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Wrong Bed, Right Brother

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After years of friendship you finally decide to make a move while on a friends getaway. Sneak into his room and declare your feelings. Easy peasy.

What happens when your friend switches rooms with his twin and you don't realize it until you've discovered that his brother is the one you can't stop thinking about.

In this friends to lovers, friends brother steamy read it's all about discovering what you want, who you want, and taking a chance.

Noah and Amanda will discover that their attraction isn't a happy accident and could potentially be something huge. Unfortunately he's planning to move out of town, will that put an end to their exploration of feelings?

What will happen if Noah's brother finds out?

Secrets, hot chemistry, an easy and fun read Don't miss a fabulous adventure from Rebecca Brooks.

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This book was lots of fun. I loved the premise. Amanda finally decides to make a move on Luke. The kiss they share is better than she ever imagined. The problem? It was Luke’s twin brother Noah that she climbed into bed with. Noah and Amanda do not like one another. Nothing could ever develop between them, but neither can seem to stay away. I do love an enemies-to-lovers story and I thought this one was really well set up. The contrast between Noah and his brother Luke was like night and day. Luke’s an easy-going charmer, a flirt who, quite honestly, strings Amanda along for kicks. Yeah, he wasn’t my favourite. Noah, on the other hand, is quiet, regimented and a little rigid. On top of not being able to resist their chemistry and some really great banter, Noah and Amanda hide the relationship from Luke because the fooling around has an end date with the brothers moving in 6 weeks. In other words, a little more depth than I was expecting in this quick, steamy story. I’m definitely going to check out the rest of this series.

**Thank you to NetGalley, Entangled: Brazen and Rebecca Brooks. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own.***

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Rebecca Brooks is amazing. This book is so good! These two characters are amazing! I can't wait for the next one.

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Ahhhhh this was just such a great read. I just didn't want this book to end and I was sad to turn the last page. I'm so excited to see what's next from this author.

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This was a good read for anyone who loves a good love to hate you tale with a lot of passion. I would have love a little more depth but for a nice relaxing casual read it wasn't half bad.

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This was a hard one for me to get into. Will definitely have to give it another shot because earlier books in the series I really enjoyed.

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For the most part, I really liked this fast-paced book. I liked both Amanda and Noah. My only slight issue is Amanda’s initial infatuation with Luke. This trope is used from time to time in historical romances and for some reason it just doesn’t really work for me. That aside, this was a quick and enjoyable read. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I love that the premise for all of these books is one person accidentally getting into the "wrong" bed with the person who ends up being exactly right for them. It sounds like it shouldn't, but it totally works!

Wrong Bed, Right Brother was a cute and fun read, and I really liked Noah and Amanda. Their enemies to lovers vibes were fun--we didn't get a ton of explanation for why they didn't like each other for the first three years, beyond each felt their relationship with Luke (Noah's twin and Amanda's coworker bestie/crush) was threatened by the other, but once they got over the not liking each other thing? Break out the fans, because these two were hot together!

A lot of this story was told inside the main characters' heads--I didn't mind at all, though, because Ms Brooks laced their thoughts with all kinds of snark that made me LOL more than once. There might even have been some reading out loud of funny bits to my 23-year-old while he drove to get takeout--I'm sure he 100% appreciated it; how could he not? ;)

I was less than impressed with Luke's character throughout, though--he was supposed to be Amanda's friend, and he seemed to get more pleasure out of stringing her along (her crush on him was not particularly subtle, it's true) than of being an actual friend to her, and the things he says to both of them when he discovers their secret were hurtful. i get that he was hurt by the secrecy, but way to make it all about you, dude! He comes around in the end, but geesh...

I have to give Amanda props for her grand gesture--it's definitely not one that I could do, but more power to her. I'm a bit bummed that he didn't have to do more to bring about their reconciliation--he was just as much at fault as she was, there--but watching him help her succeed at...that thing she was doing while declaring her love (nope, I'm not going to tell you what it was! Read it yourself and see) was a lot of fun.

Somehow I missed book 3 of the series ( Wrong Bed, Right Man ), so I guess I know what the next book on my TBR is going to be... :)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was super quick and I just couldn’t put it down for the first 66%. The only reason I did is because I HAD to get some sleep so I could be functioning homeschooling mom the following day. But this book just kept me hooked the whole time. While it could have benefited from being a bit longer, it was really good for it’s length!

