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The Three Mrs. Wrights

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This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

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What would you do if the life you've built wasn't what it seems? I found myself unable to put this book down while rooting on Lark, Jessica and Holly as they answer that question for themselves. While at first I'll admit that I found them to be a bit naive, they reminded me that sometimes it's human nature to cling to what we truly believe to be what we've always wanted. I enjoyed how the changing vantage points allowed me to better understand how three seemingly strong women could be so wrong about the man they love, and even moreso enjoyed seeing how they reacted as they discovered the truth. The Three Mrs. Wrights has all the makings of the perfect beach read.

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Jessica, Holly and Lark. Three women, all equally in love and being deceived by the same man Jon (or Trip or Jack, whatever his name might be! For the sake of the review, he is being called Jon!) This story of lies and deceit had me gripped from the first page, so much so that I consumed it in two sittings within 24-hours…

Linda Keir (the pen name for writing duo Linda Joffe Hull and Keir Graff) is successful in the difficult task of constructing three equally compelling storylines and female characters. I was rooting for Jessica and her medical career, while equally interested in the success of Lark’s board game company and invested in Holly’s horse sanctuary and children. Not one single storyline takes the lead and tramples on the others, rather they work together seamlessly to create a web of lies spun by the one male common in their lives. Each female character is refreshingly possessive of a rounded personality, rather than being a generic ‘woman’ that is used by the author to aid the growth or demise of the male protagonist.

The combination of intricate characters and a well-woven plot made for a gripping and tense read. There was a buzz within the book; it felt as if at any moment, the women could stumble upon a lie and begin to unravel Jon’s secrets. When the chapter titles began to show the names of two women rather than just one, I immediately felt excitement bubble within me at the prospect of Jon being caught out.

When the women did begin to piece together the truth and discover they were not the only special lady in Jon’s life, the meeting of Holly and Jessica was handled well. There could be the temptation to make the women despise each other and lash out, but the meeting of minds felt more in line from what I would expect from both Jessica and Holly’s characters.

As the truth rapidly began to unfold in the final chapters of the book and the women worked together to take Jon down, a few small issues began to arise for me. The staged wedding between Jon and Lark felt like a drift from reality. Up until that moment, I was absorbed in the story because all the drama and chaos had unfolded in a way that felt realistic, but for the wedding, I had to suspend disbelief slightly. The same thing can be said for the final chapter where the women reunite for the opening of Holly’s charity. While I believe the women would work together for the common goal of taking down Jon, I find it hard to believe they would remain friendly enough that they would attend events together. This friendship was also contradicted slightly when the women asked each other how they had been, and they replied with an overview of their life since Jon was imprisoned. It was as if I was supposed to simultaneously believe that they were friendly enough to support Holly by visiting her grand opening, but not close enough to know anything about each other’s lives for the last two years.

My dissatisfaction with the final chapter was really confirmed by the final line of the book; ‘We thought we wanted to be Mrs. Wright, but here’s to being wrong.’ The line attempts to explain the pun in the choice of the surname ‘Wright’, but it is an unnecessary explanation of a play on words the reader already understood. The final thought I am left with is a cheesy line, which undermines the intelligence of the plot and character building within the novel.

Putting aside the ending which was a little lacklustre in my opinion, this book was an excellent read that kept me on the edge of my seat. Every turn of the page felt loaded with the potential of someone discovering Jon’s lies. I would highly recommend it to any fans of Liane Moriarty as an excellent, compelling read.

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This book was fantastic! I was glued to it! I honestly can't wait to read more from this author! I hope they are all as good!

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I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was really able to connect with each character in this which made it an enjoyable read. I thought I had it figured out but was pleasantly surprised that I was so wrong. Great book overall highly recommend

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This book was fantastic! At first I found myself slightly confused about how all three women were connected. However, after reading one chapter based on each women all the pieces of "The Three Mrs. Wrights" fit together and it just kept getting better and better. I was wholly invested in learning about Larks board game and how she was going to grow. With Jessica, I was completely interested in her research and medical advancements and getting upset/frustrated at every road block that popped up. As a horseback rider and horse lover myself, I connected and fell in love with Holly the most out of all the three women's stories. I wanted the charity she had to be real. I wanted to donate all the money I have to help the horses. When everything went down with Trip/Jon/Jack and whatever other names he went by... I expected what was around every corner but when it happened, when I read it with my own two eyes it was even better than I could have hoped for! Just desserts was rightfully served! The ending was 100% what I enjoy in a great book. It was happy, tied up all loose ends, and was extremely satisfying!! I can't wait for this book to come out in stores and online! I will 100% be recommending this book to all of my friends!

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Loved reading the sensational and extraordinary story. Dr. Jonathan Wright started a tech company that is trying to find cancer in children. Jonathan/Jack/Trip has three woman in his life. Jack (Jonathan) has been married to Holly, a pediatrician, for 19 years, and has three children. Jonathan hires another woman, Jessica, a doctor, to work for his company and move into an apartment with him. Jonathan tells Jessica he is getting divorced and married to a crazy lady. Meanwhile, Trip (Jonathan) has another woman in Los Angelos, Lark. Read the highly recommended and wonderfully written story about three woman and one man.
I reviewed a copy of the book through NetGalley.

