Cover Image: Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay

Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay

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I really enjoyed this book from the very beginning. It was more than a romance, it was a story about an ambitious woman trying to improve her small events business and navigate her family and love life at the same time.

I loved the setting and descriptions of the area. The slow and realistic build up of the relationship between with John plus the background of Ben was balanced perfectly.

The story flowed well and was easy to read. I would recommend this book.

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Having enjoyed Spring Tides at Swallowtail Bay, I was pleased to be approved for a NetGalley copy of Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay. I wasn’t disappointed by this sequel. It was easy to read, and a very enjoyable story - even more so than the first book in the series. I liked the vast majority of characters (though I took a fairly immediate dislike to Ben, who seemed arrogant, and as the story went on, juvenile). John, Hetty and Macie were especially lovable people. There were also many secondary characters, who felt just as real as the main ones, with their own stories and motivations going on. It was great to see the main characters from the previous book popping in here and there.

The setting - both Thornhill Hall and the food festival itself - was interesting and entertaining. There were plenty of humorous moments throughout the book, keeping it lighthearted even when there were serious things going on. I really enjoyed the subplot with Hetty’s parents too - it’s so easy to stop communicating effectively, so it was good when they finally did so. The epilogue just finished off the story nicely, giving a very satisfactory happy ending for all the characters that I’d come to care for during the course of the book.

I’d recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun summer romance, with plenty of interesting events and characters to get involved with. I’m hoping to return to Swallowtail Bay again soon, and will certainly be looking out for any more books by Katie Ginger.

I was given a free copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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After a weekend of work I needed something light and, yes, frivolous to drown in. The more froth and frills the better and Katie Ginger certainly didn't disappoint with this my first delightful read from her magical pen.
Hetty is perfect herione material while John Thornhill certainly ticked all my hero boxes with a little touch of Heathcliffe glimmering through the edges.
Endearing read perfect for bright sunny days or an evening tucked up in front of the fire.

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I always enjoy Katie Ginger’s books and this one is no exception. This is the perfect book to read this summer whether on the beach or enjoying time in the garden, you can still have summer holiday vibes.

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If you want something organised in Swallowtail Bay then you go to Hetty. She can do pretty much anything, she is not afraid to get her hands dirty and whether it is anniversary parties or birthday parties for hyped up children she can deliver. Events management is what she does the absolute best. 

But Hetty is looking for that next big project and when she thinks she can pull off bringing back the local Strawberry Festival bigger and better than ever before within four weeks she sees it as a make or break moment. 

The only problem she can foresee is persuading the residents of Thornhill Manor that it is a good idea and that it will be beneficial for them. John Thornhill, youngest son takes a lot of convincing, but it seems Hetty has something that he has never encountered before. 

As plans gather pace with, food stalls, bouncy castles, fairground rides and a outdoor cinema, it seems that Hetty is going to pull it all together. 

Trouble is she is also having to deal with her mother who has made decision which shocks not just Hetty but her father as well. 

Then Ben, the man Hetty finished with is suddenly back in her life with a plan - one that Hetty could never see coming. 

Hetty is not the only one having trouble, John Thornhill is dealing with the fallout of his father's actions, his mother is retreating further into her shell and his older brother is about to make the worse decision for the family without consulting anyone. Surely he can rely on Jaz his personal assistant to sort out everything else - it seems not. 

So much is packed into this story, that you almost forget about the success of the festival. Brought to life from visiting potential fairgrounds, tasting food as well as the wonders of dealing with the general public. It feels like you are there walking round the stalls, tasting the food, listening to the music, letting it all wash over you. 

Of course that is what Hetty and John want you to feel? What do they feel and will they be able to solve it all before the festival finishes and becomes the success they both want? 

A second visit to Swallowtail Bay, but it doesn't matter if this is your first, a great summer story for any point in the year. 

Like perfect strawberries with a big dollop of luscious cream on top - simply irresistible.

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Hetty, a bubbly, kind and hard-working events organiser is looking for something more challenging in her job, she’s organised kids parties for far too long now. After being reminded of the towns Strawberry Festival, the once nostalgic, blooming and magical event where community comes together as one, now likened to nothing more than a jumble sale, Hetty’s ideas and aspirations blossom. Despite some of the towns concerns, Hetty is determined to bring the Strawberry Festival back to life.