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I love a good hate to love type story. With this one you get some really intense in their mind storyline that will keep you fully engaged. There are some moments where I struggled but as a whole, I felt it flowed well. I do wish it was more in depth but it gave me enough to want more and honestly, did not disappoint. Between the sizzle and the wit, I found this book had enough to keep me wanting to know more!

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Amanda has been hoping her best friend, Luke will finally make his move, but when he doesn't she decides to surprise him. Sneaking into his room is exciting until she realizes that she's in his twin brother, Noah's bed! She and Noah can't stand each other but she's stunned when she realizes that their chemistry is red hot. Noah has tried to keep his distance from Amanda but it's too late now. Fun enemies to lovers romance.

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This was a cute and super quick read, I honestly wish it was a little bit longer. This is book #4 in a series. This can be read as a stand alone or apart of the series. This one was a enemies to lovers romance, one of my favorites! It was a cute steamy romance, and I would Recommend it if you’re looking for a quick read.

Thank you Netgalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wrong Bed, Right Brother is so good. It is extremely steamy and hot, yet sweet and loving. I love when books combine all of these elements and get it right, and Rebecca Brooks gets it right. Noah and Amanda bring so much authenticity to the story and a great lust to love. I am going to search out more by the author and more from this subgenre of books.

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The fourth in the Accidental Lover series, this novel is a quick, light read that fans of enemies-to-lovers will love. The story is fairly straightforward but coupled with humorous banter and steamy scenes between leads.

Overall, the novel as a whole is unremarkable. While it is entertaining, it is simple, fluffy yet steamy read that doesn’t have anything that makes it stand out in a sea of contemporary romances. That being said, fans of the genre will enjoy this novel.

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When I started this one, I wasn't sure. The hero and heroine both seemed to hate each other so much. But it worked and was a cute story.

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This was a fun read. In a surprise twist to the usual best friend romance genre, our main character Amanda has had a long-time crush on her best friend Luke. But the surprise twist is a mistaken night with Luke's twin Noah. It's way apparent that Amanda and Noah have far more chemistry than she ever had with Luke but it takes Amanda a bit to realize the same. This was a fun, steamy read for summer!

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Author Rebecca Brooks is newer to me, but I think I'll be adding some more of her books to my TBR. I couldn't get enough of WRONG BED, RIGHT BROTHER. I love how they two main characters went to a hate/love relationship. They were absolutely perfect for one another and just didn't know it til one little accident put them in each other's arms. Can't wait to read Rebecca's next juicy novel. I give WRONG BED, RIGHT BROTHER 3.5 stars.

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Rebecca Brooks has written another tropey, steamy romance, this one reminiscent of the things I loved about the first in the series. That one plays on the roommate and best-friend's older sibling tropes, but this is a slightly more complicated setup.
What happens when you accidentally make out with the wrong guy in the dark of night? And he's your crush/coworker's twin brother? And you've disliked each other for years? And the brothers are moving across the country in a month?
A. Mess.
The physical aspect of Amanda and Noah's relationship picks up quickly, but their emotional connection is a little uneven. This is one of those books where I think some readers won't quite buy their HEA given the short term nature of their relationship and a little more telling than showing on the part of the author.
However, I've liked this series and I like the author's writing style, so I just sailed on by the nitpicks.
If you like quick tropey reads, this is worth your time.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review.

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Amanda has been dreaming of being with Luke for years, she likes everything about him except for his boring twin brother Noah. But now they are moving to L.A. and Amanda has one last chance with Luke during their pals’ weekend away, shame Noah has to tag along too. But everything changes when she accidently jumps on Noah and shockingly likes it. Seems like they suddenly are magnetically drawn to each other even though they both know it’s a bad idea. Fun story. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Some super cute smut right here! I love that it was just the right amount of swampland adorable. A hate-to-love story that I simply found delightful. ⁣

Amanda has a crush on Luke, and thinks this weekend getaway will be the weekend he finally reciprocates. Who cares that it's a work retreat and the team and his brother are there? She is finally taking things into her own hands. She sneaks into Luke's room and things start getting hot and heavy. She whispers Luke's name and he flies outta that bed like his ass is on fire. Tada! Not Luke... his twin brother, Noah (who absolutely hates her).⁣

They play it off like nothing happened but it's all they can think about for the rest of the weekend. They finally decide to see how this plays out and it gets super steamy. He and Luke are moving to L.A. in 6 weeks so there won't be any strings or hard feelings, right? 😏⁣

I really enjoyed this one and I think I'll be going back to read the first books in this series. This can be read as a standalone or as part of the series. ⁣

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