Cover Image: The Three Mrs. Wrights

The Three Mrs. Wrights

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There are three main female characters and each chapter is told from their viewpoint.Towards the last half of the book their story lines start to overlap as they find out how their lives are connected. I really enjoyed this book and couldn't wait to see how they all got out of the mess they were in.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this for review.

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This was a real page-turner, I had to keep reading to find out what happened in the end, and if Mr Wright got his comeuppance!

Jon/Jack/Trip is the same guy involved with three different woman, married to one for 20 years, none of whom know about each other and think they're the only one - to start with.

Quite how he managed to juggle all three women, spinning tales about where he was, keeping some information more or less the same, but embellishing on other details, is beyond me!  But of course eventually things start to overlap/unravel, with his wife especially suspecting he's up to his old tricks, as this isn't the first time he's played away.

I loved the way the book was written in alternating chapters with each woman, some overlapping when he has a close call, and although it sounds as if it should be confusing to read it was actually very well laid out and easy to flip between each character and who Jon/Jack/Trip was to them.

The three women were very clever women, all either established in their careers or well on the way to being, but I think I would have questioned things more myself, some things were a bit too good to be true, which obviously turned out to be the case.  They were too trusting of someone they hadn't actually known that long, well apart from Holly, the wife, who probably turned a bit of a blind eye initially.

A very enjoyable read with a really satisfying ending.  This was my first Linda Keir book but I would definitely look out for any others now.

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This book gave me all the "John Tucker Must Die" vibes, and I LOVED it! This novel is told from different perspectives which gave me as a reader a deeper look into the lives of the characters. One man lives three different lives with three different women, until the women grow wise on his lies. I loved the underlying tone of female empowerment as well. I love a strong female lead, and this one has three! Great book, wild ride, and SUCH a page turner! Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a copy of this book for an honest review.

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This book was a stunner - not only will I recommend it to friends, I already have before I even finished it! It was a whirlwind and a perfect weekend book - I couldn't put it down. Just as the book blurb says, we get to meet three smart, successful, and tough women all that got roped into a bad situation by the same man. I really appreciated how each woman had her own strengths and none of them were drawn as silly, weak, or lame. As each chapter unfolds, I kept getting drawn in more and more. Five wonderful stars. Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I found myself glued to this book and didn’t want to put it down. It was a light, quick read, that I, unfortunately, could relate to in some aspects. I enjoyed the book being written in the different perspectives and loved how it all came together.
Lark meets Trip Mitchell at a hotel bar and they enjoy a whirlwind day before going their separate ways. It’s not long before Trip goes out to visit Lark and their relationship grows.
Jessica meets Jonathan Wright III after attending his lecture. Their connection is undeniable and Jessica finds herself withdrawing her fellowship from Duke and heading to Chicago to live and work for Jonathan.
Holly has been married to Jack for 19 years. They have three children together and rarely have time to focus on their relationship.

As Holly begins to uncover the truth about Jack she comes up with a plan and enlists Jessica’s help and eventually Lark’s. This leads to a great and entertaining ending!

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The plot of The Three Mrs. Wrights is so good! I could not put this book down because I wanted to see how it ended... and I was not disappointed!!

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"'We thought we wanted to be Mrs. Wright, but here's to being wrong.'" Y'all, I LOVED this book. As an engaged woman, The Three Mrs. Wrights had me constantly turning to my fiancé to say "You better not have any alter-egos or secret wives!"
What drew me in right from the beginning is that the female characters are strong, well-developed, and like-able. I found myself deeply empathizing with them as each of their stories progressed. At the beginning of each chapter, there's a teaser line from a TedTalk by "Jon M. Wright" which I thought was a unique and intelligent way to give the reader insight into the mind of this man who, while deeply unlikeable, is clearly charming, charismatic, and brilliant. I truly could not put this book down and finished it in less than two days - I couldn't wait to get to the ending, which was sweet and satisfying.
Really, the only reason I'm not giving this one 5 stars is the believability factor, as it is an absolutely absurd story. Especially given that the three female protagonists of this story are intelligent, successful feminists, I have a hard time believing that they could be so fooled and deceived. If you can get past the slightly far-fetched nature of the story, you are bound to love The Three Mrs. Wrights, available to the public on September 29th 2020!

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This book was wild! Told from 3 perspectives: Lark, Jessica, and Holly. All strong, driven, smart, and beautiful women...and they have more than just that in common!
Part mystery, part romance, and a little bit thriller, this book had a little of everything but it all worked together. I loved the characters, and the way they handled the situation with maturity and a bit of fun, really worked for me. Such an enjoyable read!

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Thank you so much for this ARC!

I liked this book! Definitely different from what I typically read, but a nice guilty pleasure read. A little too familiar to the movie "The Other Woman", but still a fun read!

I loved Holly and Jessica but thought Lark fell a little flat.