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I really enjoyed this book and found it to be really well written with a brilliant storyline. It is different to anything that I’ve read recently, following it’s own path which I found refreshing. The book follows three women that are unwittingly engaged to the same man and how he navigateA these relationships. You find yourself instantly liking all of the female lead characters and gripped in the story so much, it becomes difficult to put down. Will definitely be recommending this book when it is released in September and be looking for more books by these authors.

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Oh. my. wow. “We thought we wanted to be Mrs. Wright, but here’s to being wrong.”

This is one fast paced little number that I could NOT PUT DOWN. Told from multiple viewpoints, it’s just one big mess of tangled lies. Get this in your cart and preorder now. You will not be disappointed.

Thank you Linda Keir, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy and the opportunity to read this book.

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This just gave me the "Desperate Housewives" feel or should I say more like "The Mistresses" feel and as I was reading this I envisioned this on TV- oh it'd be a delicious series I tell you.
I love how the author focuses more on the women and each has their struggles and strengths they bring to this story and you cannot help but enjoy the book so much that you forget one man lied to all of them!
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

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brilliant !!when lake meets the handsome trip little does she know his secret ,however it all soon unravels for trip as he struggles to keep his life from falling apart .

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I couldn’t put it down! I especially liked all the women characters. I did find the main male character hard to understand, especially why he wasn’t content to have affairs, but wanted marriage. Overall, I liked it.

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This was an exquisite novel that presents the reader with the shenanigans of three women involved with the same no-good man. Can’t recommend it enough!

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I enjoyed this book. It had the right amount of suspense and foreshadowing to keep me reading at a steady pace. The chapters are divided by character name and the structure worked well for the plot. Lark, Jessica and Holly are characters who many readers will be able to identify with. I would recommend this book to others.

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I really enjoyed this book! It pulled me in from almost the first page and I wish I had the time to read it in one sitting. It put me in the mindset of a “First Wives Club” for the newer generation. I highly recommend this book and think it would be a great summer read. It was able to get me out of a reading slump that almost 10 other books could not.

*I received this book for free I return for an honest review.

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I really loved this book! This is my first book by Linda Keir (which is actually a pen name for two other authors). I will look for other books by them in the future.

I liked the way this book was written - each chapter is dedicated to a love interest of one man - Jonathan / Jack / Trip. Jack, a medical doctor and an entrepreneur who started a medical tech company to detect cancer at the earliest state possible, is married to Holly, a pediatrician, and has been for many years. They have three children together and seem like a somewhat normal couple - maybe just one where the husband travels a lot. Jon (same man) has proposed to Jessica and has offered her a job at his medical tech company. Jessica decides to take it instead a fellowship at Duke to further her medical career. Jessica moves to Chicago to work with Jon, while thinking the entire time that he is separated and getting divorced from his out of control and insane wife, Holly (neither of which are true). Lark meets Trip (again, same man) as a one night stand while both are on business in Buffalo. She is from LA so conveniently Trip decides to create a west coast office and he also decides to invest in her start-up business as well. He conveniently proposes to her as well.

This book is full of manipulation, deceit, and I have to admit I was just downright exhausted while trying to keep up with Jon / Jack / Trip and his many escapades to keep each wife / fiancee from discovering the truth.

I read this book in one sitting and really enjoyed it.

This ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

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The Three Mrs. Wrights is a superb read. Jack/Jon/Trip has a wife, children, a successful company and other women. He is very adept at juggling it all until suddenly he can’t keep the pieces in place. This is the story of how it all unravels. Author Linda Keir has written a story that won’t let readers leave until the last period is done. Her characters are well defined and her knowledge of English grammar greatly appreciated by this reader. I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book from NetGalley. Most highly recommend.

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On a business trip Lark meets the handsome Trip Mitchell in a bar and they embark on a fast paced affair. Meanwhile Jessica also meets a handsome stranger Jonathan and moves to Chicago with him for a new job. Holly is busy being a part-time Dr, mother of 3, and horse rancher while being married to busy job traveler Jack. What do these 3 women have in common besides hardly ever seeing their boyfriend/husband? Jonathan tells Jessica he is divorced but his ex Holly is crazy and still trying to have a relationship with him. Written in alternating chapters by the voices of Lark, Holly and Jessica this is a fast paced book and the connections between the 3 women get revealed about halfway through the book leading up to some suspense and surprise then progressing to a satisfactory ending. You will find yourself rooting for Lark, Jessica and Holly.

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Three women: Lark, Jessica and Holly. All bright, capable women, and lucky enough to find "the one," in the form of Mr. Wright, a wealthy, charming businessman. Yes, he's gone a lot, but he makes up for it when he's home. We all want to be so lucky.
Three women. One man. So many secrets and lies.
I could not put this book down. I was even more intrigued to find out that this was written by a writing duo (under a pseudonym) Preorder this one. I think everyone is going to be talking about it. Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an e-ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review..

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This was a fast paced read told from multiple POVs. Often times, I find so many POVs to be confusing, but this was written out very nicely. I enjoyed each character’s story line and how they were involved with Mr. Wright.
This wasn’t a typical mystery/thriller, but I still found myself unable put it down because I had to know what happened (especially because each chapter ended with those TedTalk quotes!)
I really enjoyed the team up with the ladies at the end, too. I was very curious to find out how they would all catch on to what was going on and how they would come face to face with each other. I was pleased that they (for the most part) put their hurt aside to take down the lying Jack/Trip/Jon—whatever his name is. He got it in the end!

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