Just one problem. She needs to find land large enough to hold it on. Only four weeks until the festival, Hetty desperately tries to persuade John Thornhill to let her use his family’s land. But it isn’t that simple. John and his family are struggling to keep their beautiful home alive, with constant need for maintenance and the pile of bills growing by the day, will he agree to hold the festival in the mass of land outside his home? Will the two unlikely pair work together to restore the Strawberry Festival to what it once was? Or, will disaster strike again and again?

The name of the book, blurb and cover drew me in immediately, I knew I just had to read this book. It was an absolutely beautiful summer’s read and has made me longing to pack my bags and start a new adventure in Swallowtail Bay.

This book is a light, cosy and ridiculously sweet read, indulged in a matter of hours. Full of lovely descriptions of cafes, warm bread and flowers dancing in the breeze.

I would love to read more about these characters and their next adventures, and I can’t wait to get my hands on Katie Ginger’s previous Swallowtail Bay novel; Spring Tides at Swallowtail Bay.

Sure, the ending was cliche. Everything worked out spectacularly well, but it was such a glorious read I didn’t mind at all.

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A gorgeous summer story (with a gorgeous cover) of Hetty, an events organiser who yearns for a challenge greater than organising children's parties. At a business forum she is reminded of the heyday of the town's strawberry festival, spectacular in its day but now reduced to a glorified jumble sale, and decides this is the challenge she is looking for. However, with only 4 weeks till the festival she needs a venue large enough to meet her plans and the only place that fits the bill is Thornhill Hall. Hetty then begins the initial challenge of persuading the reclusive John Thornhill to allow her to use his family's land.
I loved the glorious descriptions of the seaside town and the details of both the Festival planning and the concerns of keeping a stately home afloat. I enjoyed the will-they-won't-they aspects of the romance. Hetty was a great character whose positive go-getting attitude swept aside all doubts and obstacles in her path whilst remaining thoroughly likeable. John did seem the imitable man that people believed him to be at first but soon warmed up. I can't wait for the next tale from Swallowtail bay.

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A really lovely story, full of great characters. I loved determined Hetty, putting everything into the Food Festival at Swallowtail Bay, never letting things defeat her. John Thornhill, who appears rude and unfeeling, who really just wants what is best for his family. A really feel-good book, strong story and even stronger characters. I will definitely be looking out for more books from Katie Ginger......

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This was a sweet, and not solely romance-based (which I liked), cozy romance, which is usually right up my alley...but I suppose I was in the mood for something a little faster-paced so I found myself feeling a little bored. It was still, however, a nice story, and I’m sure I would have liked it on a different day.

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I loved my first trip to Swallowtail Bay and was very excited to see the second book in the series advertised.

I love the location of the book, set along the Kent coast in a fictional town with the countryside just a stone throw away. I love living close to the sea and it really brings the setting to life with the thrum of the chatter on the beaches on a sunny day and seagulls lurking, these scenes are picture perfect.

In this story we get to know Hetty who has her own business as an events organiser and is looking for a way to branch out and create more business. This is how she comes to meet John who lives in a rundown house that is always in need of maintenance with its sprawling fields and and the gorgeous scent of roses in the gardens.

I loved the details of the planning for the event as I read and the relationships we got to know more about as we read, as well as revisiting some of the lovely characters who we had initially met in our first trip to Swallowtail Bay.

A wonderful second visit to the gorgeous seaside town where you get to know more wonderful characters. An absolutely pleasure to read, I loved delving into these pages and was smiling as I reached the end.

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I do enjoy books by this author and Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Cove is the second book in this series, it can be read as a standalone.

the thing I really enjoy about Katie’s books is the wonderful descriptions of the setting and the scenery. She builds such a good vivid image that I can almost see the area from her words. The next thing I adore are the characters and the way they are woven in to create a wonderful sense of friendship and community.

The main character is Hetty, a local events organiser and she attends a business forum, a chance for local business owners to get together and discuss upcoming things. The mention of the Strawberry Festival, that has over time diminished and is a mere shadow of its former self gives Hetty the idea of bringing it back but on a much larger scale. The only place large enough is Thornhill Hall, and more specifically John Thornhill himself. The family are not particularly popular as they have become reclusive over the years.

I have to say I really liked Hetty, she is a go-getter who has a natural way about her and especially with people. After some needling, she convinces John to let her use some of the fields for her festival. Somehow her ends up helping out more and she gets to see that there is more to this man than the stand-offish person she thought he was.

