Member Reviews

Climate Cure: Heal Yourself to Heal the Planet by Jack Adam Weber offers a transformative approach to addressing climate anxiety by focusing on healing personal and collective relationships with ourselves, nature, and our communities. Through innovative self-care exercises and a compelling exploration of resilience, Weber empowers readers to turn their climate concerns into proactive, regenerative actions. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to align personal well-being with environmental stewardship, providing practical strategies for fostering sustainability and hope.

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Enchanted to read this book, it is a gift for humanity, it is inspiring and full of hope, a loving invitation towards each of us to take peaceful and conscious action, this book is a wonderful place to begin to inform you of the changes that begin in oneself.

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The title of this one intrigued me. This is much more than another scientific book on climate change. It was an interesting read for sure.

Thank you to the Publisher and Netgalley for the advanced e-reader copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Climate Crisis: Heal Yourself to Heal the Planet.

At the core this book is a support system for us to learn how to separate our emotions and stay calm. Heal the planet by healing ourselves first. I enjoyed the pace and thought it was well written. It is important to restore your relationships with oneself, others & Earth and not worry about the things you cannot control.

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Channel Your Inner Eco-Warrior

Sometimes, the bigger problems of the world seem too great for any one person to make an impact. The current climate change wreaking havoc with ecosystems and the planet is one such topic that seems too big for any one person to affect much (or enough) change. This author takes a different stance. I found the book surprising in many aspects, in a good way. There is much we can do, especially if we first think about changing our thoughts, attitudes, and approaches to the topic. The author does first have us look more deeply at the way we feel about climate issues and what we might want to do. Next comes what he calls the foundational work, like working with your fear and managing any anxiety you have about this. The next three sections look at what he calls the “triangle of resilience” relationships. The first one is about inner healing, the second about our connection with nature, and finally about building community. The section on nature connection absolutely resonated with me, as that is my way "in" to understanding the climate problem. I also like the idea of working beyond just our individual selves and building a community. We are stronger together than we are apart. All in all, I found this to be a fascinating look at both the inner work needed to become an eco-warrior and how to make that come alive with our choices and approaches to it in the broader world. If climate change concerns you, you may find this book helps you get a better sense of what it means to you and how to become more active.

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Climate Cure is not just a climate book talking about the ever changing climate and the need to do something now. It is also, surprisingly, a self-help book. The author jumps between climate change and healing oneself, but the general theme of the book is "hurt people hurt others" and if you heal yourself, you can help heal the Earth. This is not a book that will give you quick tips on how you can impact change at the home front. Instead, the author suggests you work through your emotions and fears from climate change to personal traumas so that you can start the true fight which is working toward larger initiatives at the corporate and government levels. The author makes clear that the work that needs to be done is going to be very tiring, but if we are in the right space mentally and spiritually, we can work to solve the larger problem. The only downside to this book I can see is the readers who like the idea of working on a larger scale, but are turned off by the alternate medicine (in this case Chinese Medicine) he references.. Otherwise, this book is perfect for those looking for the next step in climate change.

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This is not just a scientific book about climate change, it’s a book that helps us to deal with the fears and anger about what is happening to our environment in an emotionally healthy, holistic way. I have been concerned about climate change for a really long time and I found this book to be a precious companion for my journey with this topic. I especially found interesting chapter on creating community.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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