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This concept is intriguing to me -- when I saw the cover and premise of the book, I was interested. How can one man be married to three women?! The story is like an adult “John Tucker Must Die” but with more at stake. Three women’s lives, an entire family with kids, and a company all stand to be affected by this duplicity (is “trip-licity” a thing? Triple duplicity) Each chapter switches point of view from 1 of 3 women, Jessica, Holly, and Lark: all of whom are in a relationship with Jonathon Mitchell Wright III.

A large chunk (75%) of the book was following Jon / Jack / Trip’s manic cross-country travels to see each woman. About halfway through the book, I personally was so over hearing about this man’s lies and fabrications in order to keep each woman on the hook thinking he was theirs. C’mon…! His various maneuvers to keep these women by his side was too drawn out in my opinion; I kept waiting for the inevitable ‘gotcha’ moment or for his plans to slowly start unravelling, but I felt like that didn’t happen until the book was nearly done. I was not here for these very smart women letting this madness go on for so long, and I would have loved to see them take some agency back sooner.

On a positive note, I did finish the book in one sitting. I wanted to see what happened to these ladies, this terrible man, and the company, and as such I sped through the book quickly. The writing is very basic / straightforward set in modern day times (i.e., they mention TikTok...), so it was easy to finish in a day. Secondly, I liked that the point of view in the last chapter changes to Jon / Jack / Trip. This was an expected small win for the book. By giving him his own chapter, I feel like the authors were able to strip him of his puppet master facade and shift the power of balance away from him. For once, we didn’t know what the women were thinking or about to do, but rather get a glimpse inside of the man’s (vomit-inducing) brain.

One more quick thing…. The ending line was so cheesy! I actually laughed out loud when I read it. Can’t handle that level of cheese!

My overall takeaway is that this book is a beach read; something easy and quick for a day in the sun that doesn’t require too much brainpower to keep you fairly entertained.

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I will rate The Three Mrs. Wrights a 2/5. I am sorry. I really tried to get into this book, but it just did not interest me. The only person I was even remotely interested was Lark. The other two ladies' POV was not worth reading. I cannot say that I will be recommending this book.

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Leading a double life has to be tiring, keeping up lies, travel arrangers, backstories....whew I am tired just thinking about it. Now what if you were leading three separate lives....Holly, Jessica and Lake don’t know about each other but they certainly have something in common! In this world wind tale lives unravel and so do businesses and friendships as the truth is revealed.

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It's Bad Blood meets your favorite thriller. Linda Keir kept me on the edge of my seat throughout reading despite making the wrench in the plot clear from the beginning. The book is divided into chapters by character, which can often get confusing quickly, but it worked like a charm in this instance.

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At first I thought I had the plot of this book sussed by the title but the twists and turns throughout this read kept me reading on, wanting more. The descriptive content of the characters was brilliant and I could conjour up their faces and appearances, picking out my favourite character instantly!

Anyone looking for an enjoyable light hearted read will not be disappointed.

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What's done in the dark comes to the light.

"The Three Mrs. Wrights" by Linda Keir is a book that you can finish in one sitting. It's such a fast-paced, juicy read that led to so many out-loud reactions. The best thing about "The Three Mrs. Wrights" is it doesn't take you until 60% of the book to get to the mess. Once you get through the pleasantries of being introduced to the leading ladies Lark, Jessica and Holly, the drama begins.

Thank you to the duo Linda Keir, for creating this entertaining world of deceit and NetGalley for providing the e-ARC.

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I really enjoyed this story, with it's changing point of view and overlapping storylines, all of which came together in a page turner I didn't want to put down!

It all begins in a hotel bar, with a charming man hooking up with a young woman. He promises to make every dream come true, but readers discover along with Lark that there are two other women in romantic relationships with this charming man... One of these women works in a biomedical firm trying to cure childhood cancer with the man, which adds more depth to the man's deceipt.

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The Three Mrs. Wrights by Linda Keir was not a page turner for me. I did not care for the story and just found it silly. I struggled to get through it. I will not be recommending this book. Thank you NetGalley for the free e-book.

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What a great story! I read this book in a day as I could not put it down. I was hooked from the first storyline and felt as though the author did an amazing job telling the three different perspectives. Normally stories with multiple perspectives can get confusing but this story was easy to follow with the plot line. I found myself constantly saying just one more chapter until I was finished! I highly recommend this story it was the perfect read. I give this book five out of five stars. Thank you netgalley and publisher for the advanced read. I can’t wait till this book comes out, we will be reading this in a book club I am in.

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Never mess with strong, intelligent and capable women because they will bond together to do what's right. This book is a great escape and I can imagine reading it on a beach with a glass of rose by my side. Jon or whomever he chose to be at that moment personified a sociopath who believes his own truths and thought he would emerge victorious at the end. He just never thought similar to the Greek mythology about the man who drowned by looking at his own reflection, that he was infallible as well.

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What a great read .... reminded me of the infamous Dirty John !!
We have Holly Jessica & Lark all of whom have relationships with Jack or is it Jon Wright the story is told with each chapter focusing on one of the ladies in his life - Mr Wright a successful businessman leads a very complex life lying to each of his ‘woman’ whilst when with them making them feel like they are the only one is his life
I really enjoyed this book which was really well written with a great ending

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