There is obviously a romantic theme with this story and it is not as straight-forward as it would first appear. So begins the will they won’t they scenario and it could have gone either way or not at all, and I wasn’t sure who with but I did hope!

The storyline of the Festival and the organisation along with family hiccups and the romance made for a fabulous read. It all felt nicely balanced and I was definitely hooked as things gradually played out. It had a very realistic feel to it especially the Festival that had gone into decline over the years. As well as the financial struggles associated with the upkeep of a large house.

I sat and read this book in one sitting and it was an ideal book for sitting out in the garden in the glorious sunshine to read. If you are a fan of romance, rom-com, heartwarming stories and having a right good read then I would definitely recommend this one, it was fabulous.

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I really enjoyed this return journey to Swallowtail Bay. This time following Hetty who was an events organiser who loved her job. She had an idea to resurrect the Strawberry festival in the Bay and needed a venue and fast. With just four weeks to go she approached John, whose family home was Thornhill Hall with an idea to boost both of their incomes. John reluctantly agreed. Would the festival actually be up and running in time, would John and his family change their minds at the last minute. Had Hetty bitten off more than she could chew. Could she actually do the festival the justice it deserved.

Wow, what a wonderful book, it can be read as a stand alone so don’t worry if you haven’t already read Spring Tides at Swallowtail Bay, but make sure you read it next as it’s equally wonderful. Katie Ginger you are quickly becoming one of my favourite authors. Thank you.

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As soon as you start reading this book you will fall in love with Hetty. She plans events but has become bored with the everyday events she is asked to organise. She has a bad habit of tending to speak before she thinks and fancying a challenge she offers to revamp and renew the local Strawberry festival. However she only has four weeks to organise it. She encounters lots of obstacles from the local busy bodies, her ex boyfriend and the lord of the manor who already has a reputation as not liking people. But Hetty being Hetty refuses to let anything even the breakdown of her parents marriage to get in her way.

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Hetty and John's summer romance. Enjoyed this one, and makes a quick and easy read for summer. Didn't see the need for Ben though, and felt he was more of a distraction. Otherwise, hard to put this one down, and would highly recommend.

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**** Provided by Netgalley for review***
If you’re looking for a sweet, easy summer beach read, look no further! This book is full of wonderful descriptions that you can almost see the beautiful gardens and smell the chocolate at the food fair. This is the second book in this series. It is full of likable characters and a love triangle or maybe a love square! The main character, Hettie is an event planner but in her latest event, she gets more than she planned for!

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Read in an afternoon, loved it. Not read anything by Katie Ginger. A fab story, a feel good book. .I loved how efficent Hetty was. The love part was perfect

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Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for an early review copy.

A fantastic hilarious romantic comedy that left me with a big smile on my face. Wishing I was at the seaside

Hetty, who is an events planner, volunteers to run the years Food Festival but at Thornhill Hall. The committee members don’t think she can pull it off. But after she meets John who turns her down, she doesn’t give up and eventually agrees.

Of course, it’s not an easy ride, and there’s so much to organise and, not to mention what can go wrong.

Add to this her ex-boyfriend wanting to get back together, her parents having relationship problems, Hetty’s minds all a fizz. But she knows she has to focus on the festival. .

With Johns help, the festival is a hit, barr a few problems.

Perfect summer romance story for this time of year for anyone looking for a bit of escapism.

Can’t wait for the next instalment.

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Summer Strawberries at Swallowtail Bay tells the story of Hettie, a go getter event planner, and John, the taciturn estate owner as they team York throw a huge food festival. As they encounter obstacles in Hettie’s charming ex, John’s amorous assistant, fighting parents, and investments gone bad, they find themselves drawn to each other.

The good:
The story is well written and warm and a great light summer read. The characters are like able even if they aren’t super three dimensional. The setting is beautiful and really enthralling.

The bad:
The ending was too cliche for me. Everything seemed to come together in like a chapter and it just wasn’t realistic. It definitely veered into hallmark territory.

Glad I read this sweet little book!

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I'm really enjoying the Swallowtail Bay series and hope there will be another! This book is perfect to get you into the summer mood when real-world and life is trying hard to have you forget it! Katie Ginger is such a fun sweet writer and really reminds me of Liz Eeles, so if you are a fan of hers, you love this book!

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. I read this in my garden in one sitting, a real feel good summer sort of book. Loved it.

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