautifully written. "I truly believe that you are meant to enjoy your life for as long as possible.. It ended the way I wanted it too, but it was a three hankie book. Trigger warning: the cat dies. Enjoy your life, read this book.

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Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishing for the Advanced Ready copy of this book. It is a thoroughly enjoyable story about Eudora being tired of living at 85 years old when she befriends a new neighbor, 10-yr old Rosie. While I liked Eudora, it was Rosie who stole the show. I absolutely adored her character, which is what made me want to have Eudora keep living. I was looking for a little bit of a more emotional ending, more similar to A Man Called Ove, so I found the end a bit underwhelming. However, it is a very nice, heartwarming story about multi-generational relationships and how they can truly make a difference in our lives. I would recommend it as a light read when it is published on Sept 8.

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A beautiful story of Eudora, an 85 year old woman contemplating the end of her life and Rose, a precocious 10 year old that befriends her. I immediately fell in love with both characters and what follows is a charming tale of how Rose teaches Eudora to enjoy life along with flashbacks through Eudora’s heartbreaking past. A quick and highly satisfying read which I emphatically recommend.

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Received an ARC from Netgalley

Eudora Honeysett decides to take her matters in her own hands and decides she no longer wants to live. She reaches out for assisted suicide in Switzerland. In the mean time she is befriended by her new neighbor Rose, 10 years old and a lonely widow.

It is an excellent read about friends and life. I found it slow at times, not often enough to be a drag. At the end of each chapter is part of Eudora's back story so it could be a dual time line book of sorts.

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This is an absolutely delightful book about a woman, Eudora Honeysett, facing the end of her life. She wants to die with dignity and is taking steps to take matters into her own hands.
Enter a 10 year old girl, Rose, and an elderly widower, Stanley. These two become unlikely companions to Eudora to help her appreciate deep friendship and caring in her later years.
This book was reminiscent of another favorite, A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman. I loved the effervescence of Rose, the goofiness of Stanley, and the practicality of Eudora.
As the story unfolds, Eudora flashes back to her childhood and young adult years, reminiscing about WWII, her father Albert, her mother Beatrice, and her sister Stella, as well as friendships with Sylvia, Eddie, and Sam. All of these relationships shaped Eudora.
This is a story that implores you to keep living and enjoy life because it is precious. It begs you to live while you are able and to discuss death openly.
I absolutely loved this treasure of a story.
Thanks to The Book Club Girls, Harper Collins, and Net Galley for the ARC.
#TheBrilliantLifeOfEudoraHoneysett #AnnieLyons #NetGalley #HarperCollins #TheBookClubGirls

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Decent read (though fairly predictable) about Eudora, an elderly woman who decides she's about done with living. She wants to die with dignity and works to secure dignified death at a clinic in Switzerland before she becomes incapacitated or in need of extreme measures. However, a new family moves in next door and their daughter, Rose, becomes a bright spot in Eudora's days. She becomes close with her neighbor, Stanley, as well and starts to become more involved with her community. The ending was no big surprise but it was a fast, interesting-enough read. Eudora's sarcasm and wit were fairly entertaining. I did get a little tired of the flashbacks and reading about how Eudora's mother moped around the house.

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